Pokémon Comfey

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Again though, the more defense you've poured into Comfey instead of max hp, the more beneficial Leech Seed is.
Sort of. The greater percentage healed doesn't really matter unless you're going for SubSeed, but not fully investing in HP does let you invest more in defenses (for more general bulk) or Special Attack (for more healing from Draining Kiss). Though keep in mind that the lower your HP is, the more likely Draining Kiss is to heal you past max health, thus wasting the extra healing and possibly putting you at risk of getting 2HKO'd.
You know I didn't think a whole lot of this pokemon, even designed for doubles with priority healing it still felt rather one note. Then I noticed it gets After You and I've been experimenting with that in doubles with hilarious results. In particular letting things like Alola Marowak move as if it had 328 base speed for starters. It quickly went from a gimmick I did as a joke to being something I made a central part of my in-progress grassy terrain team. A fast pokemon with after you that can also priority heal itself and its partner makes for a doubles best friend.
I'm appreciating some of the unique ideas others are coming up with.

At the very least though I think the dual screen set is outclassed by Klefki, and perhaps even Ninetails-A thanks to Aurora Veil, better Spe and SpA, dual Ice/Fairy STAB, and Hail can even break Sturdy and Focus Sash users. I think Comfey's success hinges on its priority Draining Kiss and Taunt.
I honestly just love another "anti-troll" mon in the meta. I used to use Taunt Thundurus-I for it last gen...but now we get more bulk, priority, and recovery! It's nothing amazing, but good SpDef, priority recovery + damage, not to mention Taunt + Toxic/Aromatherapy/CM give this a niche, with U-Turn as Icing on the cake (I personally love Taunt + U-Turn myself). I've been thinking about a set for it, but I don't know how to EV it, honestly.

EVs: ????
Nature: ????
Ability: Triage
Draining Kiss
Aromatherapy (or Synth/Toxic if you like)

Should I go speedy? Defensive? SDef? Mixed? I have freaking no idea...


#764 - The Posy Picker Pokemon

Resists -

Weaknesses -

Immunities -

Ability 1 - Flower Veil -
Ally Grass-type Pokémon are protected from status conditions and the lowering of their stats.
Ability 2 - Triage - Healing moves have +3 Priority when used by this Pokémon.
Hidden Ability - Natural Cure -
The Pokémon’s status (BURN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE) is healed when withdrawn from battle.
Stats - 51 HP / 52 Atk / 90 Def / 82 SpA / 110 SpD / 100 Spe (485 Total)
Level-Up Movepool
Lv 0 - Helping Hand
Lv 0 - Vine Whip
Lv 0 - Flower Shield
Lv 4 - Leech Seed
Lv 7 - Draining Kiss
Lv 10 - Magical Leaf
Lv 13 - Growth
Lv 16 - Wrap
Lv 19 - Sweet Kiss
Lv 22 - Natural Gift
Lv 25 - Petal Blizzard
Lv 28 - Synthesis
Lv 31 - Sweet Scent
Lv 34 - Grass Knot
Lv 37 - Floral Healing
Lv 40 - Petal Dance
Lv 43 - Aromatherapy
Lv 46 - Grassy Terrain
Lv 49 - Play Rough

TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM63 Embargo
TM62 Acrobatics
TM77 Psych Up
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide

Egg Moves
After You
Lucky Chant

New Moves
Floral Healing -
Heals up to 50% of maximum Hit Points. Heals 100% of maximum Hit Points in Grassy Terrain. Comfey cannot heal itself with this move, it can only target allies or opponents.
In Generation 6 we saw Florges and Sylveon competing to be the top cleric, Calm Mind user, and utility mon down in the UU tier. Well in Generation 7, the new challenger Comfey has entered the ring! Let's be real, when Comfey was released, I'm sure a lot of you thought it was going to be a bad mon. With closer inspection, Comfey has 2 amazing abilities being Natural Cure and Triage it can use effectively and interchangeably. Comfey looks to be a pretty niche utility mon in the OU tier being outclassed (sorta) by Clefable, Chansey and Tapu Fini. Despite the odds, Comfey has decent defenses with 51/90/110 to compliment its incredible support movepool and base 100 Speed. However, Comfey could have had a decent offensive presence with 82 SpA but, it lacks the offensive movepool to do so. Base 51 HP is also rather low for a mon centered around utility as well.

