[Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

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Deposited: Lvl 22 male glaceon
Desired: Blaziken Jolly | Speed Boost | Focus Sash
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Stone Edge / Swords Dance / Baton Pass / Protect

Reason: I'd like to test out a baton pass theory. I really appreciate the giveaways!
IGN: Nedcone
Could I please cop a Perfect Bold Ditto with Leftovers

IGN: Tanteo
Deposited: Goldeen, Lvl 14, Female
Message: Please Trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advanced.

As you can probably tell, I have high breeding ambitions :)
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Modest | Fairy Aura | IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 176 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef / 48 Spe
Geomancy / Moonblast / Grass Knot / Psyshock

Holding Gold Bottle Cap

Deposited Lapras (male ) lvl 15
Message I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Reason: Creating a full Uber Team

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Jolly | Clear Body -> Tough Claws | Metagrossite

IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Meteor Mash / Hammer Arm / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch

IGN: Taran
Deposited: Level 5 Male Abra
Reason I want: My only metagross atm is adamant but its not good enough for bsd.

Thanks in advance!
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Monthly Request Number 2

Wanted: Latias
Timid | Levitate | Latiasite
IVs: 31/x/31/23/30/31 [HP Steel] (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Reflect Type / Roost

Deposited: Pinsir Lvl.50 Male
IGN: Dylan
Reason: Like I said with Latios, breeding all megas but had no access to these 2. Thanks again!!!!

Your generosity and efficiency are unparalleled...I thank you sir.
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Last Ditto, promise! lol

Can I have one, Perfect Naive with Rocky Helmet?

IGN: Tanteo
Deposited: Misdreavus, Lvl 9, Male
Message: Please Trade Pokemon with me. THanks in advanced.

Again, for breeding... And I'm copping some items too bc the fact that you have to purchase some of these things with Battle Points is absurd imo... Hope after all these Dittos, I can still claim 2 reg pokes? lol
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Sent: Registeel, Landorus-T, Latios x2, Blaziken, Ditto x2, Xerneas, Metagross, Latias

Awaiting trade: Darkrai

Ragnarokalex : No problem about requesting the Ditto, but please make sure to post again when you deposit for it to make sure I see it :)

First of all, thank you a lot for all your work and effort. I will use the September bonus, too.

If you can, i'd like a Lucario, because i always wanted one to try with the megastone but i never made to make one i really like.
I'll put a lvl 1 Shuppet (with the strong pokemon msg). My IGN name is Paolo
Jolly | Inner Focus | Choice Scarf
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Final Gambit / Close Combat / Bullet Punch / Follow Me
Additional egg moves: Vacuum Wave, Blaze Kick
Hatching location: Ruins of Conflict

And ,if it's not too much, i'd like a Politoed with its secret ability, in order to use it with Toxicroak and unleash a powerful frog duo.
I'll put up a lvl 1 Gligar for this (with the strong pokemon msg). IGN name still Paolo
Calm | Drizzle | Aguav Berry
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpDef
Scald / Perish Song / Encore / Protect
Additional egg moves: Haze, Refresh, Endeavor
Hatching location: Brooklet Hill

Last but not least, if you can, i'd like a ditto.
I'll put up a lvl 1 Helioptile (same strong pokemon msg, same IGN name Paolo)
Perfect (31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly)
(with an abilty capsule, if possibile)

Thank you in advance,
Paul :)

Hi! Before I send you the Pokémon you requested, I thought I should let you know that both of them are available in my VGC Factory giveaway, which has no limits of request. If you want to get them there instead, you would be able to have 2 different Pokémon here for the month. It's up to you, though, and if you prefer to have them as your monthly requests here, I'll gladly send them over, let me know! Also, I would assume the Helioptile wasn't deposited yet for the Ditto? I looked for it but didn't see it. Make sure to post again once you deposit for it so that I don't miss it :)

Again, for breeding... And I'm copping some items too bc the fact that you have to purchase some of these things with Battle Points is absurd imo... Hope after all these Dittos, I can still claim 2 reg pokes? lol

So, for part one of the Monthly Giveaway, may i ask for a Mew? It doesn't matter the IV's or whatnot, I don't use Legendary Pokemon competitively, I use them for display... Like Sports Cars... The reason I want this pokemon is because I am trying a complete a full collection of all the Legends from each generation.

