SPOILERS! Sun and Moon SQSA Thread

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Is it possible to synchronise the event munchlax's nature? Because I'm trying to get an adamant one but i keep getting random nature. I thought synchronise worked 100% of the times for pokemon whiteout an egg group.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, it's the first time I try to synchronise this kind of pokemon. All I need to do is to put an adamant synchronise pokemon as first member of the team and then receive the gift from the guy in the pokemon center, right?
Is it possible to synchronise the event munchlax's nature? Because I'm trying to get an adamant one but i keep getting random nature. I thought synchronise worked 100% of the times for pokemon whiteout an egg group.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, it's the first time I try to synchronise this kind of pokemon. All I need to do is to put an adamant synchronise pokemon as first member of the team and then receive the gift from the guy in the pokemon center, right?
It doesn't work on anything from Mystery Gift. It works (at 100%) for Magearna, because that's received differently.
It doesn't work on anything from Mystery Gift. It works (at 100%) for Magearna, because that's received differently.
From what I know, you can synchronize mystery gift mons, but only those in the undiscovered egg group (stuff that can't breed). The event munchlax still is classified as in an egg group, despite being unable to breed.

If you really want an adamant one, better hope you get lucky. It shouldn't take too long, but it is annoying.
It doesn't work on anything from Mystery Gift. It works (at 100%) for Magearna, because that's received differently.
From what I know, you can synchronize mystery gift mons, but only those in the undiscovered egg group (stuff that can't breed). The event munchlax still is classified as in an egg group, despite being unable to breed.

If you really want an adamant one, better hope you get lucky. It shouldn't take too long, but it is annoying.
Ok, thanks for the replies. I thought you could, but as I said I never did this before. I'll try soft resetting it a few times.
So I have some questions regarding the Zygarde system. First, can you only assemble one Zygarde, or as many as you have Cells for? For example, if I have 90 Cells, can I assemble a 50% and a 10% form, or only one at a time? Following up on this, when you have 100% of the cells, can you still make an Aura Break Zygarde, or does the game only allow you to create the Power Construct one at that point?

As an addendum to this, can you disassemble a "foreign" Zygarde, such as one you traded for, since this could throw off the number of cells? If this is the case, can you still use those "foreign" cells to make Aura Break Zygarde after making the Power Construct Zygarde (since I've been told the latter cannot be disassembled)?

Interest primarily stems from the ease of SR for Aura Break Zygarde, and I want to know how much I'm "committing" if I wanted to make a Power Construct one.
No, pokemon that don't participate can pick stuff up. I'm not sure, but I think you might have to win said battle rather than running away.

If looking for a destiny knot, I recommend putting a team of legends/UB's together to get the BP needed for it in the Battle Tree. Pickup chaining, in my opinion, is much more tedious and annoying, while you at least feel like you are progressing in the Battle Tree (or Battle Royale, if you prefer).
using strong chained pokemon is enough for getting started into royale, and can be easily done before the E4, around poni island when you hit lv50
So I have some questions regarding the Zygarde system. First, can you only assemble one Zygarde, or as many as you have Cells for? For example, if I have 90 Cells, can I assemble a 50% and a 10% form, or only one at a time? Following up on this, when you have 100% of the cells, can you still make an Aura Break Zygarde, or does the game only allow you to create the Power Construct one at that point?

As an addendum to this, can you disassemble a "foreign" Zygarde, such as one you traded for, since this could throw off the number of cells? If this is the case, can you still use those "foreign" cells to make Aura Break Zygarde after making the Power Construct Zygarde (since I've been told the latter cannot be disassembled)?

Interest primarily stems from the ease of SR for Aura Break Zygarde, and I want to know how much I'm "committing" if I wanted to make a Power Construct one.
You can assemble as many Zygarde as you have cells for, but will try to use as many of them as possible for the first one you try to make. If you've less than 100, it'll make a Zygarde 50% and then let you create 10% Zygarde. If you have 100, it will create the Power Construct Zygarde and not give you the option to make Aura Break ones. Power Construct Zygarde can't be disassembled, but you can use the Zygarde Cube to change it between 10% and 50% forms.

It seems you can break down a traded Aura Break Zygarde to get more cells, and the game will let you assemble them into another Zygarde.
Wait, you can't disassemble a Power Construct Zygarde?

