Monotype Dugtrio [QC: 3/3] [GP: 2/2] (Written)


AM QC Check: Tyke
QC: Eien / Tyke / Moosical
AM GP Check: Aaronboyer
GP: lotiasite / The Dutch Plumberjack


Dugtrio's ability Arena Trap is the main reason to use it in the first place, as it prevents grounded Pokemon from switching out, letting Dugtrio act as the most effective and reliable revenge killer for Ground teams. With a Focus Sash in conjunction with Arena Trap, Dugtrio can guarantee the removal of dangerous grounded threats like Choice Scarf Greninja locked into Ice Beam (or variants not carrying U-turn) and Excadrill. Dugtrio's reliability in disposing of specific threats for Ground teams is one of its greatest assets. In addition to sporting a fantastic ability, Dugtrio has a nice, uncrowded Speed tier that lets it outspeed troublesome grounded foes like Choice Specs Keldeo. Having access to Sucker Punch, Dugtrio can check faster and weakened threats in addition to some Psychic- and Ghost-types, the latter of which cannot be trapped, while preserving its Focus Sash. Furthermore, despite its atrocious Special Attack, Dugtrio actually becomes one the best checks to Tapu Bulu, Ground's greatest threat, with Sludge Wave. With Gravity support, Dugtrio can even trap and eliminate numerous airborne threats like Mega Charizard Y, Celesteela, and Zapdos. While Dugtrio's horrible defensive stats let it activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power to 200 more easily, they also make it really vulnerable to opposing revenge killers and let it easily fall prey to weaker moves and priority attacks. Dugtrio needs considerable team support in order to properly function; due to its frailty, it needs a safe way to enter the field, be it with a double switch, after a teammate's U-turn, or after a teammate has been KOed. Dugtrio also needs entry hazard control to keep its Focus Sash intact, or else it won't be able to properly fulfill its purpose of trapping and removing opposing threats. Without the help of Gravity, Dugtrio becomes near-useless against airborne threats, as it cannot seriously harm them with any of its moves. Finally, even though Dugtrio's Attack stat isn't that bad, it's not that great either, so opposing Pokemon need more often than not to be weakened before Dugtrio can properly revenge kill them. It's also too weak to seriously threaten most walls.


name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Sludge Wave
item: Focus Sash
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD



Earthquake is Dugtrio's strongest and only recommended STAB move and its best option against most opposing Pokemon. When Dugtrio is at 1 to 8 HP, Reversal becomes a powerful 200-Base Power attack that can deal significant damage to Pokemon such as Chansey and Kyurem-B. Sucker Punch allows Dugtrio to revenge kill faster threats like Alolan Raichu in Electric Terrain and weakened foes without breaking its Focus Sash, letting it trap a wide array of Pokemon during the course of the match. Sludge Wave takes the last moveslot specifically to check Tapu Bulu, as it's one of the greatest threats to Ground teams. While Dugtrio can't actually OHKO Tapu Bulu, it will almost always be in range of being KOed after some chip damage, which can be easily attained from Wood Hammer's recoil.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed is needed for Dugtrio to be as strong and fast as possible. A Naive nature is chosen over a Hasty one, as it lets Dugtrio have less bulk overall, meaning it will activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power more easily. Focus Sash is the item of choice, as it lets Dugtrio survive a single attack from full health and even revenge kill faster Pokemon. Arena Trap should be the only ability used by Dugtrio, as it lets Dugtrio trap and remove dangerous threats for Ground teams like Choice Specs Keldeo. The suggested IVs serve specific purposes: 21 HP IVs let Dugtrio have 201 HP, which is the minimal amount to survive two Seismic Tosses from Chansey, and 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs guarantee an OHKO against Ditto in addition to making Dugtrio as frail as possible both physically and specially.

Usage Tips

Avoid directly switching Dugtrio into attacks as much as possible and clear any entry hazards away before switching in, as it relies on its Focus Sash to trap and revenge kill most threats. Double switches, a teammate's U-turn, and going on the field after one of Dugtrio's teammates has been KOed all are effective ways to safely bring it on the field. Without Gravity support, Dugtrio should not try to face off against Flying-types, as they can't be trapped or seriously harmed by any of its moves, meaning that against Flying teams, Dugtrio should not come on the field unless Gravity is active. Dangerous threats like Choice Specs Keldeo should be trapped by Dugtrio early-game before they severely dent the Ground team beyond repair. Dugtrio is unable to trap Ghost-types, so it will have a hard time revenge killing them. Additionally, since most of them fear Sucker Punch, they will switch out to one of their teammates that wall Dugtrio. Therefore, the best option most of the time is for Dugtrio to switch out as well to keep the momentum of the game. Against faster threats that don't care about Sucker Punch, it's advised to preserve Dugtrio's Focus Sash in order to properly dispose of them. In some of those cases, such as against Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, it might be needed to use Reversal right away, just before an incoming attack that will activate Dugtrio's Focus Sash, to KO the opposing Pokemon. Even though Dugtrio is most vulnerable to priority attacks, it can try and revenge kill opposing priority users like Mimikyu with its own priority Sucker Punch to keep its Focus Sash intact while doing so, but beware of its deceptively low damage output against neutral and even some super effective targets.

Team Options

Landorus brings crucial Gravity support for Dugtrio so it can trap and remove airborne threats on Flying and Steel teams like Mega Charizard Y and Celesteela. Landorus can also defeat Skarmory for Dugtrio after it has set up its Gravity. In return, Dugtrio can remove special walls like Chansey for Landorus. Additionally, Choice Scarf users that wouldn't normally outspeed Landorus like Tapu Bulu and Kyurem-B can be dealt with via Dugtrio's Sludge Wave and Reversal, respectively. In order to keep Dugtrio's Focus Sash intact so it can trap as many Pokemon as possible, entry hazard control from Rapid Spin Excadrill is really appreciated, if not mandatory. In return, Dugtrio can take out Torkoal and Mega Charizard Y (the latter with Gravity support) with Earthquake for Sand Rush Excadrill. For Dugtrio to achieve certain KOs, such as against Zapdos (with Gravity support) and Galvantula, it needs a teammate to set up Stealth Rock. Hippowdon is the best Stealth Rock setter Ground teams have to offer and is a great switch-in to most priority moves, which Dugtrio is very vulnerable to. As a bonus, Hippowdon can even forgo its Leftovers to use an Eject Button so that Dugtrio can safely enter the field after the former has been hit by an attacking move. One of Gastrodon and Seismitoad can be Dugtrio's teammate to switch into Water-type moves, with the former having the better overall bulk and longevity and the latter having better offensive stats, access to Knock Off, and the ability to check Azumarill, a dangerous threat to Ground teams. Garchomp or its Mega counterpart can be used as a setup sweeper or mixed wallbreaker to blast through physical walls like Skarmory and Mega Venusaur and other Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn that are neutral to Ground-type moves, while Dugtrio traps and KOes troublesome Fairy-types like Mega Diancie and non-U-turn Tapu Koko for it. Mamoswine can wallbreak against Grass and Flying teams for Dugtrio and brings another priority move for Ground teams, which is always appreciated. Choice Scarf Landorus-T is one of the few Ground-type Pokemon to learn U-turn and can put it to good use to safely bring Dugtrio onto the field.

