Arceus-Fairy [QC 0/3]

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  • Well rounded stats with no disadvantage as an Arceus form.
  • Good typing both in defense, resisting common types such as dark and fighting as well as being immune to dragon, and in offense where it's super effective against the three mentioned as well as a good neutral coverage.
  • Expansive movepool that makes it hard to be predicted.
  • Ability to set up Stealth Rock and the ability to beat common Defoggers and Magic Bounce users.
  • Ability to counter major threats such as Mega-Salamence, Rayquaza, Arceus, Pheromosa and Yveltal.
  • Nerf due to new Uber Solgadeo and other new steel type pokemon such as Magearna and Celesteela, nerf on Darkrai and soul dew.
  • Easily trapped by Mega-Gengar when unhealthy, however, some variants of Arceus-Fairy can hit Gengar with Earth Power on the turn it switches in.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Recover
move 2: Defog
move 3: Judgement
move 4: Will-o-wisp/Toxic
item: Pixie-Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 56 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


  • Judgement allows it to force Mega-Salamence out as well as dealing decent damage.
  • Will-o-wisp cripples other physical attackers like Solgadeo, while Toxic gives it ability to slowly bring down support Arceus formes and Ho-Oh.
  • Recover makes Arceus-Fairy able to stay healthy throughout the match.
  • Defog gives it ability to clean entry hazards.

Set Details
  • Full HP and a close maximum Def investment maximizes its ability to take physical attacks.
  • The 56 EV on Spe make sure that it can outspeed common 90 base pokemon.
  • Pixie Plate gives Judgment a power boost as well as turning it into fairy type move.

Usage Tips
  • Great bulk and decent typing makes Arceus-Fairy a universal stop to most physical attackers, as well as giving it a lot of chance to defog without taking too much damage, so get the entry hazards out whenever you have the chance.
  • Although uninvested, it is also fairly bulky on the special side, making it capable of dealing with mixed attackers such as Pheromosa and Landorus.
  • It can also burn Genesect, Solgadeo and Mega-Lucario when you have no other counters against them.
Team Options
  • Ho-Oh, Lugia, Lunala and focus sash users appreciates the ability Arceus-Fairy has to remove entry hazards.
  • Ho-Oh and Primal-Groudon can help Arceus-Fairy deal with Steel types.
  • Tyranitar can help Arceus-Fairy remove Mega-Gengar using Pursuit as well as checking Ho-Oh.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Recover
move 2: Calm Mind
move 3: Judgement
move 4: Earth Power
item: Pixie-Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


  • Judgement is the strongest STAB move Arceus-Fairy can have.
  • Calm Mind allows Arceus-Fairy to work as a win condition.
  • Recover makes Arceus-Fairy able to stay healthy throughout the match.
  • Earth Power hits all fairy resisting types with super effective damage, making Arceus-Fairy much harder to block.

Set Details
  • 252 Spe along with a timid nature allows it to speed tie with other max speed Arceus forms and Mega-Salamence.
  • 248 HP invested increases its bulk overall, giving it more chances to set up as well as pivoting.
  • The 8 EV on special attack make sure that it can OHKO Mega-Salamence that has not invested in special bulk.
  • Pixie Plate gives Judgment a power boost as well as turning it into fairy type move.

Usage Tips
  • Great natural bulk and decent typing makes Arceus-Fairy able to easily switch into attacks that it resists, giving it a lot of chances to set up/hit opponent hard.
  • It is necessary to keep its health above 78% because this is the maximum damage of Sunsteel strike from neutral nature Solgadeo.
  • It is extremely useful to set up Stealth rock before sweeping as it allows defensive Primal-Groudon to be 2hko'd by +1 earth power as well as limiting the times Ho-Oh can switch in against this set.

Team Options
  • Dialga and Ferrothorn are great teammates that provides entry hazards support for Arceus-Fairy as well as taking poison moves easily.
  • Primal-Groudon can deal with opponents' steel type pokemon as well as setting up Stealth Rock.
  • Tyranitar can help Arceus-Fairy remove Mega-Gengar using Pursuit as well as checking Ho-Oh.

name: Offensive Utility
move 1: Defog/Stealth Rock
move 2: Judgement
move 3: Earth Power/Recover
move 4: Stone Edge/Recover
item: Pixie-Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


  • Judgement allows it deal massive damage to anything that is not resisting it.
  • Earth Power hit most pokemon that resist judgement with super effective damage.
  • Recover makes Arceus-Fairy able to stay healthy throughout the match.
  • Stone Edge can also be an alternative to hit Ho-Oh, one of the most common switch-in for Arceus-Fairy for quadruple damage.
  • Defog gives it ability to clean entry hazards, while Stealth Rock can be used due to its ability to beat common Defoggers and Magic Bounce users.

