Tournament Sun/Moon Doubles OU Kickoff! [won by Nido-Rus]

Calling act. It's been 3 hours of the proposed times he wanted to play LOL he said he was free from like 7-11pm his time and atm 3 hours + deadline has passed. Have finals tomorrow and have a paper due at midnight that I haven't started so peace out.
Sorry everyone, I honestly thought that I made the deadline Monday night. Anyway, on to the next round!
Activity Calls
Electrica vs Haruno - Electrica missed the scheduled time and Haruno called for activity. Haruno advances.
Checkmater vs Nido-Rus - Scheduling has been difficult because of timezones but it seems like the match will be played, extension granted
Paraplegic vs GenOne - Paraplegic missed the scheduled time and GenOne called for activty. GenOne advances.
Matt vs Lolk - Lolk needs to learn to start scheduling games before Friday, but Matt hasn't been on forums since Friday and Lolk at least made an attempt. Lolk advances.

Round 3
DaAwesomeDude1 vs n1n1
Haruno vs (Checkmater vs Nido-Rus)
Koekiekoekje vs nvakna
Laga vs ClaimingRobin
MajorBowman vs KyleCole
Elise vs Matame
vs GenOne
Pastelle vs Flame Road

Deadline is Sunday, December 25th at 11:59pm EST
Extension deadline is Thursday, December 22nd at 11:59pm EST
Replays are required!
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Why is eevium Z banned is this a joke or is this serious? its not even a rule in the pokemon showdown doubles ou tier itself?
and you cant just ban things because you dont like the sight of it we also accepted matame as a participant of this tour
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Do you also know the reason for the ban? If the eevium z strategy is too brokenly powerful to handle i'd agree with such a ban but i doubt that really was the reason.
Okay so 'EV-pass' is just a mixture of level 51 and davilaivancarlos strats that is very easy to pull off i understand why it got banned now.

Level 51 edit: hi mr koekikeiojkeokokoeijke, can you please not compare me to davilaivalvialvalaivlavialva thank you
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