Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for Power Items and Destiny Knot in S/M. I can trade a Friend Ball Snivy, Dive Ball Oshawott, Moon Ball Deino, Luxury Ball Cyndaquil, Luxury Ball Tepig, Great Ball Totodile, and a Nest Ball Chikorita for all items. PM me to work something out.

Edit: Also looking for Moon/Love Ball Eevee.

Still looking.
Hey I'm wondering if someone can save me some time and has a 3-5 max iv feebas or growlithe breeding reject, or even modest/timid nature respectively. I can offer 4 iv mudsbray or gastly or the gsc special balls.
I think I have some spare morning sun growlithes if you are still looking for them, quick ball though.
I'm looking for a female regenerator mareanie probably a breeding reject and Harvest exeggcute, I can offer bred popplios,pichus or meowths with foul play, parting shot.
If you still need one, I have some female Mareanies to spare, I'd like a Popplio in return if that's okay. PM me so I get an email notification since I don't always have a Smogon forum tab open.
LF: Timid Tapu Koko & Bold Tapu Fini
FT: BR Adamant Kartana, BR Timid Xurkitree with HP Ice & a few other BRs (Decidueye, Persian, Arcanine, A-Marowak, Garchomp, Mimikyu,...)
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I'm not fussed about the nature because this isn't for a competitive team, my Pheromosa's natures are: Timid/ Naughty and Calm. You can give me any Buzzwole for any of my Pheromosas.
How do you get a Level 1 Klefki with Recycle?
I think the move reminder can teach your Pokemon any moves in its level up moveset (Klefki gets Recycle at level 40), so you can just breed one, hatch the egg, and go to the move reminder to relearn it.
So, I dunno if this is a long shot or not, but if anyone here with Sun is willing to spare one of their four Kartanas, I have an extra Pheromosa I'm looking to trade off. I am looking for a competitively viable nature however, and I am giving a viable Phero in return.

Also looking to touch trade for Buzzwole. I've got the Moon UBs (and every other Moon exclusive Mon), so there's that.

I'm searching for a Sandygast with its HA, preferable in a Ultraball.

Since I'm just starting to breed I don't have much to offer but I hope someone has a spare one.
I can breed the IV and egg moves myself but I'm tired of chaining that thing...
LF: Rash and Sassy natured sycro's. FT: Abra with other syncro nature.

Also have pokerus if needed. Please post on my profile if interested.

Edit: Helped
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Looking for 2-3 defense reduction berries (Ganlon?) - can offer synchronise abras (rash naive sassy relaxed naughty brave) or something else in exchange, just let me know.
Looking for 2-3 defense reduction berries (Ganlon?) - can offer synchronise abras (rash naive sassy relaxed naughty brave) or something else in exchange, just let me know.
thats qualot, when im back home from work i can give you a full set of ev reducing berries so you make your small farm of them, they are so freaking useful.
thats qualot, when im back home from work i can give you a full set of ev reducing berries so you make your small farm of them, they are so freaking useful.

That'd be amazing, when will you be back? And yeah it's definitely qualot I was thinking of, think the others I'm lacking are pomeg and Greta. I unfortunately overly EVd Magearna in def so I'm trying to correct it before levelling it up but these berries seem to be the only way to correct mistakes right now.
Looking for a Naive Pheromosa specifically, for use in the Battle Tree.
I have a Jolly one to offer. If that won't do, I have a few shinies caught in Gen 7.
Hey new to breeding but quick question. If I breed a male HA Pichu with a ditto does the HA get passed down?
Hidden Abilities will have a chance of passing down if bred with a Ditto, regardless of gender. :)

EDIT: Need to evolve to Pikachu to breed.
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