(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

I'm beginning to suspect I hate this game :( not Pokemon, just S/M... For all the reasons stated. I had a friend visit just now and he asked me for my honest input. I tried to sell it, and waxed lyrical about the better story and genuinely funny moments, (although let's be real here Pokemon is never gonna have an actually good story, merely a good story in terms of pokemon games) but every time I spoke about the overall gameplay experiences, and things I was doing... I'd have to mention, for honesty's sake, "oh yeah this was the 5 days I spent picking up things looking for a destiny knot" (still don't have one btw) or "oh yeah no you can totally battle Cynthia and Wally, but I can't because I have no good pokemon yet" or "oh yeah they've changed the mega speed mechanics! Beedrill and Lopunny totally appreciate it but ummm their Megastones aren't obtainable...", then about how most of the good stuff this gen isn't breedable and comes in conjunction with a minor (but painful) overworld Synchroniser nerf...

Not to mention the absolute RANT I had about the experience of connecting to a friend online to trade, in comparison to XYORAS's experience (where I'd made a PSS status about facing the elite 4 in XY, only to have my friends and random strangers send me random O-powers mid-battle, it was a real emotional, memorable power-of-friendship experience, yet in this game I may as well be playing on Mars for all the human contact you make).

Ugh, now I'm reliving it. Yep. Sorry, hate this game. Story, top notch. Pokemon, great (if not wholly competitive and really slow.) Core changes: top marks. Actual experience? Piss poor, given that I spend the first 40 hours of a game on the story and then max out the fucking clock on the stuff that SM has made so unnecessarily awful.
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Synchronise no longer works if the Abra or whatever at the front of the party is fainted. So if you want to do a speed check, and your Synchroniser isn't capable of doing that, then you have to either let it faint or switch manually to a pokemon and then perform a speed check. Alternatively it requires being able to level up/catch various Synchronisers to be capable of speed checking. It's a small thing, but it's still an additional +1 turn on top of every soft reset, which hurts over several hundred resets. I'd have taken it in stride if it wasn't clearly a redundant change with no actual benefit, or if they'd sweetened the deal by making it 100% of the time instead of 50%.

It's just salt in the wound made by a larger problem really.

E: trying to find a source on this, probably somewhere in smogon but all I'm getting from Google is SOS stuff or gamefaqs boards on XY

Edit edit: things still suck just not quite as bad as they did 10 minutes ago
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Yeah, that's just not true. It seems like you heard about the issue with needing a Synchronizer out for when additional 'mons are called by SOS and drew a broader conclusion.
Oh I'd love it if that was the case. Possibly I heard a garbled version of events on reddit; those couple of days before the European release I was hearing a LOT of unverifiable stuff and I wasn't gonna start checking it now in case in ended up being a waste of time.

(You're my favourite person for the next 20 minutes so by all means go ahead and nickname the Celesteela that I'm TOTALLY GONNA SR GIVEN THIS TIMESAVING INFORMATION)
In sun/moon, if you don't get lucky with Pickup by randomly finding a destiny knot, the amount of crap and frustration you have to endure as you very slowly acquire BP with your crappy in game team in just ridiculous.
I'm docking a full point for that but the game still gets a solid 7.5/10.
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Gotta be honest awesome as the alolan pokemon concept is, it's a shame they never go crazy with it outside of designs and typings.
All their stats deviate only very slightly from the normal forms (and in quite a few cases don't deviate at all), and most of the time the abilities aren't different or are just the same ability but adjusted for the alolan form (ie ninetales has the ability that summons sunny day so alolan ninetales has the ability to summon hail)

I'm not saying they all have to be ridiculously different - hell, for some of them like Ninetales just being the same but adjusted slightly for the new typing makes sense - but something like alolan exeggutor minimizing it's special attack to get a huge attack stat or whatever would have been awesome to match it's crazy design, and it's really disappointing that something has bizarre as that design and type change gets... very meh and unimpressive abilities. Not even looking for anything good, just something fitting. I dunno, it's just disappointing seeing a design that deviates so much from the original like Alolan Exeggutor... barely differ at all in terms of battle. Literally the only stat change it has from normal is -10 speed for +10 attack, how do you go through such an extreme change aesthetically yet barely change at all in reality?