Other Options

Memento can replace Sucker Punch to instead halve an opposing Pokemon's damage output and bring a setup sweeper like Swords Dance Excadrill, Garchomp, or Mega Garchomp or a wallbreaker like Mamoswine on the field so they get a free turn to boost their stats or punch a hole in the opposing team, respectively. However, not using Sucker Punch on Dugtrio means losing out on checking faster and weakened threats, greatly diminishing Dugtrio's overall trapping utility and potential. Toxic can be used to cripple walls like Slowbro, Porygon2, and Hippowdon, but again, that means Dugtrio won't be able to trap and check faster threats, which Ground teams really appreciate from it.

Checks and Counters

**Walls**: Dugtrio isn't powerful enough to blast through walls, being completely walled by most physically defensive Pokemon like Skarmory (even with Gravity support) and Mega Venusaur and even some specially defensive ones like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn.

**Flying-types**: Dugtrio needs Gravity support to actually threaten most Flying-types by trapping and eliminating them for its teammates. However, without Gravity support, Flying-types force Dugtrio out, as they're naturally immune to Earthquake, and even the frailest ones, such as Mega Charizard Y, take minimal damage from its other moves.

**Ghost-types**: Dugtrio cannot trap Ghost-types, so it's often best to switch out against them to avoid either being walled by Mega Sableye or Jellicent or losing momentum against opposing Pokemon switching out fearing Sucker Punch, like Choice Scarf Gengar and Blacephalon.

**Bug-types**: Most Bug-types force Dugtrio out, since they either resist Dugtrio's moves, outspeed it, or outright wall it. For example, Mega Pinsir is immune to Earthquake, has a 4x resistance to Reversal, and has decent physical bulk that lets it take minimal damage from Dugtrio's Sucker Punch, meaning it can freely set up Swords Dances against Dugtrio.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Dugtrio's horrendous bulk, opposing revenge killers like Choice Scarf Keldeo and Mega Lopunny and priority users like Azumarill and Breloom can easily dispose of Dugtrio once its Focus Sash is broken.
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- Definitely add that Dugtrio is useless against airborne threats without the help of Gravity.

- About Sludge Wave, it can't OHKO, but Tapu Bulu will almost always be in range after some chip damage, which is all you really need to say here about that. The chip damage is easily found from Wood Hammer recoil.

Team Options:
- For Landorus's line, change Alolan Raichu example to something like Tapu Bulu. Also specify Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, since 317 Speed Pokemon can't normally outspeed Landorus
- Defog Gliscor doesn't really exist. Rapid Spin Excadrill is a must as a result.
- For Garchomp and Mega Garchomp, rather than Tapu Bulu, you could use Tapu Koko as an example.

Other Options:
Dropping Sludge Wave is not an option. Sucker Punch is probably the main attack you can get away with dropping.
- Choice Band isn't viable.

Looks great! good job QC 1/3
AM Check, keep the changes you agree with.

QC: Eien / - / -
GP: - / -


*Dugtrio's ability, Arena Trap, is the main reason to use it in the first place as it prevents grounded Pokémons from switching out, letting it act as the most effective and reliable revenge killer for Ground teams.
*In addition of sporting a fantastic ability, Dugtrio has a nice, uncrowded Speed tier that lets it trap and effectively check dangerous grounded threats like Choice Specs Keldeo for its teammates. I'd drop "effectively check", since "trap" is a different (and more appropriate) function for Dugtrio.
*Having access to Sucker Punch, Dugtrio can even check faster threats (without breaking its Focus Sash) in addition of some Psychic- and Ghost-types, the latter of which cannot be trapped, bolstering its usefulness for Dugtrio.
*By using Sludge Wave, despite its atrocious Special Attack, Dugtrio actually becomes one the best check to Tapu Bulu, Ground teams' greatest threat.
*With Gravity support, Dugtrio can even trap and eliminate numerous airborne threats like Mega Charizard-Y, Celesteela and Zapdos.
*Dugtrio's horrible defensive stats can be a double-edged sword: having no practical bulk lets it activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power to 200 more easily, but it also makes Dugtrio really vulnerable to opposing revenge killers and easily fall prey to weaker moves and priority attacks.
*Dugtrio needs considerable team support in order to properly function: due to its frailness, it needs a safe way to enter the field, be it with a double switch, a teammate's U-turn, or after a teammate has been KOed.
*Dugtrio also needs entry hazard control to keep its Focus Sash intact or else, it won't be able to properly fulfill its purpose fo trapping and removing opposing threats.
*Without the help from Gravity, Dugtrio becomes near-useless against airborne threats, as it cannot seriously harm them with any of its moves.
*Finally, even though Dugtrio's Attack stat isn't that bad, it's not that great either, so opposing Pokémons need more often than not to be weakened before Dugtrio can properly revenge kill them. Mention that Dugtrio is too weak to threaten most walls.

You should mention how essential Focus Sash is for Dugtrio before you start bringing up threats it checks such as Keldeo, Celesteela, or Tapu Bulu. For example, "With Focus Sash, Dugtrio can trap dangerous grounded threats like Choice Specs Keldeo."
Emphasize Dugtrio's capacity to GUARANTEE the removal of specific threats through arena trap. Dugtrio's reliability is one of its greatest assets.


name: Revenge killer
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Sludge Wave
item: Focus Sash
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 2 Def / 0 SpD



*Earthquake is Dugtrio's strongest and only recommended STAB move and it is it's best option against most opposing Pokémons.
*When Dugtrio is at 1 to 8 HP, Reversal then becomes a powerful 200 Base Power attack that can deal significant damage to Chansey and Kyurem-B for example.
*Sucker Punch allows Dugtrio to revenge kill faster threats like Alolan Raichu in Electric Terrain and weakened foes without breaking its Focus Sash, letting it trap a wide array of Pokémons during the course of the match.
*Sludge Wave takes the last moveslot specifically to check Tapu Bulu, as it's one of the greatest threats to Ground teams. In fact, Dugtrio can't OHKO Tapu Bulu, but it will almost always be in range of being KOed after some chip damage, which can be easily found from Wood Hammer's recoil.

