Pokemon: The New First Gen (Submissions for new Pokemon Over, Except costumes)

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Major thank-you to Ludicrousity for being willing to change his Legendary concept to accommodate these.
Names are basically placeholders unless nobody cares to do anything with the original Ghost-type Yurifu line.
Name Justification: "Yuri" is Japanese for lily and "fuu" is Japanese for "wind".
Classification: Sky Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Flying
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Flower Veil
63/65/70/68/70/82, BST: 420
1. Lunge (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Gust
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Acrobatics
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Defog
25. Air Cutter
28. Tailwind
31. U-Turn
34. Mirror Move
37. Petal Blizzard
40. Air Slash
43. Moonblast
46. Hurricane
49. Shimmer Strike
52. Sky Attack

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Steel Wing
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure
TM?? Struggle Bug

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Ancient Power
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Ancient Power
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Thunder Punch
Concept/General Design: Yurifu is a tiny (about 1-1.5 feet tall) pixie-like creature that glides through the air using a pair of lilies that spin like rotors on a helicopter.
Other Notes: Yurifu has a split evolutionary line. It evolves into Yurifrost with an Ice Stone or Yuriflame with a Fire Stone.
Competitive Use: Base stats, especially defences, are designed to be just about high enough that this thing could be useful with an Eviolite. It's also almost fast. With Eviolite it might make for a decent bulky support 'mon due to its amazing support movepool.

Name Justification: "Yuri" is the Japanese word for lily. The "frost" part is obvious.
Classification: Ice Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Ice
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Winter Gift
68/99/83/104/70/106, BST: 530
Evolve: Powder Snow
1. Freeze-Dry (Move Relearner)
1. Misty Terrain (Move Relearner)
1. Lunge (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Powder Snow
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Ice Shard
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Hail
25. Icy Wind
28. Aurora Veil
31. Icicle Spear
34. Mist
37. Petal Blizzard
40. Frost Breath
43. Moonblast
46. Cryocutter
49. Shimmer Strike
52. Sheer Cold

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard

TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Steel Wing
TM52 Focus Blast
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Aurora Veil
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure
TM?? Struggle Bug

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter

Fury Cutter
Ancient Power
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Ancient Power
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Icy Wind
Ice Punch

Thunder Punch
Earth Power
Drill Run
Concept/General Design: Yurifrost is a small (about 2.5-3 feet tall), icy pixie-like creature that enfolds itself within a frozen, closed lily. It maintains a mysterious presence with its stance. When Winter Gift is active, the lily opens and the pixie within takes up a fencing stance, wielding a large, sharpened icicle as if it were a rapier.
Competitive Use: Can be a decently powerful and fast Special attacker, a nice fast support 'mon, or a fast and powerful physical attacker in hail. Special sets can also be used to wall-break with powerful Technician Frost Breaths.

Name Justification: Yuri means lily, flame is obvious.
Classification: Fire Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Fire
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Flower Gift
68/99/106/104/70/83, BST 530
Evolve: Ember
1. Mystical Fire (Move Relearner)
1. Misty Terrain (Move Relearner)
1. Lunge (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Ember
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Flame Charge
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Sunny Day
25. Incinerate
28. Clear Smog
31. Flame Wheel
34. Haze
37. Petal Blizzard
40. Lava Plume
43. Moonblast
46. Flare Blade
49. Shimmer Strike
52. Burn Up

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast

TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM51 Steel Wing
TM52 Focus Blast
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure
TM?? Incinerate
TM?? Struggle Bug

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter

Fury Cutter
Ancient Power
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Ancient Power
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Heat Wave
Fire Punch

Thunder Punch
Earth Power
Drill Run
Concept/General Design: Yuriflame is a small (about 2.5-3 feet tall), fiery pixie-like creature that enfolds itself within a closed lily that appears to be almost made of fire. Its stance is aggressive despite the lily surrounding it, almost like a monarch rising from his throne. When Flower Gift is active, the lily opens and forms a disc around Yuriflame's waist. The lily then begins to spin rapidly; Yuriflame uses it to slice foes apart, and uses its rotational speed to launch fiery shrapnel at distant foes.
Competitive Use: A reasonably bulky (on the physical side…) Special attacker, a decently bulky support 'mon, or a pretty hard-hitting and bulky Physical attacker under Sun. Tanks U-Turns like a champ and can hard-counter standard Pheromosa with a physically-defensive set, but does not take Volt Switches well so it's not a blanket check to Volt-Turn cores.
No I'M Best Girl! (Yuriflame) w/ Leftovers
Gender: F
Ability: Technician
Impish Nature
248 HP / 36 Atk / 224 Def
— Short Work
— Flame Wheel
— Spikes/Defog/Wish/Roost/Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave
— U-Turn/Swords Dance/Curse
Switches in on Pheromosa regardless of what move Pheromosa uses and scares it out with the threat of Technician Short Work.
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa Poison Jab vs. 248 HP / 224+ Def Yuriflame: 169-200 (49.8 - 58.9%) -- 71.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
36 Atk Technician Yuriflame Short Work vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Pheromosa: 284-336 (100.3 - 118.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Contact moves used by this Pokémon have a 30% chance of Infatuating a target of the opposite gender. This is in addition to the attack's normal secondary effect (if any).
Acts as Flower Gift, boosting Attack and Sp. Def of active allies (including the user) by 50%, but in Hail instead of in Sun.
Let me know if Abilities that are identical to these already exist and I'll replace them accordingly.
Short Work
Type: Fairy
Category: Physical
Power: 40
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 48
Move description: The user speedily attacks the target, then retreats before they're able to defend themselves. This attack usually strikes first.
Notes: +1 priority; makes contact; Z-Move: Twinkle Tackle (100 BP Physical)