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Pretty much all of S/M's biggest post-game grinding flaws could've been alleviated to an extent if Bank was updated along with the release of Gen VII, instead of sitting outdated for several months after release; would be much easier to gather up Battle Tree items and kickstart breeding/training if we could use our trained up mons and 6 IV Dittos from XY/ORAS.

It doesn't make it any less excusable, especially for the poor souls starting off in Gen VII or who don't use Bank, but at least the problems wouldn't be quite as obnoxious if we had Bank support from the get-go.
I'm pretty sure preventing people from trading up all their perfectly-bred Pokemon from previous gens was literally the point of their delaying bank compatibility with S/M.
Even though for competitions those are banned anyway?

Pretty much all of S/M's biggest post-game grinding flaws could've been alleviated to an extent if Bank was updated along with the release of Gen VII, instead of sitting outdated for several months after release; would be much easier to gather up Battle Tree items and kickstart breeding/training if we could use our trained up mons and 6 IV Dittos from XY/ORAS.

It doesn't make it any less excusable, especially for the poor souls starting off in Gen VII or who don't use Bank, but at least the problems wouldn't be quite as obnoxious if we had Bank support from the get-go.
The biggest problem to me right now is that there's nowhere to grind. Oh sure the Destiny Knot is a bitch to get, but at least that's a one-time problem - as soon as you've got it, problem over; problem solved. Nowhere to level up well (and furthermore, nowhere to get to level 100 well for bottle caps) is a problem that will plague the game permamently until the next game proves to (hopefully) have a decent way to do so.
Even though gen vi did a lot of things right to make competitive Pokemon easy to obtain it also had an easy mode at the Battle Maison to grind early points with which you could beat with your in-game team. Even something like that would've made getting through the early stages of breeding/Battle Tree more bearable.
The Battle Royale can help with that. As long as the AI does not gang up on you, you can even win Master Rank battles even with your in-game team.

That's how I got the Destiny Knot.
On a funny note, it annoys me a little that people prefer Tapu lele in a love ball due the matching color schemes, yet her black and pink colors look so fucking good with the timer ball animation effects.

Are people just putting Pokémon on balls that match their colors, or actually matching the colors to the pallette of the ball effect?

I don't know, it just feels right to have timer ball Tapu Lele.

On a small side note, I freaking miss ball seals.
The biggest problem to me right now is that there's nowhere to grind. Oh sure the Destiny Knot is a bitch to get, but at least that's a one-time problem - as soon as you've got it, problem over; problem solved. Nowhere to level up well (and furthermore, nowhere to get to level 100 well for bottle caps) is a problem that will plague the game permamently until the next game proves to (hopefully) have a decent way to do so.
To be honest, that feels like most games. We got lucky with ORAS having that cheesy way to level (that I'm certain Gamefreak wasn't expecting and may not even be aware of). If they just threw in a good repeatable location for Audino or Chansey or something that would actually be ideal.
To be honest, that feels like most games. We got lucky with ORAS having that cheesy way to level (that I'm certain Gamefreak wasn't expecting and may not even be aware of). If they just threw in a good repeatable location for Audino or Chansey or something that would actually be ideal.
Or just have Restaurant Le Wow back...


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Pokeride Radio: Yeah, that's another reason why I don't use Poke Rides as much as I wanted to. I guess its alright for Tauros Charge (though I still prefer the bike which automatically gave you a speed boost without needing to hold down B) since the bike also change the music (though I find the bike themes more general & upbeat than how obnoxious the Poke Ride music can get), but when solving a puzzle like in the Ruins, which have nice and mystical ambient music, needing to use a PokeRide and switching to that music breaks immersion. Thankfully at some important points in the game they disable the PokeRide music (and, like with the bike, if you exit an area it returns to default music).
Maybe for future biking/surfing/Poke Riding they should instead add a subtle layer to the music instead of changing the entire theme, like what they did in Mario Sunshine with Yoshi. Or at the very least give us an option to turn off the music.
EDIT: Oh, you CAN turn it off? And its via Festival Plaza. What a cryptic way of doing it.