Set Details

*Maximum investment in Attack and Speed is needed for Dugtrio to be as strong and fast as possible. A Naive nature is chosen over a Hasty one as it lets Dugtrio have less bulk overall, meaning it will can activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power more easily.
*The 4 remaining EVs should be placed in Special Attack as it slightly boosts Sludge Wave' damage output and investing it in bulk would be counter-intuitive, as Dugtrio's spread's purpose's is to be as frail as possible.
*Focus Sash is the item of choice, as it lets Dugtrio survive a single attack from full health and even revenge kill faster Pokémons.
*Arena Trap should be the only ability used by Dugtrio, as it lets trap and remove dangerous threats for Ground teams like Choice Specs Keldeo.
*The suggested IVs may look strange at first glance, but they serve specific purposes: 21 HP IVs lets Dugtrio have 201 HP, which is the minimal amount to survive two Seismic Tosses from Chansey, 2 Defense IVs is to guarantee a OHKO against Ditto, while 0 Special Defense IVs makes Dugtrio as frail as possible on the special side of the spectrum.

Usage Tips

* Avoid directly switching Dugtrio into attacks as much as possible (especially when entry hazards are on its side of the field), as it relies on its Focus Sash to trap and revenge kill most threats. Double switches, a teammate's U-turn or going on the field after one of Dugtrio's teammate has been KOed all are effective ways to safely bring it on the field.
*Before switching Dugtrio on the field, make sure there are no entry hazards on its side of the field by clearing them away beforehand if need be.
*Without Gravity support, Dugtrio should not try to face-off against Flying-types as they can't be trapped or seriously harmed by any of its moves, meaning that against Flying teams, Dugtrio should not come on the field unless Gravity is active.
*Dangerous threats like Choice Specs Keldeo should be trapped by Dugtrio early game, before it severely dents the Ground team beyond repair.
*Against faster threats that don't care about Sucker Punch, it's advised to preserve Dugtrio's Focus Sash in order to properly dispose of them. In some of those cases, such as against Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, it might be needed to use Reversal right away, just before an incoming attack that will activate Dugtrio's Focus Sash, to KO the opposing Pokémon.
*Even though Dugtrio is most vulnerable to priority attacks, it can try and revenge kill opposing priority users like Choice Band Diggersby with its own priority move Sucker Punch to keep its Focus Sash intact while doing so, but beware of its deceptively low damage output, even against neutral targets. I would pick a different example than Choice Band Diggersby, given that Sucker Punch does 25% and if locked into Quick Attack, a dozen other pokemon on Ground check Diggersby.

Team Options

*Landorus brings that crucial Gravity support for Dugtrio so it can trap and remove airborne threats on Flying and Steel teams like Mega Charizard-Y and Celesteela. Landorus can also defeat Skarmory for Dugtrio after it has setup its Gravity. In return, Dugtrio can remove special walls like Chansey for Landorus. Additionally, Choice Scarf users that wouldn't normally outspeed Landorus like Tapu Bulu and Kyurem-B can be dealt with Dugtrio's Sludge Wave and Reversal, respectively.
*In order to keep Dugtrio's Focus Sash intact so it can trap as many Pokémons as possible, entry hazard control from Rapid Spin Excadrill is really appreciated, if not mandatory, while Dugtrio can take out Torkoal and Mega Charizard-Y (the latter with Gravity support) with Earthquake for Sand Rush Excadrill.
*For Dugtrio to achieve certain KOs, it needs a teammate to setup Stealth Rock. Hippowdon is the best Stealth Rock setter Ground teams has to offer and is a great switch-in to most priority moves, which Dugtrio is very vulnerable to. As a bonus, Hippowdon can even forgo its Leftovers to use an Eject Button instead so that Dugtrio can safely enter the field after being hit by an attacking move. Which KOs is Stealth Rock necessary for?
*One of Gastrodon and Seismitoad can be Dugtrio's teammate to switch into Water-type moves, the former having the better overall bulk and longetivity, while the latter has better offensive stats, access to Knock Off and can check Azumarill, a dangerous threat for Ground teams.
*Garchomp or its Mega counterpart can be used as setup sweepers or mixed wallbreakers to blast through physical walls like Skarmory and Mega Venusaur, and other Steel-type Pokémons like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn that are neutral to Ground-type moves for Dugtrio, while Dugtrio traps and KOes troublesome Fairy-types like M-Diancie and Tapu Koko for them. Tapu Koko isn't the best example, since it can U-turn on Dugtrio.
*Mamoswine can wallbreak against Grass and Flying teams for Dugtrio, and brings another priority move for Ground teams, which is always appreciated.
*Choice Scarf Landorus-T is one of the few Ground-type Pokémons to learn U-turn, and he can put it to good use to safely bring Dugtrio on the field.

Other Options

*Memento can replace Sucker Punch to instead momentarily halve an opposing Pokémon's damage output and bring a setup sweeper like Swords Dance Excadrill or (Mega) Garchomp, or a wallbreaker like Mamoswine on the field so they get a free turn to boost their stats or punch a hole in the opposing team, respectively. However, not using Sucker Punch on Dugtrio means losing out on checking faster and weakened threats, leading to Dugtrio's overall trapping utility and potential being greatly diminished.
*Toxic can be used to cripple walls like Slowbro, Porygon2 and opposing Hippowdon, but again, that means Dugtrio won't be able to trap and check faster threats, which Ground teams really appreciate from Dugtrio.

Checks and Counters

**Skarmory**: Even with Gravity support, Dugtrio cannot reliably KO Skarmory as it only has to Roost its damage off until Gravity wears off. Otherwise, Dugtrio cannot even remotely touch Skarmory in any way, while it can lay entry hazards, breaking Dugtrio's Focus Sash upon its return on the field.

**Mega Venusaur**: Dugtrio cannot significantly harm Mega Venusaur in any way, not even with its niche option like Memento or Toxic, while Mega Venusaur can regain its HP back and dispose of Dugtrio at the same time with Giga Drain. This means Dugtrio has to switch out, possibly letting Mega Venusaur Giga Drain or Leech Seed a teammate, or even use Synthesis to recover half of its maximum HP.