Basically a Fairy-type Quick Attack clone.
Shimmer Strike
Type: Fairy
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Target: One Adjacent Pokémon
Move description: The user slashes the target with a blade of righteous power. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Twinkle Tackle (175 BP Physical)

And here's a Fairy-type Leaf Blade clone.
Type: Ice
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Target: One Adjacent Pokémon
Move description: The user slashes the target with a sharpened icicle. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Subzero Slammer (175 BP Physical)

Next up, an Ice-type Leaf Blade clone.
Flare Blade
Type: Fire
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Target: One Adjacent Pokémon
Move description: The user slashes the target with a blade or claw cloaked in flame. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Inferno Overdrive (175 BP Physical)

And finally, a Fire-type Leaf Blade clone.
None of these moves are intended to be signature moves for this line, so feel free to use them wherever. Also, let me know if someone's already made a non-signature move that's identical to any of these and I'll replace moves accordingly.

Edit: Added Lunge to the entire line via Move Relearner, replacing Fury Cutter. (They still get Fury Cutter by Move Tutor.) Added Petal Blizzard to the level-up movepool of the entire line. Added Struggle Bug to the entire line via TM. Frost Breath added to Yurifrost's level-up movepool (which is a mere technicality since it was already a TM). Yurifrost's Freeze-Dry moved to Move Relearner. Added Mystical Fire to Yuriflame via Move Relearner.

Edit 2: Added Earth Power and Drill Run as tutor moves to Yurifrost and Yuriflame because Yurifrost lacked a way to hit Steel-types. Also added Ancient Power as an Egg Move so Technician Special Yurifrost/Yuriflame sets have Rock coverage.
Also added an example set for physically-defensive Yuriflame.

Edit 3: Ancient Power is also a tutor move in Gen 4, so it's added there, as are Swift and Mud-Slap. (The latter two are totally irrelevant but I threw them in because lots of things get them.)
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Holy Crap.

I'm Not sleeping this weekend.

3 Pages in 1 day guys? This is both awesome and really freaking Insane.

I'll try to get caught up... Eventually
Truth be known, I'm one day hoping for an inland region that isn't surrounded by water on one side. Maybe it has lakes or a river flowing through, but no oceanic borders. Imagine if you would, a region where you don't need surf to beat the game!
What? Don't look at me like that! Hoenn could be handled without ever using Cut.

Anyways, I thought of a new Pokemon

Gender: 87.5 F/12.5M
Egg Group: Fairy/Human-like
Type: Fairy/Fight
Ability: Tough Claws/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Brute Force (Special Attacks run on user's Physical Attack Stat)
Competitive use: Other than a standard Physical Fairy/Fight type which doesn't exist yet, it provides breeding combos between Humanoids and Fairies.
Evolves into Pixapart at 25.

This brings me to another contention: Pokemon in breeding group combos that haven't yet been done. Say... Human-like/amorphous, Grass/Human-like, Dragon/Mineral, Ground/Mineral, Monster/Human-like, Water3/Human-like, Water3/Ground, Water3/Dragon... I think there are others I can't remember but my point stands.
this brings me to say a couple of things, Dragon/Mineral, Water3/Human-like, Field/Mineral and Grass/Human-like were all in my to do lists. :P

and 7 people are on here... I feel like people are following me around recently... ;-;
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Truth be known, I'm one day hoping for an inland region that isn't surrounded by water on one side. Maybe it has lakes or a river flowing through, but no oceanic borders. Imagine if you would, a region where you don't need surf to beat the game!
What? Don't look at me like that! Hoenn could be handled without ever using Cut.

