Pokémon Alola Persian

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you should probably never run technician on this, fur coat is the only thing making this mon viable whatsoever and technician does nothing to rectify its horrible offenses while robbing it of its only niche. fake out is kinda eh. its weak, non-stab, gives your opponent free switching turns since it does less than 20% to even the frailest of attackers like weavile which makes it really bad. defensive mons are unlikely to lose more than what they are recovering with leftovers. its counter-intuitive to everything that persian is actually good at, which is gaining momentum
I'm worried that there are other pokemon out there that are a better defensive pivot, like nearly any u-turn user. I feel like Persian-A's strength lies in the cat's ability to scout and soften teams, which is uniquely useful. Parting Shot + Fake-Out can generate momentum while dealing unanswerable chip damage. Parting Shot-Z can bring a sweeper back in the game AND provide momentum for them. This groovy cat's niche is in support for your sweeper.

Persian-Alola @ Darkinium-Z
Ability: Technician
EVs: 228 HP / 28 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Taunt
- Parting Shot
- Fake-Out

What does the ev spread between HP and Def do here? Anything he survives by spreading it out like that?
I've been voicing this in a few places, but Persian's Pivot set pairs beautifully with Golisopod and enables it to be an extreme force. If Goli is hit by a hard phys attacker, which is rather likely given that AssVest seems to be it's defacto set from what i've seen, Emergency Exiting into Persian will more than likely force a switch into something not gored by Foul Play. This is the perfect opportunity to then gimp the switchin with Z-Parting Shot, and heal Golisopod back to full, not only resetting First Impression, but also reactivating Emergency Exit for even more pivoting.

Hate to break it to you, but Emergency Exit only works once. Healing Golisopod back to full won't activate it again.

"Emergency Exit will not activate if it falls below half of its HP via confusion, hail, sandstorm or Substitute and will not activate after that unless it goes above 50% HP and falls again. It will also not activate if Pokémon's HP goes back above 50% after an attack (eg. via Sitrus Berry)."

So, if Golisopod was knocked down below half by confusion, for instance, Emergency Exit wouldn't activate, and would only activate if it was healed above 50% HP and got hit by an actual attack that took out half of its health. And after it activates once, it won't activate again for the whole battle, even if you heal Golisopod to full HP.
252+ Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. 228 HP / 28 Def Fur Coat Persian-Alola: 202-238 (61.5 - 72.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Kartana plz
"Emergency Exit will not activate if it falls below half of its HP via confusion, hail, sandstorm or Substitute and will not activate after that unless it goes above 50% HP and falls again. It will also not activate if Pokémon's HP goes back above 50% after an attack (eg. via Sitrus Berry)."

So, if Golisopod was knocked down below half by confusion, for instance, Emergency Exit wouldn't activate, and would only activate if it was healed above 50% HP and got hit by an actual attack that took out half of its health. And after it activates once, it won't activate again for the whole battle, even if you heal Golisopod to full HP.

While true, that part has nothing to do with what was discussed :/

Edit: Literally just tested it ingame on the Battle Tree and it works. Golisopod fights, activates Emergency Exit and you switch into Persian-A. Persian-A ate a Taunt and Z-Parting Shot still activates (didn`t know that). Golisopod comes in, gets healed and keeps fighting...Emergency Exit activates again. So yeah, the part where if Emergency Exit gets healed by an item it won`t activate is irrelevant.
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Ok guys here me out,

What about Red Card with Fake Out and Parting Shot-Z for ultimate momentum shenanigans with unanswered chip damage and revitalizing a sweeper?
Everybody recoiled or laughed when this derpy Garfield was revealed. But I can safely say I am throughly impressed with it.

It's just bulky enough (with max HP investment and Fur Coat) to survive most hits on either side of the spectrum, it outspeeds most of the meta, and Z-Parting Shot is an absolute godsend. It's Noble Roar plus Healing Wish, but your Persian doesn't faint. You weaken a threat and fully heal your counter to it. It's ridiculous!!!

Foul Play nabs KO's and Taunt shuts down walls. But the issue is the 4th moveslot. Fake Out is cute but literally does NO damage at all. And it's blocked by Psychic Terrain. It seems pointless to run it unless you need to break Sash and Sturdy mons. Hypnosis was my next thought but 60% accuracy is proving awful and with both Electric and Misty Terrain completely blocking it, I have never benefited from having Hypnosis taking up a moveslot. So for now I'm using Toxic just to cripple walls or whittle down sweepers. But it's still not optimal.

