Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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Bug report -- Tangrowth Egg Moves
Egg moves in question:
Powerswap (swap ATK / SpA changes with target)
Leaf Storm

Egg Chain instructions: Using Pokemon Heartgold
>Male Espeon lv78 with power swap
>Female Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry
>Male Seedot with powerswap.
>Lv Male Seedot with powerswap to lv48 keeping swagger, evolve him into shiftry learning leafstorm at lv50
>Male Shiftry with Powerswap / Leaf Storm / Swagger + Female Tangela
>Tangela with Powerswap / Leaf Storm / Swagger
>Heart Scale to teach Tangela Ancientpower, lv up evolve to Tangrowth.
>Now Tangrowth with Leaf Storm / Powerswap / Swagger + any TM / HM / LvUp / Move Tutorable move.
What is the bug? The /learn command tells me that all of these moves can indeed be compatible on Tangrowth, both currently and in Gen. 7.
I'm not 100% sure this is a bug, but if it is I would like to point it out. On turns 29 and 34, +1 accuracy zygarde missed a toxic on unaware clefable. Everything I have seen online has said unaware only affects damaging/attacking moves, which toxic (and thunder wave, which missed in a replicated battle), don't seem like they should fall into this category. If this is just confusion on the wording on my part, sorry for wasting your time, but i thought i would at least post here in case it is a bug.
tried to do an ou ladder battle with one of my pretty standard teams, and instead it gave me a completely trash and illegal team. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-598996887 my opponents team may have also been a glitch cause he was using stuff like dark pulse t-tar. Also just to be clear it was illegal because mega latias isnt released yet
From the odd Pokemon levels it seems like you entered with a Random Battle team; this is still definitely a bug and something that shouldn't happen, but that could shed light on why it was so weird.

A room tour started and I joined it, but I was under an alt so I went on my main (after joining) and clicked "join" again, it told me "you already have an alt in this tournament" so I went back on the original alt which bugged everything and basically when I clicked "join" it once again said "you already have an alt in this tournament" but without taking me into account into the tournament (so basically I couldn't join it anymore and once it started i wasn't in it)

This is a one time occurrence though I haven't tried to do it more or anything (it was on the app btw)
I keep getting an error message at the New Battle Room screen for Gen 7 OU, it says "heart is an invalid move" , then when i try to open the team in Team Builder, the app crashes EVERY TIME. I think Magearna might be the issue because i just started using it. IVE BUILT THE TEAM LIKE 5 TIMES NOW NOTHING CHANGES. Help me understand.
I keep getting an error message at the New Battle Room screen for Gen 7 OU, it says "heart is an invalid move" , then when i try to open the team in Team Builder, the app crashes EVERY TIME. I think Magearna might be the issue because i just started using it. IVE BUILT THE TEAM LIKE 5 TIMES NOW NOTHING CHANGES. Help me understand.
Have you tried using the browser version of PS and not the app? We don't officially support the app, although you may wish to comment on its thread here.

In random battles, I got an illegal Gligar. Gligar cannot have Immunity with Defog, as the former is Hidden Ability and the latter is a Gen 4 HM. Apologies for the rather large picture.

In random battles, I got an illegal Gligar. Gligar cannot have Immunity with Defog, as the former is Hidden Ability and the latter is a Gen 4 HM. Apologies for the rather large picture.
This happened because Random Battles (including Gen. 4 ones) don't take compatibilities into account.

(If a picture is too large, you can upload it to a site like imgur or prnt.sc and provide a link to it.)
Not a bug per se, but at team preview it reveals what pokemon are shiny, which doesn't adhere to cart mechanics (where only mini-sprites, gender, level and item presence are shown).
This is releveant as it can reveal information about possible moves restricted to events which otherwise shouldn't be known until those pokemon have been active.
Not a bug per se, but at team preview it reveals what pokemon are shiny, which doesn't adhere to cart mechanics (where only mini-sprites, gender, level and item presence are shown).
This is releveant as it can reveal information about possible moves restricted to events which otherwise shouldn't be known until those pokemon have been active.


Team Preview should not show whether Pokemon are Shiny or not
In-game, the minisprites are used and they don't have Shiny versions

known issue
So idk if this has been reported here before, but I will take the risk.

Sometimes, when playing in tours (and sometimes battle), before I click ''Challenge/Battle,'' I would see that a completely random team of mine is picked. (One example is on a Ubers tournament after I clicked ''Challenge'' I noticed the team was the one I have for Battle Spot Singles) I didn't take screenshots because, honestly, screenshots for this aren't needed, I believe (and they could be faked anyways).
So idk if this has been reported here before, but I will take the risk.

Sometimes, when playing in tours (and sometimes battle), before I click ''Challenge/Battle,'' I would see that a completely random team of mine is picked. (One example is on a Ubers tournament after I clicked ''Challenge'' I noticed the team was the one I have for Battle Spot Singles) I didn't take screenshots because, honestly, screenshots for this aren't needed, I believe (and they could be faked anyways).
Perhaps you have set the team's format to something you didn't expect in teambuilder, or replaced one team's Pokmemon with those of a different-tier one without changing the set format? That's happened to me before.
Probably along the lines of that validator bug, if it is also caused by that (sounds like it), then were working on it.
http://i.imgur.com/9YrJaJ3 (picture is really long sorry)
The message where it tells me something is banned when queueing for a battle repeats itself with gengarite+hypnosis in 1v1
I tried to replicate this with focus sash, which is also banned but that didn't work so I'm not sure if its unique to the gengarite
Not sure if reported, but battleoptions>ignore nicknames doesn't work on the black battle text in the battle screen that is visible (hopefully I explained that correctly?)
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