Battle Spot Dragonite Preview [Singles]


Dragonite’s excellent ability in Multiscale and priority move in Extremespeed are what gives it an edge over other Dragon-types in Battle Spot Singles. This gives it the opportunity to clean teams effectively with the bulk Multiscale provides and the handy priority move Extremespeed is to finish off weakened pokemon. Dragonite’s movepool is also notably expansive, so it has a selection of good physical and special moves to use while boasting an outragingly high Attack stat and above average Special Attack stat, respectively. Unlike most Dragon-types similar to Dragonite, it does not need a mega stone to evolve which makes it easier to use for teambuilding purposes. Unfortunately, only having access to 4 move slots really hurts Dragonite’s usefulness as there are many coverage options it’d like to run all at once, and while its Attack stat is very high, it is often outclassed in power to other Dragon-types such as Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Extremespeed / Fire Punch / Fly
item: Dragonium Z / Flynium Z / Lum Berry
ability: Multiscale
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Dragon Dance increases Dragonite’s Attack and Speed to new heights, outspeeding many pokemon after one boost while increasing its power as well.
* Outrage is Dragonite’s main STAB move of choice, hitting anything that doesn’t resist it very hard.
* Earthquake hits most things that Outrage can’t for solid damage, including Fairy-types Steel-types such as Tapu Koko, Aegislash, Heatran, and Mega Metagross.
* Extremespeed picks off weakened foes, most notably picking off pokemon like Mamoswine before they get to Ice Shard Dragonite. Fly can be used to hit Tapu Lele very hard, and when used in tandem with Flyinum Z, Dragonite's usual checks much harder than it could with Dragonite’s other available options including pokemon like Tapu Fini, Mega Gyarados, and Mega Venusaur. Fire Punch hits Steel-types that are neutral or immune to Ground-type moves, such as Celesteela, Ferrothorn, and Scizor.
* Lum Berry can be used on Dragonite to avoid status moves for a turn, as Dragonite is very suspectible to all of them.
* Flyinum-Z when used along with Fly gives Dragonite another STAB to use once in the game, hurting anything that doesn’t resist it for some nice damage.
* Dragonium-Z prevents Dragonite from being locked into Outrage once, and also gives it a insanely powerful attack that can dent something once.
* Jolly allows Dragonite to outspeed threats like Tapu Koko, Mega Gengar, and Adamant Choice Scarf Landorus-T, giving it the upper hand in these matchups.
* Adamant gives Dragonite more power to it attacks, most notably being able to OHKO Tapu Koko guaranteed without a Dragon Dance boost. Although the power boost is appreciated, Dragonite will fail to outspeed Tapu Koko and Mega Gengar after a Dragon Dance.
* If using Extremespeed, it’s best to save Dragonite for late game when everything is weakened; this gives it both an easier time of setting up and being able to clean up the opposing team. Otherwise, Dragonite can be used either early-game to weaken teams or late-game to clean everything up after it’s all set up. Be careful of switching Dragonite into attacks though; Multiscale will only work at full health and it can be pretty frail otherwise.
* Dragonite absolutely despises Ice-type moves and Fairy-types, so a Steel-type to switch into these is highly recommended.
* Wallbreakers can help wear down pokemon that Dragonite has a tough against such as Cresselia, Porygon2, Tapu Fini, and Suicune.
* Stealth Rock support can help Dragonite secure more KOs when sweeping.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Extremespeed
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Multiscale
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Outrage is Dragonite’s main STAB move of choice, hitting anything that doesn’t resist it very hard.
* Earthquake hits most things that Outrage can’t for solid damage, including Steel-types such as Aegislash, Heatran, and Mega Metagross.
* Extremespeed picks off weakened foes before they can hit it, Mamoswine is most notable in this since Dragonite outspeeds it before Mamoswine gets a chance to pick it off with Ice Shard due to Extremespeed's +2 speed priority.
* Fire Punch hits Steel-types that are neutral or immune to Ground-type moves, such as Celesteela, Ferrothorn, and Scizor. Thunder Punch hits Water-types such as Gyarados and Tapu Fini harder than any of its coverage moves. Superpower also hits Steel-types very hard with the addition of also hitting Normal-types such as Porygon2 and Mega Kangaskhan very hard.
* Choice Band gives Dragonite the immediate wallbreaking power it desires.
* Adamant gives Dragonite more power to its attacks.
* This Dragonite set is best used mid-game to soften things up to clear the way for another pokemon to sweep. It can be used late-game as well to clean things up with Extremespeed.
* Stealth Rock support helps Dragonite massively, being able to pick pokemon off after the additional damage it provides
* Sweepers appreciate having the opposing team weakened, so Dragonite will often want to be used with them.
* Dragonite still struggles to deal with Fairy-types, so a Steel-type to switch into these moves is highly recommended.
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I think the dragon dance set should have fire punch before fly, and the items should be lum > flynium > draconium

