Metagame SM RU - RU Alpha Discussion - Month 2

What are you looking forward to in Sun/Moon?

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Toxicroak is pretty good at the moment with the likes of Alomomola and Suicune being common. With Dry Skin, Toxicroak is able to force them out (unless Suicune has Roar) and either set an SD or hit something hard with its STAB attacks. Poison/Fighting is great since it threatens a lot of defensive mons in the tier like Chesnaught, Florges, Umbreon, Celebi and Togekiss. Dry Skin also helps immensely against rain teams since it can take on Ludicolo and Kabutops better than most things in the tier.


Minior can be a bit difficult to set up with but I've had surprising success with a somewhat non standard set.

Minior-Orange @ Rockium Z
Ability: Shields Down
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 30 HP
- Substitute
- Shell Smash
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

The first thing you might notice is that I don't run White Herb and Acrobatics. When I used Minior before I noticed that even with the restored defenses, it was still too frail and easy to take out so I experimented with other items until I tried Rockium Z. Continental Crush gives it a 180 BP Rock move that can help it muscle past things that would otherwise eat the hit. A few examples

+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Stone Edge vs. 120 HP / 136+ Def Alomomola: 279-328 (55.6 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Continental Crush (180 BP) vs. 120 HP / 136+ Def Alomomola: 501-591 (100 - 117.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Umbreon: 274-324 (69.5 - 82.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Continental Crush (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Umbreon: 492-580 (124.8 - 147.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 204-241 (51.7 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Minior-Down Continental Crush (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 367-433 (93.1 - 109.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

I find that it's quite easy to prevent Minior from reaching its core form so I run substitute to almost guarantee that it transforms. Since this limits your coverage to 2 moves I decided to go with EdgeQuake since Acrobatics can't be used on this set and its other options are kinda weak. Not only that but Rock/Flying without any coverage gets walled by almost every Steel type in the tier.

It might not be the most meta defining Pokemon in the tier but it sure is fun to use.
Another 'mon you should try:


This big guy is amazing and wins so many games on its own. You literally remove the opponent's physical wallbreakers and Snorlax sets up; it is insanely hard to deal with once its checks are gone. Its defensive capabilities are also awesome, being able to serve as an offensive pivot even before it sets up (hard checks literally every bulky water, counters Chandelure, hard checks Entei, etc.). Use him while you can, you won't be let down!
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 HP
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Return / Body Slam
- Rest
- Sleep Talk / Crunch / Earthquake
And We're finally in month two:

Rises -- > Alakazam, Klefki, Absol-Mega, Togekiss, Swampert, Crobat, Chandelure, Celebi, Suicune, Doublade, Mienshao, Metagross, Roserade, Arcanine, Lucario, Haxorus, Kommo-o, Araquanid, Porygon2

Drops -- > Magneton, Gigalith, Bewear

UU Stats (note: that they're not quite complete yet):

Try and keep your posts about drops/rises constructive moving forward, thanks.
edit: fuck off spirit -_-

Usage stats are out, tl;dr:

We lost the following:
- Togekiss
- Doublade
- Swampert
- Absol-Mega
- Alakazam
- Chandelure
- Celebi
- Mienshao
- Klefki
- Kommo-o
- Crobat
- Metagross
- Roserade
- Arcanine
- Haxorus
- Lucario
- Porygon2
- Araquanid
- Suicune

We gained the following:
+ Gigalith
+ Magneton
+ Bewear

most of the broken shit's gone :o but we p much gained nothing in return... gigalith alone makes it all kinda worth it however :D
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Good thing all those (most of the broken stuff) are gone. I still hope Tsareena drops for rapid spin, though. Really don't want Dhelmise to turn out like Vaporeon in gen 6 UU (never dropped and probably would not be broken in RU, but was terrible in UU).
A couple quick thoughts:

So with infiltrator chandelure and a whole bunch of defoggers gone, ninetales-a who was already borderline op is looking really nice.
Glalie is our only mega, so it got a big buff since it doesn't have to compete for a mega slot, plus it's spikes support is even better
Flygon and gligar are our only viable defoggers (lurantis is not viable m8s)
Competitive Milotic crushes all the hazard removers and is gonna be amazing again.
Ghost-Silvally is our bulkiest ghost (besides like dusclops) and so might be needed to stop CB Bewear (which 2hkos mola and slowbro)
Entei and Daunt are still as broken as ever. In fact entei lost a bunch of great switch ins and daunt lost celebi and lucario who could easily revenge it
Gigalith is bulky AF lol
Does Arcanine do something important in UU that I'm not aware of? Oh wait, Scizor. Damn thing was also the only reason Magneton was in UU. Also question Araquanid and Metagross rising, but whatever.

