From Untiereds to Ubers

Voting is now open!

I will allow 6 votes since we are on the second to last slate, and we may as well use the last times we have to submit what we can:

1. Delcatty by OM!
2. Alolan-Raticate by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
3. Arbok by Fragmented (I feel like I owe it to ya bc I didn’t have enough votes last time!)
4. Chimecho by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
5. Beheeyem by alephgalactus
6. Wormadon-Plant by alephgalactus

Wow, all of these Grass types! I tried to be fair and share my votes as 1 per person, as I feel everyone deserves my vote for the fun, and high quality content you all came up with!

3 Announcements:

1A. I have updated the following up to the most recent finished Slate (12).
- Untiered Bolded Drop-Down Menu
- Hall of Fame
- Winning Submissions

I am still working on
- Role Compendum
- Viability Rankings

1B. I, OM! (yours truly), have become the first official ever Primal-Groudon, earning 12 Winning Slate Submissions!
Equally impressive is how SteelixPrismGX joins Anaconja as a Zygarde-Complete with 8 Winning Slate Submissions

2A. I am announcing open discussion on the new and improved Viability Rankings list, compiled by 737373elj just before his ban. I am tagging him so credit is provided for the original list's inception. (This also means I had to add newer/missing Submission slate winners since his post sent to me, like Golduck and Shedinja, and made some slight changes such as his original ranking of Lapras in D I put in C+ due to Shell Smash, or if he couldn't decide which tier a Pokemon should go in). *I rarely changed anything, as I figured the discussion would lead to changes anyways:
2B. I want you guys to continue our slated voting, and slated submissions, however, please let me know if you feel a Pokemon should move Up or Down based on the list.
2C. Phase 1 - For now, I am keeping the original Uber Tier lists and this Pet Mod's Tier List in the same post separated, so we can first discuss where some Pokemon in our Pet Mod rank amongst each other when facing the entire metagame. I.e. What new Pokemon can now handle Groudon best (i.e. Swanna vs Wailord as a Flying+Water Delta Streamer; or which between Walrein vs Regice makes for a better Ice SpD wall).
2D. Phase 2 - Afterward, we can place them on the same list as the original Uber Tier. The reason for this, is that we need see how our own stack against each other, and then it will be easier to compare them to how the original Ubers perform the same tasks (Chansey as a SpD wall) .
*I am still formatting it so that each Pokemon icon links to the original post that submitted it, but I have at the least placed Pokemon in the order in which 737373elj placed them in, by Letter.

3A. I am announcing the upcoming the first ever From Untiered to Ubers Playtesting Tournament! Here we will have a tournament hosted during the upcoming weekend November 10th. This will allow for plenty of time for the coding to be finalized for Slates 13+14, and our slates to be concluded for good! (We are ending our Slate 14 on November 7th). Scoopapa (let me know if time is a concern).
3B. If you would like to sign-up for the tournament simply state "IN" in your post (reply to this post, and include your TIMEZONE, I.e. I am PST), so I know you will be included. My goal is 16 players, if more participate, we can make it work. After all, we can just do this on a single day, where we have a coded tournament that assigns pairs to compete in a best of 1, or best of 3, where the winners advance to the next round.

Overall, please be aware that I am doing what I can with the time given. It takes alot of work to manually type of the coding (even though I didn't have to prepare the list from scratch, I still had to re-organize it from a generic list to alter it by letter, and copy+paste it all separately each Pokemon in the corresponding letter rank, code in the Pokemon Icon, etc.)

Tomorrow, I will continue to work on adding Slate 12 to The Role Compendum, and The VR list so you can click the icon and go directly to the post it was submitted in.
1. OPEN DISCUSSION - Declare if you feel a Pokemon on Role Compendum and VR Ranking are misplaced. Should we move a Pokemon up/down?
2. Playtesting Tournament signups begin! It will be held the weekend Sunday of November 9!
In your post declare IN to register for the tournament. In less than 24 hours we already have 3 participants!

