NU Aerodactyl (revamp)


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The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock. While Aerodactyl is rather threatening offensively, its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost. Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and ability to take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake with their great physical bulk. Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum. Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Sneasel.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise. Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge as well as threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor. Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon. Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail, fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.

Usage Tips

Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity. Due to the solid power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea. However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal. Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.

Team Options

Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it. Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn. Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch. Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively. Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise. Spikes support from Pokemon such as Garbodor pairs well with Aerodactyl, since it helps weaken Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, and Aerodactyl's ability to force switches can make racking up Spikes damage fairly easy.

name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon. While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200-Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge. Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock. Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

Set Details

Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards on a predicted Roost to recover health.

Usage Tips

The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant Pokemon such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good. Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy. Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.

Team Options

Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon. Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin. Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them. Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed. Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health. Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl struggles to break Steelix and Rhydon reliably; therefore, Spikes support from the likes of Garbodor makes it easier for Aerodactyl to do so. Additionally, because Aerodactyl is good at forcing switches, it can force the spreading of chip damage from Spikes.

Other Options

Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent. Aerodactyl can run a Stealth Rock set that provides good role compression with its ability to set entry hazards, switch into Pokemon such as Incineroar, and revenge kill Pokemon such as Delphox and Heliolisk, but other Stealth Rock setters like Rhydon and Steelix are preferred due to their greater bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[quziel, 297859], [Eternally, 295647], [Earth, 231788]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame479, 231476], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited:

  • The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock.
  • While Aerodactyl is incredibly threatening offensively, I honestly wouldn't call it incredibly threatening offensively its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost.
  • Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and great physical bulk, letting them take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake.
  • Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so that they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum.
  • Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Choice Band Sneasel.
name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise.
  • Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge while threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor.
  • Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon.
  • Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.
Set Details

  • Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl.
  • Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.
Usage Tips

  • Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity.
  • Due to the absurd power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea. Again, I don't love calling it absurdly powerful, as most Nu teams have a mon that takes 30% or less from that.
  • However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, then using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal.
  • Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.
Team Options

  • Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it.
  • Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn.
  • Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch.
  • Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively.
  • Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise.
  • spikes
name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon.
  • While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200 Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Vaporeon Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge. Vapo isn't guaranteed dead from edge + SS, and can protect to sorta screw you over, replacing with a mon you can more reliably take on.
  • Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock.
  • Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.
Set Details

  • Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl.
  • Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards versus Aerodactyl using Roost to recover health.
Usage Tips

  • The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good.
  • Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy.
  • Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.
Team Options

  • Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon.
  • Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin.
  • Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them.
  • Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed.
  • Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so that it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health.
  • Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl.
  • Spikes
Other Options

  • Groundium Z can be utilized instead of Flyinium Z to provide Aerodactyl with a way to better deal with Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, although Z-Earthquake is significantly weaker against everything else.
  • Aqua Tail on the Choice Band set can be used to hit Rhydon harder while targeting Palossand too, but Rhydon already takes significant damage from Earthquake, and Palossand's Water Compaction prevents Aqua Tail from 2HKOing it.
  • Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent.
  • Aerodactyl can run a Pressure stalling set of Rock Slide / Substitute / Toxic / Roost to pose a nuisance to Pokemon such as Slowking, although such a set gives Pokemon like Steelix and Weezing opportunities to freely set entry hazards.
Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

Works. 1/3 once implemented

  • The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock.
  • While Aerodactyl is rather threatening offensively, its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost.
  • Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and great physical bulk, letting them take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake.
  • Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so that they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum.
  • Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Choice Band Sneasel.
name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise.
  • Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge while threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor.
  • Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon.
  • Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.
Set Details

  • Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl.
  • Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.
Usage Tips

  • Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity.
  • Due to the solid power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea.
  • However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, then using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal.
  • Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.
Team Options

  • Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it.
  • Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn.
  • Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch.
  • Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively.
  • Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise.
  • Spikes support from Pokemon such as Garbodor pairs well with Aerodactyl, since it helps weaken Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, and Aerodactyl's ability to force switches can make racking up Spikes damage fairly easy.
name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon.
  • While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200 Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge.
  • Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock.
  • Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.
Set Details

  • Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl.
  • Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards versus Aerodactyl using Roost to recover health.
Usage Tips

  • The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good.
  • Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy.
  • Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.
Team Options

  • Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon.
  • Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin.
  • Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them.
  • Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed.
  • Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so that it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health.
  • Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl.
  • Aerodactyl struggles to break Steelix and Rhydon reliably; therefore, Spikes support from the likes of Garbodor makes it easier for Aerodactyl to do so. Additionally, because Aerodactyl is good at forcing switches, it can force the spreading of chip damage from Spikes.
Other Options

