[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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Hey Eisen!
  • Pokémon requested: Naganadel
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv. 1, Male, Pokeball
  • IGN: Sean
Thank you!
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Pokémon requested: Salamence
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 11, Male, Repeat Ball
IGN: Ladeyna

Pokémon requested: Aegislash
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 12 Female, Repeat Ball
IGN: Rael

Sent to: ORAS-Mega, ColdingLight, Shikdum22, HgSimon, TrafalgarvLaw, Naruhodou, GRONQ, Oberyth, litfiba, JessieMoon, lucariomaster2, Triste Sister, KD29, Eduardo Rolo, EngyAlkeKengy! and Voronwé

Triste Sister (for Salamence): Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find your Cutiefly, it may have gotten sniped? :/

Voronwé: For future reference, you can't request a different Pokémon is case something is out of stock since your Cutiefly on the GTS can only be traded for the Pokémon you selected there; to get something different you need to redeposit it. Since you had picked Aegislash on the GTS, it's the only Pokémon I could send.
And yeah, Sorry I was in Smogon's FB giveaway in the morning :p

Thanks a lot, once again!
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Voronwé: For future reference, you can't request a different Pokémon is case something is out of stock since your Cutiefly on the GTS can only be traded for the Pokémon you selected there; to get something different you need to redeposit it. Since you had picked Aegislash on the GTS, it's the only Pokémon I could send.
Oh yeah, I have no idea what I was saying then. :facepalm: Thanks anyway!

  • Pokémon requested: Entei
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 1, Female, Quick Ball
  • IGN: Voronwe
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Um Hi!


Deposited: Lvl 11 male Cutiefly
Pokémon requested: Volcarona
IGN: Leo
Thanks so much!!
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Sent to: ORAS-Mega, Muken, TrafalgarvLaw, Naruhodou, GRONQ, scob97, JessieMoon, Triste Sister x2, Voronwé, Gallade4, dkl65, irontail, SlashingTires, Oberyth and HgSimon

Almight56 : Unfortunately, I couldn't find your deposit, it may have gotten sniped? :/ If not, I noticed a misspell in "Amoonguss" in your request, maybe you made the same mistake when entering the name manually on the GTS?

Candystraw : I wasn't able to find the deposit you posted, but I found a similar one from the IGN Leo, is it possible it may be you? Otherwise, I'm afraid it got sniped :(

W088UFF3T98 : Unfortunately, the last Zapdos was already requested just a few posts ago, sorry! It will get restocked tomorrow!

And yeah, Sorry I was in Smogon's FB giveaway in the morning :p

I see, in the future, if you remove your Cutiefly, please edit your post to warn me so I don't spend time looking for it.
Hi Eisen,

Pokemon requested: Excadrill
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: 18, male
IGN: Reggie
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure.

Thanks a lot again!
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Almight56 : Unfortunately, I couldn't find your deposit, it may have gotten sniped? :/ If not, I noticed a misspell in "Amoonguss" in your request, maybe you made the same mistake when entering the name manually on the GTS?

Mb, I misspelled that I'll re-deposit then.

  • Pokémon requested: amoonguss
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: male Cutiefly lvl.1
  • IGN: Almight
Recieved, thanks.
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Pokemon requested: Cresselia
Level and Gender of the Cutiefly: Lv 12 F nicknamed Eisen
IGN: ORAS-Mega, but OT from my other game UltraFej

thanks again!
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