Resource SM OU Viability Ranking Thread

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problem with tapu koko is it is hit and miss in many matchups. often forced to come in and u-turn while accomplishing very little considering. more importantly, it's not a+ level with some of the most consistent pokemon in the tier: tapu lele, zygarde, ash greninja.

"Hit or miss in many matchups" could be said about Lele, Ash Greninja, Celesteela, and Mawile too, then, because all of those mons have their share of dead plays and Koko is no less potent than these. I think Zygarde is S rank so I wont get into that.

For example let's compare Koko to Ash Greninja. You can say virtually the same thing about Ash Greninja having to come in and u-turn while accomplishing very little considering when one of its many checks or counters comes in. Koko trades the potential power and cleaning ability of Ash Greninja for immediate speed, power, and the ability to disrupt any kind of team. I'd argue that Koko is even more consistent than Ash Greninja since Koko does not rely on the big "if" of transformation.
"Hit or miss in many matchups" could be said about Lele, Ash Greninja, Celesteela, and Mawile too, then, because all of those mons have their share of dead plays and Koko is no less potent than these. I think Zygarde is S rank so I wont get into that.

For example let's compare Koko to Ash Greninja. You can say virtually the same thing about Ash Greninja having to come in and u-turn while accomplishing very little considering when one of its many checks or counters comes in. Koko trades the potential power and cleaning ability of Ash Greninja for immediate speed, power, and the ability to disrupt any kind of team. I'd argue that Koko is even more consistent than Ash Greninja since Koko does not rely on the big "if" of transformation.
I don't know what you mean about immediate power. Pre transformation A-Gren's specs hydro pump hits significantly harder than Koko's thunderbolt, and all of koko's other moves are piss weak. Moreover, the speed is only relevant to a couple of mons that are mostly not relevant to the meta (Weavile) as well as Koko itself.

Besides that, they're not really comparable. Koko's an offensive pivot. A-Gren is a breaker/cleaner.

I also don't know about these A+ mons being dead weight. Lele, Mawile, and A-Gren heavily pressure the other team by their mere presence, because nothing besides like Megagross wants to take hits from Lele's psychic, nothing wants to come in on Mawile's attacks, and no one wants Gren to transform. Celesteela is an excellent and consistent wall on one set and a similarly excellent and consistent sweeper on the other. Unless it's a team of something like all electric and fire type moves, it's not going to be hit or miss.
Prankster T-Wave Thundurus is amazing right now, even though you can't use Prankster on Tapu Koko and Ash-Greninja.

There's been an abundance of Choice Scarfers and speed boosters (mainly because of Koko/Gren) that you can Paralyze and cripple for the rest of the match. You can also use it on slower annoying Pokemon that hinder your team (walls/trickroom/stickyweb).

It has sealed and turned around a many matches for me. Currently using Tbolt/HPice/FocusBlast with Life Orb/Z-Crystal to limit it's checks, but you can use Taunt/Knock Off if your team needs it. Thundurus' versatility is amazing. Although Tapu Koko is faster and better at it's main job, it has become very predictable now.

Wouldn't make Thundurus A rank yet because it relies a bit on Rocks prevention, but B+ or even A- seems reasonable. Played around 50+ games between 1700-1850 rating with it.
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I don't know what you mean about immediate power. Pre transformation A-Gren's specs hydro pump hits significantly harder than Koko's thunderbolt, and all of koko's other moves are piss weak. Moreover, the speed is only relevant to a couple of mons that are mostly not relevant to the meta (Weavile) as well as Koko itself.

Besides that, they're not really comparable. Koko's an offensive pivot. A-Gren is a breaker/cleaner.

I also don't know about these A+ mons being dead weight. Lele, Mawile, and A-Gren heavily pressure the other team by their mere presence, because nothing besides like Megagross wants to take hits from Lele's psychic, nothing wants to come in on Mawile's attacks, and no one wants Gren to transform. Celesteela is an excellent and consistent wall on one set and a similarly excellent and consistent sweeper on the other. Unless it's a team of something like all electric and fire type moves, it's not going to be hit or miss.