Potential Sets

Calm Mind
Comfey @ Leftovers / Big Root
Ability: Triage
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss / Dazzling Gleam
- Synthesis
- Taunt / Aromatherapy

Comfey has a trait that most other wincons do not have... access to Taunt alongside reliable recovery which should give it a niche in OU. The EVs remedy Comfey's low base HP and amps up its Defense since Calm Mind will boost its Special Defense already. Triage is the ability of choice because it gives Comfey priority healing. Draining Kiss can be used in conjunction with Triage for priority while Dazzling Gleam can be used if the player seeks more power. Big Root is another alternative to Leftovers since Comfey has priority Draining Kiss, it would be able to heal more then Leftovers. Synthesis is used for reliable recovery that can be utilized with Triage. The last slot is up to the player's choice, Taunt can be used to shut down opposing wincons such as Clefable and Suicune, while Aromatherapy amps up Comfey's utility with status removal.
Comfey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leech Seed
- Taunt
- Toxic / Aromatherapy / Synthesis
- U-Turn

This set maximizes Comfey's support movepool and incredible base Speed to cripple its foes. EVs in HP remedy its low base HP while 252 Spe and a speed boosting nature lets it speed tie with other base 100 Speed mons (Mega Charizards, Mega Medicham, Manaphy). With Natural Cure, Comfey becomes a reliable status absorber. Leech Seed gives Comfey some form of recovery while whittling down its foes with Toxic. Alternatively to Toxic, Aromatherapy can be used if you require status removal. Due to Comfey's Speed, it is able to cripple utility mons such as Tapu Fini, stallbreaker Gliscor and Mantine with Taunt. Lastly, U-Turn lets Comfey keep momentum by pivoting out into another mon if it find itself in a bad situation or if another mon can take advantage of Comfey's opponent.

Dual Screens
Comfey @ Light Clay
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Taunt
- U-Turn

Like the set above, this set utilizes Comfey's solid base Speed to quickly set up dual screens. Light Clay is used over Leftovers to extend the longevity of the screens. Taunt is used to shutdown opposing screen setters or utility based mons. Lasytly, U-Turn lets Comfey pivot out while keeping momentum and saving screen turns.

While Comfey does appear to belong in the depths PU due to its design, the amount of utility and options it brings to the table says otherwise. Though it may be outclassed by other common utility mons and wincons in OU, Comfey will definitely be able to carve up a solid niche in the OU tier despite what tier it finds itself in. With 2 fantastic abilities as options, decent bulk, and an acceptable supportive move pool, Comfey will definitely be an interesting addition to the meta game.
Where did you get that sprite 8-O
Maybe an offensive set could be viable! It could work as an emergency stop to sweepers with a +3 attacking move. Let me just run the calcs...

252+ SpA Pixie Plate Comfey Draining Kiss vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Spinda: 120-142 (45.9 - 54.4%) -- 56.3% chance to 2HKO

rip my dreams
Maybe an offensive set could be viable! It could work as an emergency stop to sweepers with a +3 attacking move. Let me just run the calcs...

252+ SpA Pixie Plate Comfey Draining Kiss vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Spinda: 120-142 (45.9 - 54.4%) -- 56.3% chance to 2HKO

rip my dreams
I suppose Comfey could revenge kill a weakened DDance ESpeed Dragonite, outspeeding that move is a definite niche for the little one at the moment. Even with Draining Kiss not being amongst the strongest of moves.
Fun facts of the day:


252+ SpA Comfey Draining Kiss vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Pheromosa: 314-372 (110.9 - 131.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 257-304 (83.9 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 156-183 (50.9 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa U-turn vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 84-100 (27.4 - 32.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
4 SpA Life Orb Pheromosa Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Comfey: 103-121 (33.6 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Mind you, Triage offers Draining Kiss +3 priority so Pheromosa cannot ever outspeed.
Fun facts of the day:


252+ SpA Comfey Draining Kiss vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Pheromosa: 314-372 (110.9 - 131.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 257-304 (83.9 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 156-183 (50.9 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa U-turn vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Comfey: 84-100 (27.4 - 32.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
4 SpA Life Orb Pheromosa Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Comfey: 103-121 (33.6 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Mind you, Triage offers Draining Kiss +3 priority so Pheromosa cannot ever outspeed.