**Flying-types**:Dugtrio needs Gravity support to actually threaten most Flying-types by trapping and eliminating them for its teammates. However, without Gravity support, Flying-types force Dugtrio out, as they're naturally immune to Earthquake and even the frailest ones, such as Mega Charizard-Y, take minimal damage from its other moves.

**Walls**: Since Dugtrio isn't powerful enough to blast through walls, most physically defensive Pokémons and even some specially defensive ones like Mega Scizor, Ferrothorn and Jellicent wall Dugtrio back and forth, fearing only the unusual Toxic (except for those who are immune to it, of course). I wouldn't even mention Toxic here.

**Ghost-types**: Dugtrio cannot trap Ghost-type, so it's often best to switch out against them to either avoid being walled (Mega Sableye and Jellicent) or losing momentum against opposing Pokémons switching out by fear of Sucker Punch (Choice Scarf Gengar and Blacephalon).

**Bug-types**: Most Bug-types force Dugtrio out since they either resist Dugtrio's moves, outspeed it or outright walls it. For example, Mega Pinsir is immune to Earthquake, has a 4x resistance to Reversal and its decent physical bulk lets it take minimal damage from Dugtrio's Sucker Punch, meaning it can freely setup Swords Dances against Dugtrio, which could lead to catastrophic results for Ground teams.

**Revenge killers**: Due to Dugtrio's horrendous bulk, opposing revenge killers like Choice Scarf Keldeo and Mega Lopunny, and priority users like Azumarill and Breloom can easily dispose of Dugtrio, especially if its Focus Sash is broken. Keldeo and Mega Lopunny ONLY check Dugtrio if it's sash is broken (unless Fake Out Lopunny). So change it to "once its Focus Sash is broken".

The "Walls" bullet should precede Skarmory and Mega Venusaur (or those pokemon should be put into Walls).

Also I'm not sure where you should fit it in, but you should definitely mention Choice Scarf (or no U-turn) Greninja somewhere, since it's one of the most relevant threats Dugtrio can check. I'd also mention opposing Excadrill.
AM Check implemented! However, I kept Koko in the Garchomps line and added "without U-turn". I also reworded some sentences here and there to avoid being repetitive.
Set - Why is this 2 Def IVs? I understand wanting to bop the ditto mirror, but you get the same effect with 0 while being as frail as possible (the general goal with the sash). Is there an actual reason not to be 0 Def IV?

Usage Tips - Mention being unable to trap Ghost-types (even though you do so in the overview and checks/counters)

Otherwise looks good. QC 3/3
Amateur Check, Implement what you want ADD REMOVE (COMMENTS)
Dugtrio's ability, Arena Trap, is the main reason to use it in the first place as it prevents grounded Pokémons from switching out, letting it act as the most effective and reliable revenge killer for Ground teams. With a Focus Sash, in conjuction conjunction with Arena Trap, Dugtrio can trap and guarantee the removal of dangerous grounded threats like Choice Scarf Greninja locked on Ice Beam (or variants not carrying U-turn) and opposing Excadrill. Dugtrio's reliability in disposing of specific threats for Ground teams is one of its greatest assets. In addition of to sporting a fantastic ability, Dugtrio has a nice, uncrowded Speed tier that lets it trap and outspeed troublesome grounded foes like Choice Specs Keldeo for its teammates. Having access to Sucker Punch, Dugtrio can check faster and weakened threats (while preserving its Focus Sash) in addition of some Psychic- and Ghost-types, the latter of which cannot be trapped, bolstering its usefulness for Dugtrio. By using Sludge Wave, despite its atrocious Special Attack, Dugtrio actually becomes one the best check to Tapu Bulu, Ground teams' greatest threat. With Gravity support, Dugtrio can even trap and eliminate numerous airborne threats like Mega Charizard-Y, Celesteela(AC), and Zapdos. Dugtrio's horrible defensive stats can be a double-edged sword: having no practical bulk lets it activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power to 200 more easily, but it also makes Dugtrio really vulnerable to opposing revenge killers and easily fall prey to weaker moves and priority attacks. Dugtrio needs considerable team support in order to properly function: due to its frailness, it needs a safe way to enter the field, be it with a double switch, a teammate's U-turn, or after a teammate has been KOed. Dugtrio also needs entry hazard control to keep its Focus Sash intact or else, it won't be able to properly fulfill its purpose fo for trapping and removing opposing threats. Without the help from of Gravity, Dugtrio becomes near-useless against airborne threats, as it cannot seriously harm them with any of its moves. Finally, even though Dugtrio's Attack stat isn't that bad, it's not that great either, so opposing Pokémons need more often than not to be weakened before Dugtrio can properly revenge kill them. It's also too weak to seriously threaten most walls.


name: Revenge killer
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Sludge Wave
item: Focus Sash
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD



Earthquake is Dugtrio's strongest and only recommended STAB move and it is it's its best option against most opposing Pokémons. When Dugtrio is at 1 to 8 HP, Reversal then becomes a powerful 200 Base Power attack that can deal significant damage to Chansey and Kyurem-B for example. Sucker Punch allows Dugtrio to revenge kill faster threats like Alolan Raichu in Electric Terrain and weakened foes without breaking its Focus Sash, letting it trap a wide array of Pokémons during the course of the match. Sludge Wave takes the last moveslot specifically to check Tapu Bulu, as it's one of the greatest threats to Ground teams. In fact, Dugtrio can't OHKO Tapu Bulu, but it will almost always be in range of being KOed after some chip damage, which can be easily found from Wood Hammer's recoil.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed is needed for Dugtrio to be as strong and fast as possible. A Naive nature is chosen over a Hasty one as it lets Dugtrio have less bulk overall, meaning it will activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power more easily. The 4 remaining EVs should be placed in Special Attack as it slightly boosts Sludge Wave' damage output and investing it in bulk would be counter-intuitive, as Dugtrio's spread's purpose's the purpose of Dugtrio's spread is to be as frail as possible. Focus Sash is the item of choice, as it lets Dugtrio survive a single attack from full health and even revenge kill faster Pokémons. Arena Trap should be the only ability used by Dugtrio, as it lets trap and remove dangerous threats for Ground teams like Choice Specs Keldeo. The suggested IVs serve specific purposes: 21 HP IVs lets Dugtrio have 201 HP, which is the minimal amount to survive two Seismic Tosses from Chansey, while 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs guarantee a OHKO against Ditto, in addition of making Dugtrio as frail as possible on either side of the spectrum.

