Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Finally bred all the Eevees and will be ready to announce the giveaway on my thread. I decided to Nickname the Eevees this time based on characters from either the Avatar or Marvel comics. Which would you you guys want?

Can we do anime, or at least Sylveon be named Mavis?
Does anyone have the following flawless mons for trade?
- Bold Ha Oddish in a Moon Ball with Strength Sap
- Modest/Timid Oddish in a Friend Ball with Strength Sap
- Timid Hydration Ducklett in a Premier Ball
- Jolly Hydration Ducklett in a Premier Ball with mirror move, aqua jet
- Careful/Jolly Skorupi in a Dream Ball with Whirlwind, Pursuit
- Jolly Sawk in a Dive Ball
- Bold Finneon in a Dive Ball
- Timid Delibird in a Premier Ball with Spikes, Freeze Dry, Destiny Bond, Rapid Spin
- Timid HA Girafarig in a Ultra Ball
- Hasty Elekid in a Ultra/Fast Ball with HP Grass spread and Ice Punch
- Impish Overcoat Burmy in a Dream Ball
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Quiet Gulpin
- Timid Ha Voltorb with HP Ice/Water in a Poke/Repeat Ball
- Timid Hidden ability Timid Gen 5 Monkeys with Nasty Plot in a fitting ball
- Quiet Execute with 0 Spe in a Nest/Friend Ball
- Timid Cryogonal in a Dive Ball

And the following Pokemon that don't need good ivs:
- Naive HP Fire Diancie
- Naive Deoxys
- Modest Unown in a Luxury Ball with HP Psychic
- Lonely/Hasty Stantler with Sucker Punch
- adamant/brave Ha Spinda with Superpower
- Hasty/Naive/Jolly/Adamant HA Tauros with Bodyslam [RBY]
- Adamant/Timid Arceus
- Hasty/Naive Shiftry with Sucker Punch, Defog, Knock Off

Other things:
- Pal shiny Sylvally Code
- Smogon Giveaway Kyurem
- Smogon Bacepholon

I can offer the following 5 Iv mons:
- Timid Magnemite in a Heavy Ball with HP Fire
- Timid Ha Treeko in a Luxury Ball with (HP Fire), Leaf Storm, Gigadrain, Leech Seed
- Bold/Relaxed Pink Shellos in a Dream Ball with Fissure, Counter, Yawn, Mirror Coat
- Relaxed/Bold Ha Illumise/Volbeat
- Jolly Ha aerodactyl in a Dream Ball with Pursuit, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Wide Guard,
- Adamant Krabby in a Fast Ball with Agility, Knock Off, Amnesia, Ally Switch
- Bold Lunatone in a Dusk Ball
- Adamant Solrock
- Timid/Jolly Ha Purrloin with Encore, Foul Play
- Impish HA Spiritomb in a Premier/Dream Ball with Foul Play
- Adamant Koamala in a Moon ball with Sing, Charm, Wish, Play Rough
- Bold HA Lileep in a Heal Ball with Mirror Coat, Barrier, Stealth Rock, Recover
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Ultra Ball
- Impish HA Trubbish in a Friend Ball with Spikes, Rock Blast, Selfdestruc, Rollout
- Adamant Lillipup in a Level Ball with Pursuit, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Psychic Fang
- Jolly Onix in a Heavy Ball with Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
- Timid HA Abra in a Level Ball with Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Encore, Knock Off
- Adamant Sudowoodo in a Level Ball with Selfdestruct, Stealth Rock, Rock Out, Defense Curl
- Jolly/Impish Tyrogue with High Jump Kick, Rapid Spin, Mach Punch
- Adamant HA Swinub in a Heavy Ball with Freeze Dry, Stealth Rock, Icycle Crash
- Adamant Tarpinch in a Friend Ball with Bug Bite, Quick Attack, Endure, Focus Energy
- Calm Chimecho in a Friend Ball with Wish, Stored Power
- Timid Ha Cyndaquil (HP Grass) with Extrasensory
- Timid Ha Roselia in a Safari Ball (HP Fire) with Sleep Powder, Gigadrain, Spikes, Synthesis
- Bold Koffing in a Heavy Ball with Psywave, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Grudge
- Adamant Marill in a Love Ball with Superpower, Bodyslam, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
- Modest/Timid Tortunator in a Repeat Ball with Head Smash, Fire Spin
- Timid Ha Woobat in a Luxury Ball with Stored Power, Knock Off, Venom Drench
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon/Friend Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Timid Ralts in a Dream Ball with Disable, Shadow Sneak, Ally Switch, Grudge
- Jolly HA Buneary in a Dream Ball with Encore, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
- Modest HA Skrelp in a Luxure Ball with Toxic Spikes, Play Rough, Haze
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Modest Numel in a Luxury Ball with Heat Wave, Iron Head, ancient Power
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball
- Jolly Ponyta in a Repeat Ball with Horse Power, Morning Sun, Hypnosis
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I am now searching for a
Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- U-turn
You can get a Landorus like that for free on my Giveaway thread. It's from Gen 6, so it's not usable for VGC, but unless I'm mistaken that set is meant for OU anyway. Its IVs aren't the greatest, but it is hyper trained to make up for that so it makes no difference.
hello i am new to the game and was looking for anyone with unwanted competitive pokemon or breading leftovers to help get me started i have pokemon ultra sun and i will pretty much take anthing i can get my hands Pm if you can help Thanks. also i would really love a genesect or landorus if anyone had one they didnt need

There are GAs every Friday of competitive pokemon, and when you get your TSV checked by Christian he gives a shiny BR Lando.
Does anyone have the event Shiny Tapu Koko that they don’t mind trading off? Sadly I missed that event.
I have a Marshadow code to offer (though it can only be redeemed in sun/moon).
If you don’t want that, I have a shiny tsareena or politoed I can trade.