Anyways, I thought of a new Pokemon

Gender: 87.5 F/12.5M
Egg Group: Fairy/Human-like
Type: Fairy/Fight
Ability: Tough Claws/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Brute Force (Special Attacks run on user's Physical Attack Stat)
Competitive use: Other than a standard Physical Fairy/Fight type which doesn't exist yet, it provides breeding combos between Humanoids and Fairies.
Evolves into Pixapart at 25.
This brings me to another contention: Pokemon in breeding group combos that haven't yet been done. Say... Human-like/amorphous, Grass/Human-like, Dragon/Mineral, Ground/Mineral, Monster/Human-like, Water3/Human-like, Water3/Ground, Water3/Dragon... I think there are others I can't remember but my point stands.
Yeah, and I want a region in space (no seriously I do. Nice no stats by the way)

Major thank-you to Ludicrousity for being willing to change his Legendary concept to accommodate these.
Names are basically placeholders unless nobody cares to do anything with the original Ghost-type Yurifu line.
Name Justification: "Yuri" is Japanese for lily and "fuu" is Japanese for "wind".
Classification: Sky Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Flying
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Flower Veil
63/65/70/68/70/82, BST: 420
1. Fury Cutter (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Gust
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Acrobatics
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Defog
25. Air Cutter
28. Tailwind
31. U-Turn
34. Mirror Move
37. Air Slash
40. Moonblast
43. Hurricane
46. Shimmer Strike
49. Sky Attack

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Steel Wing
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Thunder Punch
Concept/General Design: Yurifu is a tiny pixie-like creature that glides through the air using a pair of lilies that spin like rotors on a helicopter.
Other Notes: Yurifu has a split evolutionary line. It evolves into Yurifrost with an Ice Stone or Yuriflame with a Fire Stone.
Competitive Use: Base stats, especially defences, are designed to be just about high enough that this thing could be useful with an Eviolite. It's also almost fast. With Eviolite it might make for a decent bulky support 'mon due to its amazing support movepool.

Name Justification: "Yuri" is the Japanese word for lily. The "frost" part is obvious.
Classification: Ice Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Ice
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Winter Gift
68/99/83/104/70/106, BST: 530
Evolve: Powder Snow
1. Misty Terrain (Move Relearner)
1. Fury Cutter (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Powder Snow
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Ice Shard
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Hail
25. Icy Wind
28. Aurora Veil
31. Icicle Spear
34. Mist
37. Freeze-Dry
40. Moonblast
43. Cryocutter
46. Shimmer Strike
49. Sheer Cold

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard

TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Steel Wing
TM52 Focus Blast
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Aurora Veil
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter

Fury Cutter
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Icy Wind
Ice Punch

Thunder Punch
Concept/General Design: Yurifrost is a small, icy pixie-like creature that enfolds itself within a frozen, closed lily. It maintains a mysterious presence with its stance. When Winter Gift is active, the lily opens and the pixie within takes up a fencing stance, wielding a large, sharpened icicle as if it were a rapier.
Competitive Use: Can be a decently powerful and fast Special attacker, a nice fast support 'mon, or a fast and powerful physical attacker in hail. Special sets can also be used to wall-break with powerful Technician Frost Breaths.

Name Justification: Yuri means lily, flame is obvious.
Classification: Fire Lily Pokémon
Gender ratio: 75% female/25% male
Egg groups: Fairy/Human-Like
Type 1: Fairy
Type 2: Fire
Ability 1: Technician
Ability 2: Charming Touch
Hidden Ability: Flower Gift
68/99/106/104/70/83, BST 530
Evolve: Ember
1. Misty Terrain (Move Relearner)
1. Fury Cutter (Move Relearner)
1. Night Slash (Move Relearner)
1. Leaf Blade (Move Relearner)
1. Leer
1. Pound
1. Meditate
1. Ember
4. Fairy Wind
7. Leafage
10. Flame Charge
13. Short Work
16. Magical Leaf
19. Draining Kiss
22. Sunny Day
25. Incinerate
28. Clear Smog
31. Flame Wheel
34. Haze
37. Lava Plume
40. Moonblast
43. Flare Blade
46. Shimmer Strike
49. Burn Up

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast

TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM51 Steel Wing
TM52 Focus Blast
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM60 Quash
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM62 Acrobatics
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM97 Dark Pulse
TM99 Dazzling Gleam
TM100 Confide
TM?? Captivate
TM?? Natural Gift
TM?? Secret Power
TM?? Curse
TM?? Bide
TM?? Endure

Egg Moves:
Nasty Plot
Focus Energy
Weather Ball
Air Cutter

Fury Cutter
Me First

Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Heal Bell
Shock Wave
Water Pulse
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch
Giga Drain
Dual Chop
Sky Attack

Magic Room
Wonder Room
Heat Wave
Fire Punch

Thunder Punch
Concept/General Design: Yuriflame is a small, fiery pixie-like creature that enfolds itself within a closed lily that appears to be almost made of fire. Its stance is aggressive despite the lily surrounding it, almost like a monarch rising from his throne. When Flower Gift is active, the lily opens and forms a disc around Yuriflame's waist. The lily then begins to spin rapidly; Yuriflame uses it to slice foes apart, and uses its rotational speed to launch fiery shards at distant foes.
Competitive Use: A reasonably bulky Special attacker, a decently bulky support 'mon, or a pretty hard-hitting and bulky Physical attacker under Sun.