Usage Tips

Avoid directly switching Dugtrio into attacks as much as possible (especially when entry hazards are on its side of the field), as it relies on its Focus Sash to trap and revenge kill most threats. Double switches, a teammate's U-turn or going on the field after one of Dugtrio's teammate has been KOed all are effective ways to safely bring it on the field. Before switching Dugtrio on the field, make sure there are no entry hazards on its side of the field by clearing them away beforehand if need be. Without Gravity support, Dugtrio should not try to face-off against Flying-types as they can't be trapped or seriously harmed by any of its moves, meaning that against Flying teams, Dugtrio should not come on the field unless Gravity is active. Dangerous threats like Choice Specs Keldeo should be trapped by Dugtrio early game(RC), before it severely dents the Ground team beyond repair. Dugtrio is unable to trap Ghost-types, so it will have a hard time revenge killing them. Additionally, since most of them fear Sucker Punch, they will switch out to one of their teammates that walls Dugtrio. Therefore, the best option, most of the time, is for Dugtrio to switch out as well to keep the momentum of the game. Against faster threats that don't care about Sucker Punch, it's advised to preserve Dugtrio's Focus Sash in order to properly dispose of them. In some of those cases, such as against Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, it might be needed to use Reversal right away, just before an incoming attack that will activate Dugtrio's Focus Sash, to KO the opposing Pokémon. Even though Dugtrio is most vulnerable to priority attacks, it can try and revenge kill opposing priority users like Mimikyu with its own priority move Sucker Punch to keep its Focus Sash intact while doing so, but beware of its deceptively low damage output against resisted, neutral and even some super effective targets.

Team Options

Landorus brings that crucial Gravity support for Dugtrio so it can trap and remove airborne threats on Flying and Steel teams like Mega Charizard-Y and Celesteela. Landorus can also defeat Skarmory for Dugtrio after it has setup set up its Gravity. In return, Dugtrio can remove special walls like Chansey for Landorus. Additionally, Choice Scarf users that wouldn't normally outspeed Landorus like Tapu Bulu and Kyurem-B can be dealt with Dugtrio's Sludge Wave and Reversal, respectively. In order to keep Dugtrio's Focus Sash intact so it can trap as many Pokémons as possible, entry hazard control from Rapid Spin Excadrill is really appreciated, if not mandatory, while Dugtrio can take out Torkoal and Mega Charizard-Y (the latter with Gravity support) with Earthquake for Sand Rush Excadrill. For Dugtrio to achieve certain KOs, such as against Zapdos (with Gravity support) and Galvantula, it needs a teammate to setup set up Stealth Rock. Hippowdon is the best Stealth Rock setter Ground teams has to offer and is a great switch-in to most priority moves, which Dugtrio is very vulnerable to. As a bonus, Hippowdon can even forgo its Leftovers to use an Eject Button instead so that Dugtrio can safely enter the field after the former has been hit by an attacking move. One of Gastrodon and Seismitoad can be Dugtrio's teammate to switch into Water-type moves, the former having the better overall bulk and longetivity longevity, while the latter has better offensive stats, access to Knock Off and can check Azumarill, a dangerous threat for Ground teams. Garchomp or its Mega counterpart can be used as setup sweepers or mixed wallbreakers to blast through physical walls like Skarmory and Mega Venusaur, and other Steel-type Pokémons like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn that are neutral to Ground-type moves for Dugtrio, while Dugtrio traps and KOes troublesome Fairy-types like M-Diancie and Tapu Koko without U-turn for them. Mamoswine can wallbreak against Grass and Flying teams for Dugtrio, and brings another priority move for Ground teams, which is always appreciated. Choice Scarf Landorus-T is one of the few Ground-type Pokémons to learn U-turn, and he can put it to good use to safely bring Dugtrio on the field.

Other Options

Memento can replace Sucker Punch to instead momentarily halve an opposing Pokémon's damage output and bring a setup sweeper like Swords Dance Excadrill or (Mega) Garchomp, or a wallbreaker like Mamoswine on the field so they get a free turn to boost their stats or punch a hole in the opposing team, respectively. However, not using Sucker Punch on Dugtrio means losing out on checking faster and weakened threats, leading to Dugtrio's overall trapping utility and potential being greatly diminished. Toxic can be used to cripple walls like Slowbro, Porygon2 and opposing Hippowdon, but again, that means Dugtrio won't be able to trap and check faster threats, which Ground teams really appreciate from Dugtrio.

Checks and Counters

**Walls**: Dugtrio isn't powerful enough to blast through walls, so it cannot significantly harm most physically defensive Pokémons like Skarmory (even with Gravity support) and M-Venusaur, or even some specially defensive ones like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn, as they wall Dugtrio back and forth.

**Flying-types**: Dugtrio needs Gravity support to actually threaten most Flying-types by trapping and eliminating them for its teammates. However, without Gravity support, Flying-types force Dugtrio out, as they're naturally immune to Earthquake and even the frailest ones, such as Mega Charizard-Y, take minimal damage from its other moves.

**Ghost-types**: Dugtrio cannot trap Ghost-types, so it's often best to switch out against them to either avoid being walled (Mega Sableye and Jellicent) or losing momentum against opposing Pokémons switching out by fear of Sucker Punch (Choice Scarf Gengar and Blacephalon).

**Bug-types**: Most Bug-types force Dugtrio out since they either resist Dugtrio's moves, outspeed it or outright walls it. For example, Mega Pinsir is immune to Earthquake, has a 4x resistance to Reversal and its decent physical bulk lets it take minimal damage from Dugtrio's Sucker Punch, meaning it can freely setup set up Swords Dances against Dugtrio, which could lead to catastrophic results for Ground teams.