Ash Greninja's Specs Hydro Pump pre-transformation does not hit significantly harder than Koko's Thunderbolt

252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 118-139 (18.3 - 21.6%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Magnet Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Electric Terrain: 109-130 (16.9 - 20.2%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Electric Terrain: 121-142 (18.8 - 22.1%) -- possible 5HKO

As you can see, LO thunderbolt damage eclipses the specs hydro pump damage.

Forget about gross damage for a minute though. Koko's actual damage output dwarfs that of pre-transformation Ash Greninja. The fact that Hydro Pump is only 80% accuracy means that Thundbolt has roughly 125%+ the damage output in comparison. Then there is the fact that Koko has access to Nature's Madness, which will take 50% off of literally any switch in bar Shedinja. The combination of the two moves alone is incredible in terms of damage output and is something Specs Greninja cannot match. On top of those you still have to account for the fact that Koko can actually use different moves without being locked in while maintaining the superior damage output.

The speed is highly relevant because it is the fastest non mega in the tier. It's faster than dangerous threats like Greninja, Torandus, Weavile, and Dugtrio.

I only compared Ash Greninja to Koko because someone else did. The point that I was making is that "often forced to come in and u-turn while accomplishing very little considering" applies to Ash Greninja as well, if not more so due to the amount of things that can stop it cold like AV tangrowth, Chansey, Magearna, Bulu and Fini

I never said the A+ mons were dead weight. I said they have their fare shares of dead plays, which is what was being held against Koko. I think you're exaggerating how good some of the A+ mons are in comparison to Koko. For example, Celesteela needs a lot of support to break past common threats like Zapdos, Heatran, Toxapex, Chansey, Zar Y, Koko. It's defensive set crumbles easily to breakers and lures and is setup fodder for key dangerous threats. I'm not saying it's unworty of being A+, but lets not act like it wont be hit or miss unless the opposing team has all electric or fire types....that's just absurd
Tapu Koko has always been a great Pokemon-- Electric Terrain, insane Speed, and interesting movepool. However, the metagame is not any different from when Tapu Koko initially dropped. In fact, it has turned from one of the more controversial drops (one which I personally disagreed with) to a solid A rank Pokemon. Reason? Tapu Koko has some trade-off whatever set it uses.

The standard Zap Plate set is often found itself pivoting around these days instead of actually doing anything productive. It's kind of like Mega Charizard X in which it is hard to naturally build a team that gets destroyed by it. A pivot that has limited switch-in opportunities and can find itself deadweight in many matchups does not define an A+ Pokemon. In addition to this, Zap Plate Tapu Koko has a pitifully weak Hidden Power [Ice] meaning it is still forced out by a healthy Landorus-T (Protect sets are on this rise), Garchomp, Zygarde,...along with the amount of non-intended counterplay with the amount of Tangrowth, Alolan Marowak, and Ferrothorn. A Life Orb pivot set is not ideal and a Taunt-less Pivot set struggles to at least pressure its switch-ins such as Ferrothorn, Chansey, and lead Smeargle. The significance of something like this is how Tapu Koko is then forced to not run Volt Switch leaving it more vulnerable to predictive U-turn based plays and lacking a way to chip Mega Metagross which is everywhere.

I only covered how the metagame is already less friendly to the standard set. The stallbreaker is set is no different since it doesn't have Hidden Power [Ice] in general and is extremely predictable and useless against any matchup not stall (and even then it doesn't 6-0 right after the bat). Life Orb sets with Hidden Power [Fire] are harder to beat but get worn down easily since it's not like your opponent is going to let you consistently Roost in practice.

And yes, Tapu Koko is not on the level of Tapu Lele, a Pokemon that is stupidly hard to switch-in while its Scarf sets have got more merit with Medicham's introduction to the metagame. Ash Greninja is one of the most consistent Pokemon in the tier with a lot of them using Spikes in the last slot to punish Tangrowth. Combine this with decreased Tapu Fini usage and how great Water / Dark STAB is with Water Shuriken makes Tapu Koko almost uncomparable. I didn't take pre-Ash into consideration but that already gives you so much utility because of how it influences your opponent's plays to make sure you don't transform. Mawile is the more questionable A+ Pokemon so we can't compare it to Mawile and even then Mawile is going to atleast do something every game. Tapu Koko def. isn't Celesteela and Zygarde level.

