[Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

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Requested Pokémon: exeggcute
In Game Name: Sato
Deposited Pokémon: Female Exeggcute Lvl 1
Your Message: PsIana

seriously there was actually someone who traded female exeggcute for female exeggcute? twice?
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Requested Pokémon: Chimchar
In Game Name: Jonexus
Deposited Pokémon: Level 20, Male, Wingull
Your Message: PsIana

Thanks! :X
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Requested Pokémon: Chimchar
In Game Name: Joker
Deposited Pokémon: Nidoran (Lv 1, Female)
Your Message: PsIana

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Requested Pokémon: Chimchar
In Game Name: Spettra
Deposited Pokémon: Spinda female lv 16
Your Message: PsIana

Thabk You
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Requested Pokémon: Chimchar
In Game Name: Emanuele
Deposited Pokémon: Chimchar male lvl 8
Your Message: PsIana
Thank you.
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Requested Pokémon: Aereodactyl
In Game Name: Nik
Deposited Pokémon: Zigzagoon lv 2 M
Your Message: Pslana
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Hi again!
Can I kindly request your Lapras and Chimchar? :)

Wanted pkm: Lapras (F), Level 1
Deposited pkm: Illumise (F), Level 13
IGN: Alina
Message: PsIana

Wanted pkm: Chimchar (M), Level 1
Deposited pkm: Zubat (M), Level 12
Message: PsIana
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Requested Pokémon: Exeggcute
In Game Name: SIMO
Deposited Pokémon: whismur female level 1
Your Message: Pslana

Could I please get a Lapras?
Deposited a level 28 male Linoone with the message PsIana, IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
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Requested Pokémon: Aerodactyl
In Game Name: Andre
Deposited Pokémon: Whismur (Lv. 13, female)
Your Message: PsIana

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Requested Pokémon: Exeggcute
In Game Name: Patchy
Deposited Pokémon: Hawlucha, M, Lv 6
Your Message: PsIana

Please and thank you :D
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