Innovation Sake: That what it comes down to (as well as a bit of Winner's Curse/Mindset). It's why well liked features from past games are shoved aside, the new toys are given such a big push, and the recycle repeats next gen. GF is so focused on making new mechanics that they're making the games feel a bit bloated with options but limiting the depth of these options. GF, instead of expanding on quantity of features, how about quality? More Mega Evos, and not just of the popular Pokemon. More special Z-Moves, and not just for Gen I Pokemon. Keep the idea of variant forms and maybe introduce a few new ones each generation (and also don't keep it to Gen I Pokemon).
Yes, a franchise has to evolve in order to survive, but there does come to a point where constantly changing things can hurt. Festival Plaza feels clunky, they tried combining Join Avenue and the PSS but entirely missed the point of both. Join Avenue was a mall you can customize to easily serve your needs, and the more you used these services or sent people to check them out they upgraded. PSS was a simple system for players to communicate with one another, and that's all it needed to be and player's wanted. But Festival Plaza is a mess, not only are certain shops locked to certain versions but you can't upgrade them, either Sophocles or one of the trainer avatars may randomly give you the upgraded shop you want. And these are player avatars, not the players themselves you're interacting with. PSS showed you players who were playing the game right now you could tap on and ask to trade, battle, or give an O-Power to. But Festival Plaza it feels you're just dealing with a robot and either get FP from or order a shop/clothes they have.

Customization Woes: Okay, so looks like they did a better job with giving the male character as many clothing options as the female. Great!... so of course they needed to do something to mess it up: Version exclusive clothing.
And I'm not just talking about special clothing items, color is also version exclusive! And if you want a certain clothing, be it special or color, you have to hope one of the avatars in the Festival Plaza is wearing it or your dye shop provides the option.
Okay, for the special shirts I sort of get it, but for colors? Really? Without a trainer avatar wearing it or a dye shop, if you bought Moon/Sun version you can't wear red, yellow, orange, or pink/blue, purple, green, and grey? Why not? Also, why fill up your closet with all these palette swaps? Why not just let us choose a style and then color?
Also, despite having NPCs with wild hair colors like blue and red, we're still only limited to natural and semi-natural hair colors. *sigh*
Do we really need all this complications for customization? Is it wrong if I want to make my playable character look the way I want them too as long as its within what was programmed into the game?

Destiny Knot/Everstone: Maybe for now on they should just have someone in the Daycare give you those items as that's what you're going to use them for anyway.
"Hey trainer! I hope you let us help you raise a strong team of Pokemon. By the way, I want you to have these *gives Destiny Knot and Everstone*. If the Pokemon holding the Destiny Knot becomes infatuated, so does the Pokemon its attracted to. Everstone prevents a Pokemon holding it from evolving. However they have use in breeding too! Destiny Knot will pass down five stat's IVs from the parent holding it. Everstone has a 50% chance of passing down the Nature of the parent holding it. If you ever want to know what these items do again, just ask."

