Tournament UUPL VII Commencement Thread

Why are you guys banning BP in DPP UU? BP chains are garbage trash in the tier and you're neutering a ton of good Pokemon by removing dry passing as an option (Leafeon and Absol mainly I guess), and it's not like short passing was ever a major issue (most things that want SD are either too slow (Rhyp, Azu) or too frail to get in safely (Swellow), Kanga and Miltank being fringe options at best, Arcanine being maybe the best example). Nothing short passed CM or Agility anyway unless you really wanted to use Drifblim or something lol.

I think it's a huge overreaction to some people getting lucky with that Torterra BP chain team.

And I'm saying this as someone that really, really, really tried to make BP teams work when DPP was the current gen. They simply have no consistency to be worthy of a complete ban. If you don't want BP chains to be a thing, just ban it on having it on more than 2 mons on a team, you're never going to have more than that on a normal team anyway.

I'd also argue the same for ADV UU but I can see short passing being a much larger problem there with Scyther, Lunatone, etc so I won't make a stink about it although I still disagree.
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Why are you guys banning BP in DPP UU? BP chains are garbage trash in the tier and you're neutering a ton of good Pokemon by removing dry passing as an option (Leafeon and Absol mainly I guess), and it's not like short passing was ever a major issue (most things that want SD are either too slow (Rhyp, Azu) or too frail to get in safely (Swellow), Kanga and Miltank being fringe options at best, Arcanine being maybe the best example). Nothing short passed CM or Agility anyway unless you really wanted to use Drifblim or something lol.

I think it's a huge overreaction to some people getting lucky with that Torterra BP chain team.

And I'm saying this as someone that really, really, really tried to make BP teams work when DPP was the current gen. They simply have no consistency to be worthy of a complete ban. If you don't want BP chains to be a thing, just ban it on having it on more than 2 mons on a team, you're never going to have more than that on a normal team anyway.

I'd also argue the same for ADV UU but I can see short passing being a much larger problem there with Scyther, Lunatone, etc so I won't make a stink about it although I still disagree.

no, I don't think we should open up this can of worms just because somebody wants to use Dry Pass Absol (??????????????????). for starters, the examples you provided of Pokemon that get "neutered" by this ban are both fully viable regardless of whether or not a blanket Baton Pass ban is in effect, and off the top of my head, I honestly can't think of many Pokemon that get fully eliminated from the pool of viable Pokemon as a consequence of this decision bar the obvious BP Chain staples. Second, Gen 4 UU is a different tier from what it was back when DPP was the main generation, and I honestly don't think the fact that Baton Pass Chains aren't able to win every single match up takes away from the decision to keep this move away from the tier. You can check out literally any policy thread on this move, as they most likely explain any details regarding Baton Pass better than I possibly could, but the general idea is that we don't need a strategy that takes away from skill expression the way Baton Pass does, as it is blatant match up fishing with very limited counterplay that not all teams can afford (though I admit that Haze Milotic is very viable and fairly common)

However, the main reason why I, as somebody who still meddles around in DPP UU, wants to keep the move away from the tier at all costs isn't because of Baton Pass chains or [insert random set up move on a random Pokemon] + Baton Pass, but because of the archetype known as Gligar pass. In my opinion, any variant of this strategy (be it Hippopotas or Uxie or literally anything else supporting it) is absolute nonsense and has no place in a competitive metagame. With Screens support (and even Sand Veil sometimes!), Gligar is able to secure at least one Swords Dance boost, and most of the time it can also get +2 Speed on top of that, with the best means of counterplay to this being forcing guessing games with Milotic (i.e. potential Ice Beam vs. Haze stuff) if your team has that. From that position, there is a multitude of recipients with the ability to effortlessly run away with the game, with the most popular one being Azumarill. When I used to spam these sort of teams, however, I usually opted for Bibarel, which, thanks to its ability (which, for those of you who aren't familiar with this obscure-ish mechanic), gets on the battlefield with amplified boosts and possesses perfect coverage in DPP UU with its STAB moves alone. Anyway, I don't think the recipient in question particularly matters to my argument regardless.

You could argue that a complex ban would solve all issues with Baton Pass in DPP UU, and while you're not wrong, I don't think it is necessary to do so when there is so little collateral damage created by this decision. If the (likely) DPP UU starters in this tournament want to bring this up to the hosts for an eventual unban/complex ban, feel free to do so, as I am only a (hopefully informed) player with an opinion who doesn't have the final say by any means, but IMO things are fine as is.
no, I don't think we should open up this can of worms just because somebody wants to use Dry Pass Absol (??????????????????)

Don't get the condescension here, it has legitimate use on scarf or band since it's not like you're really going to ever click psycho cut anyway unless they happen to have weezing.

Anyway my point is I don't want something just straight banned from my favorite tier in a completely off handed manner just because you found a cheese to use. I don't want to be given shit if I were to join a friendly in the future or a room tour or something and not be able to bring BP leafeon.

"Slippery slope argument" i know but I don't want to see something like Duggy banned in future iterations or something just because someone else has a problem with it down the line and it's banned in current gens. Or someone has a problem with rain and wants to ban damp rock. Or stallrein. (The latter two are also "match up fishing.") That kind of off handed banning can have more consequences than you might think, especially for a tier that doesn't get a lot of limelight.
The BP bans are solely for UUPL. They won’t extend to UU Classic or any official tours, nor will they be made official in any way. I’m not a fan of officially re-tiering old gen lower tiers and don’t plan to change that any time soon. But since UUPL isn’t part of the circuit and is meant to be fun, we typically give the hosts some freedom to make unofficial rules changes that only apply to this tour.

Won’t stop you from using BP in a random DPP UU roomtour or a friendly though. (No promises about whether people will give you crap for it or not though.)

Bo3: [u shit team isnt making poffs]
SM: Amane Misa
SM: yeezyknows
SM: Amukamara
SM: dingbat
ORAS: Manipulative
BW: choolio
ADV: Heysup
GSC: kaori
RBY Subs: craing ;_;, Arifeen, Garay Oak, Analytic, Zesty43
Gosh, I'm so excited for draft and to get to see some UU players do their best in some games!

To relieve the tension, have a free brain teaser guys:

Question: On turn 1 of a standard gen7uu game, a Life Orb Nidoking takes 85% from a Fire Blast Chandelure and is burned and OHKOs it with Earth Power. At the end of turn 2 it’s at 100% without status. How is this possible?

Nidoking uses Rest, opponent wakes it up with Worry Seed.


Did you guys get it? Or think of an alternative answer? Hope to see you all more in Brain Teasers or in the Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers!