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  • When do you want to play for BSS tour? I'm free basically whenever, GMT -7 but afternoons would work best.
    gmt-4 here, can play basically any day as well but I'd prefer to on Wednesday, Saturday is fine too. I should be around from 12pm to 4pm your time on those days
    Wednesday at around 3 - 4 pm sounds good to me, would prefer not to do Saturday but if something comes up I can do that as well.
    happy birthday btw. remember when you were only 16, how mad
    Yup, RL has hit me since then and it can be a bitch
    yeah things are getting pretty rough for me rn too. school? or something else
    Nah it's other stuff, haven't started Uni yet since I haven't made enough money yet to attend it
    Which is basically one of the rough stuff on its own tbh
    Do you like fanfiction?
    When play for BSS tour? I'm GMT+11 and usually available after 6PM, or all day Saturday and Sunday morning.
    Sunday morning is fine. I'll be available till 4pm in my time on Saturday so catch me whenever you're on. I'm gmt-5 btw
    Sorry to disturb ya GC, just wondering when will you be updating Sceptile? Just needs a few changes and it'll be ready for stamping :3
    I was actually working on it last night lol. I can try to finish it up before the weekend ends. If that doesn't happen I'll have changes done by the end of this week for sure :)
    Dayum, didn't even notice. All good, just make a new post when it's ready. \o/
    opps for PSPL. I'm GMT+1. Tuesday afternoon (noon-9pm). Thursday day time (9am-2pm). can you make any of these times? I'm kinda busy on the weekend so lmk
    how about wednesday at the times you mentioned. might catch you tonight but can't promise anything
    Wednesday sounds doable. Today is too if you're around, but I would prefer Wednesday.
    on ps now if you like
    Nohr FTW imo. I'd hate Camilla (p sure that's her name) to be another Tharja or Aversa too. Tharja was kind of a interesting character in the game with her obession over Robin, but besides that she was just a bleh character over all. I don't even remember Aversa that well besides her chest size, she was boring.

    Camilla as a more lively bad character with a great personality would be awesome. She's totally waifu material if she's like that. From the trailer, she definitely looks like she has somewhat of a personality and I'm looking forward to how she turns out.
    Agree about Tharja, it'd be more interesting if they more developed her wondering over what she should be fighting for 'cause that was the far more interesting of her two characteristics but nah they just rolled with the whole flat character thing oh well

    Aversa was kind of interesting in that she was kidnapped and pretty much raised to be in a freakin' cult and made to believe that her kidnapper was her father but we never get much development from her so it was kind of a wasted opportunity.
    I never knew about that Aversa stuff, must've forgot about it. That kinda makes her semi-cool, since IS only touched upon that backstory. What a missed opportunity to develop a "fanservice" character's personality.
    Hey there, I just wanted to tell you if you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to message me. I'm a mod of the Battle Spot forum so I should be able to answer it. Hope you stick around!
    Oh I actually meant help for the forums, haha. If you're not sure on how something works or need to find the right thread for something, that sorta thing.
    Oh, you mean how to format? I think I understand how to format now, and I'm familiar with the Battle Spot forums but I'll still ask questions if I'm curious. I also wanna help too, with things like chatting about the metagame, helping with movesets, etc.
    That sounds great! Just let me know if you need any help.
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