In terms of drops, all 3 have some great potential. Well, Magneton kind of sucks because of the various Ground-types in the tier (especially Flygon will get a major rise in usage because we lost Haxorus and Kommo-O), and fucking Entei which is still around. But still, niche as a trapper for mons like Bronzong and Registeel will be nice for people who hate stall (which will also rise because we lost a lot of the things that made it an unviable playstyle last month).

The real meat of the drops though are Bewear and Gigalith. Bewear is actually really bulky and strong, and it'll make up for the loss of our now gone steeldoge. Band is probably the best set, though Assault Vest does also sound interesting (but lack of any recovery hurts it), and it can run Bulk Up decently well. Gigalith's a tank through and through when combined with Sand Stream. Pairs very well with Stoutland cause, you know, this thing gets Explosion and has actual offensive presence. Could we see Sand rise as the third main weather? (Or second seeing as UU will quickban Drizzle because of Kingdra) Very solid on non-Sand as well. Excited to use it.
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Wow. There goes the dragons lol. The only ones I see being viable are Flygon and maybe Noivern? Specs looks to be pretty powerful and its very VERY fast. Its the best special dragon we have after the sad departure of Kommo-o. Flygon also looks to be a very threatening DDer, pretty self expalantory with having necessary coverage and good stats even before a DD.
Wow. There goes the dragons lol. The only ones I see being viable are Flygon and maybe Noivern? Specs looks to be pretty powerful and its very VERY fast. Its the best special dragon we have after the sad departure of Kommo-o. Flygon also looks to be a very threatening DDer, pretty self expalantory with having necessary coverage and good stats even before a DD.
We didn't lose Kyurem.

Bewear is gonna be a god and Hawlucha got way better, losing a ton of it's most splashable checks.

Seriously tho, with the rise of ALOT of its checks and or counters and the drop of Gigalith providing nice sand support, Stoutland gonna have a field day.

Pyukumuku (F) @ Poisonium Z
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Counter
- Gastro Acid

Hello friends! RU GOD METABEAST is back once again to grace the RU community with some amazing innovation. With the new tier shifts, defensive builds should go back to being superior to offensive ones. Pyukumuku is a Pokemon that should be extremely useful for defensive teams in this new metagame due to its access to Unaware, making it a solid answer to a plethora of setup mons in RU. Using a Z-Crystal on it weakens the power of Knock Off, allowing it to avoid the 2HKO from Adamant Life Orb Crawdaunt's Knock Off; this provides stall teams with a solid answer to one of the biggest threats in the metagame. Counter is useful for defeating many physical attackers, and makes Pyukumuku less reliant on Toxic. Z-Toxic provides Pyukumuku with a +1 Defense boost, which can be useful in certain niche situations. In the last slot, Gastro Acid (shoutouts Spirit) seems to be a very solid option, as it provides stall teams with a way to beat threats such as CM Reuniclus; it can also potentially take away annoying abilities such as Sheer Force. Pyukumuku should definitely be a very solid Pokemon for defensive builds in this tier, allowing stall teams to patch up their weaknesses to a wide range of offensive behemoths.
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People are citing the Gen 7 UU usage stats but don't realize that it only accounts for slightly less than 25% of the actual usage for this month. If you take both the Pokebank and Gen 7 UU stats together as opposed to just Gen 7 UU you get these changes from Spirit/Arikado's list:
  • Flygon rises to UU (~3.65% usage)
  • Magneton stays UU (~3.58% usage)
  • Alolan Ninetales rises to UU (~3.57% usage)
  • Araquanid stays in RU (~3.19% usage)
  • Suicune stays in RU (~3.1% usage)
  • Roserade stays in RU (~2.89% usage)
  • Porygon2 stays in RU (~2.7% usage)
  • Haxorus stays in RU (~2.5% usage)
Keep in mind there's also 5 or so days of stats that aren't counted. While I doubt that affects any of the Pokemon mentioned above, it could (aside from the Pokemon below 3% usage, who are 99% gonna stay at least another month), and it could also affect Doublade's tier (who currently has ~3.46% usage).