So you have to roll for one with good IVs before getting 100 cells, otherwise you are doomed.
If I level up the extra Cosmog in my game (Sun) and trade it to my friend's game (Moon) to level Cosmoem up to level 53, will it evolve into Lunala because it's on Moon, or Solgaleo because of my trainer ID?
If I level up the extra Cosmog in my game (Sun) and trade it to my friend's game (Moon) to level Cosmoem up to level 53, will it evolve into Lunala because it's on Moon, or Solgaleo because of my trainer ID?
The version it's in when it evolves is the only factor. Which game it came from won't matter.
You can assemble as many Zygarde as you have cells for, but will try to use as many of them as possible for the first one you try to make. If you've less than 100, it'll make a Zygarde 50% and then let you create 10% Zygarde. If you have 100, it will create the Power Construct Zygarde and not give you the option to make Aura Break ones. Power Construct Zygarde can't be disassembled, but you can use the Zygarde Cube to change it between 10% and 50% forms.

It seems you can break down a traded Aura Break Zygarde to get more cells, and the game will let you assemble them into another Zygarde.
The main thing I was asking about for commitment was, once I grab the 100th Cell, I no longer have the option to make an Aura Break Zygarde at all, unless I import another Zygarde for additional cells. I've got a junk Zygarde in XY (it was the gen I started competitive, so I wasn't SR-ing most legends yet) that I was planning to bring up and use to disassemble and reassemble to S/L for an OU set.

Thanks for the info, been pretty curious since I wanted to try out Zygarde now that Thousand Arrows has made him OU usable, wanted to know what I was getting into.

Is there any other detail to assembling Zygarde? Like, do I need to have a "core" in order to assemble a Zygarde at all, or just the requisite number of Cells? Obviously I want the Cores anyway since they carry some important moves, but I guess what I mean is, if I have to use the ES and TA cores for 50% Zygarde, does that bar me from giving the moves to a 10% Zygarde I'd make after? Or will every Zygarde have the moves available once I have the Cores?
I've never breed/soft-reset for Hidden Power before but now we have Bottle Caps I'm assuming all I've got to do is s/r until I get the HP I require when catching the Ultra Beats/Tapus?
I've never breed/soft-reset for Hidden Power before but now we have Bottle Caps I'm assuming all I've got to do is s/r until I get the HP I require when catching the Ultra Beats/Tapus?

Hidden Power and Nature, IVs only if you want some to be 0 for Trick Room or Confusion/Foul Play shenanigans. If IVs are of no concern, you're somewhat likely to get what you want within 30 tries, provided that you use the Synchronize trick.
Hidden Power and Nature, IVs only if you want some to be 0 for Trick Room or Confusion/Foul Play shenanigans. If IVs are of no concern, you're somewhat likely to get what you want within 30 tries, provided that you use the Synchronize trick.
I've been trying for HP Fire Nihilego for 3 days now....
HP Fire on a 3 IV Pokemon is very difficult.

There are only two combinations that work on this kind of Pokemon:
- HP, Defense and Special Defense are perfect. All other IVs must be even numbers.
- HP, Attack and Special Defense are perfect. All other IVs must be even numbers.
The main thing I was asking about for commitment was, once I grab the 100th Cell, I no longer have the option to make an Aura Break Zygarde at all, unless I import another Zygarde for additional cells. I've got a junk Zygarde in XY (it was the gen I started competitive, so I wasn't SR-ing most legends yet) that I was planning to bring up and use to disassemble and reassemble to S/L for an OU set.

Thanks for the info, been pretty curious since I wanted to try out Zygarde now that Thousand Arrows has made him OU usable, wanted to know what I was getting into.

Is there any other detail to assembling Zygarde? Like, do I need to have a "core" in order to assemble a Zygarde at all, or just the requisite number of Cells? Obviously I want the Cores anyway since they carry some important moves, but I guess what I mean is, if I have to use the ES and TA cores for 50% Zygarde, does that bar me from giving the moves to a 10% Zygarde I'd make after? Or will every Zygarde have the moves available once I have the Cores?
Once you've collected the cores, their respective moves are available for any Zygarde to learn. (there's no way to tell what cores are used, but you need at least one core to make a Zygarde)
I know which pokemon I am going to use and that will not change. However what I haven't figured out yet is what movesets to use on these pokemon. Keep in mind this is a team for ingame use only, no wifi battles or anything like that, just a story mode team.

Here is the team of pokemon I will be using.

