Pokémon Crabominable

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approved by Celticpride

Woolly Crab Pokémon

Pokedex Number:
Type(s): Fighting/Ice
Base Stats: 97 HP / 132 Atk / 77 Def / 62 Spa / 67 SpD / 43 Spe

Hyper Cutter: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s Attack value. This Pokémon may still lower its own Attack value using a move of by itself.
Iron Fist: The power of punching moves is increased by 20%.
Hidden Ability:
Anger Point: Increases Attack to maximum level upon taking a critical hit.

Level Up Moves:
Lv0 - Ice Punch
Lv0 - Bubble
Lv0 - Rock Smash
Lv0 - Leer
Lv0 - Pursuit
Lv5 - Rock Smash
Lv9 - Leer
Lv13 - Pursuit
Lv17 - Bubble Beam
Lv22 - Power-Up Punch
Lv25 - Dizzy Punch
Lv29 - Avalanch
Lv33 - Reversal
Lv37 - Ice Hammer
Lv42 - Iron Defence
Lv45 - Dynamic Punch
Lv49 - Close Combat

TM Moves:
TM01-Work Up
TM08-Bulk Up
TM10-Hidden Power
TM11-Sunny Day
TM13-Ice Beam
TM18-Rain Dance
TM31-Brick Break
TM32-Double Team
TM39-Rock Tomb
TM52-Focus Blast
TM59-Brutal Swing
TM68-Giga Impact
TM71-Stone Edge
TM79-Frost Breath
TM80-Rock Slide
TM88-Sleep Talk
Egg Moves:
Wide Guard

Crabominable is an interesting pokemon with mediocre defences, and low speed. However it makes it up with its amazing high attack of 135. With it's low speed, it can take advantage of Trick Room and becoming such a huge threat. Outside of Trick Room, it is quite a fragile mon with no recovery moves or status moves. It's abilities suggests to simply attack the opponent with Hyper Cutter ignoring any moves or ability lowering attack, Iron Fist with doing as much damage as possible and Anger Point to do a huge amount of damage if hit from a crit.

Potential Sets:

Offensive Trick Room

Crabominable @ Life Orb
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Close Combat
- Power-Up Punch / Crabhammer
- Ice Hammer
- Earthquake

Set Description:
When Trick Room is set up from any pokemon, Crabominable creates chaos with Close Combat for a huge STAB move, Power-Up Punch for another STAB that increases the Attack Stat by one stage, making Crabominable stronger or Crabhammer for fire types, rock types, and ground types that can be hurt severely by it, Ice Hammer, another powerful STAB move that lowers the speed of the user, which makes Crabominable faster in Trick Room and more deadly and Earthquake for any pokemon that resists Ice and Fighting such as Aegislash and Toxapex.

Bulk Up

Crabominable @ Leftovers
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Ice Hammer
- Earthquake
- Bulk Up

Set Description:
With this set, it could be used without Trick Room and be a set-up mon and still wreck havoc. Close Combat and Ice Hammer is the STAB moves that Crabominable has and Earthquake is for coverage for any mon that resists Ice and Fighting. Now, with Bulk Up, its going to be a fun time. Having +1 on Attack and Defense can make it a even stronger hitter and likely to survive any physical hits. Leftovers is for recovery since it doesn't have any recovery moves.

Personal Opinion: Crabominable is a fun pokemon to use, but can't be really good in OU. The base stat attack of 132 could be a huge threat in lower tiers such as RU or even UU. It can be countered by any priority moves in Trick Room. But in the end, it's something you don't want to mess with.