We are looking for 8-16 players! Don’t hesitate to sign up! Prove your creations are ready to handle the original Ubers and other competing Slate Winners.

Think you and your Pokemon got what it takes? Then prove it in the first official ever Playtesting Tournament to be played on Scoopapa server!
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1. Delcatty by OM!
2. Shiftry SteelixPrismGX
3. Bellossom by Fragmented (I feel like I owe it to ya bc I didn’t have enough votes last time!)
4. Chimecho by かたわれ時
5. Shiinotic by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
6. Pyukumuku alephgalactus
Errr... sorry OM! but Chimecho was by 737373elj, not me, and Shiinotic will be his submission for the last slate. Sorry to trouble you.
I’ll be in touch with elj soon for his votes. In any case, here are mine:
Delcatty (OM!)
Bellosem (Fragmented)
Chimecho (737373elj)
Wormadam-Plant (alephgalactus)
Raticate-Alola (737373elj)
Golem-Alola (Heavyweapons Mann)
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First, I'd like to make some VR nominations:
:Huntail:>> B-/B
I don't understand why Huntail is being ranked this low at all, especially when you consider that it's stronger, bulkier, and has a more useful ability than the other Water-type Shell Smasher down there, Lapras, and Turtonator in general. Sure, being weak to Xerneas sucks and all, but the fact it's not weak to Dusk Mane Necrozma and Mega Gengar, two of the top threats here, as well as Yveltal and Lumineon should be enough for it to rise, not to mention its ability to shift its coverage to mixed attacking, making it harder to defensively check.
:Lapras:>> C-
Lapras, on the other hand, shouldn't deserve its current ranking. Its stats are just all-around mediocre - it's not overly bulky, fast, strong, and worst of all, its abilities do nothing to help it at all. Outclassed by Turtonator and Huntail.

Next, time for da votes:

My Shiftry
737373elj's Chimecho
Fragmented's Bellossom
Heavyweapons Mann's Alolan Golem and Probopass
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Ok, due to confusion, I need to specifically state that Shiinotic, Emolga and Beartic are @737373elj’s resubmissions for the next slate, NOT mine. I merely placed those Pokemon there so I can submit them quickly when the next slate arrives.
For now, I will post his server here so people can start practice matches on what has been coded so far.


Also bc Scoopapa is so intuitive he even created the following coding commands:

Letting you type in Pokedex commands to see all of the stat changes, so for example

/dt Persian, futu

Let’s you see our modified Persian in the Pokedex!

Play on!

Now, the Pet Mod, for now, is in Beta mode, and to build a team you can use the Import / Export function to type in the new moves / @ items / abilities all manually and click Save.

Scoopapa is having me post that he encourages EVERYONE to start building teams, and if anything bounces back as an invalid move, ability, or Item, that you can screenshot it and PM him here on Smogon.

This way he can work on fixing out all of the bugs and errors before the tournament.

Also, it will be a good headstart to plan building your favorite team for the tournament so you won’t have to do it just before your matches!
Ok, due to confusion, I need to specifically state that Shiinotic, Emolga and Beartic are @737373elj’s resubmissions for the next slate, NOT mine. I merely placed those Pokemon there so I can submit them quickly when the next slate arrives.
Are any submissions yours at all?

Ok will edit out Shiinotic until next slate for voting and replace my vote for it.
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First, I'd like to make some VR nominations:
:Huntail:>> B-/B
I don't understand why Huntail is being ranked this low at all, especially when you consider that it's stronger, bulkier, and has a more useful ability than the other Water-type Shell Smasher down there, Lapras, and Turtonator in general. Sure, being weak to Xerneas sucks and all, but the fact it's not weak to Dusk Mane Necrozma and Mega Gengar, two of the top threats here, as well as Yveltal and Lumineon should be enough for it to rise, not to mention its ability to shift its coverage to mixed attacking, making it harder to defensively check.
:Lapras:>> C-
Lapras, on the other hand, shouldn't deserve its current ranking. Its stats are just all-around mediocre - it's not overly bulky, fast, strong, and worst of all, its abilities do nothing to help it at all. Outclassed by Turtonator and Huntail.

