SM OU A newbie wants some help

Hello, I’m a new showdown player and I want to take some experience on the last gen7 months before sword and shield comes out. My previous post didn’t got many replies so I’m trying again.

My team is build around mega-tyranitar but I don’t think it’s the best pick because I get haxxed pretty hard sometimes (thanks to stone edge with it’s 80 accuracy which means missing 4 times in a row) but it’s my favorite mega.
I mage a bulky offense because I heard offensive teams are the best to begin with because the games are fast but the idea of 6 offensive isn’t my favorite way to play.
I took most sets from smogon except blacephalons set.

grozilla (Tyranitar-Mega) @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch

This is my tyranitar it’s my sweeper he has an incredible bulk under sandstorm and can even survive a moonblast from tapu lele. Dragon dance is there to boost my speed and attack and let the already terrifying stab stone edge fo even more damage. I gave him fire punch fore the steel types like ferrothorn or magearna and ice punch for the common landorus-t and for other ground types like garchomp.

Partoutout (Landorus-Therian) @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Fly

My second pokemon is landorus the top tier. He has a ground immunity, a fighting resistance and a bug resistance (especially usefull against u-turn users) all of those types are some of tyranitar’s weaknesses. He has u-turn (one of my favorite moves) to take advantage of a switch. He’s also my stealth rock setter which is a very important move to have. He has stab earthquake to damage opponents and z-flying to do a lot of damage against some ground resistant pokemon like grass types.

As2pik (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 28 Def / 232 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Gyro Ball
- Protect

A bulky offense needs a defensif core and my first pick is ferrothorn. He resists water and fairy to help tyranitar. I play him with leftovers and leech to restore some hp. Spikes is to get some chip damage when the opponent switches. Gyro ball does some damage and is there to make sure ferrothorn isn’t to passive and protect is there for scouting and to sometimes recover a little more hp.

Tapu tartar (Tapu Fini) @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Def / 12 SpA / 40 SpD / 192 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Moonblast
- Taunt
- Defog

My second defensive mon is tapu fini. It can handel some of tyranitar’s weaknesses (water and fighting), it also resists ferrothorn weamknesses (fire and fighting) while ferrothorn can doesn’t take much from grass, electric and poison attacks.tapu fini also has the misty surge ability to help him setup without being burned by will-o-wisp or other status. It’s ev spread is smogons ev spread nothing special to say. Scald is a water stab with a burn chance to make physical attackers less dangerous, moonblast has a greater damage output and does great damage on fairy weak pokemons. He has taunt to shut down passive enemies and defog to remove hazards.

Pierot technique (Blacephalon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Knock Off

This is my scarf, sometimes my sweeper (if he has a good match up). I had some trouble picking a scarf but at the end I chose blacephalon because of his strong fire stab to ko ferrothorn which is troublesome for the rest of my team. I gave him flamethrower over fire blast for the accuracy. Shadow ball has a decent neutral coverage being resisted by only a few pokemons. I wanted to give him hp fighting but apparently you cann’t so I took hp ground but I’m think about replacing it by hp ice. For he’s last move I gave him knock off because I don’t know what could fit better.

Tapu kfc (Tapu Koko) @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 32 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpA / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Taunt

My last pokemon pokemon is tapu koko, because my team has some trouble with ground types I decided to make a bait to eliminate some dangerous ground types. He has stab thunderbolt coupled with electric surge to deal great damage. He also has hp ice to make the boltbeam combo and also for defeating ground types. In counterpart to most tapu koko’s shuca berry koko can afford volt switch because he defeats most ground types and can freely volt switch without being blocked. Taunt is useful to shutdown passive walls.

This is my team, I am sorry if I made mistakes, english isn’t my native language and I’m still learning.
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Your english isn't that bad :)
But as a quick check over, some things I noticed.
Your team gets screwed over by a core of Banded Azumarill + MVenu carrying Giga Drain
Or the more popular pick AshGren.
Trick over either HP Ground or Knock could be good on the clown (Shadow Ball hits everything you'd want to hit with HP Ground/Ice for neutral damage + STAB and doesn't choice lock you into a very specific coverage move that hits one 'mon hard and the rest of the meta like a wet paper towel), as well as Modest over Timid. IIRC the speed loss is actually kind of significant (You no longer outspeed scarf lele for example), but Blace appreciates the power boost, especially with flamethrower instead of fireblast. Also, if you don't find two taunt users particularly useful, maybe swap it on Fini for Calm Mind(Lets you stay in on weak volt switches and threatens whatever comes in and lets you 1v1 certain counters in a pinch), or on Koko for Dazzling Gleam or U-Turn. I know you say Shuca lets you counter ground types, but HP Ice actually doesn't KO most Landorus from full (you need about 20% chip beforehand) and EQ still does 70% from offensive/scarf lando even with the Shuca.

Your team gets screwed over by a core of Banded Azumarill + MVenu carrying Giga Drain
Or the more popular pick AshGren.

This boi is carrying Moonblast Fini and Ferrothorn, in what universe is he losing to either of those?
Thank you for your replies I’m going to try those things out and see what is my favorite option.

on Koko for Dazzling Gleam or U-Turn. I know you say Shuca lets you counter ground types, but HP Ice actually doesn't KO most Landorus from full (you need about 20% chip beforehand) and EQ still does 70% from offensive/scarf lando even with the Shuca.

Is shuca koko not that good in this team and should I give him another item or is there something I didn’t understand?
Thank you for your replies I’m going to try those things out and see what is my favorite option.

Is shuca koko not that good in this team and should I give him another item or is there something I didn’t understand?

It's not bad, you get the 2HKO on non-scarf Landorus and Garchomp, but trying to pivot around something like scarf Lando means either getting the HP Ice read or U-turning on the switch into Ferro until you can get enough chip to KO.
Trick over either HP Ground or Knock could be good on the clown (Shadow Ball hits everything you'd want to hit with HP Ground/Ice for neutral damage + STAB and doesn't choice lock you into a very specific coverage move that hits one 'mon hard and the rest of the meta like a wet paper towel), as well as Modest over Timid. IIRC the speed loss is actually kind of significant (You no longer outspeed scarf lele for example), but Blace appreciates the power boost, especially with flamethrower instead of fireblast. Also, if you don't find two taunt users particularly useful, maybe swap it on Fini for Calm Mind(Lets you stay in on weak volt switches and threatens whatever comes in and lets you 1v1 certain counters in a pinch), or on Koko for Dazzling Gleam or U-Turn. I know you say Shuca lets you counter ground types, but HP Ice actually doesn't KO most Landorus from full (you need about 20% chip beforehand) and EQ still does 70% from offensive/scarf lando even with the Shuca.

This boi is carrying Moonblast Fini and Ferrothorn, in what universe is he losing to either of those?
Does MVenu not hit Fini.
And HP Fire its Ferro hard, especially if it's physdef.