Vikivolt - Bug/Electric
Mimiku - Ghost/Fairy
Muk - Dark/Poison
Salazzle - Poison/Fire
Golisopod - Bug/Water
Crabominable - Ice/Fighting

I feel I have a decent team, has an unfortunate weakness to rock type but thats okay. All I am after is good moves and hold items would be great! I wanted to use all new pokemon, would have switched crabominable to alola ninetales but I got pokemon moon, so I am stuck with sandslash.

Thank you guys so much for any help you give, any of it will be taken to heart and used to build my best in-game team.

Thank you!
- UB3RN00B
Hey UB3RN00B I merged your thread into the SQSA thread as that's where questions like this should go.

Are you aware of how late you get Vikavolt/Crabominable? They come incredibly late into the game, I never found Charjabug or Crabrawler weak per say, but they certainly lost out compared to other options. Vika gets Tbolt when it evolves, Crab gets Ice Punch. Both are pretty much required.

However, if you can evolve them earlier (via trading with someone etc), then both can be powerful. Salazzle is pretty good with what it gets, throw on Sludge Bomb when you get the TM (basically required as it starts losing power about that time). Mimikyu and Muk are both solid too. You'll want to catch a lower than 32 Mimkyu as otherwise you lose Shadow Sneak (without heart scale anyway), Muk gets an awesome movepool, Crunch, Acid Spray etc. Lots of options :) Haven't used Golisopod, but it can be hard to catch!

Looks like an all round decent team. As you already said, just watch out for Rock Kahuna (her name escapes me at this time), and you should be good to go!

Welcome to Smogon!
Is it possible to rig the Festival Plaza Lotteries for easy Master Balls, in the same way that people have been using to get easy Bottlecaps? I saw it mentioned on reddit that the items given are on a set timer, but haven't been able to verify it because I only ever get the same items.

In any game with a lottery based on trainer IDs I'm generally able to get about 3 extra (not cloned) master balls per year per game, since it's easy to stockpile traded pokemon and increase the chances. But this gen reverted to BW's way of doing things... yuck.
Hidden Power and Nature, IVs only if you want some to be 0 for Trick Room or Confusion/Foul Play shenanigans. If IVs are of no concern, you're somewhat likely to get what you want within 30 tries, provided that you use the Synchronize trick.

Yeah I never went for Hidden Powers in past generations
Good old 1/80 HP Fire chance. Never lets you down.
HP Fire on a 3 IV Pokemon is very difficult.

There are only two combinations that work on this kind of Pokemon:
- HP, Defense and Special Defense are perfect. All other IVs must be even numbers.
- HP, Attack and Special Defense are perfect. All other IVs must be even numbers.

I've been trying for HP Fire Nihilego for 3 days now....

Wish I knew HP Fire was hard to get 2 minutes ago because I've just reset on a Timid Koko with HP Fire. >.< Was the second HP as well first being Dragon. Looking for Timid Koko HP Ice.
I don't know. I'm positive Solgaleo and Lunala have about a 4.5% catch rate, which is pretty high of a catch rate. I think you might be able to re fight Solgaleo since having it is a key part to the story. However, I caught Lunala with my first Pokeball at yellow health with no status condition, so you shouldn't have much trouble catching it regardless. Make sure to save before, just in case!
Is it possible to rig the Festival Plaza Lotteries for easy Master Balls, in the same way that people have been using to get easy Bottlecaps? I saw it mentioned on reddit that the items given are on a set timer, but haven't been able to verify it because I only ever get the same items.

In any game with a lottery based on trainer IDs I'm generally able to get about 3 extra (not cloned) master balls per year per game, since it's easy to stockpile traded pokemon and increase the chances. But this gen reverted to BW's way of doing things... yuck.
You might be able to, just using higher rank Big Dreams lottery facilities and needing more FC to buy them from players. I've gotten a Big Nugget from a rank 3 Gold Rush I'd bought from a visiting NPC on that same day, so it may work with Big Dreams and Master Ball. (each type of lottery has a set list of prizes, which varies slightly with the top prizes. Serebii has the lists, and likely other places as well)

I don't know. I'm positive Solgaleo and Lunala have about a 4.5% catch rate, which is pretty high of a catch rate. I think you might be able to re fight Solgaleo since having it is a key part to the story. However, I caught Lunala with my first Pokeball at yellow health with no status condition, so you shouldn't have much trouble catching it regardless. Make sure to save before, just in case!
Both have a catch rate of 45, which is standard for legendary Pokemon that are mandatory to catch for the story. (Reshiram/Zekrom in Black/White, Xerneas/Yveltal in X/Y, Rayquaza in OR/AS) If either faint, they respawn immediately.
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