Edit: Taking Spirit/Arikado's list into account and this, the "actual" (still subject to change) would be:

Rises -- > Alakazam, Klefki, Absol-Mega, Togekiss, Swampert, Crobat, Chandelure, Celebi, Doublade, Mienshao, Metagross, Arcanine, Lucario, Kommo-o, Flygon, Alolan Ninetales

Drops -- > Gigalith, Bewear
Weather wars are going to be rampant this month. Rain didn't lose any of its main abusers, Sunny Day lost a bunch of checks and we got a new sand setter.

Also, Kyurem, Entei and Crawdaunt are going to dominate the tier.
You know who liked this tier shift the most? Virizion! It lost its best Rkiller in Alakazam and four mons that used to wall it in Crobat, Doublade, Togekiss and Arcanine. (scarf Chandelure and Mienshao being gone also help it) not only that, but it also bops both new drops and can switch in and/or revenge Crawdaunt.

Can't wait to use it!
Entei and Mega Absol is/were potentially the most broken things in the tier atm. With the latter gone, that Emboar / Mega Glaile team I mentioned yesterday should be a lot better.

Glalie-Mega @ Glalitite
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Explosion
- Return
- Earthquake
- Toxic

Emboar @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Head Smash
- Sucker Punch

Frogadier @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Protean
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 24 Atk / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Surf
- Dark Pulse
- Gunk Shot
- U-turn

Eelektross @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 SpA
Lonely Nature
- Wild Charge
- Knock Off
- Volt Switch
- Giga Drain

Registeel @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Rest
- Flash Cannon

Komala @ Assault Vest
Ability: Comatose
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Rapid Spin
- Play Rough
- Earthquake

This lost a lot of it`s checks in the shift. Stuff like Klefki,Lucario,Chandelure,SashZam,Crobat,Doublade were able to check it and Kommo-o,Togekiss and Arcanine were checks to the mono attack set. Now that all of those are gone, Venomoth becomes even better than it already was while it`s mono attack set also becomes a lot better. It could be the best setup sweeper in the tier now since not many things check let alone counter it. However it is still weak to priority from Entei and Crawdaunt so it`s not completely unstoppable.


This lost it`s biggest competition in lucario and mienshao. And while bewear and toxicroak are still competition for it, it`s scarf set in particular got a lot better with the departure of mienshao. I think this will be a really threatening as revenge killer and late game sweeper. However it`s band set competes with bewear and the SD set competes with toxicroak but it still has niches over them.


This could be pretty good in this new meta. The most important thing this does is being a crawdaunt check for offence. Now that celebi is gone this might be the second best choice. It also provides memento support for hawlucha,venomoth,flygon and cloyster. However it is still pretty weak as an attacker and it loses to entei and darmanitan. It also competes with alolan ninetails since that does a similar thing for offence so I don`t know how good this is going to be.


This lost almost all competiton for it`s DD set while also being one of the best defoggers in the tier, Flygon got a big boost. It can also viably run band and scarf sets and the only other physical dragon that i can think of is Tyrantrum which also got a boost. With the versitality it has, Flygon could be a very splashable pokemon in this meta.


This pokemon could become better in this meta. The biggest thing is that gigalith dropped so it can be used as a sand sweeper. But I think that this can also be used as an offensive check to darmanitan, entei, swellow and venomoth. I don`t think it`s amazing but it definitely has it`s niches over other pokemon in the tier.


Now that Celebi is gone, this is a really good offensive pokemon and a grass type in general. It can run 4 attacks, 3 attacks+synthesis, SubSeed and even SD. It does a similar role to Celebi for offence being an offensive grass type which has some really nice coverage. However there are still a decent amount of checks for it in the tier. Even with that, Shaymin might be one of the most versatile pokemon in the tier.


I feel like this mon is being slept on right now. It`s a decently effective late game sweeper that also lost a couple checks in the shift like Klefki,Porygon 2,SashZam and Araquanid. And while it is in competition with Crawdaunt for a water/dark type for offence but it differentiates itself from Crawdaunt with it`s special and mixed sets. In fact this could be a good offensive partner for crawdaunt since they have similar checks. I`m not saying this is amazing but I think it deserves more usage than it got.