choice band should have thunder punch and superpower slashed with fire punch. thunder punch is also a good shout on the DD set but then there's too many slashes so it's fine to leave it out
I think the dragon dance set should have fire punch before fly, and the items should be lum > flynium > draconium

choice band should have thunder punch and superpower slashed with fire punch. thunder punch is also a good shout on the DD set but then there's too many slashes so it's fine to leave it out
Yeah I was basing the item order off of usage stats and what's been more useful for me as a whole. Lum Berry is probably way more useful than it was prebank so it being slashed first is fair, agree on Flynium > Draconium as well

Agree with everything you say there as well, was considering mentioning Thunderpunch and Iron Head (?) under set comments for the DD set a bit because I didn't feel like they deserved their own separate slashes

Will edit this stuff in tomorrow and will finish this up so I can get it into the QC stage asap
Got a bit of free time before tonight, I'll check this now before I forget!


Dragonite’s excellent ability in Multiscale and priority move in Extremespeed are what gives it an edge over other Dragon-types in Battle Spot Singles. This gives it the opportunity to clean teams effectively with the bulk Multiscale provides and the handy priority move Extremespeed is to finish off weakened pokemon. Dragonite’s movepool is also notably expansive, so it has a selection of good physical and special moves to use while boasting an outragingly high Attack stat and above average Special Attack stat, respectively. Unfortunately, only having access to 4 move slots really hurts Dragonite’s usefulness as there are many coverage options it’d like to run all at once, and while its Attack stat is very high, it is often outclassed in power to other Dragon-types such as Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence.

I'd mention that Dragonite doesn't need to Mega Evolve to be useful unlike the other Dragon Dancers, which is actually pretty huge imo.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Extremespeed / Fire Punch / Fly
item: Lum Berry / Flyinum Z / Draconium Z I'd just put Lum Berry last since most Dragonite are using Z-moves from what I've seen and what the stats say.
ability: Multiscale
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Dragon Dance increases Dragonite’s Attack and Speed to new heights, outspeeding many pokemon after one boost while increasing its power as well.

* Outrage is Dragonite’s main STAB move of choice, hitting anything that doesn’t resist it very hard.

* Earthquake hits most things that Outrage can’t for solid damage, including Steel-types such as Aegislash, Heatran, and Mega Lucario. I'd mention Tapu Koko, whose probably the most important target of Earthquake. I'd also mention Mega Metagross over Mega Lucario, since Mega Lucario takes a lot from Outrage actually.

* Extremespeed picks off weakened foes, most notably picking off pokemon like Mamoswine before they get to Ice Shard Dragonite. Fly used in tandem with Flyinum Z hits Dragonite's usual checks much harder than it could with Dragonite’s other available options including pokemon like Tapu Fini, Mega Gyarados, and Mega Venusaur. Fire Punch hits Steel-types that are neutral or immune to Ground-type moves, such as Celesteela, Ferrothorn, and Scizor. Something cool to note is that +1 Fly actually OHKOs Tapu Lele. I mean they can just switch out so its still better to use Z-Fly, but it does make Fly at least do something after using the Z move.

* Lum Berry can be used on Dragonite to avoid status moves for a turn, as Dragonite is very suspectible to all of them.

* Flyinum-Z when used along with Fly gives Dragonite another STAB to use once in the game, hurting anything that doesn’t resist it for some nice damage.

* Dragonium-Z prevents Dragonite from being locked into Outrage once, and also gives it a insanely powerful attack that can dent something once.

* Jolly allows Dragonite to outspeed threats like Tapu Koko, Mega Gengar, and Adamant Choice Scarf Landorus-T, giving it the upper hand in these matchups.

* Adamant gives Dragonite more power to it attacks, most notably being able to OHKO Tapu Koko guaranteed without a Dragon Dance boost. I'd mention that the cost of underspeeding Tapu Koko and Mega Gengar is pretty huge though.

* If using Extremespeed, it’s best to save Dragonite for late game when everything is weakened; this gives it both an easier time of setting up and being able to clean up the opposing team. Otherwise, Dragonite can be used either early-game to weaken teams or late-game to clean everything up after it’s all set up. Be careful of switching Dragonite into attacks though; Multiscale will only work at full health and it can be pretty frail otherwise.