**Revenge killers**: Due to Dugtrio's horrendous bulk, opposing revenge killers like Choice Scarf Keldeo and Mega Lopunny, and priority users like Azumarill and Breloom can easily dispose of Dugtrio once its Focus Sash is broken.
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GP 1/2


Dugtrio's ability,(RC) Arena Trap,(RC) is the main reason to use it in the first place, (AC) as it prevents grounded Pokéemon from switching out, letting itDugtrio act as the most effective and reliable revenge killer for Ground teams. With a Focus Sash, in conjunction with Arena Trap, Dugtrio can trap and guarantee the removal of dangerous grounded threats like Choice Scarf Greninja locked inton Ice Beam (or variants not carrying U-turn) and opposing Excadrill. Dugtrio's reliability in disposing of specific threats for Ground teams is one of its greatest assets. In addition to sporting a fantastic ability, Dugtrio has a nice, uncrowded Speed tier that lets it trap and outspeed troublesome grounded foes like Choice Specs Keldeo for its teammates.. (not really relevant in this sentence) Having access to Sucker Punch, Dugtrio can check faster and weakened threats (while preserving its Focus Sash) in addition tof some Psychic- and Ghost-types, the latter of which cannot be trapped, bolstering its usefulness for Dugtrio. By using Sludge Wave, dwhile preserving its Focus Sash. Despite its atrocious Special Attack, Dugtrio actually becomes one the best checks to Tapu Bulu, Ground team's' greatest threat, by using Sludge Wave. With Gravity support, Dugtrio can even trap and eliminate numerous airborne threats like Mega Charizard-(RH) Y, Celesteela, and Zapdos. While Dugtrio's horrible defensive stats can be a double-edged sword: having no practical bulk lets it activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power to 200 more easily, but it also makes Dugtrio really vulnerable to opposing revenge killers and easily fall prey to weaker moves and priority attacks. Dugtrio needs considerable team support in order to properly function:;(SC) due to its frailnessty, it needs a safe way to enter the field, be it with a double switch, a teammate's U-turn, or after a teammate has been KOed. Dugtrio also needs entry hazard control to keep its Focus Sash intact,(AC) or else,(RC) it won't be able to properly fulfill its purpose ofor trapping and removing opposing threats. Without the help of Gravity, Dugtrio becomes near-useless against airborne threats, as it cannot seriously harm them with any of its moves. Finally, even though Dugtrio's Attack stat isn't that bad, it's not that great either, so opposing Pokéemon need more often than not to be weakened before Dugtrio can properly revenge kill them. It's also too weak to seriously threaten most walls.

name: Revenge kKiller
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Sludge Wave
item: Focus Sash
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD



Earthquake is Dugtrio's strongest and only recommended STAB move and its best option against most opposing Pokéemon. When Dugtrio is at 1 to 8 HP, Reversal then becomes a powerful 200-(AH)Base Power attack that can deal significant damage to Pokemon such as Chansey and Kyurem-B for example. Sucker Punch allows Dugtrio to revenge kill faster threats like Alolan Raichu in Electric Terrain and weakened foes without breaking its Focus Sash, letting it trap a wide array of Pokéemon during the course of the match. Sludge Wave takes the last moveslot specifically to check Tapu Bulu, as it's one of the greatest threats to Ground teams. In fact, Dugtrio can't OHKO Tapu Bulu, but it will almost always be in range of being KOed after some chip damage, which can be easily founattained from Wood Hammer's recoil.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed is needed for Dugtrio to be as strong and fast as possible. A Naive nature is chosen over a Hasty one, (AC) as it lets Dugtrio have less bulk overall, meaning it will activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power more easily. The 4 remaining EVs should be placed in Special Attack as it slightly boosts Sludge Wave' damage output and investing it in bulk would be counter-intuitive, as the purpose of Dugtrio's spread is to be as frail as possible.(4 evs is nothing and not worth mentioning) Focus Sash is the item of choice, as it lets Dugtrio survive a single attack from full health and even revenge kill faster Pokéemon. Arena Trap should be the only ability used by Dugtrio, as it lets Dugtrio trap and remove dangerous threats for Ground teams like Choice Specs Keldeo. The suggested IVs serve specific purposes: 21 HP IVs lets Dugtrio have 201 HP, which is the minimal amount to survive two Seismic Tosses from Chansey, whileand 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs guarantee an OHKO against Ditto,(RC) in addition tof making Dugtrio as frail as possible on either side of the spectrumboth physically and specially.

Usage Tips

Avoid directly switching Dugtrio into attacks as much as possible (especially whenand clear any entry hazards are on its side of the field)way before switching it in, as it relies on its Focus Sash to trap and revenge kill most threats. Double switches, a teammate's U-turn or, (AC) and (repetition, i.e going on the field _ safely bring it on the field) after one of Dugtrio's teammates has been KOed all are effective ways to safely bring it on the field. Before switching Dugtrio on the field, make sure there are no entry hazards on its side of the field by clearing them away beforehand if need be. Without Gravity support, Dugtrio should not try to face- off against Flying-types, (AC) as they can't be trapped or seriously harmed by any of its moves, meaning that against Flying teams, Dugtrio should not come on the field unless Gravity is active. Dangerous threats like Choice Specs Keldeo should be trapped by Dugtrio early-game before they severely dent the Ground team beyond repair. Dugtrio is unable to trap Ghost-types, so it will have a hard time revenge killing them. Additionally, since most of them fear Sucker Punch, they will switch out to one of their teammates that walls Dugtrio. Therefore, the best option, (RC) most of the time,(RC) is for Dugtrio to switch out as well to keep the momentum of the game. Against faster threats that don't care about Sucker Punch, it's advised to preserve Dugtrio's Focus Sash in order to properly dispose of them. In some of those cases, such as against Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, it might be needed to use Reversal right away, just before an incoming attack that will activate Dugtrio's Focus Sash, to KO the opposing Pokéemon. Even though Dugtrio is most vulnerable to priority attacks, it can try and revenge kill opposing priority users like Mimikyu with its own priority move Sucker Punch to keep its Focus Sash intact while doing so, but beware of its deceptively low damage output against resisted, neutral, (AC) and even some super effective targets. (isnt that literally all targets, lol)