Edit- Someone traded it to me. Nvm!
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Anyone able to help with some suggestions for a nature and ev spread suggestions for a SOS chaining specialist Mawile please? Not sure which of the Dex's analysis would be the best fit and it doesn't fit any of the metagames so thought I'd be better of asking here. So far I have this:

Mawile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: ? - not sure if Adamant, Jolly or a defensive nature would be best
EV's: ? - really in the dark where to start here as surviving/dishing out a hit and speed is an issue
- Super Fang
- False Swipe
- ?
- ?

I could also use help narrowing down the final two moves slots; I'm currently considering Sing for status, Feint Attack for anti-evasion and then any of the Fangs or Punches, Iron Head, Bite/Crunch, Headbutt or Play Rough for OKO (and possible flinch) potential. Multiple Mawile with different final moves are also an option.

Trying to go for HA Beldum atm hence my choice of Mawile as lead chain specialist as Super Fang plus Take Down recoil in theory will give a bit more control on when you need KO the chained Beldum as well as a longer catching window. Will be using to SOS chain other mons after though.
Anyone able to help with some suggestions for a nature and ev spread suggestions for a SOS chaining specialist Mawile please? Not sure which of the Dex's analysis would be the best fit and it doesn't fit any of the metagames so thought I'd be better of asking here. So far I have this:

Mawile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: ? - not sure if Adamant, Jolly or a defensive nature would be best
EV's: ? - really in the dark where to start here as surviving/dishing out a hit and speed is an issue
- Super Fang
- False Swipe
- ?
- ?

I could also use help narrowing down the final two moves slots; I'm currently considering Sing for status, Feint Attack for anti-evasion and then any of the Fangs or Punches, Iron Head, Bite/Crunch, Headbutt or Play Rough for OKO (and possible flinch) potential. Multiple Mawile with different final moves are also an option.

Trying to go for HA Beldum atm hence my choice of Mawile as lead chain specialist as Super Fang plus Take Down recoil in theory will give a bit more control on when you need KO the chained Beldum as well as a longer catching window. Will be using to SOS chain other mons after though.

I'd use Marowak, Aegislash, or Decidueye for False Swipe (especially when chaining Beldum) so Beldum can't use kill itself with Take DOwn. As for sets, all you really need is False Swipe and three high PP moves (Return and Frustration come to mind) and Leppa Berry. As long as your Pokemon is high-leveled, nothing will kill it so ability, nature, and EVs don't matter much. Plus, you can always use HP-restoring items.
I'd use Marowak, Aegislash, or Decidueye for False Swipe (especially when chaining Beldum) so Beldum can't use kill itself with Take DOwn. As for sets, all you really need is False Swipe and three high PP moves (Return and Frustration come to mind) and Leppa Berry. As long as your Pokemon is high-leveled, nothing will kill it so ability, nature, and EVs don't matter much. Plus, you can always use HP-restoring items.
The thing is that I was thinking of Mawile as the combination of Intimidate plus False Swipe, Super Fang and Sing seems to be pretty unique and potentially means less switching and allows for more Harvest Skill Swap Exeggcute/Trevenant with a choice of Sitrus or Leppa berry in the party.

I get your point about using a Ghost type and I'll give it a go but I tried chaining Beldum this evening and I found the frequency of calls plus the end (failed) capture is an issue I need to get around not only for Beldum but for other different mons in the future as well.
The thing is that I was thinking of Mawile as the combination of Intimidate plus False Swipe, Super Fang and Sing seems to be pretty unique and potentially means less switching and allows for more Harvest Skill Swap Exeggcute/Trevenant with a choice of Sitrus or Leppa berry in the party.

I get your point about using a Ghost type and I'll give it a go but I tried chaining Beldum this evening and I found the frequency of calls plus the end (failed) capture is an issue I need to get around not only for Beldum but for other different mons in the future as well.
One thing you might be able to do is to use a mon to skill-swap harvest and trick sitrus, and another weak mon with harvest and fling leppas.

That said, Id personally go for trick leppa and ghost swiper, its gonna take lost of time anyway, I doubt intimidate makes that much of a difference
Good to know about the giveaways but what do you mean get your Tsv cheacked for landorus whats TSV? and how do i do it

TSV is a value that you use in RNG, and is your trainer shiny value. It is a value, that when matches with the encounters value, is shiny.
TSV checked by Christian he gives a shiny BR Lando. how do i get this checked and by who? who is christian?

We can continue this through a conversation. Christian is a respected wifier, and you get this checked through a difficult to explain process. All you would do is catch a mon, and he will give you a value, after trading to him.
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