  • Groundium Z can be utilized instead of Flyinium Z to provide Aerodactyl with a way to better deal with Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, although Z-Earthquake is significantly weaker against everything else. (No reason to run this with Diancie gone from the tier, it doesn't actually 2HKO either. Remove.)
  • Aqua Tail on the Choice Band set can be used to hit Rhydon harder while targeting Palossand too, but Rhydon already takes significant damage from Earthquake, and Palossand's Water Compaction prevents Aqua Tail from 2HKOing it. (No reason to use this if it doesn't 2HKO Palossand, Rhydon is running less bulk now anyway and it's very easy to weaken. Remove.)
  • Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent.
  • Aerodactyl can run a Pressure stalling set of Rock Slide / Substitute / Toxic / Roost to pose a nuisance to Pokemon such as Slowking, although such a set gives Pokemon like Steelix and Weezing opportunities to freely set entry hazards. (This set is awful and should never be used, remove.)
  • (Add a line about Stealth Rock, it can be a decent setter on particular builds when partnered with Dhelmise, and provides respectable compression without sacrificing a ton.)
Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[quziel, 297859], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

Good, 2/3
Stealth Rock is a usable option over Roost on the Flyinium-Z set for certain teams, add it to the Moves section. 3/3
Remove Add Comments (AC)= add comma (RC)= remove comma (AH)= add hyphen (RH)= remove hyphen

The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock. While Aerodactyl is rather threatening offensively, its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost. Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and great physical bulk letting them take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake. Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so that they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum. Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Sneasel.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise. Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge while threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor. Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon. Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail,(AC) (coordinate adjectives are separated with a comma) fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.

Usage Tips

Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity. Due to the solid power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea. However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, then using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal. Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.

Team Options

Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it. Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn. Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch. Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively. Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise. Spikes support from Pokemon such as Garbodor pairs well with Aerodactyl, since it helps weaken Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, and Aerodactyl's ability to force switches can make racking up Spikes damage fairly easy.

name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon. While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200-(AH)Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge. Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock. Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

Set Details

Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards versus Aerodactyl using Roost to recover health.

Usage Tips

The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant Pokemon such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good. Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy. Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.

Team Options

Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon. Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin. Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them. Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed. Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so that it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health. Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl struggles to break Steelix and Rhydon reliably; therefore, Spikes support from the likes of Garbodor makes it easier for Aerodactyl to do so. Additionally, because Aerodactyl is good at forcing switches, it can force the spreading of chip damage from Spikes.

Other Options

Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent. Aerodactyl can run a Stealth Rock set that provides good role compression with its ability to set entry hazards, switch into Pokemon such as Incineroar, and revenge kill Pokemon such as Delphox and Heliolisk, but other Stealth Rock setters like Rhydon and Steelix are preferred due to their greater bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[quziel, 297859], [Eternally, 295647], [Earth, 231788]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
GP 1/2
Remove Add Comments (AC)= add comma (RC)= remove comma (AH)= add hyphen (RH)= remove hyphen

The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock. While Aerodactyl is rather threatening offensively, its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost. Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and great physical bulk letting them take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake. Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so that they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum. Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Sneasel.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise. Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge while threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor. Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon. Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail,(AC) (coordinate adjectives are separated with a comma) fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.

Usage Tips

Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity. Due to the solid power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea. However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, then using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal. Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.

Team Options

Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it. Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn. Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch. Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively. Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise. Spikes support from Pokemon such as Garbodor pairs well with Aerodactyl, since it helps weaken Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, and Aerodactyl's ability to force switches can make racking up Spikes damage fairly easy.

name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon. While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200-(AH)Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge. Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock. Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

Set Details

Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards versus Aerodactyl using Roost to recover health.

Usage Tips

The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant Pokemon such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good. Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy. Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.

Team Options

Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon. Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin. Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them. Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed. Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so that it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health. Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl struggles to break Steelix and Rhydon reliably; therefore, Spikes support from the likes of Garbodor makes it easier for Aerodactyl to do so. Additionally, because Aerodactyl is good at forcing switches, it can force the spreading of chip damage from Spikes.