Next, time for da votes:

@SteelixPrismGX's Shiftry
737373elj's Chimecho
Fragmented's Bellossom
Heavyweapons Mann's Alolan Golem and Probopass
かたわれ時's Beartic (technically made by 737373elj)
Please replace the vote for Beartic, I had to also replace Shiinotic, as they stated it’s for next slate, and they posted so they could edit feedback and store it for Slate 14.


Ok, due to confusion, I need to specifically state that Shiinotic, Emolga and Beartic are @737373elj’s resubmissions for the next slate, NOT mine. I merely placed those Pokemon there so I can submit them quickly when the next slate arrives.

Tournament Sign-Ups:

1. OM!
2. 737373elj
3. かたわれ時
4. Jerry the great
5. Scoopapa
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Looking back at this wonderful mod. I wonder how much of this stuff can actually be reasonably viable in an Ubers metagame. Because half of them don't look OU worthy lol.
At this point, why not bring up these points earlier on?

Like during the original slate when Shedinja was being Submitted? Or while I was trying to rebalance it last slate?

I get your points, but it’s like picking it apart after the fact.

I don’t think our Winning Submissions, some of which you submitted G-Luke are too weak for Ubers.

Let’s get back on track and if you have suggestions mention:

Buff or Nerf this Mon, BY DOING THIS.

Otherwise we have to guess what you think makes it okay.
Because I didn't know shed existed until someone told me today? Regardless doesn't change the fact that it's blatantly broken

nerf shed by deleting sturdy and just giving it normal wonder guard
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Because I didn't know shed existed until someone told me today? Regardless doesn't change the fact that it's blatantly broken
Okay, but what is the ideal change?

I have been so busy trying to compile the resources, and I now have to rebalance everything on the spot?

I’ll do Shedinja bc that one is obvious and let’s leave the rest for Discord. I don’t want to take away from people voting...

Shedinja Ticktock - FINAL VERDICT:

Magic Shell - Only super effective hits deal damage to user. Does not take recoil, or Life Orb Damage. Does take all other forms of damage (i.e. hazard, and indirect like Leech Seed).

Removing Sturdy.

*BEAR IN MIND, any changes makes more work for Scoopapa, we have an upcoming Tournament, and we have like 3 weeks of Gen 7 left...

I don’t want to make further changes at this time, as we don’t have enough time to do so.
Also. Please provide feedback on Slate 14 before the voting stage, it would be good to hear what your ideas are, so when we finish we can have some feedback on what you think makes the most sense for that slate, and then when we vote we can have that in mind.
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One can critisize however they want after the fact. Because it is there - spitting in my face.

Im just skimming over the spreadsheet and noticing that plenty of these mons are either ridiculously broken or just not Ubers level mons (See Shedinja and Ariados respectively). That isn't my problem. That is the job of the leaders to ensure that whatever gets in makes sense given the context of the mod.

And yes I subbed two Pokémon. But they were heavily nerfed to fit in with the new game plan, which I honestly find ridiculous. Forcing 600 or less bst on every mon is bounds to make a bunch of weak stuff. Not every mon is Marshadow (something with perfect offensive STAB coverage, broken signature STAB AND Z-Move and just the right stat allocation to abuse it.), and thinking you can make every mon into one is silly. Like, pre nerf Swalot was pretty bad, it was weak to a bunch of top tier threats, and relied on its pureposefully tailored stats to have a niche. Right now it can't do much of anything without being outclassed by everything.
right i'll make sure to suggest 5 different customs that miss the point of the original sub whenever i criticize a winner's balance
I don’t know how this helps this thread?