Contact moves used by this Pokémon have a 30% chance of Infatuating a target of the opposite gender. This is in addition to the attack's normal secondary effect (if any).
Acts as Flower Gift, boosting Attack and Sp. Def of active allies (including the user) by 50%, but in Hail instead of in Sun.
Let me know if Abilities that are identical to these already exist and I'll replace them accordingly.
Short Work
Type: Fairy
Category: Physical
Power: 40
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 48
Move description: The user speedily attacks the target, then retreats before they're able to defend themselves. This attack usually strikes first.
Notes: +1 priority; makes contact; Z-Move: Twinkle Tackle (100 BP Physical)

Basically a Fairy-type Quick Attack clone.
Shimmer Strike
Type: Fairy
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Move description: The user slashes the target with a blade of righteous power. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Twinkle Tackle (175 BP Physical)

And here's a Fairy-type Leaf Blade clone.
Type: Ice
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Move description: The user slashes the target with a sharpened icicle. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Subzero Slammer (175 BP Physical)

Next up, an Ice-type Leaf Blade clone.
Flare Blade
Type: Fire
Category: Physical
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16
Move description: The user slashes the target with a blade or claw cloaked in flame. Critical hits land more easily.
Notes: Move has +1 critical stage; makes contact; Z-Move: Inferno Overdrive (175 BP Physical)

And finally, a Fire-type Leaf Blade clone.
None of these moves are intended to be signature moves for this line, so feel free to use them wherever. Also, let me know if someone's already made a non-signature move that's identical to any of these and I'll replace moves accordingly.

What do ghosts even have to do with lesbians lilies anyway? nice.

reserving Yaoifu, Yaoiflame, and Yaoifrost no I'm not, that's just a bad joke
What do ghosts even have to do with gay women lillies anyway? nice.
What do ghosts even have to do with gay women lillies anyway? nice.
What do ghosts even have to do with lesbians lilies anyway? nice.

reserving Yaoifu, Yaoiflame, and Yaoifrost no I'm not, that's just a bad joke
What do ghosts even have to do with gay women lillies anyway? nice.
What do ghosts even have to do with gay women lillies anyway? nice.
You seem to love referencing lesbians. xD
You seem to love referencing lesbians. xD
oh god it wasn't supposed to be THAT MANY LINES I JUST WANTED ONE

anyway, since we have a Hail ABUSER now, we might want a Hail SETTER... Hmmmph... What type would complement Ice best for a Hail setter, since everyone is so active here?
oh god it wasn't supposed to be THAT MANY LINES I JUST WANTED ONE

anyway, since we have a Hail ABUSER now, we might want a Hail SETTER... Hmmmph... What type would complement Ice best for a Hail setter, since everyone is so active here?
So essentially what type would make a decent defensive pairing when combined with Ice?
I dunno, Ground maybe? Seems to work for Mamoswine. Or Water.
So essentially what type would make a decent defensive pairing when combined with Ice?
I dunno, Ground maybe? Seems to work for Mamoswine. Or Water.
I was thinking Water, so I guess that works.

Name Justification: Icicle + Cloud
Type 1: Ice
Type 2: Water
Ability 1: Snow Warning
Hidden Ability: Filter
HP 135, Atk 70, Def 95, Spa 85, Spd 110, Spe 45,
Moves: Refreeze (a Hail Shore Up), Toxic, Substitute, Protect, U-Turn, Blizzard, Surf, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, a lot of other stuff too.
Concept/general Design: A cloud-shaped hollow ice... thing. Inside it, water slushes around and freezes into ice, before being turned back into water by the movement. Also its face is adorable.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: It sets the hail, it tanks the hits. Also, even if you don't want Hail, it gets Filter to reduce the effect of its less-than-you'd-think weaknesses, and it's still tanky as ever.

Edit: Have a pre-evo!

Name Justification: Nimbus + Ice
Type 1: Ice
Type 2: Water
Ability 1: Snow Warning
Hidden Ability: Filter
HP 100, Atk 50, Def 70, Spa 60, Spd 80, Spe 30,
Moves: Refreeze (a Hail Shore Up), Toxic, Substitute, Protect, U-Turn, Blizzard, Surf, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, a lot of other stuff too.
Concept/general Design: A cloud-shaped hollow ice... thing. Inside it, water sloshes around, but unlike its evolution, it doesn't freeze, leaving Nimbice more fragile.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: It sets the hail, it tanks the hits... now in LC! Since I accidentally made gave Icicloud Snorlax's BST, I decided to model Nimbice's BST after Munchlax.
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Before I get to giving Pixflake some moves, let's get in something that is overdue:
The Super Hero Costume

Super Pichu
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 20
Attack: 45
Defense: 15
Sp. Atk: 45
Sp. Def: 35
Speed: 65
BST: 225
Abilities: Air Approach / Hasty(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Pikachu
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 35
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 50
Speed: 95
BST: 340
Abilities: Air Approach / Hasty(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Raichu(Original)
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 60
Attack: 110
Defense: 55
Sp. Atk: 80
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 120
BST: 505
Abilities: Air Approach / Defiant(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Raichu(Alolan)
Type: Psychic/Flying
Hp: 60
Attack: 80
Defense: 50
Sp. Atk: 110
Sp. Def: 85
Speed: 120
BST: 505
Abilities: Air Approach / Competitive(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

By liking my Raging Winds post, Jerrytkrot implicitly OK'd the idea, so here goes...