Other Options

Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent. Aerodactyl can run a Stealth Rock set that provides good role compression with its ability to set entry hazards, switch into Pokemon such as Incineroar, and revenge kill Pokemon such as Delphox and Heliolisk, but other Stealth Rock setters like Rhydon and Steelix are preferred due to their greater bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[quziel, 297859], [Eternally, 295647], [Earth, 231788]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
GP 1/2
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

The combination of Aerodactyl's great Attack and Speed makes it a versatile offensive threat. It can function as a formidable wallbreaker, Pursuit trapper, and revenge killer capable of threatening other frail fast attackers such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, Delphox, and Sigilyph while threatening bulky Pokemon such as Blastoise and defensive Slowking with 2HKOs after Stealth Rock. While Aerodactyl is rather threatening offensively, its typing also provides it with benefits defensively, most notably letting it switch into and check Pokemon such as Incineroar, Braviary, and Vivillon and recover health with Roost. Unfortunately, Aerodactyl struggles to reliably break through common defensive Pokemon such as Steelix and Rhydon due to their resistance to Stone Edge and great physical bulk letting them ability to take even Choice Band-boosted Earthquake with their great physical bulk. Additionally, Aerodactyl's Stealth Rock weakness combined with its poor bulk limits its ability to switch into resisted hits from the likes of Magmortar and Vivillon. Similarly, Z-Move variants of Aerodactyl will be forced to spend turns using Roost so they remain healthy enough to check Pokemon such as Incineroar, causing them to give up momentum. Furthermore, Aerodactyl's poor bulk leaves it susceptible to revenge killing from Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru as well as Sneasel.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Aerial Ace
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Band
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge threatens prominent Fire-types such as Incineroar and is Aerodactyl's best source of damage against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Slowking, and Blastoise. Aerial Ace punishes Fighting-types like Passimian that try to pivot into Stone Edge while as well as threatening Grass-types in Dhelmise, Sceptile, and Alolan Exeggutor. Earthquake rounds out Aerodactyl's coverage well, targeting Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon. Pursuit lets Aerodactyl capitalize on it forcing out frail, fast attackers such as Heliolisk and Sigilyph and trap them.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with a Jolly nature and Choice Band makes Aerodactyl as strong and fast as possible, 2HKOing even defensive Slowking after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Pokemon such as Sceptile, Heliolisk, and Calm Mind Delphox and at worst Speed tying with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve lets Aerodactyl Pursuit trap common Colbur Berry users such as Rotom and Decidueye more reliably and prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from recovering health.

Usage Tips

Even though Aerodactyl's typing provides it with useful resistances and immunities to common types in Fire and Ground, it's usually better to bring Aerodactyl in via pivoting and double switching due to its poor bulk and Stealth Rock weakness hampering its longevity. Due to the solid power of Choice Band-boosted Stone Edge, firing one off whenever Aerodactyl gets a free turn is usually a good idea. However, if the opponent has a sturdy Rock-resistant Pokemon like Rhydon or Steelix, then using Earthquake to get chip damage on it is beneficial in the long run. Similarly, using Aerial Ace to nail Fighting-types like Passimian and Scrafty is ideal. Aerodactyl's great Speed lets it force out frail Pokemon like Delphox and Sigilyph; take advantage of this by Pursuit trapping them.

Team Options

Comfey makes a fantastic partner for Choice Band Aerodactyl; Aerodactyl threatens Fire-types such as Magmortar and Delphox, even threatening to Pursuit trap and remove the latter, and immensely pressures Weezing and Steelix for it. Other late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Passimian and Togedemaru also benefit from Aerodactyl heavily pressuring physical walls such as Slowking and Steelix. In return, Passimian and Togedemaru can bring Aerodactyl onto the field safely with U-turn. Due to Aerodactyl's susceptibility to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, entry hazard control is mandatory alongside it; Pokemon like Blastoise, Dhelmise, and Rotom make ideal partners for Aerodactyl due to this. In addition, Blastoise and Dhelmise can take Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Rotom can switch into faster Electric-types like Choice Scarf Heliolisk and Togedemaru while providing pivot support with Volt Switch. Since Aerodactyl is frail, pairing with sturdy walls such as Steelix and Weezing that can check common revenge killers in Passimian and Togedemaru is worthwhile. These options can also supply hazard support in the form of Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, respectively. Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar and Passimian is also nice to pair alongside Aerodactyl to remove Choice Scarf from Pokemon such as Passimian as well as Leftovers from bulky Water-types like Blastoise. Spikes support from Pokemon such as Garbodor pairs well with Aerodactyl, since it helps weaken Rock-resistant Pokemon like Steelix and Rhydon, and Aerodactyl's ability to force switches can make racking up Spikes damage fairly easy.

