Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

how long do bans last? and do they ban your ip or your whole account? aside from the requirements do you have to be a good user to get a badge? why are some peoples badges gray? why do some people lose trophies and (in NJNP's case) not even make it on the hall of fame?

I won't be able to answer all your queries but these might answer some of your questions.

For Smogon, i'd give these a look:
(bans in PS are ip-based, and ban evasion is punishable)
For Pokemon Showdown, there's roombans which last for 2 days, blacklist which bans you for a year, and global ban which well, bans you from the site entirely.

Greyed out badges are called alumnus badges, where a person who has made significant contributions to the site has stopped contributing, these badges are rewarded to them to show appreciation for their previous works.
how long do bans last? and do they ban your ip or your whole account? aside from the requirements do you have to be a good user to get a badge? why are some peoples badges gray? why do some people lose trophies and (in NJNP's case) not even make it on the hall of fame?
Besides permanent bans, they only last until you drop below 4 points again. The infraction / point system is linked above.

Smogon bans by accounts, although IPs may be checked for alt creation.

Yes, you need to be in good community standing to get a badge. We're usually pretty forgiving to folks that turn over a new leaf, though~

Gray badges are alums, basically former major contributors to an area. Some badges, like Contributor and Artist, are always grayed out when a user stops contributing in that way, while others, like Community Contributor and Team Rater, need to be maintained for a while before qualifying for alum status.

Trophies are generally only stripped when they were earned through cheating. That doesn't necessarily mean everyone that's been stripped of a trophy is a cheater, though; in SPL8, all of the Tigers were stripped of their trophies after one of their players was found cheating. Stripped trophies are not included in the hall of fame because they're not meant to be recognized achievements.
Is there a way to report innapropiate threads and/or users? There was a spambot thread on the Giveaways forum (already deleted) that I tried to report, but I couldn't find any way to do it.
Is there a way to report innapropiate threads and/or users? There was a spambot thread on the Giveaways forum (already deleted) that I tried to report, but I couldn't find any way to do it.

The best way to go about it would be to PM or contact a Forum Moderator, as well as link the thread.
With SM you were them ready at launch.
You never know what factors they encountered that would have made the process slower. Even if it is slower, the people who do implement the sprites work very hard doing one of the most essential jobs on smogon/showdown, so for future reference just be patient and understand that they may not be able to implement the moving animations as quickly as you'd like them to. Thanks! :-)
Why did Poipole get to start in PU and dusk Lycanroc had to start in OU?
It was actually NFE, basically uncategorized, because it's simply NFE. I don't remember if this was the same with Type:Null but I wouldn't be surprised if so.
How i become a contribuitor or an artist student? If someone answers I'm grateful.


User is a Contributor. Contributors write and edit articles and competitive analyses for the site. Note that being recognized as a Contributor to Smogon requires a significant amount of quality content submitted to the site, such as guides, articles, and analyses. Visit the Contributions & Corrections forum for more information.

User is a Smogon Artist. Artists contribute pieces of their artwork to sections of the site, such as Competitive Discussions, Tournaments, The Flying Press, and Smogon's very own Facebook and Twitter pages. Visit Smeargle's Studio for more information.