IGN: Tanteo
Deposited: Carbink, Lvl 13
Message: Please Trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advanced.
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Latios Timid | Levitate | Life Orb
IVs: 31/x/27/31/31/31 (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Calm Mind / Draco Meteor / Psyshock / Ice Beam
IGN: Nedcone
Deposited: Lvl 34 Lumineon male
I'm looking to make a baton pass combo with latios, blaziken, and primarina.
Second Pokemon for this month
Adamant | Justified | Choice Scarf
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Close Combat / Zen Headbutt / Knock Off / Destiny Bond
Additional egg moves: Shadow Sneak, Memento, Encore
IGN: Grim09
Deposited: lvl 29 female Turtonator
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me, Thanks in advance.
Reason: need a gallade with knock off so badly lol, just to use it in ou and rekt things
Ragnarokalex : No problem about requesting the Ditto, but please make sure to post again when you deposit for it to make sure I see it :)

mmk, i got the Wingull up now, so its ready for Latios whenever. When that is done I will put up a Level 28 Female Poliwag with the same message for the ditto if that is fine.

Thanks a ton!
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Sent: Registeel, Landorus-T, Latios x2, Blaziken, Ditto x2, Xerneas, Metagross, Latias

Awaiting trade: Darkrai

Ragnarokalex : No problem about requesting the Ditto, but please make sure to post again when you deposit for it to make sure I see it :)

Hi! Before I send you the Pokémon you requested, I thought I should let you know that both of them are available in my VGC Factory giveaway, which has no limits of request. If you want to get them there instead, you would be able to have 2 different Pokémon here for the month. It's up to you, though, and if you prefer to have them as your monthly requests here, I'll gladly send them over, let me know! Also, I would assume the Helioptile wasn't deposited yet for the Ditto? I looked for it but didn't see it. Make sure to post again once you deposit for it so that I don't miss it :)


Thank you a lot for the advice, too. I'm posting on the vgc for the Lucario then. After that, i will upload on the GTS the gligar and then the helioptile.
Sent: Registeel, Landorus-T, Latios x2, Blaziken, Ditto x2, Xerneas, Metagross, Latias

Awaiting trade: Darkrai

Ragnarokalex : No problem about requesting the Ditto, but please make sure to post again when you deposit for it to make sure I see it :)

Hi! Before I send you the Pokémon you requested, I thought I should let you know that both of them are available in my VGC Factory giveaway, which has no limits of request. If you want to get them there instead, you would be able to have 2 different Pokémon here for the month. It's up to you, though, and if you prefer to have them as your monthly requests here, I'll gladly send them over, let me know! Also, I would assume the Helioptile wasn't deposited yet for the Ditto? I looked for it but didn't see it. Make sure to post again once you deposit for it so that I don't miss it :)

Also thank you for the registeel
First Pokemon of the month:
Modest | Static | Life Orb
IVs: 31/x/31/26/31/31 [HP Grass] (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpAtk / 176 Spe
Thunderbolt / Heat Wave / Hidden Power Grass / Roost
OT: Aldora
Ign: Justin
Deposited: level 31 female klefki, luxury ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Reason: Maybe vgc 18 will allow legends, and I'd like to try zapdos out. Also, I would really appreciate it if it could have tailwind over roost. Thank you so much!
Jolly | Hyper Cutter -> Aerilate | Pinsirite
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Swords Dance / Return / Close Combat / Quick Attack
Additional egg moves: Feint, Bug Bite
Hatching location: Poni Meadow

IGN: Shix
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Deposited: Level 11 female Cutiefly
Reason I want: I need a strong Pokémon for the Battle Tree! I lost at battle 40! :'(

Trade 1 in September 2017.

Thank you!
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Pokemon wanted: Male Modest Volcarona
Pokemon deposited: level 19 Machop nicknamed "Macho"
IGN: Sebas
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battle.
Thanks in advance. Sorry to ask the pokemon the last day of August.
Reason: Because volcarona has an excelent move calle Quiver Dance that can helpme buid a very powerful Fire-type team.
Sent: Ditto, Gallade, Poliwrath

Awaiting trade: Xerneas, Deoxys

Cutefluffysheep : Surprisingly, I think your Minccino got sniped :o

I will admit, I was surprised at first about your plan of taking on Gardevoir with Gallade considering the type disadvantage! :P But it seems as long as you give Gallade the mega stone, you should be able to get a surprise KO!

