NOC Bard's College Mafia - Day Three

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Just a general mafia theory thing, but I want people to vote early and often. If you're town, then your vote and your voice are the only two weapons you have in order to catch scum. Plus, voting helps create a paper trail in which we can use to analyze later in the game. If you see me being really insistent on you taking a stance and voting someone, then this is why.
any idiot can cast a vote, the more important factor to any vote is reasoning behind it. so many games on this site have been lost to 'wagonomic' analysis, without actually looking at reasons for how vote spreads ended up like that, and why individuals placed votes the way they did. id much rather analyse vote reason then vote trail.
Tfw I was in that game


But yeah, that pretty much clears things up now
i was in that game and won with style and finesse. another smogon village slayed brutally by asek

it was a hollow victory

Just a heads up that I may not be active comparative to some other players, most of the mafias I play in move slower, I'll try to make some decent reads though.
The Former Hope vs. Aura Guardian thing just seems like two people disagreeing over strats to me, although Former Hope's vote back onto Aura Guardian seems slightly sus? I suppose it's a natural reaction, but still. For the record, I'm against Former Hope's plan for the time being as well, I don't think it would help to claim anything this early in the game, it seems like a mafia-sided idea, but I can see how it would seem good. Anyway, null read on Aura Guardian and a slight sus read on Former Hope, but not enough to really matter. inb4 i'm attacked for not choosing a strong position, pls forgive me
Champ's vote on XnadrojX seems odd considering that he said he was voting him for being an 'inactive lurker' when XnadrojX had posted previously, he should've said "fluff poster" or something in that case. (And I could've agree with that classification, his first post was pretty fluffy) My guess is that he just didn't read the thread well enough. I also find it odd that he would vote on an 'inactive' before 24 hours had passed, but that's likely because I'm uninitiated with the frequent vote culture here, I'm used to votes being extremely strong scum accusations and votes on inactives being something you do towards the end of the day if anything, with PoS, FoS, and MFoS, etc. being used for indications of different levels of scumminess.
Also, I too see the irony in Aura Guardian going

Do you mind explaining your read on bluedoom?

Also, while we're still in the phase where I can make jokes
Voting Hitmonleet until he finishes his walrus
and on a final note, if it seems like I skipped over a lot of stuff, I did, I'm just not good enough to casually come up with reads on everything because rip me.
a forum that moves slower then smogon?

this cant be real

also jesus christ this post is hedgy as fuck.

texas trying too hard on page 1. I don't like post 7

user bluedoom is cute

ag opportunistic

who is phophylactic and why do I like most of his posts?
suck my left nut

bloody probably my strongest scum feel after this page, off of 1 post no less. that post was just a hedgy wall that managed to say nothing really. looks like scum struggling to produce
this is a fine series of posts (the quotes may look a bit weird without quoted posts in my qutes to give context)
i think the mxmts thing is weird (once again) as it was a bit of a stretch to vote it, and it was within the first page. most people here would be rvsig (and as far i can tell) activity is shite and lots of ppl here are n00by.

i dont know how you can come to conclsion blue = scum and texas = town after these posts, if anything those positions are reversed for me after these pages

what bothers you about experience, this makes no sense and looks like a really, really poorly done attempt at throwing shade onto another slot

You missed the bit after where I pointed out how their speaking didn't make sense if they were new, which was suspicious. After they provided the link to the Thing mafia and stated that they've played before, I promptly backed off because it then made sense.
Prophylaxis Champ went from townreading FH based on the # question to pointing out the AG vote as bad to talking about your point on FH in an irrelevant manner. The thoughts don't look coherent to me and this would be weird coming from town IMO.

I'd sheep Moody's point on XX.

I'd like hitmonleet to actually make a vote instead of making quote walls. I don't remember town!him doing this in The Thing.

I like Proph's mxmts vote more than KoC's. KnightsofCydonia you need to explain why being 2nd on the wagon is scummy because in my eyes that's NAI.

Speaking of mxmts, I felt like his reply was more likely to come from town than mafia. I don't see responses like "I didn't read the AG's post before I posted" or "I didn't see the difference between another random vote or no vote" coming from mafia immediately. Thoughts?
I'd also like to mention that Champ's response to my vote was very self-conscious. "Did I do something wrong? I'm confused..." isn't a good response when you're under pressure. I don't know anything about her meta though.
these are some pretty good points

if this didnt get answered later on, champ was extremely lacking in confidence as town when we last played together (3 months ago maybe). their posts look a lot better then they were then, but i doubt that quality to their posts has completely disapeared.
Got it, I'll vote if I find a reason to. I was just noting the difference before, once I read through the thread I figured I'd need to be more active with it.
As for mxmts, his tone seems a bit more defensive at the start of the game than it probably should be for town [what with the 'sorry' included in his response to Knights], but by itself that seems like a null tell, I'm not sure how he normally writes and he did have legitimate queries aimed at him. I would've found not responding to them scummier.
Hitmonleet, if you have time to quote my post then you should finish your walrus say something other than 'boi'. Not sure if posting fluff should count for a scumtell given that it's Thanksgiving, I'll just assume that Hitmonleet was trying to check in somehow while catching up with the thread with the time being. If it weren't a holiday then I would call it a scumtell.
more hedge.... ZZZ
Earlio coming in with that fluff and vanishes, I don't think Town does that.