When they said it was meant for VGC, they didn't lie - Hyper Cutter to ignore Intimidate, terrible Speed to take advantage of Trick Room, Fighting and Ice STABs to hit the two most relevants Megas of the latest VGCs (Kangaskhan and Salamence, not counting Rayquaza) hard, Wide Guard as an Egg Move... the problem is singles, of course.
When they said it was meant for VGC, they didn't lie - Hyper Cutter to ignore Intimidate, terrible Speed to take advantage of Trick Room, Fighting and Ice STABs to hit the two most relevants Megas of the latest VGCs (Kangaskhan and Salamence, not counting Rayquaza) hard, Wide Guard as an Egg Move... the problem is singles, of course.
I'd say a good 80% of the new gen is obviously designed with VGC in mind. This is just another potentially potent VGC mon with no relevance or usefulness in singles play.
This thing is basically a shitty attempt to make Mamoswine 2.0 that lacks priority (seriously it has Iron Fist at least give it Mach Punch). I doubt this will be OU-viable when it's a slow, not very bulky Ice-type, which sucks because that offensive typing is delicious.
I think it can actually be useful if you manage to predict a switch vs. a slower mon and sub up. I know i'm using it just cuz of its typing
Crabominable @ Life Orb
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Hammer
- Close Combat
- Substitute
- Toxic
Yeah no way this'll be OU, too slow and too many common weaknesses with not enough bulk to tank hits before attacking. Trick Room might be marginally better this year thanks to the plethora of slow and hard hitters (see Buzzlord, Vikavolt, Alolan Marowak etc) which might give it a niche, as offensively Ice/Fighting is awesome. It makes a nice core with Reuniclus, thanks to it taking on the Dark and Steel types that generally stop Clus in its tracks while Reuniclus can set up TR in return
Iron Fist does boost Ice Hammer, putting it from 100 to a Close Combat-y 120. I think it should be a consideration, though I haven't run calcs.
About the double/VGC potential, Araquanid was noted here to be potentially a good partner for an Anger Point Crabominable, inflicting only a maesly 6% to a 252 HP / 0 SpD Crabominable.

Araquanid has also Entertainment, which means that Crabominable can make use of Anger Point and then get Water Bubble, losing its fire weakness and becoming unable to be burned. It also gains double attacking stats when using Water moves, but it lacks physical Water moves: only Scald seem to be worth something. A 264(!) before investment Aqua Jet would have broken something, maybe?
Araquanid has also Entertainment, which means that Crabominable can make use of Anger Point and then get Water Bubble, losing its fire weakness and becoming unable to be burned. It also gains double stats when using Water moves, but it lacks physical Water moves: only Scald seem to be worth something. A 264(!) before investment Aqua Jet would have broken something, maybe?

Crabrawler can learn Crabhammer iirc.
Reminds me of Rampardos stat wise, only with Dual STAB. Thanks to it's trash speed, it's going to drop to PU for sure. Unless Trick Room gets amazing this gen. I really hate slow, fragile mons like this one. Ice/Fighting is garbage defensively that compliments it's below average bulk nicely in terms of getting KO'ed faster. dies to most SE hits and takes a lot from neutral hits. Game Freak wasted an opportunity to make an Ice/Fighting sweeper. That would had been so sweet.
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For the trick room set I have one with Choice Band for trick room and I think it's effective giving so power to OHKO under trick room

Crabominable @ Choice Band
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 136 Def / 120 SpD
Brave Nature
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
Man. The frail bulk they gave him really harshed my mellow... It's kind of weird how they made him a glass cannon while visually, he has a thick carapace. On the other hand, bulky ice types just don't work period. I really wish they would just buff ice type defensively and nerf fairy defensively (Why does fairy resist bug!? Enough things resist bug already!). Honestly while normally i would be okay with him not having priority as I think priority is a bit over-centralizing and defeats the point of being a slow-but-strong bruiser, with that paltry bulk and offensive-but-not-defensive typing, he really needs em...
This Pokemon has more physical bulk than Clefable, idk what you guys are looking at.

The thing is that resists a metric crapton of things while also ignoring stat boosts. The crab on the other hand...

I still like the guy and I'm going to try to make him work as few things will want to switch jnto him, but he himself won't want to switch into many things. I guess it's good that rock is neutral against him.
I think it can actually be useful if you manage to predict a switch vs. a slower mon and sub up. I know i'm using it just cuz of its typing
Crabominable @ Life Orb
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Hammer
- Close Combat
- Substitute
- Toxic
If you're predicting a switch, you can use Pursuit. Crawbrawler learns it.
Truly a shame they made this thing NU in singles play. That offensive typing is amazing and defensively it's one of the few Ice types not weak to stealth rocks. If gamefreak wasn't so anti-priority this gen, this thing would have been SO amazing with ice shard & mach punch. Maybe technician if they were generous enough.
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