I am taking a Break, Please don't request [temporarily closed]

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Requested Pokémon: Blastoise
Deposited Pokémon: Spearow, male, 11 quick ball
In Game Name: Torqan
Your Message:I want to trade for pokemon that are strong in battles

Requested Pokémon: Swampert
In Game Name: Torqan
Deposited Pokémon: Spearow, male, 9, quick ball
Your Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Requested Pokémon: Greninja
In Game Name: Dylan
Deposited Pokémon: Spearow, male, 12, quick ball
Your Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thank you :)
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Pokemon Wanted: Salamence
Pokemon Deposited: Male lv.24 Fearow
IGN: Henning
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thanks ^^
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requested: blastoise
deposited: spearow lv 12 male
IGN: seventh
message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

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Pokemon Wanted : Greninja
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 10 Spearow female
IGN : Kanade
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks alot for your great giveawy!
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Pokemon Wanted: Blastoise
Pokemon Deposited: Lv7 Spearow Female
Message: I want a pokemon that is strong in battles
Requested: Greninja
Deposited: Lvl 8 male Spearow
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Received, thanks!
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Pokemon Wanted: Salamence
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl. 27 Female Fearow
IGN: Moshik
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

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Requested: Greninja
Deposited: Lv 18 Female Pichu in pokeball nicknamed Chicy
IGN: Veloso
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
Pokemon Wanted: Hydreigon
Pokemon Deposited: Spearow/F/lvl9
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Requested: Greninja
Deposited: Spearow, level 12, male
IGN: Sora
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you in advance and sorry for not being able to gender lock.
Request: primarina
Deposited: fearow lvl 27 male
IGN: Liquid
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Also can someone tell me how to strike through fulfilled requests?
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Request: primarina
Deposited: fearow lvl 27 male
IGN: Liquid
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Also can someone tell me how to strike through fulfilled requests?
you click the edit button on the comment and then a button will appear with an s with a line through it. highlight the text and click that button.
Request: primarina
Deposited: Spearow lvl 9 male
IGN: Declan
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Pokemon Wanted: Greninja shiny
Pokemon Deposited: Spearow, female lv 10
IGN: Matteo
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Request: primarina
Deposited: fearow lvl 27 male
IGN: Liquid
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Also can someone tell me how to strike through fulfilled requests?

There is an S with a strike through it next the the bold, italic, and underline symbol!
From the 10 nominated Pokémon for next week I randomly chose 7 (using the randome number generator of my calculator).
Winners are:


Marrilandra adds:


I found:

Kyrie bae Primarina
YoungLiquid Primarina
ParadiseEon Greninja
I dont care Greninja
Overflow87 Blastoise
TheSassyCupcake Blastoise
Moshikal15 Salamence
8600A Greninja
Mr. ShinyUmbreon Blastoise
Cinemod Greninja
Cutefluffysheep Salamence
seventh Blastoise
Kong Harald Salamence
Torqan Greninja
Torqan Blastoise
Torqan Swampert
Ziomauri Greninja
Smuckem Feraligatr
Linathan Feraligatr
MetnotstandImMärchenland Primarina
Drofriz Blastoise
sater10 Empoleon
si.tole Hydreigon
Pikanium Salamence
OMOWI Greninja
stellar31 Salamence
Miyami~~ Primarina
MEEAD Empoleon
Asagi Blastoise
zdrup15 Swampert
Mega-meganium Greninja
Shadowgreninja Swampert


Rodny S
Please Strike-Through Received (or sniped) Requests ! :)

DatGuyBoopy Samurott is Level 50, you asked for 51-60
Request: Salamence
Deposited: Spearow lvl 11 male
IGN: Declan
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Pokemon Wanted: Blastoise
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 1 Spearow female
IGN: Matteo
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
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Requested Pokemon:Blastoise
Deposited: Spearow lvl 9 Male
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Pokemon Wanted: Salamence
Pokemon Deposited: Male lv.44 lycanroc
IGN: Rayton
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
Could I please get a Feraligatr?

Pokemon Wanted: Feraligatr
Pokemon Deposited: Level 12 Male Spearow
IGN: Almedha
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in Battles.

Thanks for the giveaway.
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