Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Before I got to the effort of soft resetting for one I was wondering if there's any interest in an Adamant Solgaleo in a Heavy Ball around these parts? Really want a good IV foreign Ditto (like everyone else around here no doubt).
If you still need the 0 speed Ditto, I'm willing to give you a clone of mine for a HA Mareanie, nature and IVs doesn't matter, but I'd prefer if it's female. I chained the ditto myself, it's rash nature and has the IVs 31/31/31/X/31/0.

Thats awesome! I'll add your FC. I am GMT so am on from now.
Cheers :)

Edit; thank you
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Serious but i can try to find a seed with a different nature if you want me to
Adamant or timid would be ideal. Those are the two natures of mine. If you could do that, it would be awesome!

Searching for a 0 speed iv ditto. Other ivs and nature don't matter. I can offer rough skin gible, rejects of wide guard wingull, wide guard/tailwind aerodactly, or encore/disable/moonblast/freeze dry vulpix, nasty plot pichu, magic guard abra, and I can make hidden ability maranie, grimer, or sandshrew.
Still looking for a 0 speed ditto in sun/moon. I have some 4iv ditto too.

mod edit: Don't double post
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I have silvally i can trade. Let me trade with another person first though
Thanks! I need to fill both my Sun/Moon dex, so I will trade my Cosmog to you and end the trade, after I complete dex for my other game (will only take a few minute), I will trade you again and return your Silvally to you.

Edit: Tell me when you are ready! FC: 1032 1270 0333
Looking for anyone with Moon version who can catch a wild Petilil with Chlorophyl ability in a Premier Ball, since I'm unable to catch one myself. Nature and IVs don't matter. PM me if you have one. Can give you something for it in return but since I have quite a lot now, that list will be kinda long.
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I’ve got a number of questions about Gen 7 mechanics

Has the time machine method returned? And have the breeding mechanics in general changed?
Is soft-resetting for perfect IVs still a thing? Is an updated version of Buckert’s guide available yet?
Do synchronisers work for events? I heard a rumour.
Am I right in saying SV hatching is still a thing?
A question re: Hyper Training, specifically the speed IV – does this need to be naturally 31 to ensure speed ties are won?
Are there any legitimate Dittos available yet?
My Solgaleo is Lonely with HP Ground and 4 Perfect IVs. Was that a good keep? I'm not particularly bothered as I thought it was pleasantly good for the third reset given that I didnt want to put much time into it.
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Looking for anyone with Moon version who can catch a wild Petilil with Chlorophyl ability in a Premier Ball, since I'm unable to catch one myself. Nature and IVs don't matter. PM me if you have one. Can give you something for it in return but since I have quite a lot now, that list will be kinda long.
I can try in a bit for you since its an normal ability it shouldnt be too hard

I’ve got a number of questions about Gen 7 mechanics

Has the time machine method returned?
Is soft-resetting for perfect IVs still a thing? Is an updated version of Buckert’s guide available yet?
Do synchronisers work for events? I heard a rumour.
Am I right in saying SV hatching is still a thing?
A question re: Hyper Training, specifically the speed IV – does this need to be naturally 31 to ensure speed ties are won?
Are there any legitimate Dittos available yet?
My Solgaleo is Lonely with HP Ground and 4 Perfect IVs. Was that a good keep? I'm not particularly bothered as I thought it was pleasantly good for the third reset given that I didnt want to put much time into it.
I can only answer 2 sadly yes softresetting for ivs is still a thing

and yes you cna catch dittos and even guarantee 4 max iv ones with sos chaining

however maybe you cna find the rare 5 iv one floating arround but 6 iv ones that chance is so slim its possible but so rare you can pretty much guarantee its hacked

mod edit: don't double post
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Hey. Could anyone help me?
I'm looking for someone to breed my a 6IV Adamant Togedemaru.
I'd be super grateful if someone could help!

Thanks :)
you know that even with the best odds and mehods thats a 1 in 100 chance or something right?