Set Details
  • Full Spa and Spe investment along with a Timid nature pared with its high base stats gives it ability to hit most things hard as well as being able to speed tie with Mega-Salamence and other max speed Arceus Formes.
  • 4 Def investment avoids Genesect from getting attack boost.
  • Pixie Plate gives Judgment a power boost as well as turning it into fairy type move.

Usage Tips
  • Arceus-Fairy is normally considered a more defensive pokemon, therefore an powerful coverage move often catches the common switch in pokemons off guard.
  • It can be used to double switch on threats that it counter due to its decent ability to take hits and instant recovery when the prediction fails.
  • Arceus-Fairy can force a big proportion of the ladder out, therefore it should be used to set Stealth rock/clean the entry hazards as soon as possible.

Team Options
  • Ho-Oh is a great teammate of Arceus-Fairy due to its ability to deal with Solgadeo, Blissey, specially defensive Primal-Groudon and Clefable, in return, Arceus-Fairy can clean the rocks so Ho-Oh can safely switch in.
  • Primal-Groudon can also beat common counters of Arceus-Fairy, and its moveslot for Stealth Rock can now be used for other moves such as Swords Dance or Rock Polish.
  • Tyranitar can help Arceus-Fairy remove Mega-Gengar using Pursuit as well as being a more reliable answer to Ho-Oh.

Other Options
  • Although Dark Void had been nerfed, Arceus-Fairy can still run Magic Coat in order to bounce back certain moves such as Spikes and Toxic.
  • It can also run a Calm Mind + Iron Defense set, but lack of coverage and more passive EV distribution will make it have harder times dealing with Ho-Oh and Primal-Groudon.
  • Toxic can be another option to wear down pokemon that Arceus-Fairy cannot deal with.
Checks and Counters

**Mega Gengar**: Mega Gengar is able to trap Arceus-Fairy and deal significant damage to it with its Poison-type STAB moves. Arceus-Fairy can potentially knock it out with Earth Power, but Mega Gengar also has access to Destiny Bond to force a trade.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon resists Arceus-Fairy’s Judgment and can inflict it with status, set Stealth Rock, or set up.

**Ho-Oh**: If Arceus-Fairy lacks Stone Edge, Ho-Oh is able to comfortably switch into any of its moves, although Toxic is still punishing.

**Primal Kyogre**: Although it may lose against Arceus-Fairy in a calm mind war, Primal Kyogre have a strong special bulk that takes everything Arceus-Fairy throws at it, and can easily heal toxic affect with rest.

**Steel Types**: Both offensive and defensive steel types can easily take most attacks of Arceus-Fairy, while most of them are not vulnerable to status moves due to the nerf on damage for burn. The former, such as Mega-Lucario, Solgadeo, Mega-Scizor and Magearna can hit back with super effective STAB moves while the latter, such as Skarmory, Klefki and Celesteela can cripple it via toxic, leech seed or set up entry hazards.
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This needs a lot of work as the skeleton is missing a lot of important stuff. Even whats written is pretty short and there is almost no mention of how Arceus-Fairy functions in SM except that Solgaleo is a threat. There's no mention of Magearna and Celesteela. Both of these can easily pressure Arceus-Fairy. Also no mention of Pheromosa and how Arceus-Fairy can deal with it.

In the physically defensive set there's Will-o-wisp in it which is not viable on Arceus-Fairy. Toxic is what needs to be added there as without it there's no way of pressuring Ho-oh, support Arceus etc. Evs are also messed up.

Lots of sections are short and missing important stuff such as Overview, set details, team options and usage tips.

For now, there's a lot of work to be done on this and it's gonna take lot of time for QC to get this analysis where it has to be, so I don't think it's worth it.

QC Rejected: 1/3
This needs a lot of work as the skeleton is missing a lot of important stuff. Even whats written is pretty short and there is almost no mention of how Arceus-Fairy functions in SM except that Solgaleo is a threat. There's no mention of Magearna and Celesteela. Both of these can easily pressure Arceus-Fairy. Also no mention of Pheromosa and how Arceus-Fairy can deal with it.

In the physically defensive set there's Will-o-wisp in it which is not viable on Arceus-Fairy. Toxic is what needs to be added there as without it there's no way of pressuring Ho-oh, support Arceus etc. Evs are also messed up.

Lots of sections are short and missing important stuff such as Overview, set details, team options and usage tips.

For now, there's a lot of work to be done on this and it's gonna take lot of time for QC to get this analysis where it has to be, so I don't think it's worth it.

QC Rejected: 1/3
k... ill work on it more and try
In the physically defensive set there's Will-o-wisp in it which is not viable on Arceus-Fairy. Toxic is what needs to be added there as without it there's no way of pressuring Ho-oh, support Arceus etc. Evs are also messed up.
But this part is really like usage based. 75% of this set uses will-o-wisp while toxic has lower than 25% usage. Is it possible for u to explain to me why will-o-wisp is not viable on arceus-fairy?
QC Rejected: 2/3

The first set just isn't acceptable and I doubt I'd ever run Defog on this Pokemon since it matches up poorly against pretty much every SR and Spikes setter.