Pika Xreme's Storm Gale kicked up raging winds!

New Ability: Storm Gale. Sets the Raging Winds weather.

Pokemon that are not Flying, Dragon or Bug and do not have Levitate take 1/16 of their HP in damage in a turn.
Moves that do not have 100% accuracy have their accuracy dropped by 20% unless they are Flying, Dragon or Bug.
Hurricane has perfect accuracy.
Draco Meteor only drops Special Attack by 1, Clanging Scales does not drop Defense at all.
Gale Wings can be used regardless of health.
Fly, Sky Attack and Bounce can be executed in one turn.
Attacking moves that do not work in Sky Battles have their power halved.
Attacking moves that cannot be used in Gravity have their power increased by 1.5x.

I'd like the Jawnado line to get this ability, asking Zaph1337 for the OK. But I'm not reliant on the OK in the slightest and it's mostly for flavor due to its frailness, since I have a 'mon of my own...

Name Justification: Jupiter + Eagle
Type 1: Flying
Type 2: Electric
Ability 1: Storm Gale
Hidden Ability: No Guard
HP 110, Atk 80, Def 95, Spa 100, Spd 95, Spe 120,
Some Moves: Hurricane, Recover, Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Ice Beam, Brave Bird, a whole lot of other stuff because it's a legendary
General Design: A red mass of swirling gas in the shape of an eagle, with lightning manifesting in its claws.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: Based on Jupiter - both the planet and the god, combining the symbol of the god (an eagle holding a thunderbolt) with the most recognizable thing about the planet (the Big Red Spot). Competitively, it's a fast and reasonably bulky Raging Winds setter.

New Move: Awaken Winds. A Flying-type Sandstorm (as in the move) clone that summons Raging Winds. Just give it to a ton of Flying types with no coherency, it'll be fine.

The winds rage on!

Name Justification: Draco + Windmill
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Steel
Ability 1: Wind Turbine (Swift Swim clone for Raging Winds)
Hidden Ability: Windpower (Special Attack by 1.3x in Raging Winds)
HP 80, Atk 110, Def 120, Spa 130, Spd 80, Spe 80
Some Moves: Clanging Scales, Awaken Winds, Draco Meteor, Roost, Recycle, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Dragon Claw, probably more
General Design: A sleepy dragon with an old-timey windmill as a shell and wind turbine wings.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: Based on my butchered memory of a summary of Don Quixote, because giants = dragons apparently. A Raging Winds sweeper.

Name Justification: Windmill + Hatchling
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Steel
Ability 1: Wind Turbine
Hidden Ability: Windpower
HP 40, Atk 55, Def 60, Spa 65, Spd 40, Spe 40,
Some Moves: Clanging Scales, Awaken Winds, Draco Meteor, Roost, Recycle, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Dragon Claw, probably more
General Design: A small and cute version of the above.
Competitive Use: See above, but LC.

Name Justification: Wyrm + Windmill
Type 1: Dragon
Type 2: Steel
Ability 1: Wind Turbine
Hidden Ability: Windpower
Hp 55, Atk 75, Def 85, Spa 95, Spd 55, Spe 55,
Some Moves: Clanging Scales, Awaken Winds, Draco Meteor, Roost, Recycle, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Dragon Claw, probably more
General Design: See above, but the awkward middle phase that isn't quite cute or cool.
Competitive Use: See above, but the awkward middle phase that isn't LC or standard tiers.

The raging winds dissipated!

Anyone wanna handle Rain, Sand and potentially Acid Rain setters for me?
Well, on the subject of Hail setters we have Snow Warning Froxic. (Not that it doesn't keel over instantly when you hit it with a Bullet Punch; but then, so does Yurifrost.)
What we don't have that I can see is anything with Sand Stream or Drought.

edit: Ninja'd by Pika Xreme.
Well, on the subject of Hail setters we have Snow Warning Froxic. (Not that it doesn't keel over instantly when you hit it with a Bullet Punch; but then, so does Yurifrost.)
What we don't have that I can see is anything with Sand Stream or Drought.
I made a Drought user in the form of my Florida joke, although it hasn't been approved yet. We do have a Drizzle user as well, but it's... also suboptimal, but not to the extent of Froxic.
I made a Drought user in the form of my Florida joke, although it hasn't been approved yet. We do have a Drizzle user as well, but it's... also suboptimal, but not to the extent of Froxic.
Can't really complain too much about Hydraptor. It's fast and has U-Turn, Tailwind, and Taunt. It also has Hurricane, Hydro Pump, and Scald (no Thunder though *sadface*). Or it can go physical with Falling Skies, Aqua Tail, Drill Run, and freaking Extreme Speed. If there's any actual complaint I can make about this thing, it's that it doesn't have Bulk Up or Swords Dance to go with that delicious ESpeed. Though I guess it doesn't have any good physical Flying STAB other than Falling Skies, and Falling Skies doesn't really work very well without Skill Link, and with no boosting move its 95 base offences aren't going to really do all that much….
Oh, also? This thing has Magic Coat, Endeavor, and Extreme Speed. Slap a Focus Sash and Endure on it and call it a day.
I mean, sure it has no bulk and is KO'd if you poke it with an electric fly swatter, but 109 base Speed and U-Turn means who needs bulk anyway? Not to mention that if you expect a priority move, you just ESpeed to hit them first.