So here's a list of fixes GF can do (or we want to see them do):
1. Have the Evolution Stone shop sell all the evolution stones, no restrictions. Should be placed mid-early in the game to give the players a choice to evolve now for a power boost or hold off to learn more powerful moves.
2. All evolutions items, or at least ones Pokemon in the regional dex need, should be made available around the point where the player would be evolving their Pokemon who evolve by level to their final stages. These items should either be visible Pokeballs on the ground or given by an NPC as soon talked with/battled. Every single evo items, including additional ones you get in-game, can be bought in the BP shop for a reasonable (low) amount of BP (maybe as much as two streaks through the Battle Facility?).
2+. Areas for area based evolutions should also be located around the point your evolving Pokemon to their final stage. Maybe have multiple locations that can qualify.
3. Vitamins and Rare Candies should be really cheap (like one streak is enouhg to buy 3) at the BP shop (if BP Shop can be accessed during main story these options should be locked until post game).
4. Sell the Apricorn Pokeballs. Either sell them like other special Poke Balls or have a Poke Ball shop.
5. Option to turn off Biking/Surfing/Poke Riding music (and have it where its easy to find). Maybe change it to just an additional music layer.
6. More focus on established mechanics. Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves, Region Variants, even certain battling strategies (weather, entry hazards, rooms/terrain, specific moves & Abilities).
6+. Bring back & keep popular mechanics/features like DexNav, Habitat Lists, VS Seeker, Horde Battles, and Inverse Battles.
7. Mega Stones for Pokemon found in main game should be available like the Evo Items (and the ability to Mega Evolve). All other Mega Stones are made available in the post game (how can be up to debate).
8. Ditch SOS Battles, or keep them contained to either specific bosses, Pokemon, or using the Adrenaline Orb. Also let us catch Pokemon in the Double/Triple/Horde/SOS battle even if there's another Pokemon; just have the caught Pokemon sent to the PC.
9. Put in a better fishing so we're not getting Magikarp 99% of the time. If GF wants to stick with one fishing rod how about different kind of lures and/or baits.
10. Player-to-player interaction should be kept simple. PSS and not Festival Plaza.
10+. On th GTS let us (1.) see any items the Pokemon is holding and (2.) let us ask for the Pokemon to be holding an item. Would make Trade Evolutions a bit easier. And no, it wouldn't create more trolling, instead all the trolls would just have a new toy instead of asking for Legendaries or ridiculous levels
11. High level post game locations for you to level-up at (either wild or trainer battles). Also Hyper Training shouldn't require your Pokemon being level 100.
12. Customization should be player friendly. Pick a style, pick a color. No making colors version exclusive.
13. Pokemon Bank should have been available at launch.

And feel free to add to it.
Okay, here's something:

Does GameFreak have any playtesters? Like, at all?

I'm pretty sure so much of this could have been caught and corrected had they run them by some folks.
Well, the big deal is that they must not have had many people that played the previous games on the committees. The playtesters' jobs are only to make sure there's no major bugs in the game. This requires them to actually take massive input from the community at all times and assemble it to make sure they got the best thing.
This requires them to actually take massive input from the community at all times and assemble it to make sure they got the best thing.
The "best thing" was unequivocally the PSS and they sure as hell didn't assemble that :/

It's mind boggling. Surely they are aware of just how *defining* the PSS was? It (or variations on it) should be a series staple, a la the Pokedex. Pre-ORAS I assumed they'd ditch it, because, y'know, it's gamefreak, but to carry it over into ORAS WHILE also building another key feature on top of (as opposed to replacing it, cough, rotom), I felt that someone up there must have been aware they were onto a great thing. Clearly they either had the minority vote this time around, or I'm wrong, and nobody had any idea what they'd had their hands on.

Bah. It was probably scrapped by the same person who decided that the National Dex was superfluous with Bank in tow.

God I hate this game *seethes ineffectually*
Plus, let's be honest, the major complaints we're having are mostly with multiplayer - the Festival Plaza and aftergame grinding. Playtesters would mostly just be checking in-game, and at most checking to see if the multiplayer functions. I can't exactly see a playtester bringing up that the Destiny Knot is too expensive or that there's nowhere to grind in the aftergame; these are only complaints that would come about from a player that has been playing for quite a bit and wants to get into the multiplayer aspects.
Plus, let's be honest, the major complaints we're having are mostly with multiplayer - the Festival Plaza and aftergame grinding. Playtesters would mostly just be checking in-game, and at most checking to see if the multiplayer functions. I can't exactly see a playtester bringing up that the Destiny Knot is too expensive or that there's nowhere to grind in the aftergame; these are only complaints that would come about from a player that has been playing for quite a bit and wants to get into the multiplayer aspects.
Fair point, certainly. But for a game that emphasizes multiplayer aspects as much as Pokemon does, don't you think it might be a good idea to seek some input on that?
Fair point, certainly. But for a game that emphasizes multiplayer aspects as much as Pokemon does, don't you think it might be a good idea to seek some input on that?
Perhaps, but if you're not in a real situation where there's a lot of people playing the game at the same time as you and you're actively trading and battling... it's difficult to understand.

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