* Dragonite absolutely despises Ice-type moves and Fairy-types, so a Steel-type to switch into these is highly recommended.

* Wallbreakers can help wear down the opposing team so Dragonite can pull off a sweep. I know this is a preview, but I'd be a bit more specific here. Mention to target Pokemon such as Cresselia, Porygon2, Tapu Fini, and Suicune.

* Stealth Rock support can help Dragonite secure more KOs when sweeping.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Extremespeed
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Multiscale
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Outrage is Dragonite’s main STAB move of choice, hitting anything that doesn’t resist it very hard.

* Earthquake hits most things that Outrage can’t for solid damage, including Steel-types such as Aegislash, Heatran, and Mega Lucario. Again I'd mention Mega Metagross since thats a much bulkier target than Mega Lucario.

* Extremespeed picks off weakened foes before they can hit it, Mamoswine is most notable in this since Dragonite outspeeds it before Mamoswine gets a chance to pick it off with Ice Shard. You might want to note that Extreme Speed has +2 priority, so Mamoswine can't outspeed it no matter how much investment it has.

* Fire Punch hits Steel-types that are neutral or immune to Ground-type moves, such as Celesteela, Ferrothorn, and Scizor. Thunder Punch hits Water-types such as Gyarados and Tapu Fini harder than any of its coverage moves. Superpower also hits Steel-types very hard with the addition of also hitting Normal-types such as Porygon2 and Mega Kangaskhan very hard.

* Choice Band gives Dragonite the immediate wallbreaking power it desires.

* Adamant gives Dragonite more power to its attacks.

* This Dragonite set is best used mid-game to soften things up to clear the way for another pokemon to sweep. It can be used late-game as well to clean things up with Extremespeed.

* Sweepers appreciate having the opposing team weakened, so Dragonite will often want to be used with them.

* Dragonite still struggles to deal with Fairy-types, so a Steel-type to switch into these moves is highly recommended.

* Stealth Rock support can help Dragonite secure more KOs when wallbreaking.

Now that I looked through the more obvious stuff, I want to suggest two potentially controversial things.

1: Slash in Weakness Policy into Dragon Dance

This actually almost has as much usage as Lum Berry, and it potentially gives Dragonite an alternate means to sweep if setting up doesn't look too good against your foe's team.

2: Mention Iron Head on DD, Slash it in on Choice Band

Iron Head isn't very common, but I think its pretty cool on Dragonite with Weakness Policy, since it allows it to really screw up Scarf Tapu Lele when they're locked into Moonblast. Not sure if its worth more of a mention there though, since that's pretty much all Iron Head does. I find it much more notable on the CB set however, since with CB, it straight up OHKOs Tapu Lele, which I think is a good use of multiscale tbh. I want some QC opinion before these two things are added in though.
Made the changes based on what Theorymon said.

As for the controversial things, I do believe that WP deserves a slash on Dragonite, willing to add it in if others agree to it as well. I'm a little unsure of Iron Head on the DD set if using it with WP because EQ already OHKOs Lele at +2 with both Jolly and Adamant Dragonite. It does seem cool on the Band set though, but the slashes in the last slot already kind of prevent me from adding it on. I guess I could take out Superpower for it since it has lower usage than it...? I wanted to add a controversial thing of my own to this preview as well:

Does Flynium Z Dragonite deserve its own set?

It's the most common item on Dragonite at the moment and from what I've observed and used on cart it plays a bit differently to the standard DD + Outrage set. For one, it doesn't run Outrage at all because Fly is the main STAB move of choice here, and forgoes Outrage for another coverage move like Thunder punch or Espeed, with EQ or Fire Punch as the first coverage move of choice. Some QC opinions on this would be nice too!
Ok, so I talked to some other QC members (NOVED and cant say mainly). Here's the main conclusion: Since CB Dragonite is usually used with hazards, its better to have a special mention of using Stealth Rock with Dragonite to pick off stuff instead of mentioning Iron Head anywhere. You don't have to go in depth into teammate or anything, just a mention is fine. After you implement that, I think you're ready to go!
Implemented! Just expanded a little bit on the Stealth Rock part for CB Dragonite since it was already there.

Just waiting for a check at this point
QC Approved 1/1

I'm gonna let this sit for a bit, then upload it tonight if QC has nothing else to add.
Uploaded! For future reference GateCreeper , the Flying Z crystal is actually called Flyinium Z, and Extreme Speed has a space between it since gen 6. Otherwise, good job!