More checks for the Bug queen is nice. So I assume the set for that would be this?

Comfey @ Big Root
Ability: Triage
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draining Kiss
- Leech Seed
- Calm Mind / Aromatherapy
- Floral Healing (for doubles only)/ Aromatherapy

Shame it also doesn't get Giga drain, or many other attacks. But just Draining kiss and Leech seed is enough to get through anything but the bulky grass/poison types. Mega Venasaur will slaughter this thing
Between things like Comfey and Mimikyu, we are finally getting "gimmick" Pokemon that are actually not terrible.

Triage is an excellent ability (no need to bother on Natural Cure, as with Fairy's lack of offensive immunities, it can afford go mono-attack) and it has surprisingly good stats.

Nice cleric, fine movepool (although it wishes it had something to deal with Fairy resists. Come on, Game Freak, give it Parabolic Charge)
Between things like Comfey and Mimikyu, we are finally getting "gimmick" Pokemon that are actually not terrible.

Triage is an excellent ability (no need to bother on Natural Cure, as with Fairy's lack of offensive immunities, it can afford go mono-attack) and it has surprisingly good stats.

Nice cleric, fine movepool (although it wishes it had something to deal with Fairy resists. Come on, Game Freak, give it Parabolic Charge)

Oh man Parabolic charge, while so unfitting, would have worked. Surprised it didn't get Giga drain. Doesn't deal with the resists but its covered in flowers and got other grass moves.

If it got Sleep powerder and Dream eater that would have been nice too
big root seems gimmicky..? its not good on other draining pokemon and i dont really get why itd be ok on comfey (genuine question. bc the way i see it you're increasing your healing on a mon that has no issue with recovery.. whats the point? you could use another item to actually improve on the weaknesses of the mon). LO will hit way harder, and while draining kiss is already a powerful priority move, you will appreciate the immediate additional damage considering your only attack is 50 BP. the hp loss from LO is totally negligible, theres really not a better item for offensive comfey from what i can see because it helps solve your damage problem and the downside of LO is totally covered.
big root seems gimmicky..? its not good on other draining pokemon and i dont really get why itd be ok on comfey (genuine question. bc the way i see it you're increasing your healing on a mon that has no issue with recovery.. whats the point? you could use another item to actually improve on the weaknesses of the mon). LO will hit way harder, and while draining kiss is already a powerful priority move, you will appreciate the immediate additional damage considering your only attack is 50 BP. the hp loss from LO is totally negligible, theres really not a better item for offensive comfey from what i can see because it helps solve your damage problem and the downside of LO is totally covered.

True, Life orb would be better if you just wanna increase the damage of draining kiss, but I was thinking if its your only attacking move, would life orb be worth it?

Big root would make Draining kiss heal almost 100% of the damage delt, plus it increases the healing of Leech seed. meaning if you have both you could theortically negate any damage you took.

If you had more then just draining kiss as your attacking move, I would say life orb or the fairy boosting item.. but if you are only using draining kiss you would get more benefits from big root.
True, Life orb would be better if you just wanna increase the damage of draining kiss, but I was thinking if its your only attacking move, would life orb be worth it?

Big root would make Draining kiss heal almost 100% of the damage delt, plus it increases the healing of Leech seed. meaning if you have both you could theortically negate any damage you took.

If you had more then just draining kiss as your attacking move, I would say life orb or the fairy boosting item.. but if you are only using draining kiss you would get more benefits from big root.