Before the shift, Venusaur was not seen much because there were simply better options. However, with the shift Venusaur became a lot better. The first point is the rise in viability of sun teams which lost a lot of pokemon which checked them. And Venusaur is probably the best sun sweeper in the tier so it already gains a niche from that. The other set I want to point out is the Z-Celebrate Venusaur set which could be a decent sweeper in the tier. Celebi leaving also helps Venusaur as now it has less competition.


Interestingly this mon could be pretty good in this meta. The main point being that it`s a very good Crawdaunt switch in. But that`s not all, it can also switch in to entei and darmanitan while also being a check to other pokemon. I think a RestTalk set with scald and circle thow will be the main set but that`s just my prediction. Overall this is a mon I think has a lot of potential in this new metagame.


Swellow has been a good pokemon since the start of RU alpha, but I haven`t seen it as much lately. With the shift swellow became even better than in already was. It lost checks in Klefki,Kommo-o,Lucario and Doublade which makes it even more threatening as a sweeper. It also pairs well with spikes and aurora veil which is good as those are common moves on offence.


Ok so this is a meme but I think it a niche in the new meta. I actually used this on webs before and it did it`s job fine but it was outclassed by Kyurem. However, with weather likely being prominent in the new meta, this can actually do something as it sets up hail. And offence usually struggles with weather so that could be useful. It also has freeze dry to hit waters unlike Kyurem, which clicks draco against them. And Milotic, which will probably be common in the new meta, can live a draco and click recover. Even with these things it`s still outclassed by Kyurem but if you want to meme you can use this.

And that`s it. Remember that these are just my predictions on how certain mons will do in this meta and I could be completely wrong about them.

Given how Gen 1 Transfers work (EXP determines nature, always Hidden Ability), Tauros can now use Sheer Force + Body Slam. In the past, this was impossible: Tauros could only get it via TM in Gen 3's FireRed and LeafGreen Versions. Since Body Slam is back thanks to Gen 1's TM for Body Slam, this means it can use a 1.8x Power Body Slam at minimum when coupled with STAB and Sheer Force. Add on a Life Orb or Choice Band and it just keeps increasing in power. With a nice attack stat and huge speed for RU, I think Tauros will be much better than before. Of course, this can be dealt with, but if you have a brain you should be able to use Tauros effectively.

Right now the Showdown Teambuilder thinks they're still incompatible given this isn't implemented yet, but I can't wait to see Tauros become somewhat viable with this new combo.

My Moveset (not a good one, but a good example):

Idk he has potential (Tauros) @ Life Orb = Can also be Choice Band for maximum damage, but Life Orb is safer in case of a Steel Type switch-in on Body Slam
Ability: Sheer Force = HYPE
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe = Standard Spread
Jolly Nature = Max Speed allows for Tauros to outspeed some faster threats
- Body Slam = Main Attack, new best STAB
- Earthquake = Rock and Steel Type Coverage, as they can wall Tauros
- Iron Head = Fairy Type Coverage for the hell of it, also to harness Sheer Force even more.
- Zen Headbutt = Fighting Type Coverage, extremely important when faced with Heracross, etc

Given how Gen 1 Transfers work (EXP determines nature, always Hidden Ability), Tauros can now use Sheer Force + Body Slam. In the past, this was impossible: Tauros could only get it via TM in Gen 3's FireRed and LeafGreen Versions. Since Body Slam is back thanks to Gen 1's TM for Body Slam, this means it can use a 1.8x Power Body Slam at minimum when coupled with STAB and Sheer Force. Add on a Life Orb or Choice Band and it just keeps increasing in power. With a nice attack stat and huge speed for RU, I think Tauros will be much better than before. Of course, this can be dealt with, but if you have a brain you should be able to use Tauros effectively.

Right now the Showdown Teambuilder thinks they're still incompatible given this isn't implemented yet, but I can't wait to see Tauros become somewhat viable with this new combo.