name: Flyinium Z
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Sky Attack
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Flyinium Z
ability: Unnerve
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Stone Edge serves as Aerodactyl's most spammable attack and reliably threatens Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon like Incineroar, Delphox, and Vivillon. While mostly useless by itself, Sky Attack alongside Flyinium Z provides Aerodactyl with a 200-Base Power Supersonic Skystrike, denting bulky Water-types like Blastoise and Seismitoad while outright removing Fighting-types like Passimian that may try to pivot into Stone Edge. Earthquake leaves Aerodactyl less helpless against bulky Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon like Steelix, Rhydon, and Regirock. Roost helps Aerodactyl switch into attacks from the likes of Incineroar and Braviary more often and prevents it from being quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

Set Details

Maximum Attack investment lets Aerodactyl always KO Blastoise with the combination of Supersonic Skystrike and Stone Edge after Stealth Rock, while 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature ensure Aerodactyl outspeeds Sceptile and everything slower while Speed tying at worst with opposing Aerodactyl. Unnerve prevents pinch Berry users such as Incineroar from pivoting into entry hazards versus Aerodactyl using on a predicted Roost to recover health.

Usage Tips

The key to this set is proper timing of Supersonic Skystrike; Aerodactyl heavily relies on it to break defensive Water-types such as Blastoise and Seismitoad, and because Aerodactyl generally draws in Flying-resistant Pokemon such as Steelix, Rhydon, and Togedemaru, using Earthquake to damage or remove them is good. Due to this set's increased defensive utility, finding opportunities to switch in and wallbreak isn't too difficult; Aerodactyl can switch into attacks such as Incineroar's Knock Off and Braviary's Brave Bird and recover health with Roost to remain healthy. Aerodactyl should generally be using Stone Edge to wallbreak, although it should take advantage of its solid coverage in Supersonic Skystrike and Earthquake to nail Rock-resistant targets such as Passimian and Steelix for super effective damage.

Team Options

Aerodactyl is a great fit on offensive and balance teams looking to make use of its defensive utility to better manage Pokemon such as Incineroar, Magmortar, and Vivillon. Since Aerodactyl is still rather frail, it appreciates having a sturdy defensive backbone to support it. Pokemon such as Druddigon and Slowking are helpful in taking Water-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl, while Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Seismitoad can switch into Electric-type attacks. Druddigon and Seismitoad can also provide Stealth Rock support, while Dhelmise can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin. Fire-types such as Incineroar, Delphox, and Magmortar appreciate Aerodactyl's ability to weaken and remove opposing bulky Water-types for them. Similarly, Pokemon like Comfey and Whimsicott enjoy having opposing Fire-types removed. Although Aerodactyl has Roost to maintain longevity, it still appreciates having hazard control from Pokemon such as Blastoise and Rotom so it can spend its time on the field wallbreaking as opposed to recovering health. Since Choice Scarf Passimian greatly threatens Aerodactyl, Knock Off support from the likes of Incineroar is beneficial to pair alongside Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl struggles to break Steelix and Rhydon reliably; therefore, Spikes support from the likes of Garbodor makes it easier for Aerodactyl to do so. Additionally, because Aerodactyl is good at forcing switches, it can force the spreading of chip damage from Spikes.

Other Options

Aerodactyl can make use of Hone Claws and a Z-Crystal to have the strength of the Choice Band set without having to lock itself into a move, but the longevity Roost provides as well as lack of immediate power make this option less consistent. Aerodactyl can run a Stealth Rock set that provides good role compression with its ability to set entry hazards, switch into Pokemon such as Incineroar, and revenge kill Pokemon such as Delphox and Heliolisk, but other Stealth Rock setters like Rhydon and Steelix are preferred due to their greater bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Rock-types**: Steelix, Palossand, and Rhydon all have immense physical bulk, letting them easily switch into attacks from Aerodactyl and set Stealth Rock or attack it. Regirock doesn't resist Stone Edge but still takes it as well as Earthquake reasonably well and threatens Aerodactyl out with Stone Edge.

**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Blastoise, Seismitoad, Vaporeon, and defensive Slowking switch into Aerodactyl reasonably well and threaten it out with super effective damage. However, they all run the risk of being 2HKOed after Stealth Rock by one of Aerodactyl's sets. Samurott cannot switch into Aerodactyl well, but it does threaten to OHKO Aerodactyl with its STAB attacks.

**Faster Attackers and Priority**: Because Aerodactyl's bulk isn't great, it can be easily revenge killed by Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru as well as priority moves from the likes of Sneasel, Pangoro, and Medicham.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[quziel, 297859], [Eternally, 295647], [Earth, 231788]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame479, 231476], [, ]]