Rest of the skeleton isn't in the best of shape either.
QC Rejected: 2/3

The first set just isn't acceptable and I doubt I'd ever run Defog on this Pokemon since it matches up poorly against pretty much every SR and Spikes setter.

Rest of the skeleton isn't in the best of shape either.
The first set came from usage rate in the 1700s, where defog has a 100% usage. Idk why you consider it unacceptable. I respect your decision, but please tell me the reason. Just because it matches poorly against groudon and steel type spike setters doesnt mean it cannot switch in when possible to defog.
The first set came from usage rate in the 1700s, where defog has a 100% usage. Idk why you consider it unacceptable. I respect your decision, but please tell me the reason. Just because it matches poorly against groudon and steel type spike setters doesnt mean it cannot switch in when possible to defog.
Even though I'm not QC, I might be able to weigh in on this. I don't have the most experience with Ubers, though, so these points may or may not be valid.
  1. The 1600s, and not the 1700s, are the usage stats that most things are based on, as that gives a much better representation of the overall metagame.
  2. These sets are not meant to represent what is used, but what should be used. It doesn't matter if everyone on the Ubers ladder runs Metal Claw on their Dialga (which hopefully no one does, but it's a hypothetical example); Metal Claw is outclassed by Flash Cannon in every respect, so the person who would be writing its analysis would put Flash Cannon on its moveset and leave Metal Claw out entirely, despite the disparity in usage stats.
  3. Arceus-Fairy can certainly switch into Groudon and Steel-type hazard setters to get off a Defog. The only problem is that the latter will be able to deal hefty damage to the former, while the former cannot do much to the latter. After Arceus-Fairy is ultimately knocked out, they can go right back to setting up hazards, and you now have hazards on your field and a lost hazard clearer.
This may or may not be what Minority had in mind when he (or she, idk anyone's gender here) made his (or her) decision, but it is how I would view the whole thing. Do take it with a grain of salt though, for as I stated earlier, I am not the most knowledgeable of the metagame.
Usage isn't an argument for viability. If this wasn't already obvious, consider that right now for 1760 stats Solgaleo has higher usage than Mega Gengar and Ho-Oh combined.

Defog Arceus-Fairy isn't a good Pokemon. It matches up poorly against every SR setter except for Tyranitar, which can still Toxic you. It also fears Spike setters. Defog Arceus-Fairy has room for only one filler move (Recover + Judgment are mandatory in this case), which means you're losing hard to Ho-Oh or P Don or Mega Gengar or Steels. Realistically, I don't know how you justify Defog Arceus-Fairy on a solid team, but maybe someone who has worked out all the challenges of such a set can present a sensible team and prove me wrong. Until then I stand by my rejection.
Even though I'm not QC, I might be able to weigh in on this. I don't have the most experience with Ubers, though, so these points may or may not be valid.
  1. The 1600s, and not the 1700s, are the usage stats that most things are based on, as that gives a much better representation of the overall metagame.
  2. These sets are not meant to represent what is used, but what should be used. It doesn't matter if everyone on the Ubers ladder runs Metal Claw on their Dialga (which hopefully no one does, but it's a hypothetical example); Metal Claw is outclassed by Flash Cannon in every respect, so the person who would be writing its analysis would put Flash Cannon on its moveset and leave Metal Claw out entirely, despite the disparity in usage stats.
  3. Arceus-Fairy can certainly switch into Groudon and Steel-type hazard setters to get off a Defog. The only problem is that the latter will be able to deal hefty damage to the former, while the former cannot do much to the latter. After Arceus-Fairy is ultimately knocked out, they can go right back to setting up hazards, and you now have hazards on your field and a lost hazard clearer.
This may or may not be what Minority had in mind when he (or she, idk anyone's gender here) made his (or her) decision, but it is how I would view the whole thing. Do take it with a grain of salt though, for as I stated earlier, I am not the most knowledgeable of the metagame.
thank you for telling me that, it makes more sense to me now
QC Rejected: 3/3

Defog set is unviable and its inclusion as the first set indicates insufficient metagame knowledge to properly write about this Pokemon. Overview and set Usage Tips are bare bones and do not give a clear picture of Arceus-Fairy's place in the metagame. Lacking in information overall which further indicates insufficient usage of the subject Pokemon to write about it.

I think the biggest tip I could give you going forward is that you should never base set listings off ladder stats. It's generally common knowledge that the ladder does not reflect what works at a high level of play, and SM is so young that ladder stats are liable to go through fluctuations in the future anyway. If you are unsure of any sets to include, I would welcome you (and anyone else) to PM a QC member asking for opinions - just remember that our job is not to proxy write the analysis for you.

Better luck next time man.
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