Tapu Koko is a great pivot and can be a valuable asset to many teams due to how it can provide insane speed control in this metagame. However, beyond that it's one of those Pokemon that is good but not great. Put this in start to finish so if you are still interested in arguing then I have no words haha, but I can say Tapu Koko will not be rising any time soon. It's not in such a position compared to other A rank candidates such as Magearna and even Tangrowth, which myself oppose of such a rise.
Unranked --> Ranked

simply for being the best lead on trick room teams. Im just gonna steal a paragraph from imsosorrylol in his RMT. I'm also gonna steal his calcs cuz he did all the work for me kek
252 SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Uxie: 306-360 (86.4 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Uxie: 266-314 (75.1 - 88.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Uxie: 312-368 (88.1 - 103.9%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Uxie: 266-314 (75.1 - 88.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Shadow Bone vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Uxie: 264-312 (74.5 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Yeah so now that we've confirmed that Uxie is disgustingly fat you basically click rocks if they can't 2hko you, and then TR and memento. If they can, you just TR, then rocks, then memento (unless they lead their defogger or some shit, then you just memento. You actually just rocks vs greninja if you think they're protean because specs pulse is magearna fodder (you can just hard into it), and rocks are always nice). If they lead Smeargle you just magic coat on the spore, TR memento into Bonemerang Wak, and if they lead Tapu Lele or Tapu Fini you set up rocks, burn the mental herb if they taunt, and then coat on the second taunt. Uxie is pretty straightforward and if they lead a setup mon you get TR up and one of your three sweepers can probably OHKO it with TR up. If you can, keep Uxie alive as it can still set TR and memento late game. Magic Coat makes it so ferrothorn can't get free layers which is super nice since we don't have hazard removal.
Basically it's the best trick room lead and garuntees rocks + room vs a lot of things. Which gives it a lot more viability than a lot of the shit ranked like Talon, Whims, etc and falls into place with many of the mons that only have one niche on one play style but are still ranked like Shedinja, Quagsire, and Xurkitree. I'm sure everyone knows what it does so I doubt I'll need replays, but if you need replays just let me know before you delete my shit b
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Uxie is bulkier than brongzong but to run it for magic bounce on TR is just a terrible idea vs smreagle who's niche is sticky webs which I'm sure You'd want on the field

Unless You're running Z-Memento for mid game I don't understand what uxie meaningfully does that azelf(C) can't do with taunt and it barely has a niche itself

I love magic bouncing stuff but taunt covers a lot more bases

They really enjoy having creditable replays for unranked mons and banded scizor isn't even on the map yet(loves being with mega cham)
Uxie is bulkier than brongzong but to run it for magic bounce on TR is just a terrible idea vs smreagle who's niche is sticky webs which I'm sure You'd want on the field

Unless You're running Z-Memento for mid game I don't understand what uxie meaningfully does that azelf(C) can't do with taunt and it barely has a niche itself

I love magic bouncing stuff but taunt covers a lot more bases

They really enjoy having creditable replays for unranked mons and banded scizor isn't even on the map yet(loves being with mega cham)
did you actually read the post? It's much bulkier than Zong and has access to memento which lets you go directly into your breaker for free set up. For pretty much free kills. With Smear they aren't clicking webs vs you anyway, you magic coat to deny the taunt and rocks. It doesn't need z momento cuz you need herb to buffer through stray taunts. Azelf can't take advantage of trick room and is extremely frail. Again, it's the best trick room lead in the tier.
I think that if we rank Uxie then we should rank Cress too. Accomplishes more or less the same thing while being incredibly fat and walling a ton of big threats like certain protean gren sets, medicham, keldeo, even metagross even though you can't do much back. C- is fine because it isn't that great honestly but lunar dance on trick room is really crucial to bring in a weakened wallbreaker
Yeah, I noticed how Cress wasn't on the VR as well. Cress is about as bulky as Uxie, but has actual sustain in the form of Moonlight (which, despite weather, is workable). As made clear by Night Train Lane, Uxie's main supporting option alongside TR (and Stealth Rock setting, not mentioned) is Memento, whereas Cress has Lunar Dance (glorified Healing Wish), both allowing support for BO and similar teams in some way.

Another thing to note: Z-Memento gives HP restoration alongside crippling offensive threats, whereas Z-Lunar does nothing. I guess that's something to consider?

