SM OU Rate/Fix My Team!

The Team


Hello all! Ok so I tried this once before and made a few mistakes, hopefully this time around I've done this correctly! I've also come with a pretty different team than I initially had and after play-testing on showdown I find this iteration to be a lot of fun! I feel as though I can still improve on it quite a bit but the general play style is there.

Charizard is my favorite pokemon (I know, so original) so I really wanted to create a team based around both of the megas! Especially since Sword and Shield will be removing megas indefinitely. This team is based around X and I wanted to create a team that wasn't stuffed with a crazy amount of legendaries. In fact I tried avoiding them entirely. However if a legendary is really what would take this team over the top then I can get on board with using one but would like to keep it to a single legendary only. I've also done my best to create a balanced team that is able to play competitively and to run through the post-game Battle Tower in Ultra Sun. So with all that being said here is my team as presently constructed!


Charizard @ Charizardite X
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw
- Roost
- Dragon Dance

My go-to closer and who this team is built around. The dual stab of Flare Blitz and Dragon Claw are able to take down anything that isn't immune to it in 2 hits or less once Charizard has managed to get off a Dragon Dance. I chose to use Roost over a third coverage move in either Earthquake or Thunder Punch mainly because it allows Charizard to last longer and do more damage to any given team. This set is pretty straightforward, Charizard is here to be a sweeper and take out as many Pokemon as it can to close out the match.


Scizor @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
EVs: 164 HP, 252 Atk, 92 Spe
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Knock Off
- Superpower

Scizor is almost non-negotiable on this team. He partners really well with Charizard because of his ability to be a scout that can dish out decent damage with U-Turn, ensuring that it (or some of the other teammates) can switch in safely. Bullet Punch is there to cause massive damage to Fairies and Rock types which will check a good amount of Charizard's counters. The EV spread of 164 HP, 252 Atk and 92 Spe gives Scizor enough bulk to take hits before swapping out which just adds to the longevity of this team. I've tinkered with other kinds of EV spreads but I've found this one to be the most consistent.


Gengar @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt

I almost want to say that Gengar is untouchable as well but I think that's mainly because I have such a bias for it lol. That being said though, Gengar's role on this team is quite integral to how it performs. It's here to be a special sweeper when the opportunity arises and to generally whittle down teams with high offense otherwise. Shadow Ball and Sludge Wave are incredible stab moves, Focus Blast is a must have for normal and dark types and Thunderbolt is a move I'm still toying around with but I've generally found it to be very helpful with all the flying and water types I seem to run into. Gengar is quite frail so it rarely survives a battle but it does do a ton of damage before going down.


Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 248 HP, 8 Def, 252 SpD
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Toxic

Gastrodon opperates as the team's wall and a general annoyance. Scald and Earth Power are pretty much staples being the best stab moves to use with this set. Earth Power especially is able to come in and hit Pokemon like Heatran and Magearna pretty hard who would otherwise cause a lot of problems for this team. Recover is to help it stay alive for longer. I toyed with the idea of switching Toxic out for Ice Beam in order to counter Pokemon like Landorus who are a general hinderance but the team seems to really appreciate the poison support from Toxic. As long as you don't switch Gastrodon into a grass type move then it can come in on almost any Pokemon and absorb some hits.


Serperior @ Grassinium Z
Nature: Timid
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 Spe, 200 SpA, 56 HP
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power Fire
- Glare
- Defog

Serperior is essentially this team's nuke with it's Z Move. The combination of Leaf Storm and Contrary is incredible and under the right situation can tear through opposing teams. Hidden Power is there mainly for coverage and I considered using either Knock Off or Hidden Power Ice but I found that I never really want to switch into Pokemon that those moves would be effective on. Glare is amazing really allows a lot of speed control which benefits practically every other teammate and allows then to set up or execute their purpose with a lot more ease. Serperior is also our first Defogger to support Charizard. No one on the team appreciates hazards but Defog really comes in handy removing things like Reflect and Light Screen as well as lowering evasion so that things like Gengar's Focus Blast has a higher chance of landing.


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP, 52 Def, 72 SpD, 136 Spe
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Roost
- Defog

The team's second tank and defogger. The EV spread that I chose allows Gliscor to outspeed a few threats to the team that it is really the only answer for. With Earthquake being it's main move for attacking, Gliscor is the ideal check to Pokemon like Heatran. Ice Fang is the random suprise tech I decided to throw on here because one of the biggest issue I've run into using this team is struggling to take down other Gliscor and Landorus. Ice Fang allows me to hit them for 4x damage and whittle them down a lot faster than I would otherwise. Defog is once again essential to support the rest of the team and Roost allows Gliscor to heal outside of poison heal.

SO overall I think this team is very fun and quite respectable, however I can't help but feel as though it can be improved and fine-tuned to be able to play more fluidly. I maintain the stance that I'd rather not use legendaries if possible and not more than one if there's no other way. I like legendaries but I really wanted to create a team without them. Once again the main purpose of this team is to be able battle through the Battle Tree (and all the other post-game stuff in Ultra Sun) and to be able to hold it's own competitively. I'd really appreciate any kind of feedback and suggestions! Please and thank you in advance!​
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I'd replace Earth Power on Gastro with Earthquake. Without a Storm Drain boost, it's actually a bit stronger, and it's especially stronger against AV Magearna and Specially Defensive Heatran by virtue of being a physical move.
Okay so it looks like you copied the Gastro set that was designed for PU, not OU. That's not a huge deal, but for future reference, going 252 in HP and SpDef with 4 in Def (or 248 HP and 8 Def) is a better plan for this tier. Otherwise you're a lot more vulnerable to sweeps from Gren, a mon that kinda goes ham on your team without that dedicated check. Though personally, I think you'd see more success with this Seismitoad set. Toad fills a similar niche to Gastrodon - a specially bulky Water-type that acts as a soft check to Gren thanks to a Water immunity - but it also provides you with the entry hazards you currently lack. It may not be quite as bulky especially without reliable recovery, but it can still ease the Gren matchup for you quite well.
I'd replace Earth Power on Gastro with Earthquake. Without a Storm Drain boost, it's actually a bit stronger, and it's especially stronger against AV Magearna and Specially Defensive Heatran by virtue of being a physical move.
Ok awesome thank you! I'll make that switch asap, I appreciate the feedback!
Okay so it looks like you copied the Gastro set that was designed for PU, not OU. That's not a huge deal, but for future reference, going 252 in HP and SpDef with 4 in Def (or 248 HP and 8 Def) is a better plan for this tier. Otherwise you're a lot more vulnerable to sweeps from Gren, a mon that kinda goes ham on your team without that dedicated check. Though personally, I think you'd see more success with this Seismitoad set. Toad fills a similar niche to Gastrodon - a specially bulky Water-type that acts as a soft check to Gren thanks to a Water immunity - but it also provides you with the entry hazards you currently lack. It may not be quite as bulky especially without reliable recovery, but it can still ease the Gren matchup for you quite well.
Thank you! I'll make those EV changes soon. I had initially picked that spread because I wanted to try and make Gastrodon an all around type of tank, similar to how my Gliscor is set up. Also I'll definitely check out Seismitoad! I kinda figured that since I was running two defoggers, hazards weren't really a fit for the team but more damage to the opposing team is always a good thing. Also I'm not gonna lie, I like Gastrodon a lot more than Seismitoad just design-wise so there's a good chance I stick with it if hazards are the main difference lol

I really appreciate the feedback! Thank you!