Froxic has no bulk either and unfortunately is slower than Hydraptor at 101 base Speed, but at least it has U-Turn.. And Fake Out, but with its 70 base Attack you don't exactly want to waste your precious Hail turns poking things for no damage. (Of course, Yurifrost has even worse Special bulk than Froxic does until Winter Gift is activated.)

Edit: Also Machifrost exists, but its stats seem pretty spectacularly meh without its signature ability Macho. It also doesn't have its actual moveset written at all.

Edit 2:
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 406-478 (119 - 140.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Mismagius Power Gem vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Air Approach Super Raichu: 272-320 (104.2 - 122.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
double lmao (not even Specs or Life Orb)
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Lycanroc-Midday: 288-339 (98.6 - 116%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Raging Winds damage
no switch-ins!
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Mega Ampharos: 193-228 (50.3 - 59.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
seriously nothing switches in on this
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Skarmory: 117-138 (35.1 - 41.4%) -- 76.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
Okay I lied. Skarmory can switch in.
252 Atk Super Raichu Volt Tackle vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Skarmory: 204-240 (61.2 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Doesn't like one of these though.
Edit 3: Jerrytkrot The spreadsheet doesn't have Burrowixie's Burrow ability, nor its Underground Trap and Fairy Claw moves. They also aren't in the thread, so there's no way to know what they do.
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Can't really complain too much about Hydraptor. It's fast and has U-Turn, Tailwind, and Taunt. It also has Hurricane, Hydro Pump, and Scald (no Thunder though *sadface*). Or it can go physical with Falling Skies, Aqua Tail, Drill Run, and freaking Extreme Speed. If there's any actual complaint I can make about this thing, it's that it doesn't have Bulk Up or Swords Dance to go with that delicious ESpeed. Though I guess it doesn't have any good physical Flying STAB other than Falling Skies, and Falling Skies doesn't really work very well without Skill Link, and with no boosting move its 95 base offences aren't going to really do all that much….
Oh, also? This thing has Magic Coat, Endeavor, and Extreme Speed. Slap a Focus Sash and Endure on it and call it a day.
I mean, sure it has no bulk and is KO'd if you poke it with an electric fly swatter, but 109 base Speed and U-Turn means who needs bulk anyway? Not to mention that if you expect a priority move, you just ESpeed to hit them first.

Froxic has no bulk either and unfortunately is slower than Hydraptor at 101 base Speed, but at least it has U-Turn.. And Fake Out, but with its 70 base Attack you don't exactly want to waste your precious Hail turns poking things for no damage. (Of course, Yurifrost has even worse Special bulk than Froxic does until Winter Gift is activated.)

Edit: Also Machifrost exists, but its stats seem pretty spectacularly meh without its signature ability Macho. It also doesn't have its actual moveset written at all.

Edit 2:
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 406-478 (119 - 140.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Mismagius Power Gem vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Air Approach Super Raichu: 272-320 (104.2 - 122.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
double lmao (not even Specs or Life Orb)
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Lycanroc-Midday: 288-339 (98.6 - 116%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Raging Winds damage
no switch-ins!
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Mega Ampharos: 193-228 (50.3 - 59.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
seriously nothing switches in on this
252 Atk Air Approach Super Raichu Sky Attack vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Skarmory: 117-138 (35.1 - 41.4%) -- 76.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
Okay I lied. Skarmory can switch in.
252 Atk Super Raichu Volt Tackle vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Skarmory: 204-240 (61.2 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Doesn't like one of these though.
Edit 3: Jerrytkrot The spreadsheet doesn't have Burrowixie's Burrow ability, nor its Underground Trap and Fairy Claw moves. They also aren't in the thread, so there's no way to know what they do.
do you even know how weather setters work, being bulky is far more reliable than being fast and you need to come in a lot anyway and you can't be worn down quickly, also like you said it lacks reliable stab for offense if you go rain

So essentially what type would make a decent defensive pairing when combined with Ice?
I dunno, Ground maybe? Seems to work for Mamoswine. Or Water.

oh and by the way, since i forgot this, the only reason mamoswine can pull off ice/ground is because of thick fat

I have a dump of stats and a few moves, but because I'm bad, I have no flavor to go with it.

HP 80, Atk 85, Def 80, Spa 150, Spd 90, Spe 50,
Moves: Laser Blast, Vacuum Wave, Ice Beam, whatever more laser moves you can think of, Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast

yeah, that. feel free to do whatever with it

anyway here's an ability.

