[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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Deposited: Level 9 male cutiefly
Desired: Murkrow
IGN: Nedcone
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon strong in battles
IGN: M i r k o
Deposited: lvl 7 male cutiefly
Wanted: Kartana
Message: I want to fill my pokedex!

thank you!
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  • Pokémon requested: Lilligant
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv1 male named Wommel in a Timer Ball
  • IGN: Mertyville
  • Pokémon requested: Clafairy
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 1 male named Wommel in a Timer Ball
  • IGN: MertyVGC
thx :>
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Pokémon requested: Drifblim
Deposited: lvl 9 male cutiefly
IGN: Leon
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon strong in battle
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  • Pokémon requested: magnezone
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 1 male (ultra ball)
  • IGN: Ziomauri
  • Message: i want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thank you!
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  • Pokémon requested: Clefairy
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 1 male
  • IGN: Daniel
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Pokémon requested: Oranguru
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 12 Male Cutiefly
IGN: Luke
Request: Can you change the ability to Telepathy

Thanks in advance
Pokemon Requested: Alolan Persian
Level and Gender of the Cutiefly:female, level 9
IGN: Azure
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Question: Is it one per calendar month?
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  • Pokémon requested:Drifblim
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly:Level 12 female
  • IGN: Víbuma
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  • Pokémon requested: Eevee
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 12 male (nickname: Barry)
  • IGN: Ken (message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles)
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  • Pokémon requested: Mimikyu
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 1 male
  • IGN: Daniel
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Pokémon requested: Eevee
Deposited: Cutiefly (Lv 11, Male)
IGN: Joker
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon strong in battle
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  • Pokémon requested: Tapu Koko
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv9 male in a pokeball
  • IGN: Mertyville
thx :>
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  • Pokémon requested: Murkrow
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 12 female (nickname: Sally)
  • IGN: Ken (message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles)
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Pokémon requested: Arcanine
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv. 10, male
IGN: Andre
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thank you!
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Pokémon requested: Araquanid
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 11 female
IGN: Mana

Thanks :)
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  • Pokémon requested:Kartana
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly:Level 10 male
  • IGN: Víbuma
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  • Pokémon requested: golduck ( looks great btw)
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly:level 8 male
  • IGN:Josh
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