Oh yeah and both are taunt fodder lol
Yeah, I noticed how Cress wasn't on the VR as well. Cress is about as bulky as Uxie, but has actual sustain in the form of Moonlight (which, despite weather, is workable). As made clear by Night Train Lane, Uxie's main supporting option alongside TR (and Stealth Rock setting, not mentioned) is Memento, whereas Cress has Lunar Dance (glorified Healing Wish), both allowing support for BO and similar teams in some way.

Another thing to note: Z-Memento gives HP restoration alongside crippling offensive threats, whereas Z-Lunar does nothing. I guess that's something to consider?

Oh yeah and both are taunt fodder lol
I don't know how relevant it is to this discussion, but Cresselia (120/120/130) is far, far bulkier than Uxie (75/130/130). Cress certainly lacks certain supporting options but it's worth noting.
Yeah I second the notion that Cress and and Uxie should definitely move up to at least C- due to their extreme importance on TR teams. Ye Uxie and Cress definitely fill a niche role in getting TR up for the team and I'm extremely confused as to why they aren't ranked. They are comparable to say Torkoal who is also C- due to the fact that it is necessary in order for it's respective team to work. Only difference is TR is WAY more common than sun teams imo, so I'd even consider a C ranking due to TR teams being more common.
did you actually read the post? It's much bulkier than Zong and has access to memento which lets you go directly into your breaker for free set up. For pretty much free kills. With Smear they aren't clicking webs vs you anyway, you magic coat to deny the taunt and rocks. It doesn't need z momento cuz you need herb to buffer through stray taunts. Azelf can't take advantage of trick room and is extremely frail. Again, it's the best trick room lead in the tier.
First thing I said is its bulkier than zong????? Kind of me agreeing there are points

But I really don't think magic coat has enough merit over taunt to run uxie without a replay, but it does do well agonist fodder like itself, just there are so many amazing mid game options to set up hazards it seems like an overinvestment to use magic coat I only said Z momento to give more mid game merit where it's less likly to be taunt bait anyhow(also saves it some from knock off)

It might be a sure fire a lot of times but I don't know how TR handles the free turn it offers when it ends for their defogger to just clean up after You got Your 1 time runs up. Sticky Web works because the team never needs to take a Break at cost of every 5th turn or risk losing a sweeper

Marowak, cofin, bulky pivots Chansey/slow turn lando, ferrothorn and etc are all really good at reseting hazards and having tools to stop spins/defog.

More than anything I think there needs to be a replay and explained what is offers overy reliable setters(over the whole game)

Just realized Mew gets the same moves

I mean if everything is thrown into one defense stat and hp it takes a few 3 hit kills better but than Mew is still bulkier on the other stat uninvested
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First thing I said is its bulkier than zong????? Kind of me agreeing there are points

But I really don't think magic coat has enough merit over taunt to run uxie without a replay, but it does do well agonist fodder like itself, just there are so many amazing mid game options to set up hazards it seems like an overinvestment to use magic coat I only said Z momento to give more mid game merit where it's less likly to be taunt bait anyhow(also saves it some from knock off)

It might be a sure fire a lot of times but I don't know how TR handles the free turn it offers when it ends for their defogger to just clean up after You got Your 1 time runs up. Sticky Web works because the team never needs to take a Break at cost of every 5th turn or risk losing a sweeper

Marowak, cofin, bulky pivots Chansey/slow turn lando, ferrothorn and etc are all really good at reseting hazards and having tools to stop spins/defog.

More than anything I think there needs to be a replay and explained what is offers overy reliable setters(over the whole game)

Just realized Mew gets the same moves

Idk why you're focusing on Magic Coat so much. It's used because it's the bulkiest lead trick room has. Magic Coat is just a bonus. It's never going to use z momento cause you already have Cress in the back and Mental Herb is needed.

Actually reading back it seems like you don't completely understand why it's being nommed for a raise. It's a garunteed rocks + room vs ~70% of the meta. None of the Pokemon you mentioned get rocks + room and aren't even used in Trick Room. None of those Pokemon take advantage of trick room being up by giving free momentum. It's the only good Trick Room lead. It should be ranked for that.

