EV trained mons [sun/moon]

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Can I request for Giratina, please?


Ivs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Ability: Levitate; Nature: Adamant
Moves: Defog, Dragon Breath, Scary Face

Deposited: Lv.40 Male Wingull
Message: Bluemew

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Wow, that was fast! Received! Thanks a lot!
Pokemon Deposited: Female Lvl 5 Wingull
Pokemon Requested: Stunky
IGN: Zeno
Message: Zeno

Thanks for another innovative giveaway! I enjoy seeing the fruits of your labour! Glad to see you do another one!

Ivs: 31/0/31/30/31/31 (HP: Grass)
Ability: Stench; Nature: Modest
Moves: Defog, Focus Energy, Scratch
Note: RNG bred on SS (Emulator) It's holding an ability capsule.
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Ivs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Ability: Levitate; Nature: Adamant
Moves: Defog, Dragon Breath, Scary Face
Note: RNG abused on SS (retail cart) Lv.1 giratina from the HG/SS arceus event.

IGN : Malzera
Deposited : Level 3 Male Wingull
Message : Bluemew

Thanks alot! =)
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Ivs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Ability: Levitate; Nature: Adamant
Moves: Defog, Dragon Breath, Scary Face
Note: RNG abused on SS (retail cart) Lv.1 giratina from the HG/SS arceus event.

IGN : Malzera
Deposited : Level 3 Male Wingull
Message : Bluemew

Thanks alot! =)
Ivs: 22/31/4/1/31/31
Ability: Wonder Guard; Nature: Lonely
Moves: Swords Dance, False Swipe, Sucker Punch, Trick
Note: RNG captured on emerald (Emulator)
Different ball glitch only possible in 3rd Gen, level up move glitch only possible 3rd/4th gen.
Lonely nature so download mons get +attack.

IGN : Malzera
Deposited : Level 2 Male Wingull
Message : Bluemew

Thanks alot! =)
Ivs: 22/31/4/1/31/31
Ability: Wonder Guard; Nature: Lonely
Moves: Swords Dance, False Swipe, Sucker Punch, Trick
Note: RNG captured on emerald (Emulator)
Different ball glitch only possible in 3rd Gen, level up move glitch only possible 3rd/4th gen.
Lonely nature so download mons get +attack.

IGN : Malzera
Deposited : Level 2 Male Wingull
Message : Bluemew

Thanks alot! =)

Redeposited another one:

Ivs: 22/31/4/1/31/31
Ability: Wonder Guard; Nature: Lonely
Moves: Swords Dance, False Swipe, Sucker Punch, Trick
Note: RNG captured on emerald (Emulator)
Different ball glitch only possible in 3rd Gen, level up move glitch only possible 3rd/4th gen.
Lonely nature so download mons get +attack.

IGN : Malzera
Deposited : Level 2 Female Wingull
Message : Bluemew
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Deposited Pokémon: Wingull Male Level 2 (holding a Pretty Wing)
IGN: Christophe
Wanted Pokémon: Tyranitar
Message: Bluemew

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The Pokémon you want:Tyranitar
Your in-game name:Matt
Your Pokémon:Wingull nicknamed Gulliver
Your Pokémon's level:11
Your Pokémon's gender:Male
GTS message: Ne

Thank you
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Hey there, could I get Giratina and Stunky?

Wanted Pokemon: Giratina
IGN: Parker
Deposited Pokemon: Lvl 3 Male Wingull
Message: Bluemew

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Sniped. Trying again.

Pokemon wanted: Tyranitar
Pokemon deposited: Female Wingull lv. 1
Message: Bluemew
IGN: Caio

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Thanks for the Giratina! Could I grab Stunky as well?

Wanted Pokemon: Stunky
IGN: Parker
Deposited Pokemon: Lvl 5 Male Wingull
Message: Bluemew

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