Multifaction/FFA Genius Game - Grand Final - Main Match 3 (Draft Mafia)

I mean it's literally one category are people really that upset

This is an American-majority forum and most of the players itg are American. Hell if you study the relevant stuff I doubt it would even be that much harder for an international player since it's not like I'm primarily asking stuff only Americans know. Most of the things I ask are things an American may have some familiarity with but probably wouldn't know without some review, and I gave the topics in advance so that someone could in theory work really hard and be strong in the category even with very little prior knowledge. If you read the Wikipedia article for each of these there's probably only a couple questions you wouldn't know.

Alternatively just focus on one of the four other categories lol, you only have to pick one.
Btw I'm probably going to make a slight adjustment to the death match category and limit the death matches that can be selected in order to allow for game specific boosts available in the auction
I mean it's literally one category are people really that upset

This is an American-majority forum and most of the players itg are American. Hell if you study the relevant stuff I doubt it would even be that much harder for an international player since it's not like I'm primarily asking stuff only Americans know. Most of the things I ask are things an American may have some familiarity with but probably wouldn't know without some review, and I gave the topics in advance so that someone could in theory work really hard and be strong in the category even with very little prior knowledge. If you read the Wikipedia article for each of these there's probably only a couple questions you wouldn't know.

Alternatively just focus on one of the four other categories lol, you only have to pick one.
Survey says there is 5 Americans and 1 Canadian left in this game.
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Hey guys really sorry I had medical issues that caused me to have to miss the draft today

After talking to LW and zorbees the next time we can all make it is on Friday at 7 PM PST (yay timezones!), but I'll see if I can get a sub host to do it tomorrow or Thursday instead

Also I have legit zero garnet actions from anyone so if you actually want to make use of your bargaining power then you should send those to me
By the way the deathmatch options that will be there will be:
1. Dog (duh)
Boost (if buy boost and this is the death match chosen): Receive one free letter at random privately at the same time as code is revealed
2. Pass Code
Boost: Get one free question at the start of the game
3. Animal Map
Boost: May receive one free mapping that they can have in front of them, in writing, at all times
The draft is concluded. The teams are (prices in parantheses):

Team zorbees

Blazade (59)
idiotfrommars (8)
Asek (7)
ItzViper482 (1)

Team LightWolf

Da Letter El (76)
Isa (34)
Flyhn (2)
VigilanteVigoroth (1)

Current garnet counts are as they were at the start of this task, with LW and zorbees spending 3, DLE spending 2, and Blazade spending 6. Congrats to everyone who did not bother spending lol.

All boosts for tasks were bought by team zorbees. The Cancel Boost (now useless) and Don't Go Down with the Ship bonuses were also bought by zorbees. LightWolf bought the Great Glory bonus.

Get in touch with your teammates and submit a list of your preferred challenges no later than 24 hours from now, or at 7 PM PST on Saturday, January 20th. Please try to organize challenges with the opposing team for this Sunday if at all possible, though I will give both teams a week to schedule them at the latest. The latest time to schedule tasks for will be next Friday, at 7 PM PST, on January 26th.
Alright well I'm just going to go based off what I've heard and I am locking in picks now

The challenge competitors will be (team LightWolf listed first):
Logic: Isa vs zorbees
Math: VigilanteVigoroth v Blazade (sorry vigvig, everyone else on your team expressed a preference for something else and you're last pick lol)
Analytical Writing: LightWolf v Asek
History: Da Letter El v idiotfrommars
Deathmatch: Flyhn v ItzViper482

The death match selection will be Pass Code.

I'll give everyone 24 hours to post times they're available within my posted timeframes publicly or else I'm letting the other team pick the time so fking post your schedules.

Pick your preferred times from the below:
Tuesday - Thursday, 6 - 11 PM PST.
Friday, 6 PM - 2 AM PST.
Saturday - Sunday, 1 PM - 11 PM PST.

Be proactive in talking to the other team. I am perfectly open to the teams agreeing amongst each other the times for the matches since most of them are, after all, team matches rather than individual. I will require that the individual be present, however.

Good luck all!
travelling over this weekend. most likely thursday is going to be the best day for me, friday evening/night _could_ work for me. weekend will be difficult to make work since the time i have after getting home from my trip on sunday will be spent on SPL

Im gmt plus 1

edit: nevermind didn't realize that the times listed were basically 4 AM night my time on weekdays. i cant do any of the times listed except possibly 1-3 PST sunday.
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Due to Isa's scheduling constraints I'm going to set the time for logic to be 1:30 PM PST on Sunday.

Based on the above I'll set Math to be 1 PM on Sunday. Get there at least 15 minutes early so that we can start on time.

I'd like to see History done by Friday night if at all possible. Let's plan on doing Writing and Deathmatch either Saturday afternoon or, barring that, following Logic on Sunday.

Of these, it is most important to be there for logic in my opinion. Math could be important though is perhaps less accessible. Writing would be good to gather sources etc. for supporting points or brainstorm ideas, but unless you're doing the actual writing it's not as important. Similarly, pass code is a game where one player could play about as well as a team, so that's less of a big deal.

Basically everyone should try to be on for the Sunday 1-2 PM PST block.