Read the RMT and use the team. It's really good.
First thing I said is its bulkier than zong????? Kind of me agreeing there are points

But I really don't think magic coat has enough merit over taunt to run uxie without a replay, but it does do well agonist fodder like itself, just there are so many amazing mid game options to set up hazards it seems like an overinvestment to use magic coat I only said Z momento to give more mid game merit where it's less likly to be taunt bait anyhow(also saves it some from knock off)

It might be a sure fire a lot of times but I don't know how TR handles the free turn it offers when it ends for their defogger to just clean up after You got Your 1 time runs up. Sticky Web works because the team never needs to take a Break at cost of every 5th turn or risk losing a sweeper

Marowak, cofin, bulky pivots Chansey/slow turn lando, ferrothorn and etc are all really good at reseting hazards and having tools to stop spins/defog.

More than anything I think there needs to be a replay and explained what is offers overy reliable setters(over the whole game)

Just realized Mew gets the same moves

I think the reason he said he doesn't really need a replay unless people ask for it is because this is coming from a very very succesful TR team that most people know by now. Uxie is fantastic on that team and I do think it probably deserves some sort of ranking for how reliable it gets TR and rocks up.
I found Mew basically has a hair better overall bulk same moveset just different abilities, having taunt/no momento

I'll check those replays out and I still really am not a fan of early game rocks like I used to be.

Hadn't seen them till now mega mawile helps cover up stall and could be cured of burn later

Looks solid I'd agree with the rise
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- zapdos from A- to A

first off its typing is pretty good being able to tank and check some cool mons that are around now especially in tours, like kartana, tornadus therian, mega pinsir, mega scizor, tapu bulu and also some defensive threats such as celesteela, toxapex, tapu fini, and so on. furthermore, thanks to its solid ability (pressure), this beast is able to pp stall a large variety of mons (included the ones i said before) for example the most common hazards (sr or spikes) setters (especially stealth rocker ones) users which are clefable, landorus therian, bronzong (this is a bit gimmick but w/e, used in trick room for example), skarmory, ferrothorn, and so on. zapdos basically wins against those mons thanks to pressure (+ defog) which is what, in my opinion, gives it the A spot in my opinion. in addition to this, its movepool is not bad. i mean, its not the best movepool an electric type can get, but still he can run discharge, which is the move thats used more as an electric stab since it has 30% (same percentage as scald) to para opponents. heat wave is cool to give some problems to passive steel types such as ferrothorn and stuff and finally it can run defog which is one of the best moves in the game to get the rocks away from the field. oh and i almost forgot about hidden power ice which can lure some dragon types like dragonite and stuff. sets that can be seen are two basically, these ones: 1 or 2. (ev spreads can be changed of course, but that's just to show that a zapdos might have static and hidden power ice which may could be gimmick than a common one)

The whole point of magic coat is so ferro doesn't spike all over u for free, as well as being able to rock first vs taunt users and then coat followed by trick room, saving a turn of trick room which means ur likely getting an extra kill. Also allows for other shit like bouncing smeargles taunt or spore which is pretty dope. Cress is honestly only viable on tr and even then u can use shit like p2 over it whereas there's really no reason to not use uxie on tr imo. I think cress should stay unranked but uxies niche on tr is super important so it should be ranked.
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0 SpA Mew Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 200-236 (56.8 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers

Magic coat looks like a option You're forced to run to avoid hazard stacking that really doesn't get You further than the first layer and burns Your TR turns(match vs grenija)

It's niche is momento Mew can do everything else with better speed options and mixed bulk
0 SpA Mew Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 200-236 (56.8 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers

Magic coat looks like a option You're forced to run to avoid hazard stacking that really doesn't get You further than the first layer and burns Your TR turns(match vs grenija)

It's niche is momento Mew can do everything else with better speed options and mixed bulk
I never said that was it's niche I just was explaining the point of magic coat. Also why would I flamethrower ferro when I can bounce the spikes to their side. Mew also doesn't have levitate which is super nice since you don't always sack the uxie after you trick room.
Uxie is bulkier than brongzong but to run it for magic bounce on TR is just a terrible idea vs smreagle who's niche is sticky webs which I'm sure You'd want on the field