Team Options

Landorus brings crucial Gravity support for Dugtrio so it can trap and remove airborne threats on Flying and Steel teams like Mega Charizard-(RH) Y and Celesteela. Landorus can also defeat Skarmory for Dugtrio after it has set up its Gravity. In return, Dugtrio can remove special walls like Chansey for Landorus. Additionally, Choice Scarf users that wouldn't normally outspeed Landorus like Tapu Bulu and Kyurem-B can be dealt with via Dugtrio's Sludge Wave and Reversal, respectively. In order to keep Dugtrio's Focus Sash intact so it can trap as many Pokéemon as possible, entry hazard control from Rapid Spin Excadrill is really appreciated, if not mandatory, while. In return, Dugtrio can take out Torkoal and Mega Charizard-(RH) Y (the latter with Gravity support) with Earthquake for Sand Rush Excadrill. For Dugtrio to achieve certain KOs, such as against Zapdos (with Gravity support) and Galvantula, it needs a teammate to set up Stealth Rock. Hippowdon is the best Stealth Rock setter Ground teams hasve to offer and is a great switch-in to most priority moves, which Dugtrio is very vulnerable to. As a bonus, Hippowdon can even forgo its Leftovers to use an Eject Button instead so that Dugtrio can safely enter the field after the former has been hit by an attacking move. One of Gastrodon and Seismitoad can be Dugtrio's teammate to switch into Water-type moves, the former having the better overall bulk and longevity, while and the latter hasving better offensive stats, access to Knock Off and can, (AC) and the ability to check Azumarill, a dangerous threat forto Ground teams. Garchomp or its Mega counterpart can be used as a setup sweepers or mixed wallbreakers to blast through physical walls like Skarmory and Mega Venusaur,(RC) and other Steel-type Pokéemon like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn that are neutral to Ground-type moves for Dugtrio, while Dugtrio traps and KOes troublesome Fairy-types like M-ega Diancie and Tapu Koko without U-turn for ithem. Mamoswine can wallbreak against Grass and Flying teams for Dugtrio,(RC) and brings another priority move for Ground teams, which is always appreciated. Choice Scarf Landorus-T is one of the few Ground-type Pokéemon to learn U-turn,(RC) and he can put it to good use to safely bring Dugtrio onto the field.

Other Options

Memento can replace Sucker Punch to instead momentarily(doesnt work here) halve an opposing Pokéemon's damage output and bring a setup sweeper like Swords Dance Excadrill, Garchomp, or (Mega) Garchomp,(RC) or a wallbreaker like Mamoswine on the field so they get a free turn to boost their stats or punch a hole in the opposing team, respectively. However, not using Sucker Punch on Dugtrio means losing out on checking faster and weakened threats, leading to Dugtrio's overall trapping utility and potential being greatly diminished. Toxic can be used to cripple walls like Slowbro, Porygon2, (AC) and opposing Hippowdon, but again, that means Dugtrio won't be able to trap and check faster threats, which Ground teams really appreciate from Dugtrio.

Checks and Counters

**Walls**: Dugtrio isn't powerful enough to blast through walls, so it cannot significantly harm most physically defensive Pokémon like Skarmory (even with Gravity support) and M-Venusaur, orega Venusaur and even some specially defensive ones like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn, as they wall Dugtrio back and forth.. (what does that mean in this scenario)

**Flying-types**: Dugtrio needs Gravity support to actually threaten most Flying-types by trapping and eliminating them for its teammates. However, without Gravity support, Flying-types force Dugtrio out, as they're naturally immune to Earthquake, (AC) and even the frailest ones, such as Mega Charizard- Y, take minimal damage from its other moves.

**Ghost-types**: Dugtrio cannot trap Ghost-types, so it's often best to switch out against them to avoid either avoid being walled (by Mega Sableye andor Jellicent) or losing momentum against opposing Pokéemon switching out by fear offearing Sucker Punch, like (Choice Scarf Gengar and Blacephalon).

**Bug-types**: Most Bug-types force Dugtrio out, (AC) since they either resist Dugtrio's moves, outspeed it, (AC) or outright walls it. For example, Mega Pinsir is immune to Earthquake, has a 4x resistance to Reversal and it, (AC) and has decent physical bulk that lets it take minimal damage from Dugtrio's Sucker Punch, meaning it can freely set up Swords Dances against Dugtrio, which could lead to catastrophic results for Ground teams.

**Revenge kKillers**: Due to Dugtrio's horrendous bulk, opposing revenge killers like Choice Scarf Keldeo and Mega Lopunny, and priority users like Azumarill and Breloom can easily dispose of Dugtrio once its Focus Sash is broken.

remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

Dugtrio's ability Arena Trap is the main reason to use it in the first place, as it prevents grounded Pokemon from switching out, letting Dugtrio act as the most effective and reliable revenge killer for Ground teams. With a Focus Sash in conjunction with Arena Trap, Dugtrio can guarantee the removal of dangerous grounded threats like Choice Scarf Greninja locked into Ice Beam (or variants not carrying U-turn) and Excadrill. Dugtrio's reliability in disposing of specific threats for Ground teams is one of its greatest assets. In addition to sporting a fantastic ability, Dugtrio has a nice, uncrowded Speed tier that lets it outspeed troublesome grounded foes like Choice Specs Keldeo. Having access to Sucker Punch, Dugtrio can check faster and weakened threats in addition to some Psychic- and Ghost-types, the latter of which cannot be trapped, while preserving its Focus Sash. Furthermore, despite its atrocious Special Attack, Dugtrio actually becomes one the best checks to Tapu Bulu, Ground's greatest threat, by using with Sludge Wave. With Gravity support, Dugtrio can even trap and eliminate numerous airborne threats like Mega Charizard Y, Celesteela, and Zapdos. While Dugtrio's horrible defensive stats let it activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power to 200 more easily, it also makes Dugtrio they also make it really vulnerable to opposing revenge killers and let it easily fall prey to weaker moves and priority attacks. Dugtrio needs considerable team support in order to properly function; due to its frailty, it needs a safe way to enter the field, be it with a double switch, after a teammate's U-turn, or after a teammate has been KOed. Dugtrio also needs entry hazard control to keep its Focus Sash intact, or else it won't be able to properly fulfill its purpose of trapping and removing opposing threats. Without the help of Gravity, Dugtrio becomes near-useless against airborne threats, as it cannot seriously harm them with any of its moves. Finally, even though Dugtrio's Attack stat isn't that bad, it's not that great either, so opposing Pokemon need more often than not to be weakened before Dugtrio can properly revenge kill them. It's also too weak to seriously threaten most walls.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Sludge Wave
item: Focus Sash
ability: Arena Trap
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD



Earthquake is Dugtrio's strongest and only recommended STAB move and its best option against most opposing Pokemon. When Dugtrio is at 1 to 8 HP, Reversal becomes a powerful 200-Base Power attack that can deal significant damage to Pokemon such as Chansey and Kyurem-B. Sucker Punch allows Dugtrio to revenge kill faster threats like Alolan Raichu in Electric Terrain and weakened foes without breaking its Focus Sash, letting it trap a wide array of Pokemon during the course of the match. Sludge Wave takes the last moveslot specifically to check Tapu Bulu, as it's one of the greatest threats to Ground teams. In fact, While Dugtrio can't actually OHKO Tapu Bulu, but it will almost always be in range of being KOed after some chip damage, which can be easily attained from Wood Hammer's recoil.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed is needed for Dugtrio to be as strong and fast as possible. A Naive nature is chosen over a Hasty one, as it lets Dugtrio have less bulk overall, meaning it will activate its Focus Sash and boost Reversal's Base Power more easily. Focus Sash is the item of choice, as it lets Dugtrio survive a single attack from full health and even revenge kill faster Pokemon. Arena Trap should be the only ability used by Dugtrio, as it lets Dugtrio trap and remove dangerous threats for Ground teams like Choice Specs Keldeo. The suggested IVs serve specific purposes: 21 HP IVs let Dugtrio have 201 HP, which is the minimal amount to survive two Seismic Tosses from Chansey, and 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs guarantee an OHKO against Ditto in addition to making Dugtrio as frail as possible both physically and specially.