No idea what the 4th move should be. Without Technician, a hold item and Attack investment, Persian does no damage at all with any of its attacks, and it doesn't have many viable support options I haven't already mentioned. Switcheroo is useless due to the Darkinium Z. U-Turn does nothing. I don't think it learns Knock Off. Power Gem is such a cool move that is garbage on Persian. Swagger...? Meh

Yeah, I'm out of ideas. I never thought I'd complain about having a 3 move syndrome on a Pokémon.
Everybody recoiled or laughed when this derpy Garfield was revealed. But I can safely say I am throughly impressed with it.

It's just bulky enough (with max HP investment and Fur Coat) to survive most hits on either side of the spectrum, it outspeeds most of the meta, and Z-Parting Shot is an absolute godsend. It's Noble Roar plus Healing Wish, but your Persian doesn't faint. You weaken a threat and fully heal your counter to it. It's ridiculous!!!

Foul Play nabs KO's and Taunt shuts down walls. But the issue is the 4th moveslot. Fake Out is cute but literally does NO damage at all. And it's blocked by Psychic Terrain. It seems pointless to run it unless you need to break Sash and Sturdy mons. Hypnosis was my next thought but 60% accuracy is proving awful and with both Electric and Misty Terrain completely blocking it, I have never benefited from having Hypnosis taking up a moveslot. So for now I'm using Toxic just to cripple walls or whittle down sweepers. But it's still not optimal.

No idea what the 4th move should be. Without Technician, a hold item and Attack investment, Persian does no damage at all with any of its attacks, and it doesn't have many viable support options I haven't already mentioned. Switcheroo is useless due to the Darkinium Z. U-Turn does nothing. I don't think it learns Knock Off. Power Gem is such a cool move that is garbage on Persian. Swagger...? Meh

Yeah, I'm out of ideas. I never thought I'd complain about having a 3 move syndrome on a Pokémon.

You use Nasty Plot to pressure your opponent to whirlwind you out to something good.
Everybody recoiled or laughed when this derpy Garfield was revealed. But I can safely say I am throughly impressed with it.

It's just bulky enough (with max HP investment and Fur Coat) to survive most hits on either side of the spectrum, it outspeeds most of the meta, and Z-Parting Shot is an absolute godsend. It's Noble Roar plus Healing Wish, but your Persian doesn't faint. You weaken a threat and fully heal your counter to it. It's ridiculous!!!

Foul Play nabs KO's and Taunt shuts down walls. But the issue is the 4th moveslot. Fake Out is cute but literally does NO damage at all. And it's blocked by Psychic Terrain. It seems pointless to run it unless you need to break Sash and Sturdy mons. Hypnosis was my next thought but 60% accuracy is proving awful and with both Electric and Misty Terrain completely blocking it, I have never benefited from having Hypnosis taking up a moveslot. So for now I'm using Toxic just to cripple walls or whittle down sweepers. But it's still not optimal.

No idea what the 4th move should be. Without Technician, a hold item and Attack investment, Persian does no damage at all with any of its attacks, and it doesn't have many viable support options I haven't already mentioned. Switcheroo is useless due to the Darkinium Z. U-Turn does nothing. I don't think it learns Knock Off. Power Gem is such a cool move that is garbage on Persian. Swagger...? Meh

Yeah, I'm out of ideas. I never thought I'd complain about having a 3 move syndrome on a Pokémon.

Snarl or Sleep Talk. Both are pretty useless but Snarl can combine further with parting shot to punish special attackers who switch in to avoid strong foul play damage. Sleep talk if you need something to absorb sleep.
i've been using hp fignhting in the last slot, alola persian is really perdicatable right now, and most people throw their bisharp against it every time, even without techinichan hp fighthing gets the 2ko
Snarl or Sleep Talk. Both are pretty useless but Snarl can combine further with parting shot to punish special attackers who switch in to avoid strong foul play damage. Sleep talk if you need something to absorb sleep.

Sleep Talk into what though? Random Taunt or Parting Shot?

i've been using hp fignhting in the last slot, alola persian is really perdicatable right now, and most people throw their bisharp against it every time, even without techinichan hp fighthing gets the 2ko

Now THIS is interesting and creative!
Might be irrelevant to most of you here(Idk how many actually play online on cart), but I keep hearing that Z-Parting Shot(and Z-Memento too, apparently) used in an online environment actually crash the game. But there has been so little talk about this(I only heard about it as a side note on YT), that I'm not sure how credible that is. Has anyone here experienced it?