I think Pixie Plate has its merits - the difference in HP gained through Draining Kiss between both items is 7.5% (Big Root healing more of course), but you are increasing damage output, so I think the two beneficial effects of Pixie Plate outweigh the higher extra recovery of Big Root. Of course, there's is also Life Orb, which makes Draining Kiss have the same recovery as with Big Root, but the HP loss after attacking is undesirable.

Leech Seed is another matter though, healing 16.25% of the target's maximum HP instead of 12.5%.

Comfey @ Pixie Plate / Big Root
Ability: Triage
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss
- Synthesis / Leech Seed
- Taunt / Aromatherapy

You can go with Big Root if you are going to run Leech Seed, but Pixie Plate will tend to be much better in any other circumnstance (as it lets Draining Kiss actually hurt things given Comfey's meh Special Attack and the move itself's low Base Power), especially if you are running an offensive spread.

For the offensive spread, I guess 4 Speed EVs is not going to be the norm. With a neutral nature and no investment, it gets 236 Speed. HP or Special Attack EVs could be moved to Speed to get the jump over a relevant speed tier so that you can Taunt or Calm Mind before getting hit.
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I feel like Pixie > Big Root > Life Orb, Comfey's special attack isn't all that high to begin with so it will appreciate the extra bump in power, especially if it can't set up Calm Mind boosts.
I think Pixie Plate has its merits - the difference in HP gained through Draining Kiss is negligible (don't forget, adding damage also adds recovery), and you are actually increasing damage output.

Leech Seed is another matter though.

Yeah I agree that more damage is more healing, but seeing that it boosts Leech seeds healing is nice, and probably worth looking into if you wanna keep her healing for a long time. So it would increase the HP restored by 30%, which could be a lot of you are sapping the right target.

Lets go with someone with a base 70 HP (I have no idea what the average HP stat is, but I felt base 70 HP is a good starting point) Thats a 344 HP at level 100 with max EV's and IVs. 1/16 of that is 22 HP rounded up. thats 1/13th of Comfy's Max HP, already a big amount

Now lets factor in the Big root. It pulls 30% extra healing, and 30% of 22 is 7 rounded up, for 29 HP, which is almost 1/10th of its max HP. thats a pretty significant amount of healing, considering her low HP combined with the HP from Draining kiss
True, Life orb would be better if you just wanna increase the damage of draining kiss, but I was thinking if its your only attacking move, would life orb be worth it?

Big root would make Draining kiss heal almost 100% of the damage delt, plus it increases the healing of Leech seed. meaning if you have both you could theortically negate any damage you took.

If you had more then just draining kiss as your attacking move, I would say life orb or the fairy boosting item.. but if you are only using draining kiss you would get more benefits from big root.

well my point from the original post was: "the way i see it you're increasing your healing on a mon that has no issue with recovery.. whats the point? you could use another item to actually improve on the weaknesses of the mon".
the whole point of draining kiss to me is that it keeps you extra healthy but then in return is lower BP than other recovery moves, which then needs amending with a damage boost. i mean its totally up to you but LO actually hits some benchmarks like having the chance to ohko keldeo, scarf buzzwole, bewear, garchomp, latios at +1 after rocks, always ohkoing zydog at +1, ohkoing greninja, weavile and mega sharpedo at +0 with rocks or LO chip for greninja. The increased revenge killing and sweeping potential that comes from LO that allows you to clean up from higher hp amounts makes more sense to me personally. Being able to ohko a weakened keldeo from 60% sounds good. Im trying to think of situations of mons where I am wanting the extra healing from big root where I wouldnt just beat them with high hp after the encounter anyway. *shrug*

also dont fully understand why priority leech seed would be great. the effect still occurs after the turn ends, so all it does it outspeeds substitute and taunt (good) and switching moves (bad). i really feel like not taking advantage of synthesis might be a mistake, because thats what gives you the real ability to switch in after getting low and regenerate yourself up to full without worrying about enemy grass types, stuff like ferro etc. withthe 50% hp recovery option you turn into a wall and less of just an annoyance like some of the weird whimsicott sets that fell a bit flat back last gen.