Also to Prophylaxis on the "scum self-conscious" part, I think putting so much stock into "They want to look towny" is a problem, scum messing up is a real possibility.

Although I don't think Champ is scum based on the wagon, it exploded way too quick for a wagon on scum which tends to be stally and stuff.

Staying on Granny since they literally just came back in to vote me back and disappeared again

interesting earlio point. 'active' lurking (differant from lurking) is usually much more indicative of scumminess then just flat out luring

dont get the second line, really

wagonomics is some zzz shit

grannys content has been.... nonexistent so far. i dont remember them posting anything. at all. at this point
You missed the bit after where I pointed out how their speaking didn't make sense if they were new, which was suspicious. After they provided the link to the Thing mafia and stated that they've played before, I promptly backed off because it then made sense.
why would it have been suspicious if they were new
why would it have been suspicious if they were new

Because they're spouting a lot of circus-specific phrases and overall doing good

who do you think is a better vote

Imao either MS (who's done pretty much nothing this whole game other than spout baseless, illogical statements from the outset and never stopped ("Only scum ask for reasoning", an entire series of reads with literally nothing besides "x is town y is scum") or Twin (who only shows up to throw shade at me)
there's no point in trying to dissect anything metal sonic says or does

ag could be casting doubt on proph to protect a teammate
This, and stuff on the same page - such as not liking oog = consideration of what other people do...

Meow's long been on my list, so I went over some of his more recent posts. Vote MeowMiXXX; #507 (quoted), #511, and #517 seem to be pointing down contradictory paths.
Not voting? Fam, I was on XnadrojX.
Good morning, btw. Reading through, KOC brings up good points on mxmts, though I disagree with Prophylaxis about Earlio. He's an unusually fluffy dude on town, and he's only slightly less fluffy and more idle as mafia. I don't scumread him right now based on the past experiences I've had with him, but even so, I want him to post more, so I will Unvote/Vote Earlio. You better start talking, buddy.
My vote is also still on Granny Pie

Unvote Vote Jalmont

No skating through day 1 for you this game. Start doing things or I begin the crusade
wow a pressure vote where you state your vote is still in effect on another person. this is really going to bring the heat onto people and make them post.

I didn't attempt to make any reads because I think trying to read people so early is stupid. The way I see it, I could easily find an excuse to call literally everyone in this game scum, but I'm not going to pretend I have any idea about other people's alignment. I fail to see how the fact that I didn't scumread Champ makes me any more suspicious than other people that voted for them, I made my vote at random between the people that already had one vote, if they turn out to be town, whatever, we were probably going to lynch someone innocent anyways.
I was just telling my honest reads on Former Hope, while replying to Prophylaxis. I have nothing to defend here.
One thing I don't get is this post. If you are going to lynch me because I'm not worth reading into town (hey im kinda hurt by that i have feelings), then am I being called policy here?
Other than that, it clearly seems that you are just going for a lynch you can see. I don't see you scumhunting at all here. So you as mafia going for an easy lynch so that it can benefit you, that's what you aim to do? This is fishy.
I didn't get the first line. "I think trying to read people so early is stupid" isn't that you saying that the basic foundation of town (i.e. scumreading) is bad?
these posts are good and probably the first signs of assertive champ that ive seen. real questioning + engaging with those replying to you is a good look.

Hey everyone let's kill Jalmont
give it up
whydo people feel the need to 'pressure' jalmont in every game hes in when he will produce content eventually. ive yet to see him be in a game and just lurk the whle time as either alignment. what a waste of time + posts.
What are you hoping to achieve by this quote wall nonsense

Make your reads based off what you see and act on them, all you're doing right now is busy work out of touch with the game that clogs up the thread and distracts from actual scum hunting
maybe so people can see how my reads are developing in the context of a game ive just subbed into

just because all your posts ive read so far are bad doesnt mean my work means nothing
I'm fine with Asek quote walling to be honest.

It's more content than what other people are spewing out into the thread right now and gives us more things to talk about. It lets us track his thought processes.

Plus I'm glad he's taking the effort to do it when so many of our other replacements haven't.
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