132 Atk Mega Gallade Poison Jab vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gardevoir: 144-170 (100 - 118%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Good luck in your next battle!

Haha! That isn't much of a reason, though... why do you NEEEEEEEEED it? (why this pokémon over any other?)

It seems you forgot to add a reason for requesting as the rules ask. Please let me know, and I'll gladly send over the Volcarona!
I already change the post with a new one with the reason added. Hope it still count as my August pokemon.
Okay, so I think I'm doing it right this time...

Bold | Pressure | Leftovers

IVs: 31/x/31/16/31/31 (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Volt Switch / Heat Wave / Toxic / Roost
Note: Soft-reset in Y

Deposited: level 1, female Mareep (leftover from a breeding project).
IGN: Andy, friend code should be in my signature
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that will help me with my adventure.

Hoping to nab this one to flesh out a BSS balance core. Thanks in advance!

Thanks again!
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Sent: Darkrai, Mew, Latios, Gallade, Ditto, Pinsir, Volcarona, Zapdos

I already change the post with a new one with the reason added. Hope it still count as my August pokemon.

No worries, it does!

First Pokemon of the month:
Modest | Static | Life Orb
IVs: 31/x/31/26/31/31 [HP Grass] (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpAtk / 176 Spe
Thunderbolt / Heat Wave / Hidden Power Grass / Roost
OT: Aldora
Ign: Justin
Deposited: level 31 female klefki, luxury ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Reason: Maybe vgc 18 will allow legends, and I'd like to try zapdos out. Also, I would really appreciate it if it could have tailwind over roost. Thank you so much!

A few things: since it's already transferred to Sun and Tailwind is a Gen 6 move tutor, I can't teach it Tailwind... also if Zapdos is allowed in VGC 18, I have to warn you that there is the highest chance you would need the black clover of Alola Pokémon, which means this Zapdos from Gen 6 would be not allowed. Finally, if you still want this Zapdos anyway, we'll have to do a direct trade, since it's an event Pokémon and can't be sent through the GTS, so simply PM me with your FC and make sure to add mine if you would like that!
My Second trade for the month

Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31 (hyper trained)
Evs 252 Att 252 Speed 4 Hp

Swords dance / extreme speed/ shadow claw/ earthquake

Item: Silk Scarf

PM me when you are free to trade
First trade of September:

Modest | Water Absorb | Shuca Berry
IVs: 31/18/27/31/25/31 [HP Ice] (Hyper trained to 31/18/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Steam Eruption / Flamethrower / Sludge Bomb / Hidden Power Ice
OT: Helen

IGN: Ames
Friend Code: 4571 1084 1365 (We already have each other added)
Reason: That unique typing - no other poke can fulfill the same niche.

Thank you! Will try to catch you when you're next available.
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1st request of the month

  • Requesting: Ho-oh, Regenerator set
  • IGN: Aravagantos
  • FC: 1736-1452-3455
  • Deposited: Mareep, Lv 16, female, timer ball
  • Reason: Last month I requested multiscale Lugia, I have no choice but to complete the pair.
Thank you!
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2nd request of the month

  • Requesting: Giratina, Adamant Telepathy set
  • IGN: Aravagantos
  • FC: 1736-1452-3455
  • Deposited: Mareep, Lv 16, male, timer ball
  • Reason: How could I ask for the OG Great Wall without asking for the New, Edgy Great Wall?
(How the heck did it take me more than 10 turns to catch the original mareep anyway?)

Thank you very much!
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For my second, and final giveaway this month, may I ask for this one:

Adamant | Justified -> Adaptability | Lucarionite
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Swords Dance / Close Combat / Iron Tail / Extreme Speed
Hatching location: Caught on the Dream Radar, RNGed in White 2

IGN: Tanteo
Deposited: Riolu, Lvl 1, Male

Lucario has always been one of favorite pokemon, so it's about time I bred a competitive one. I intend to use this one as a breeding template
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Requesting: Ditto - PrfctSassy (31/31/31/31/31/0 Sassy) - Golden Bottle Cap
IGN - Addison
Deposited: Level 50 Male Murkrow named Murkrow
Reason: Need a ditto for trick room breeding

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