New Ability: Blade Master: Boosts the power of cutting and slashing moves by 1.2x. (This means Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Fury Cutter, Cut, Slash, False Swipe, Aerial Ace [aka Turning Swallow Cut], Shimmer Strike, Cryocutter, and Flare Blade). you can add any slashing or cutting moves you make to that list. please love me. this would be nice for magearna's sword cousin i forget the name of and i can't find
Edit 3: Jerrytkrot The spreadsheet doesn't have Burrowixie's Burrow ability, nor its Underground Trap and Fairy Claw moves. They also aren't in the thread, so there's no way to know what they do.
You can find the description for these on my post for the Pokémon, which should be on either page 6 or 7.

Edit: Found the post
Burrow: Ground type moves gain +1 priority
Fairy Claw - Move Classification: Physical Type: Fairy Power: 70 Acc: 100% Target: 1 Adjacent Pokemon Effect: Has a 25% chance of lowering the target’s defense by 1 stage (This does work for the Quick Claws ability, right?)
Contest Qualities -(if we are going to have contests in this) Condition: Cute Appeal/Jam: 2 Appeal, 3 Jam Effects: Nothing else

Underground Trap - Move Classification: Physical Type: Ground Power: 100(Only does damage if pokemon falls for the trap) Acc: -(Always Works) Target: Self Effect: If the pokemon is attacked(works for against both physical and special moves, but not status) on the same turn that this move is used, then the attacker will take damage(calculated by the base power) and make it unable to switch.(Like a combination of Turtonator’s move Shell Trap and mean look) +4 Priority. Because this trap move is ground type move, pokemon that are normally immune to ground type moves are also immune to this attack, just to clarify.
Contest Qualities - Condition: Clever Appeal/Jam: 3 Appeal, 0 Jam Effect: Makes remaining pokemon nervous, giving them a chance(Whatever percentage that is) to not perform that turn
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Before I get to giving Pixflake some moves, let's get in something that is overdue:
The Super Hero Costume

Super Pichu
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 20
Attack: 45
Defense: 15
Sp. Atk: 45
Sp. Def: 35
Speed: 65
BST: 225
Abilities: Air Approach / Hasty(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Pikachu
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 35
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 50
Speed: 95
BST: 340
Abilities: Air Approach / Hasty(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Raichu(Original)
Type: Electric/Flying
Hp: 60
Attack: 110
Defense: 55
Sp. Atk: 80
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 120
BST: 505
Abilities: Air Approach / Defiant(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

Super Raichu(Alolan)
Type: Psychic/Flying
Hp: 60
Attack: 80
Defense: 50
Sp. Atk: 110
Sp. Def: 85
Speed: 120
BST: 505
Abilities: Air Approach / Competitive(Hidden)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace

what does Air Approach do?
do you even know how weather setters work, being bulky is far more reliable than being fast and you need to come in a lot anyway and you can't be worn down quickly, also like you said it lacks reliable stab for offense if you go rain
No, it lacks reliable physical STAB if you go rain. Special sets with rain have Hurricane, Hydro Pump, and Scald.
Also, reminder that the Drizzle 'mon in ORAS OU was Politoed, which has a 90/75/75/90/100/70 stat spread and no access to U-Turn nor reliable recovery. Hydraptor has significantly worse bulk at only 71/74/82, to be sure, but it also has both U-Turn and Roost. Further advantages over Politoed include Taunt, Tailwind, and dual screens. OU's current Drizzle 'mon has a 60/50/100/95/70/65 stat spread. 60/100/70 bulk is significantly better physically, but significantly worse specially. And while Pelipper has both Roost and Tailwind it does not have Taunt nor dual screens. (On the other hand, Pelipper does have Knock Off.) Hydraptor's blazing fast 109 base Speed is also enough that it can U-Turn out of many things to avoid being worn down, though this does mean that its teammates are taking the hits instead. Though that's probably what local Dragon/Water pseudo Serpocir with its 130/105/105 bulk and Hydration is for. (Not that it has a moveset yet, mind you.) There's also Bug/Water Cruisinsect with its 110/99/99 bulk and Hydration.

On an unrelated note, current average base speed among fully-evolved new 'mons + maybe-eviolite-relevant new 'mons (includes all the recent posts Jerrytkrot liked + everything in the spreadsheet + a few others; 79 'mons total): 86.987
Also, my Yurifrost (the only base 106 so far) outspeeds 69.23% of said fully-evolved/eviolite-relevant 'mons so far, which is a number that surprised me with how low it was. Speed stats in this seem to often be very high or very low with little middle ground, so if you have "only" 530 BST and are spending a bunch of it on Speed when still sub-110 and spending a bunch more of it on dual offences you actually end up not accomplishing much.

as in 4x weak? or 3x? Instead of the original 2x of course
Air Approach makes you take 1.5x damage from Rock-type moves. Since you're already 2x weak that means you take 3x damage.

Edit: Current mission: Make an OU-viable 420 BST Bug-type using only pre-existing moves and abilities (including those already added in this mod).
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So sometimes I bemoan the 3 ability limit, so I thought, what if there was a way to add more and then it hit me: Tutors!

Every mon can have between 0 and 2 specific tutorable abilities.

