ADV Cup VI - Round 3

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this girl rly slapped some letters together huh
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ADV Cup Round 3
Let's find out who's the best at the best generation, now with 99.99% less Mr.Mime shenanigans.

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Smogon Classic rules can be read here
  • Standard ADV OU
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!
  • Do not make baseless activity posts -- get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
This is just a small snippet of the full rules, which one can find here!


About playing on alts: It is entirely allowed to play on an alt other than your own main forum name, though if your opponent wishes to confirm your identity, you must log on to your main alt to show them you are who you claim to be. This is to prevent people from pretending to be who they're not.

About playing on different servers: Tournament matches must be played on the Smogtours server. The Main PS! server is also acceptable if both parties agree to that. Other servers are not sanctioned by the TD team and playing in them might result in your game not counting. Protect yourself from that by playing in Smogtours, where we also have the power to recreate games that end due to DC's.


On scouting opponents: Going through your opponents replays of tournament and ladder games is entirely allowed, as long as a game is public there is nothing preventing you from watching it. An exception to this is abusing powers granted to you by being staff on Smogon or PS! to gain access to information a normal user wouldn't have access to, which is strictly forbidden.

On leaking teams: Divulging private information about someone's planned team to their opponent is never allowed, and will be heavily sanctioned. Requesting that such information be divulged is also grounds for punishment. Keep your scouting to publicly available information and you'll be fine.

Timer Clause / Disconnections

On the Timer: The timer must stay on throughout the whole battle..

On Timeout losses: A player that loses by having all his time run out loses the game. This is only not the case if the player that received the timeout loss can be verified to have suffered a True Disconnection. Rematches are only allowed if there was a True Disconnection.

On True Disconnection: The TD team has a secret threshold of seconds that your timer must be at or above, from the moment you disconnect, for a timeout loss to be considered a True disconnection. If your game is determined to be a true disconnection if you played on Smogtours and contacted a TD before the room expired your game will be recreated up to the point the disconnect happened. It is the responsibility of the player that disconnected to get a TD into the room before it expires.
Battle Clauses:
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Sleep Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Timed Battle
  • Baton Pass Clause: Limit teams to a maximum of three baton pass users and bans Baton Pass on Smeargle.
Round 3 Pairings:

FMG vs Kyundai
Ruft vs Descending
Sakito vs Malekith
soulgazer vs BKC
Roseybear vs Flamita
Egor vs crucify
Mushi Musha vs McMeghan
boudouche vs Kaboom
Fakes vs Sage
jacob vs Lord Thorx
Megahorn vs FLCL
RahelGamer03 vs frisoeva
xJoelituh vs ggopw
Valentine vs thelinearcurve
Hamhamhamhamham vs The Quasar
Dizno vs Skilpad
undisputed vs Wamr
Tamahome vs M Dragon
ToastedBunzzz02 vs Sharow
Mysterious M vs JohnR011
Zooch vs brewfasa
pasy_g vs zS
Heroic Troller vs Sadlysius
toinha vs p2
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Sageau
apesh!t vs Jhonx~
Groudon vs Quaze
Kenix vs Quartosa
Ninjadog vs UD
Dighel_37 vs Eeveeto
FlamingVictini vs Astamatitos
Spl4sh vs bro fist
Mazinger vs false
Raiza vs Eo Ut Mortus
TPP vs F1shingRod
Honor vs Bughouse
MetalGro$$ vs Sapientia
Mana vs Jordy
Diophantine vs RampageWebber
SoulWind vs Golden009
CMx vs Triangles
TheThorn vs le LLiolae
Hayburner vs Shakur
Finchinator vs bugzinator
Hiro' vs Chaos23333
Fear vs Souw
Jytcampbell vs CZ.
Sayuze vs  taxi driver
Lord Ninjax vs Abyssal Ruins
Oibaf vs Frania
Teclis vs Havens
PDC vs Pedrock
Nails vs BIHI
dice vs kaori
Mannat vs Akola
Excal vs We Three Kings
Scythe. vs KXB
starry blanket vs Hachimaki
Kiichikos vs roystopror
Scimjara vs Energy
ToF vs Alexander.
Horodro vs marilli
voltix31 vs Winterains
Ophion vs BK

Deadline for round 3 will be April 26th at 11:59pm GMT-4.
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kjdaas we've been in contact in discord for r2. he is in oceania so hard to schedule, should play today..

For next time if you schedule via discord either leave something on your wall or post in the thread. But if you are playing today, ill also grant the extension until Wednesday 23:59pm GMT+2.
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