Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

For the first question, running a team like that is not practical for Bee. You dont want to run pivots on HO. I would recommend running balance or bulky offense.
For the second question, you would need a defogger so Volc doesn't have to take 50 from rocks. Then I would also recommend running scarfer faster than volc since you cant rely on priority cause of psychic terrain. Then also have pivots to deal with lele and zams offensive checks. Also make sure you have an answer to celesteela besides volc.
Nothing really comes to mind for me I'm not good at finding answers to those outside of like, scarf kart so could you maybe give some ideas?
Currently, in sand teams, people are running band ttar + exca or hippo + exca? or, is valuable scarf ttar if running M-zard Y to trap lati twins?
Currently, in sand teams, people are running band ttar + exca or hippo + exca? or, is valuable scarf ttar if running M-zard Y to trap lati twins?
Ttar does not run scarf basically at all this gen. This is because its unable outspeed a lot threats in the game. Stuff like M zam, koko, mega lopunny, torn-t, greninja (both ash and regular), weaville all outspeed it. On top of that, ttar doesnt need choice scarf to take it out as its natural bulk and sand stream allow ttar to take out the latis anyway. And the latis arent charizards biggest enemy rn. It is Toxapex and band ttar deals with toxapex much better than scarf.
Ttar does not run scarf basically at all this gen. This is because its unable outspeed a lot threats in the game. Stuff like M zam, koko, mega lopunny, torn-t, greninja (both ash and regular), weaville all outspeed it. On top of that, ttar doesnt need choice scarf to take it out as its natural bulk and sand stream allow ttar to take out the latis anyway.
Sniped me I see.
Ttar does not run scarf basically at all this gen. This is because its unable outspeed a lot threats in the game. Stuff like M zam, koko, mega lopunny, torn-t, greninja (both ash and regular), weaville all outspeed it. On top of that, ttar doesnt need choice scarf to take it out as its natural bulk and sand stream allow ttar to take out the latis anyway. And the latis arent charizards biggest enemy rn. It is Toxapex and band ttar deals with toxapex much better than scarf.

I see, thanks you a lot
So, is better run band ttar + steelium exca and charY?
Steelium Exca isnt really a set it isnt viable whatsoever. Run Sash Excadrill or Spdef Exca. Running double weather isn't the best idea either.
Steelium Z is definitely a viable option on Sand Rush Excadrill. I'd not run a sand archetype however because it generally doesn't do very well in the meta.
If I have 2 suicide leads (excadrill and ribombee for example), which one should be sent in first?

It depends on your opponent's team. If they have a lot of grounded mons or a particularly fast mon that threatens your team, then send in bee first for the webs. If they have a lot of flying / levitating mons, then I guess send in drill first for rocks, but it's all very situational and subjective
If Dragonite didn't need to run Fly, because some dumbass decided switching aerialate onto it was a good idea, what move would it run in its place?
If Dragonite didn't need to run Fly, because some dumbass decided switching aerialate onto it was a good idea, what move would it run in its place?
We do not theorymon or discuss other metagames in this thread; the only viable Dragonite set right now has Fly and unless another variant sees noteworthy usage, we will stick to discussing it there.
What's the bulky QD/roost/fiery dance Volcarona set? I know it's nowhere near the most viable, but it was used on the Skarm/Chansey/Gliscor/Pex/Lele/Volc semi-stall team that was featured in the OLT week 1 recap.
What's the bulky QD/roost/fiery dance Volcarona set? I know it's nowhere near the most viable, but it was used on the Skarm/Chansey/Gliscor/Pex/Lele/Volc semi-stall team that was featured in the OLT week 1 recap.
Kory uses this set on his team, I assume it's the same spread on that stall team.

Volcarona @ Buginium Z
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 248 HP / 124 Def / 136 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Roost
- Bug Buzz
- Flamethrower
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Are sandstorm teams good on ou? Can I get a sample team? I'm new on the competitive stuff and I'd like to try sandstorm :p
So the archetype of "Sand" sort of died down after generation 5 when Sandstream turned from permanent to a limited amount of turns, but it still remained viable throughout generation 6 as Excadrill was a noteworthy offensive presence. However, it is at its lowest point now as offensive Excadrill with Sand Rush simply is not very consistent (it's still viable, but they're uncommon). A lot of modern "sandstorm" teams are essentially just normal teams with Tyranitar or Mega Tyranitar on them, in all honesty, seeing as both are very viable options. Here is an example of a "sandstorm" team that I used recently in my Smogon Snake Draft tournament match against Bro Kappa, which you can see here if you would like an example of the team in action. For other teams, I'd advise looking at the Sample Teams thread.
Are sandstorm teams good on ou? Can I get a sample team? I'm new on the competitive stuff and I'd like to try sandstorm :p

adding a bit to what finch said, there's been a decent number that feature Tyranitar/M-Tyranitar + Excadrill, which is really the extend of sand as an archetype(although excadrill has been slowly getting better for some time, despite being at a low point)

some examples(click on the images for replays): sand_1.pngsand_2.pngsand_3.png
I'm going to rng for a shiny Zapdos on LeafGreen using the timer that Misdreavus made, but I doubt that I'll find a frame that's shiny, has decent IV's, a good nature AND Hidden Power Ice/Grass with at least 60 power, so.. What are the best natures and movesets for a Gen3 Zapdos without using Hidden Power?
Not entirely sure Smogon is the right place for you if you're using cartridge to begin with, but regardless any questions pertaining to generations below SM belong here.
Is there a viable way to run a move like Heal Bell on an offensive team? I am tired of Scald burns and such crippling my Pokémon.
Is there a viable way to run a move like Heal Bell on an offensive team? I am tired of Scald burns and such crippling my Pokémon.
Tbh if you have to, use Clef, not the best move or choice on it but if you feel like its necessary clef can work as a rocker and a cleric.

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Heal Bell
- Wish/Soft Boiled
- Moonblast
- Knock Off/Calm Mind