Because with Parting Shot in general being rather unique, that would actually be a huge hit on Persian's and any other learner's viability. =(
Might be irrelevant to most of you here(Idk how many actually play online on cart), but I keep hearing that Z-Parting Shot(and Z-Memento too, apparently) used in an online environment actually crash the game. But there has been so little talk about this(I only heard about it as a side note on YT), that I'm not sure how credible that is. Has anyone here experienced it?

Because with Parting Shot in general being rather unique, that would actually be a huge hit on Persian's and any other learner's viability. =(
It's true. In fact, iirc, Persian-A is banned online because of that (or Parting Shot is) until they fix it.
The strongest move this guy can throw for SPA moves (ignoring Hyper Beam and Z-attacks because they don't help much) is Tech boosted Dark hidden power... Awkward...
Let's not forget it has Amnesia and Assist.

Persian-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 228 HP / 28 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Taunt / Substitute
- Amnesia
- Toxic / Screech

If Furcoat's ability to double Persian's Defense helps it survive immensely, then Amnesia hopes to do the same for the Special Defense side.
Pair it with Taunt to stop set-up sweepers, or Substitute to keep it safe, and you have yourself a fast wall that can tank hits from both sides of the spectrum.

Toxic allows it to hit bulky foes first due to its blistering speed, while Screech can force switches when paired with Foul Play. Keep in mind that with Screech, you will need entry hazards to rack up damage if the opponent switches often or resists Foul Play with lower base Attack stats.


Persian-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 228 HP / 28 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Taunt
- Assist
- Amnesia

It depends what you need most for your Assist team.
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This might be slightly extremely speculative, but going off of Persian's colorful list of tutor moves in ORAS, how successful might this Technician set be?

Persian-Alola @ Expert Belt / Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid or Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Snarl / Hidden Power [Dark]
- Thunderbolt / Shock Wave / Hidden Power [???]
- Water Pulse / Hidden Power [???]
- Icy Wind / Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [???]

Special attacking Technician users are a rare breed (the only other ones are Roserade and Mr. Mime) and while Alolan Persian has lower Special Attack, it's much faster and (potentially) has more moves that take advantage of Technician. Anyway, Snarl and Icy Wind can be replaced with their Hidden Power equivalents if you value the increased power and accuracy over the secondary effects, but you might want to replace either Thunderbolt, Water Pulse, or Icy Wind with a Hidden Power of a different type depending on what your team struggles with. Shock Wave is only there if you're worried about PP, or if you're paranoid about Sandy Veil, Snow Cloak, Tangled Feet, Bright Powder, or accuracy drops.
This might be slightly extremely speculative, but going off of Persian's colorful list of tutor moves in ORAS, how successful might this Technician set be?

Persian-Alola @ Expert Belt / Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid or Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Snarl / Hidden Power [Dark]
- Thunderbolt / Shock Wave / Hidden Power [???]
- Water Pulse / Hidden Power [???]
- Icy Wind / Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [???]

Special attacking Technician users are a rare breed (the only other ones are Roserade and Mr. Mime) and while Alolan Persian has lower Special Attack, it's much faster and (potentially) has more moves that take advantage of Technician. Anyway, Snarl and Icy Wind can be replaced with their Hidden Power equivalents if you value the increased power and accuracy over the secondary effects, but you might want to replace either Thunderbolt, Water Pulse, or Icy Wind with a Hidden Power of a different type depending on what your team struggles with. Shock Wave is only there if you're worried about PP, or if you're paranoid about Sandy Veil, Snow Cloak, Tangled Feet, Bright Powder, or accuracy drops.

It can also Switcheroo it's Specs or Parting Shot to fit on Voltturn teams!
Bugzy asked about A-Persian versus the other Parting Shot users, so I did some calcs for comparison.
(I went with Zard-X since op's spread specifically mentions it
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 228 HP / 28 Def Fur Coat Persian-Alola: 277-327 (84.4 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 184 Def Silvally: 331-391 (84 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 84+ Def Silvally: 333-393 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 148 HP / 252 Def Silvally: 312-367 (84.7 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 24 HP / 252+ Def Silvally: 285-336 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And finally:
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 220+ Def Pangoro: 333-393 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 196 HP / 252+ Def Pangoro: 322-379 (84.7 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Charizard-Mega-X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Pangoro: 354-417 (89.8 - 105.8%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Basically Pangoro and Silvally can reach the same physical bulk as A-Persian, but it takes a heck of a lot more investment. This takes a lot away from their damage and speed if they want to do anything back. Foul Play means Persian doesn't even need to invest in Attack, allowing maximum speed investment (maybe even some sp.def?).
Silv has more special/mixed bulk and offensive options, so that might be something to consider. Otherwise A-Persian is faster and takes physical hits a lot better than either of them.
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