Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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but if the shiny one in fact has its hidden ability im screwed right because he transforms right away before I get an chance to switch. I want to prevent that I chained at least 2000 pokemon already total since getting the shiny charm and not a single shiny yet so i dotn wanna take any chances

wouldnt he strugle itself to dead then?

sorry if i am going to far but I dont wanna risk it killing itself
No it would use transform over and over again, failing each you plenty of time to switch in whatever you were going to use to catch it
Can anybody please borrow me a Togetic on gen 7? IVs and nature doesn't matter, I will only need it for 2 breeding moves :)

edit/ done
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No it would use transform over and over again, failing each you plenty of time to switch in whatever you were going to use to catch it
that also goes for imposter ditto?

finaly does nature even mather for ditto? becaue otherwise it will get insanely complicated because I would need an high level kadabra or something with substitute trick etc
You might want to try a Gengar that only knows Explosion and then switch to a Pokemon with Damp in case you run into a Shiny Imposter.

Looking for Dragon Scale in SuMo. I restarted my game recently so I can't offer anything in return except Leftovers from wild Munchlax in return right now.

I can also breed you a Christmas present after I'm able to get my Pokemon from before restarting back you want.

Edit: Please?
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I don't have much to offer, but does anyone have a HA Abra, HA slowpoke or HA bold Clefable line to spare, been having terrible luck with those 3.

I could trade beast ball Magikarp, beast ball HA rough skin Gible or dive ball HA Mareanie or dive ball HA Vulpix in return, I could also breed love ball comfey with HA if you want for any of those 3.
that also goes for imposter ditto?

finaly does nature even mather for ditto? becaue otherwise it will get insanely complicated because I would need an high level kadabra or something with substitute trick etc
yes and yes you will need the kadabra but its not that complicated. just level it up to like 40 or so. mine had

trick, substitute, psychic and psyshock and held a leppa berry. you can teach it trick with a heart scale which are also easy to come by. not really a lot of work to get a ditto of your dreams. trick the ditto a leppa berry, and in 45 mins youll be past a 40 chain.
Can anybody playing moon help me evolve my Cosmoem in Lunala?
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yes and yes you will need the kadabra but its not that complicated. just level it up to like 40 or so. mine had

trick, substitute, psychic and psyshock and held a leppa berry. you can teach it trick with a heart scale which are also easy to come by. not really a lot of work to get a ditto of your dreams. trick the ditto a leppa berry, and in 45 mins youll be past a 40 chain.
already working on an shiny ditto lol without nature I dont have any high level kadabra or anything and training an pokemon to lvl 40 takes ages

also anyone what would be the best fitting ball for shiny ditto I think dive but I want some more options
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I'm looking for another Lure Ball. I can trade you a Destiny Knot or something for it...
if you still need one I can help you when im done with my current chain but I already used 50 leppa berries and still no shiny ditto:( and its 1 am here so im probatly off to bed hopefully tomorrow I cna help
Hi all. I just hatched a shiny mimikyu and was wondering whether someone could help me level it up to level 100 so that I could fix its defense stat(it's in mid 20's for IVs). I know it's a lot to ask, but would be extremely grateful

what pokebal should I use on the shiny ditto?

edit: nvm something went wrong an he was strugling so my last hope was either gamble on dive ball or use master so i choose to use master

max ivs are hp attack def and speed

mild nature limber ability
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Looking for Dragon Scale in SuMo. I restarted my game recently so I can't offer anything in return except Leftovers from wild Munchlax in return right now.
Rebumping... Please?

I can catch something from the first three islands in an Apricorn Ball if you want. (As long as its not Beldum. Anything but that!)

Edit: I just got an Elrctirizer if anyone wants to trade a Dragon Scale for it.
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Rebumping... Please?

I can catch something from the first three islands in an Apricorn Ball if you want. (As long as its not Beldum. Anything but that!)
I doubt many people have it you get 1 chance a week for horsea which is an 5% chance of having it so its probatly 1 of the most rare items in the game
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