I doubt anyone would do that 5 iv you can make in a 20% chance or something 6 is like 1%
I’ve got a number of questions about Gen 7 mechanics

Has the time machine method returned? And have the breeding mechanics in general changed?
Is soft-resetting for perfect IVs still a thing? Is an updated version of Buckert’s guide available yet?
Do synchronisers work for events? I heard a rumour.
Am I right in saying SV hatching is still a thing?
A question re: Hyper Training, specifically the speed IV – does this need to be naturally 31 to ensure speed ties are won?
Are there any legitimate Dittos available yet?
My Solgaleo is Lonely with HP Ground and 4 Perfect IVs. Was that a good keep? I'm not particularly bothered as I thought it was pleasantly good for the third reset given that I didnt want to put much time into it.
1. It exists to some extent, though in a slightly changed way. Others can speak to this better than I can. As for breeding mechanics, now male and genderless pokemon can pass balls down (if each parent of the same species has a different ball, the chance for each ball is 50/50, if the parents are different species the female's ball is passed down).
2. IV SRing is still a thing, but not many people do it because of Hyper Training. Sakuretsu recently posted saying he's planning on working on an updated version of Buckert's guide.
3. Synchronizers don't work on mystery gift Pokemon, but they do have a 100% sync rate with events where you obtain it in game (such as the QR Magearna, which is not obtained from the delivery girl).
4. SV hatching is still a thing, but as of now (and for the foreseeable future) Battle Videos are the only method of checking. Powersaves checking is no longer workable in SM.
5. Not totally sure, but I'm fairly certain speed ties are not decided by "natural" IVs, you should still have a 50/50 chance of winning a tie if your IVs are Hyper Trained.
6. 4 IV Dittos can be easily chained via SOS battles, and that's what pretty much everyone is using. 5 and 6 IV Dittos are technically possible to get this way, but it's not easy or practical. I haven't seen any floating around here.
7. Mixed Solgaleo with HP Ground doesn't seem to be a thing, but I'm not super up on the Ubers metagame.
Anybody know some good balls for these ultra beasts?



Does anyone have any of the following? Iv's are a plus but not necessary
Love ball
timid cutiefly
adamant/brave dhelmise
timid salandit
adamant stufful

Friend ball
modest ha exeggcute

moon ball
jolly ha rockruff
timid alolan meowth
timid ha vulpix

level ball
adamant mudbray
Does anyone have a HA Drampa they're willing to trade?
I can trade:
  • Fast Ball Quiet Turtonator
  • Level Ball Sweet Veil Timid Cutiefly- Speed Swap/Moonblast/Baton Pass
  • Heal Ball Regenerator Bold Mareanie- Haze/Stockpile/Swallow/Spit Up
  • Moon Ball Timid Oricorio Sensu- Pluck/Tailwind
  • Love Ball Fluffy Adamant Stufful- Stomping Tantrum/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/Wide Guard
  • Timer Ball Galvanize Adamant Geodude- Magnet Rise/Wide Guard/Autotomize
  • Beast Ball Weak Armor Adamant Roggenrola- Gravity/Heavy Slam/Wide Guard
  • Beast Ball Pickup Timid Meowth- Snatch/Foul Play/Parting Shot/Hypnosis
  • Nest Ball Oblivious Adamant Bounsweet- Charm/Play Rough/Grass Whistle/Synthesis
  • Timer Ball Adamant Wimpod- Spikes/Wide Guard/Aqua Jet
  • Modest Popplio- Wonder Room/Perish Song/Amnesia/Charm
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Does anyone have any of the following? Iv's are a plus but not necessary
Love ball
timid cutiefly
adamant/brave dhelmise
timid salandit
adamant stufful

Friend ball
modest ha exeggcute

moon ball
jolly ha rockruff
timid alolan meowth
timid ha vulpix

level ball
adamant mudbray
I have an adamant dhelmise I can trade. Would love that Rockruff
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