also also mons like whimsi never use big root despite having giga drain and leech seed on the same set, because it wants to increase its disappointing 77 spa stat. it would use pixie plate and life orb, and i see this as a similar situation. talking of multiple moves, hp fire seems like a logical option too because +1 comfey can ohko ferrothorn and physdef skarm after rocks with a life orb.

tldr: i think life orb gets things done whereas big root seems fun but less productive or necessary
it would use pixie plate and life orb, and i see this as a similar situation. talking of multiple moves, hp fire seems like a logical option too because +1 comfey can ohko ferrothorn and physdef skarm after rocks with a life orb.

tldr: i think life orb gets things done whereas big root seems fun but less productive or necessary

Oh, Life Orb can make it reach those KO benchmarks?

Then I guess Life Orb is worth the unfortunate recovery loss. Pixie for monoattacking, Life Orb if using two offensive moves.

You get completely roadblocked by Heatran if you use Fire for Hidden Power... but then again, Heatran would need Flash Cannon to try to get past Comfey (which can just boost and stay there) or Toxic if Comfey lacks Aromatherapy or Taunt (AKA it has Synthesis on the fourth slot). Roar would only buy time.
well my point from the original post was: "the way i see it you're increasing your healing on a mon that has no issue with recovery.. whats the point? you could use another item to actually improve on the weaknesses of the mon".
the whole point of draining kiss to me is that it keeps you extra healthy but then in return is lower BP than other recovery moves, which then needs amending with a damage boost. i mean its totally up to you but LO actually hits some benchmarks like having the chance to ohko keldeo, scarf buzzwole, bewear, garchomp, latios at +1 after rocks, always ohkoing zydog at +1, ohkoing greninja, weavile and mega sharpedo at +0 with rocks or LO chip for greninja. The increased revenge killing and sweeping potential that comes from LO that allows you to clean up from higher hp amounts makes more sense to me personally. Being able to ohko a weakened keldeo from 60% sounds good. Im trying to think of situations of mons where I am wanting the extra healing from big root where I wouldnt just beat them with high hp after the encounter anyway. *shrug*

also dont fully understand why priority leech seed would be great. the effect still occurs after the turn ends, so all it does it outspeeds substitute and taunt (good) and switching moves (bad). i really feel like not taking advantage of synthesis might be a mistake, because thats what gives you the real ability to switch in after getting low and regenerate yourself up to full without worrying about enemy grass types, stuff like ferro etc. withthe 50% hp recovery option you turn into a wall and less of just an annoyance like some of the weird whimsicott sets that fell a bit flat back last gen.

also also mons like whimsi never use big root despite having giga drain and leech seed on the same set, because it wants to increase its disappointing 77 spa stat. it would use pixie plate and life orb, and i see this as a similar situation. talking of multiple moves, hp fire seems like a logical option too because +1 comfey can ohko ferrothorn and physdef skarm after rocks with a life orb.

tldr: i think life orb gets things done whereas big root seems fun but less productive or necessary

Good points. Didn't realize it got some more benchmark kills with Life orb. Does it get those same kills with a Pixie plate? like Siggu said, mono attacking pixie is best. If you happen to run a HP (Which I still have no idea how to reliably get a HP in game) then Life orb would be better
Comfey @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Triage
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Draining Kiss
- Aromatherapy

I've been running this set and I'm very happy with it. Toxic and taunt helps mess with stall while 252+ spa draining kiss gets a OHKO on Pheromosa and aromatherapy provides cleric support. It hits surprisingly hard, and a +3 priority moves that also heals 75% is great for recovering to take another hit. It's surprisingly tanky on the special side and can also check fighting and dragons. I'm really enjoying it. It's a lot of fun.
What's the speed for, you get priority on Draining Kiss and I'm pretty sure uninvested Taunt still outspeeds anything stall uses.
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Oddly enough Comfey is guaranteed to live a Life Orb Pheromosa Poison Jab at 252/4, but its not guaranteed at 252/0.
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