Christian's Pokémon Paradise [Lock please]

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Hi, I´m interested in Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini.
I can offer you some BRs, which I breed myself.
Decidueye (Careful & Jolly), Incineroar (Adamant), Primarina (Modest), Persian (Timid), Arcanine (Adamant), Lycanroc (both with Jolly), A-Marowak (Adamant), Bewear (Adamant), Komala (Careful), A-Golem (Adamant), Garchomp (Jolly), Mimikyu (Adamant & Jolly), A-Ninetales (Timid).
If you want to have more information about specific Pokémon feel free to ask.
Hi, I´m interested in Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini.
I can offer you some BRs, which I breed myself.
Decidueye (Careful & Jolly), Incineroar (Adamant), Primarina (Modest), Persian (Timid), Arcanine (Adamant), Lycanroc (both with Jolly), A-Marowak (Adamant), Bewear (Adamant), Komala (Careful), A-Golem (Adamant), Garchomp (Jolly), Mimikyu (Adamant & Jolly), A-Ninetales (Timid).
If you want to have more information about specific Pokémon feel free to ask.
Hi, can you give me detailed info about Persian and Komala?

Unowninator: Heading to the plaza now
Persian | Luxury Ball | Fur Coat | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 228 HP 30 Def 252 Spe | Foul Play, Parting Shot, Taunt, Toxic
Komala | Heavy Ball | Comatose | Careful | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | 250 HP 8 Def 252 SpD | Sucker Punch, Return, Wish, Bulk Up
Persian | Luxury Ball | Fur Coat | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 228 HP 30 Def 252 Spe | Foul Play, Parting Shot, Taunt, Toxic
Komala | Heavy Ball | Comatose | Careful | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | 250 HP 8 Def 252 SpD | Sucker Punch, Return, Wish, Bulk Up
I'm interested! Can you trade in 15/20 mins?
Can I please keep the Electabuzz, Bruxish & Drampa?
I need them for breeding, but I can clone them and trade you a copy.
Say, I checked the IVs of those breeding Pokemon, and they're all terrible. The only thing w/ 2 perfect IVs is your Garchomp. Wouldn't it be easier to breed their eggs? (Assuming you have a Ditto)

Edit: Thank you so much. :)
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