A few examples: Alakazam can be tutored "Specialize" which turns all its attacks and makes them run on Special Stat. Moves still strike the correct defensive stat, so Drain Punch Zam can get through Chansey as can Knock Off Zam.

The opposite ability, Brute force, is available to the Mankey Line, its best application is Overheats that don't have a drawback. Gyarados gets it to, but you'll want one move that's not Special, as nice as it may seem to go DD with some combo of Fireblast, Hurricane, Hydropump, Thunderbolt, Scald or Ice Beam or you'll be Special walled.

Lurantis can enjoy viability as its new Tutor Ability sets up Brambles upon switching in, and the Geodude line? Instant Stealth rocks! (non Alolan, Alolan gets

Not all are brand new ones. Levitating Magnezone is a new way to play with Electric/Steel. Rhyhorn line's two abilities are Dry Skin and Sap Sipper. Lanturn could give Pelipper stiff competition as a Rain Setter. Meanwhile, Sunflora, remember that thing, gets Drought.

Anyways, I thought of a new Terrain: Rocky Terrain.

  • Rocks shoot out of the ground. While harmless, all Pokemon become grounded unless they have TWO forms of ground immunity (shine on Rotom-Fan!)
  • Rock moves do 50% more damage (not stealth rock) and this IGNORES if the Mon is grounded
  • Will clear away all hazards on both sides of the field and prevents anything spinnable from being set.
  • Nature Power becomes Stone Edge
Available mostly to rock and ground or Pokemon with the Rocky Surge Ability (a tutor ability for Nose & Probopasses, as well as Dwebble)

And one other: Toxic Terrain
  • For grounded mons, poison does 50% more damage
  • All grounded mons have their status ailment changed to badly poison at the end of the turn if they're statused (even if you use, say, rest.) This can poison steel types, and is like a free Chesto Berry for poison immune rest users (think Poison Healers)
  • Nature Power becomes Sludge Wave
Some mons learn to set, but some get as a Tutor ability in Toxic Surge: Grimer and Stunky lines are the biggest culprits. Grimer-A wishes it didn't lose access to this although it gets Acid Rain ability, as I explain a page or so ago
Strategic use of Toxic Terrain with the use of Poison Heal and immunity mons means you can have a Rest-happy Snorlax or a Breloom that switches in on other status effects and can hold a better item.
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So sometimes I bemoan the 3 ability limit, so I thought, what if there was a way to add more and then it hit me: Tutors!

Every mon can have between 0 and 2 specific tutorable abilities.

A few examples: Alakazam can be tutored "Specialize" which turns all its attacks and makes them run on Special Stat. Moves still strike the correct defensive stat, so Drain Punch Zam can get through Chansey as can Knock Off Zam.

The opposite ability, Brute force, is available to the Mankey Line, its best application is Overheats that don't have a drawback. Gyarados gets it to, but you'll want one move that's not Special, as nice as it may seem to go DD with some combo of Fireblast, Hurricane, Hydropump, Thunderbolt, Scald or Ice Beam or you'll be Special walled.

Lurantis can enjoy viability as its new Tutor Ability sets up Brambles upon switching in, and the Geodude line? Instant Stealth rocks! (non Alolan, Alolan gets

Not all are brand new ones. Levitating Magnezone is a new way to play with Electric/Steel. Rhyhorn line's two abilities are Dry Skin and Sap Sipper. Lanturn could give Pelipper stiff competition as a Rain Setter. Meanwhile, Sunflora, remember that thing, gets Drought.

Anyways, I thought of a new Terrain: Rocky Terrain.

  • Rocks shoot out of the ground. While harmless, all Pokemon become grounded unless they have TWO forms of ground immunity (shine on Rotom-Fan!)
  • Rock moves do 50% more damage (not stealth rock) and this IGNORES if the Mon is grounded
  • Will clear away all hazards on both sides of the field and prevents anything spinnable from being set.
  • Nature Power becomes Accelerock
Available mostly to rock and ground or Pokemon with the Rocky Surge Ability (a tutor ability for Nose & Probopasses, as well as Dwebble)

And one other: Toxic Terrain
  • For grounded mons, poison does 50% more damage
  • All grounded mons have their status ailment changed to badly poison at the end of the turn if they're statused (even if you use, say, rest.) This can poison steel types, and is like a free Chesto Berry for poison immune rest users (think Poison Healers)
  • Nature Power becomes Sludge Wave
Some mons learn to set, but some get as a Tutor ability in Toxic Surge: Grimer and Stunky lines are the biggest culprits. Grimer-A wishes it didn't lose access to this although it gets Acid Rain ability, as I explain a page or so ago
Strategic use of Toxic Terrain with the use of Poison Heal and immunity mons means you can have a Rest-happy Snorlax or a Breloom that switches in on other status effects and can hold a better item.
Specialize? Are you copying things out of my planner? I was seriously making a Pokemon with specialize as it's ability, and it was even called that :/

Also, why does nature power become Accelerock? It won't get +1 priority, because Nature Power doesn't, so it's basically Rock Tackle...
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