My Moveset (not a good one, but a good example):

Idk he has potential (Tauros) @ Life Orb = Can also be Choice Band for maximum damage, but Life Orb is safer in case of a Steel Type switch-in on Body Slam
Ability: Sheer Force = HYPE
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe = Standard Spread
Jolly Nature = Max Speed allows for Tauros to outspeed some faster threats
- Body Slam = Main Attack, new best STAB
- Earthquake = Rock and Steel Type Coverage, as they can wall Tauros
- Iron Head = Fairy Type Coverage for the hell of it, also to harness Sheer Force even more.
- Zen Headbutt = Fighting Type Coverage, extremely important when faced with Heracross, etc

I don't think Body Slam + Iron Head is compatible with Sheer Force, given that Body Slam is Gen 1 only (or Gen 3 tutor), and Iron Head is B2W2 or ORAS tutor. See what i'm saying?
I wouldn't worry much about Drizzle for too much longer if UU in fact got Kingdra. Drizzle will either be banned from there or Politoed will rise up next month. Either way, there's some fun cores I can't wait to try out with Gigalith. Here's just a couple I have in my mind:


They don't have the best of defensive synergy, but these two are pretty good when it comes to setting entry hazards and maintaining them. Stealth Rock + Toxic Spikes is incredibly useful for sand teams as many Pokemon that deal with the likes of Lycanroc and Stoutland are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes due to their lack of reliable recovery. Nidoqueen covers Rock and Fighting mons while Gigalith is the best Swellow switch in we have now (by a mile and a half)


This goes without saying, but combining the fact we actually have a good sand setter (sorry Hippopotas) and losing a lot of Pokemon that could check Lycanroc before, Sand offense is very powerful. Stoutland and Lycanroc can heavily pressure their checks and counters to allow for the other to sweep. It obviously has a severe Fighting weakness, but that's what your other three teamslots are for after all. Oh, and have a Suicune switch in or two haha

Bewear is also a very scary drop. Although you can scout and pivot into it, don't forget it has a couple of boosting moves in Bulk Up and Swords Dance to punish such strategies. I'll probably make another post later about some beneficiaries of the rises as well as some that suffer from the rises.
Alright, I wanna talk about a couple mons that are looking to actually be pretty good with the tier shift.


So Bewear (and fighting types in general) looks really good. Between base 120 HP, base 125 Attack, and its ability Fluffy, Bewear makes for a really good offensive pivot in the tier. It gets some really interesting and nice moves such as Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, and Bulk Up. A couple sets I made pretty much on the fly and thus are more speculation than what will actually probably be good:

Bewear @ Choice Band
Ability: Fluffy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 52 Def / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Superpower
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Shadow Claw

This set is super simple: pivot into this monster, predict, and watch things die. I'm not exaggerating when I say that even Bulky Waters cannot switch into this thing as they just get murdered.

252+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 180-213 (45.6 - 54%) -- 95.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Return vs. 104 HP / 216+ Def Alomomola: 229-270 (46 - 54.3%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Shadow Claw vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Cofagrigus: 136-162 (42.6 - 50.7%) -- 45.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Bewear Ice Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Gligar: 248-292 (74.4 - 87.6%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

In short, switch-ins to Banded Bewear are limited and can still be beaten with some prediction. EV spread is fairly straight forward, max attack for the most optimal wallbreaking capability, 204 speed is to speed creep Gligar that don't run speed investment and hit it with Ice Punch before it moves, and the rest goes into defense as Bewear benefits more from that then it does from HP investment.

Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 92 HP / 240 Def / 176 SpD
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Hammer Arm
- Shadow Claw

This set probably won't be as common as Band, but I still think this is more than viable enough as a set. Switch into something super passive that can't break your sub, set your sub up, and start setting up and pounding at the opposing team with the unresisted Fighting/Ghost combo. The EV spread is kinda weird and could probably be changed up, but HP hits a lefties number while also setting up 101 HP subs so that they survive seismic toss, SpDef investment is so your subs always survive Suicune's unboosted scald (assuming it even stays here, since there seems to be some confusion about what'll stay and rise) at least once, and the rest goes into defense.

Also SD could work but it will have some competition, although Bewear has niches of its own to help it stand out.


This is the other mon I want to talk about as I think it will be better now with the tier shift inevitably due to the simultaneous increased viability of fighting types. Both SD Flynium Z and Stallbreaker sets are very much viable on this thing.

Talonflame @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost

Talonflame @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 248 HP / 132 SpD / 128 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Taunt
- Bulk Up
- Brave Bird

252 Attack/252 Speed on the first set are to hit fast and hit hard. SD gives you the power you need to sweep and wallbreak. Roost helps mitigate the recoil of your STABs somewhat, and in general is useful. The second set has some leeway in terms of EV spreads and moves you can use. Will-O-Wisp is an option somewhere, possibly over Taunt. This particular EV spread maximizes SpDef while outspeeding up to positive base 110s, but max speed and an arrangement of other ev spreads can work as well depending on your team.