NOC Animal Mafia ~Game Over~

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Oof feeling the love you guys. All jokes aside yall got me for about an hour before i have to head off to work; meaning i wont be here for deadline. If you got anything for me or ask away.
If Earlio/Whydon/Apricity are all town then I really doubt that Xnadroj is a town alignment cop.

Also I know that he's been skating through because of all the claim shenanigans but I feel like it's important to re-iterate that I have a fairly strong behavioral scumread on Knights? His attempt to mudsling apricity feels really opportunistic and not at all genuine, and I don't really see him trying to scumhunt.

Hal's freak out was borderline disruption.
Ofc every time I actually have a chance to read the thread a bunch of things happen.

First off, sorry about not really being here. I've been pretty sick lately, so I haven't really been able to do things with this. As such, expect very scattered thoughts.

if I feel off please engage with me or vote me or whatever instead of lobbying that vague as heck accusation

It wasn't an "accusation", I was just voicing what I thought from my (very small) amount of thread I had time to look at at the time. If you want to elaborate, compared to JOAT mafia, you feel more, well, fluffy. For example, your read on Moody:

MoodyCloud: Moody's an interesting case; he is notably more engaged and active and more.. nuanced/contributive than the last game I played with him was (where he was scum and generally did not do anything for most of the game) but I don't know if I want to immediately conclude that this is Moody's town meta and skip off into the merry day. He really deserves a reread and engagement since I get the feeling that he's pretty competent and if we talk then we shoooould be able to sort each other's alignments?

Compared to when you made reads and thoughts in JOAT, I don't see a lot of specific posts being pointed out, or even vague reminiscences of posts.

Well okay, based on the updated list at least we've heard from most people (also unvote (you can mentally consider my vote on XX still but I'd like to keep us from L-1 to hammer)

the only person that really has had no spotlight on them today is Hitmonleet so....Leet, any thoughts on the game state/reads?

From what little I've seen, I'm personally suspicious of Proph, I think town is probably screwed over (and that MS needs to actually put the flips in the OP), Moody and Earlio feel like some people I need to look at more, and I'm kind of (very very tenuously) leaning Town on Texas atm.

Oof feeling the love you guys. All jokes aside yall got me for about an hour before i have to head off to work; meaning i wont be here for deadline. If you got anything for me or ask away.

Tell us what you think about everyone, and of the game in general.
Everyone? Ugh. Lemme grab my PC; sitting here on my phone atm Hitmonleet dont expect anything too in detail. As for the gamestate in general; happy the subs are picking up the pace and an overall increase in activity. Hauno is being haruno and if haruno does flip red at any point (more likely now than ever because off all the role interaction crap that took me awhile to actually figure out; this puts a could put a new prospective on anyone overly opposed to the d1 haruno policy). And if xnad doesnt flip red im gonna put my head through my bedroom wall for how absolute garbo my reads have been all game. Didnt like that it came to a massclaim this early but it was probably neccessary at that point. Now im gonna go grab my PC and do a quick runthrough of everybody for ya. (subject to change because i want to give a few people a reread)
FORMER HOPE should be chomping on the bit to lynch JORDAN here because his action literally directly CONTRADICTS what jordan claims he's done in this game

his FAILURE to do so makes me think the only EXPLANATION is that he and jordan are BOTH MAFIA covering up for their failure to communicate FAKE claims

Now this here is something interesting. Lemme just think this over a bit:

We have four possible gamestates in this situation:
-Both Jordan and Former are Town. This makes absolutely 0 sense, as at least one of them must be lying (unless people aren't informed of being hooked/redirected).
-Jordan is Town, Former is Scum. In this case, mafia has some sort of cop that found out that Jordan's a cop, and so former preempted his claim with a fake redirect claim to get the town's cop taken out early.
-Jordan is Scum, Former is Town. In the scenario here, Jordan claims cop in order to have better odds of survival, but is screwed over by Former's fortunate redirect.
-Both Jordan and Former are Scum. In this case, they either A) miscommunicated and screwed up their claims, causing an accidental scum death, or B) Tried to force a seeming town v. scum scenario in order to give the other a stronger alibi, a la JOAT mafia.

Through these simple facts, we can determine the following:
-At least one of Former or Jordan is scum.
-If one of them flips town, the other is irrevocably scum.
If one of them flips scum, the other is still likely to be scum as well, and should still be scrutinized.
Also I'm Parrot the Vanillager. I have my own thoughts tho, I'm not going to just repeat everyone else's.

3P1K another question: What's your stance on Jordan v. Former? I know you think Jordan is def. Scum, but I'd like some more details on this point.
Also I'm Parrot the Vanillager. I have my own thoughts tho, I'm not going to just repeat everyone else's.

3P1K another question: What's your stance on Jordan v. Former? I know you think Jordan is def. Scum, but I'd like some more details on this point.
Gonna use your post to help me out on this one; on the basis im lazy and you covered all the bases (basis? idk which to use here tbh. Sue me).
Jordan is almost certainly scum, almost all signs point towards it tbh.

My comments are in italics
-Both Jordan and Former are Town. This makes absolutely 0 sense, as at least one of them must be lying (unless people aren't informed of being hooked/redirected).
Yea, this isnt the case. I concur.

-Jordan is Town, Former is Scum. In this case, mafia has some sort of cop that found out that Jordan's a cop, and so former preempted his claim with a fake redirect claim to get the town's cop taken out early.
Jordan in all likelyhood is scum; done nothing in my eyes to say otherwise. So gonna discount this one as well. But on the off chance im absolute shit at this game and jordan does somehow flip green; then we do sic former tommorow.

-Jordan is Scum, Former is Town. In the scenario here, Jordan claims cop in order to have better odds of survival, but is screwed over by Former's fortunate redirect.
This is my most likely scenario; blazade was a bit of a null/slight scumlean, didnt find the slot nearly as scummy as everyone else did. FH came in and i have leaned town on what they have done thus far. Myself having openly defended the slot. (the rest of my thoughts honestly occured to me as i was debating the merit of jordan+former as it wasnt a possibility I had considered) But the reason FH is probably town is the issue with the Jordan + FH scumteam that i cant really come to terms with.

-Both Jordan and Former are Scum. In this case, they either A) miscommunicated and screwed up their claims, causing an accidental scum death, or B) Tried to force a seeming town v. scum scenario in order to give the other a stronger alibi, a la JOAT mafia.
This is a bit of a meta so bear with me. The sheer and utter lack of effort coming from jordan's slot tells me that he is probably just being completely lazy this game. However i have enough faith in jordan as a player not to screw up that tremendously. (granted idk FH or blazade as players but i trust jordan enough). And if he didnt screw up, and was in imo all likelyhood too lazy to try something crazy like that (granted i didnt read JOAT mafia but i get the idea) it tells me that this one probably isnt the case.
How can you guys see xx forgetting the redirect as anything but NAI . It was litterally publicly revealed at start of the day...
I have faith that jordan wouldnt do anything that dumb and if he did; correct it immdeiately. But for arguements sake lets factor that out. He claims alignment cop with multiple other strong PRs already on the table so from a balancing prospective its hard to see. Gave no basis for why he targetted those two people; with I would argue mutliple better targets for an alignment cop. And he claimed only town targets not under the massclaim; but because he was under heat from multiple slots. All the while giving little tangible contribution otherwise. TELL ME how you are defending this?
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