My focus is on realistic expections.

If we don’t have time for a rebalance Slate I don’t see how we can do it at this time. I don’t want to overwhelm all the work Scoopapa did because if we make lots of changes he has to be able to code them in.
Stop suddenly bringing up points you could have mentioned months ago.

Why now? I cannot go back in time, plus I feel when we did have discussion breaks they didn’t generate activity from many people.

Give credit where credit is due: I have tried to be fair and provide my feedback throughout my entire duration here, if my feedback was edited into someone’s post that’s fine, if not that’s fine too.

But I cannot expect someone to change all of the past slate submissions now.

Let’s plan forward, we can make new expectations for Gen 8, but for Gen 7, it is what it is.
And anyway, what does the first post say?

The idea of this Pet Mod is to, as the name suggests, take completely unviable mons and give them so many new tools that they would be banned to, or at least be viable in, Ubers. Ideally, buffs should be less focused on crazy stat increases, and more about exploring unique ways of making a Pokémon good enough to compete among the best of their kind, whether that be through expanded movepools or access to new or underutilized Abilities and type combinations.
One can critisize however they want after the fact. Because it is there - spitting in my face.

Im just skimming over the spreadsheet and noticing that plenty of these mons are either ridiculously broken or just not Ubers level mons (See Shedinja and Ariados respectively). That isn't my problem. That is the job of the leaders to ensure that whatever gets in makes sense given the context of the mod.

And yes I subbed two Pokémon. But they were heavily nerfed to fit in with the new game plan, which I honestly find ridiculous. Forcing 600 or less bst on every mon is bounds to make a bunch of weak stuff. Not every mon is Marshadow (something with perfect offensive STAB coverage, broken signature STAB AND Z-Move and just the right stat allocation to abuse it.), and thinking you can make every mon into one is silly. Like, pre nerf Swalot was pretty bad, it was weak to a bunch of top tier threats, and relied on its pureposefully tailored stats to have a niche. Right now it can't do much of anything without being outclassed by everything.
Correction, I was not the leader at the time. And it was never discussed after the fact. At any point after the changes you could have brought up that you feel the changes need to be reverted back. And now, it’s left me with having to explain

I don’t just base my approval on my ideas, they are based on votes. What’s the point of winning if we just edit everything in the end, and then people feel like whatever they win with is basically recreated to something else.

I believe that was Pika Xreme point. Honestly I took over this thread on my iPhone and have to pickup where Jamis left off and I don’t think it’s fair to pick apart everything at this point without any time to do what is being asked. I never told people to be shy, it’s not my fault you guys didn’t see the list of winners and decide what you feel could be suggested.

It’s not like we were given feedback and completely ignored it. It’s not a leaders fault for not getting feedback, especially when I actually encourage it on Discord, on the rebalance slates, and have at the same time been trying to not overload Scoopapa with coding efforts.

Be fair, and don’t just point fingers.
Alephgalactus resubbed it, so I guess it wasn’t.

Contacted elj, and he says his votes are the same as OM!, aka:
1. Delcatty by OM!
2. Shiftry SteelixPrismGX
3. Bellossom by Fragmented
4. Chimecho by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
5. Probopass by Heavyweapons Mann
6. Pyukumuku alephgalactus
I just checked and it won Slate 10.

We can edit our votes to something else.


I just changed mine to:

1. Delcatty by OM!
2. Raticate-Alolan by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
3. Bellossom by Fragmented
4. Chimecho by 737373elj (posted by かたわれ時)
5. Probopass by Heavyweapons Mann
6. Wormadon-Plant by alephgalactus

Voting ends Thursday @ 5:30 pm PST.
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Wait hang on Pyukumuku already won whoops


I’ll resub Wormadam-Grass instead I guess. Everyone go change your votes and let’s all never mention the fact that we collectively forgot that I won once (I didn’t think fourth place counted as a win and I never checked the OP to be proven wrong lmao)