Usage Tips

Avoid directly switching Dugtrio into attacks as much as possible and clear any entry hazards away before switching in, as it relies on its Focus Sash to trap and revenge kill most threats. Double switches, a teammate's U-turn, and going on the field after one of Dugtrio's teammates has been KOed all are effective ways to safely bring it on the field. Without Gravity support, Dugtrio should not try to face off against Flying-types, as they can't be trapped or seriously harmed by any of its moves, meaning that against Flying teams, Dugtrio should not come on the field unless Gravity is active. Dangerous threats like Choice Specs Keldeo should be trapped by Dugtrio early-game before they severely dent the Ground team beyond repair. Dugtrio is unable to trap Ghost-types, so it will have a hard time revenge killing them. Additionally, since most of them fear Sucker Punch, they will switch out to one of their teammates that wall Dugtrio. Therefore, the best option most of the time is for Dugtrio to switch out as well to keep the momentum of the game. Against faster threats that don't care about Sucker Punch, it's advised to preserve Dugtrio's Focus Sash in order to properly dispose of them. In some of those cases, such as against Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, it might be needed to use Reversal right away, just before an incoming attack that will activate Dugtrio's Focus Sash, to KO the opposing Pokemon. Even though Dugtrio is most vulnerable to priority attacks, it can try and revenge kill opposing priority users like Mimikyu with its own priority Sucker Punch to keep its Focus Sash intact while doing so, but beware of its deceptively low damage output against neutral and even some super effective targets.

Team Options

Landorus brings crucial Gravity support for Dugtrio so it can trap and remove airborne threats on Flying and Steel teams like Mega Charizard Y and Celesteela. Landorus can also defeat Skarmory for Dugtrio after it has set up its Gravity. In return, Dugtrio can remove special walls like Chansey for Landorus. Additionally, Choice Scarf users that wouldn't normally outspeed Landorus like Tapu Bulu and Kyurem-B can be dealt with via Dugtrio's Sludge Wave and Reversal, respectively. In order to keep Dugtrio's Focus Sash intact so it can trap as many Pokemon as possible, entry hazard control from Rapid Spin Excadrill is really appreciated, if not mandatory. In return, Dugtrio can take out Torkoal and Mega Charizard Y (the latter with Gravity support) with Earthquake for Sand Rush Excadrill. For Dugtrio to achieve certain KOs, such as against Zapdos (with Gravity support) and Galvantula, it needs a teammate to set up Stealth Rock. Hippowdon is the best Stealth Rock setter Ground teams have to offer and is a great switch-in to most priority moves, which Dugtrio is very vulnerable to. As a bonus, Hippowdon can even forgo its Leftovers to use an Eject Button instead so that Dugtrio can safely enter the field after the former has been hit by an attacking move. One of Gastrodon and Seismitoad can be Dugtrio's teammate to switch into Water-type moves, with the former having the better overall bulk and longevity and the latter having better offensive stats, access to Knock Off, and the ability to check Azumarill, a dangerous threat to Ground teams. Garchomp or its Mega counterpart can be used as a setup sweeper or mixed wallbreaker to blast through physical walls like Skarmory and Mega Venusaur and other Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn that are neutral to Ground-type moves for Dugtrio, while Dugtrio traps and KOes troublesome Fairy-types like Mega Diancie and non-U-turn Tapu Koko without U-turn for it. Mamoswine can wallbreak against Grass and Flying teams for Dugtrio and brings another priority move for Ground teams, which is always appreciated. Choice Scarf Landorus-T is one of the few Ground-type Pokemon to learn U-turn and can put it to good use to safely bring Dugtrio onto the field.

Other Options

Memento can replace Sucker Punch to instead halve an opposing Pokemon's damage output and bring a setup sweeper like Swords Dance Excadrill, Garchomp, or Mega Garchomp or a wallbreaker like Mamoswine on the field so they get a free turn to boost their stats or punch a hole in the opposing team, respectively. However, not using Sucker Punch on Dugtrio means losing out on checking faster and weakened threats, leading to greatly diminishing Dugtrio's overall trapping utility and potential being greatly diminished. Toxic can be used to cripple walls like Slowbro, Porygon2, and Hippowdon, but again, that means Dugtrio won't be able to trap and check faster threats, which Ground teams really appreciate from Dugtrio it.

Checks and Counters

**Walls**: Dugtrio isn't powerful enough to blast through walls, so it cannot significantly harm being completely walled by most physically defensive Pokémon Pokemon like Skarmory (even with Gravity support) and Mega Venusaur and even some specially defensive ones like Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn, as they completely wall Dugtrio.

**Flying-types**: Dugtrio needs Gravity support to actually threaten most Flying-types by trapping and eliminating them for its teammates. However, without Gravity support, Flying-types force Dugtrio out, as they're naturally immune to Earthquake, and even the frailest ones, such as Mega Charizard Y, take minimal damage from its other moves.

**Ghost-types**: Dugtrio cannot trap Ghost-types, so it's often best to switch out against them to avoid either being walled by Mega Sableye or Jellicent or losing momentum against opposing Pokemon switching out fearing Sucker Punch, like Choice Scarf Gengar and Blacephalon.

**Bug-types**: Most Bug-types force Dugtrio out, since they either resist Dugtrio's moves, outspeed it, or outright wall it. For example, Mega Pinsir is immune to Earthquake, has a 4x resistance to Reversal, and has decent physical bulk that lets it take minimal damage from Dugtrio's Sucker Punch, meaning it can freely set up Swords Dances against Dugtrio, which could lead to catastrophic results for Ground teams.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Dugtrio's horrendous bulk, opposing revenge killers like Choice Scarf Keldeo and Mega Lopunny and priority users like Azumarill and Breloom can easily dispose of Dugtrio once its Focus Sash is broken.
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