Unless You're running Z-Memento for mid game I don't understand what uxie meaningfully does that azelf(C) can't do with taunt and it barely has a niche itself

I love magic bouncing stuff but taunt covers a lot more bases

They really enjoy having creditable replays for unranked mons and banded scizor isn't even on the map yet(loves being with mega cham)
Anybody with a brain is going to know not to lay Sticky Webs against a Trick Room team. Magic Coat is still a great move because they're not gonna be throwing out SW anyways, and it Smeargle's trying to Taunt, you can reflect it and make use of all the extra momentum.
Don't get why you are still arguing against Uxie when everyone that has used it knows how efficient it is at its job. Seriously, just use the team at this point if no arguments can convince you. You cant be throwing out these irrelevant calcs and mons and use them as arguments against a nom. You already said you agree with the nomination so what's the point in continuing to argue.

Zapdos to A sounds fair. The 3 attack roost set is a pain for Bulky Offense that rely on Ferrothorn/Tang + Lando/Celes + Toxapex/Fini as the backbone, having coverage for all of them. In general it's a real pain to wear down with a unique typing and access to Roost. Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, and Discharge are all very good options. It's also one of the few defoggers in the tier; However, it doesn't do it very well due to most rockers having a boosting move: SD zrock lando, SD rocks chomp. Also it's not able to beat bulky rockers like Clef and Chansey, and Magma Storm Tran. Nevertheless, having the option of defogging is always plus.
Don't get why you are still arguing against Uxie when everyone that has used it knows how efficient it is at its job. Seriously, just use the team at this point if no arguments can convince you. You cant be throwing out these irrelevant calcs and mons and use them as arguments against a nom. You already said you agree with the nomination so what's the point in continuing to argue.

Zapdos to A sounds fair. The 3 attack roost set is a pain for Bulky Offense that rely on Ferrothorn/Tang + Lando/Celes + Toxapex/Fini as the backbone, having coverage for all of them. In general it's a real pain to wear down with a unique typing and access to Roost. Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, and Discharge are all very good options. It's also one of the few defoggers in the tier; However, it doesn't do it very well due to most rockers having a boosting move: SD zrock lando, SD rocks chomp. Also it's not able to beat bulky rockers like Clef and Chansey, and Magma Storm Tran. Nevertheless, having the option of defogging is always plus.
tfw Thundurus isn't electric/flying. Also Rotom-S, who can forget about the king of ground immunities?

Uxie is cool. the replays you provided are solid and shows it consistently being able to do its job, even in the face of LO Gren Dark Pulses. seems worthy of a rank to me. Trick Room is good.

Zapdos just got the rise to A-, and I'm not sure that it belongs in the same tier as mons like Magearna, Tangrowth, and Mega-Scizor. On the other hand, this thing is hard as fuck to kill without strong STAB SE attacks.
I found Mew basically has a hair better overall bulk same moveset just different abilities, having taunt/no momento

I'll check those replays out and I still really am not a fan of early game rocks like I used to be.

Hadn't seen them till now mega mawile helps cover up stall and could be cured of burn later

Looks solid I'd agree with the rise

I can see why you would think the bolded looking at the stats, but it's actually not true apparently.

252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Shadow Bone vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Uxie: 264-312 (74.5 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Shadow Bone vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 318-374 (78.7 - 92.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Uxie: 266-314 (75.1 - 88.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Mew: 332-392 (82.1 - 97%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Uxie is well-demonstrated as the best lead Trick Room setter, thanks to its bulk and access to Memento. I agree that I'd rather have Taunt than Magic Coat, but neither of them are as important as Memento on Trick Room.

Unranked -> C or C-

Unless you've been living under a rock the last couple of months Espeon is known as the ultimate choice for Baton Pass teams thanks to Magic Bounce. Deflecting phazing moves as well as preventing Taunt is huge for Baton Pass teams to remain uninterrupted. Calm Mind / Stored Power / Dazzling Gleam / Morning Sun @ Kee Berry is the set of choice. Best of all Dazzling Gleam helps support Necrozma later on by eliminating Dark-types while still denting Steel-types after some boosts with Stored Power.

I confess I don't have any replays saved and I'm sure I can find some, but I think with Baton Pass still existing in OU it only makes sense to add the #1 blocker of normal ways to debunk Baton Pass.
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