Media Videogame Thread

I don't actually know if anyone is interested, but i'd like to share my thoughts about TLOU2 after the end of my second playthrough.
Overall, i think it is a bad game, expecially if you compare that to the first chapter (which happens to be one of my favs).

Positive aspects: Graphics and gameplay

About the graphics
: You can't deny they're pretty good, but just consider two things:
1) The first game graphics are just as good and impressive, considering they were made in 2013 for ps3. Maybe you could argue they're even proportionally better considering the timelapse and the resources (ps3), but let's just stop.
2) Graphics are not really important in a game, not even close to gameplay and the plot.

About the gameplay: prolly the best thing in the game, ND was able to propose a gameplay that looks fresh and new, while still sticking to the OG game.

Negative aspects: Bad writing (Plot, Narrative choices, and characters psychology)
Gonna put some major spoilers here.
First of all: the way joel dies
You wanted Joel to die? Okay, but not in that way.
In the first game joel is described as someone who was able to survive because he never trusted anyone (except people like Ellie,Tommy,and Tess), as any human (infected or not) will most likely try to kill you. You also have to consider that joel has been the bad guy of the situation many times in his past (They give hints about this many times, in pittsburgh for example), so he pretty much knew a lot of tricks that his enemies could use against him.
It is UNCONCEIVABLE that he would trust a group of strangers like that.

Secondly: Abby
This character is so bad-written
, anything she does doesn't make any sense.
So, what ND wants you to understand is that there are not good or bad people in a world like that, but honestly the way the try to teach us this lesson is PATHETIC. In the first part of game they depict abby as the most evil character you could ever encouter, not only for her actions, but also for her masculine appearance and the shape of her face (that's no coincidence).
While on the second part, they try to make the player emphatise with her, showing her past and her will to help Lev and Yara. This method doesn't work, as the player has a way stronger bond towards ellie and joel, and also because it is bad executed.
So, her father is honestly pathetic, expecially when they help the zebra they wanna make you think "Oh joel what u have done OMG ur the bad guy". Honestly, a doctor who operates for willingly killing his patient instead of helping him is a joke to me lmao.
Let's cut with the past and let's talk a bit about Lev and Yara, which i liked way more, as they're coherent with themselves. So to show that Abby is not a massive biatch, after killing the man who saved her life, they make her emphatize with them because they saved her life (LMAO). So she turns her back to WLF, in which she still has many friends she's been knowing since years (not only the ones Ellie & friend killed) to help people he just acquainted with. Everything about this characters is bad and doesn't make sense.

Lastly: The finale

Yeah, so Ellie just kills abby's friends like nora, who didn't harm joel at all, but she lets the girl who tortured and killed him be free. So I've read some posts about ellie breaking the cycle of revenge and not give to strangers any reason to go hunt herself or the people she loves (like dina and JJ) which are total bs. If Ellie killed Abby and Lev, no one would have ever known anything about that. By letting her live, what's gonna happen is the exact opposite thing: Abby has a reason to hunt her Ellie, because she joined the fireflies again.
TL'DR': It is a narrative disaster, and plot matters to me way more than graphics and gameplay. That's way it's a bad game to me
Sorry but this is the exact sort of reasoning why I can't take seriously the opinions of people who call this game bad. It's crazy to me how people just throw out terms like "narrative disaster" which seem very meaningful and yet when you examine the so-called "bad writing" it's just a way to frame your own personal opinion because the story didn't go where you wanted it to go. And while your opinion doesn't go the distance (and I really hate to bring this up as a critique) it's also a way to thinly veil this undertone of misogynistic thinking which is just kind of...sad.
Like isn't a lot easier to just say how you felt about the game - "hey this game didn't really do it for me" "I can't like this game because they killed off my favorite character from the first" "the game never made me care about abby's perspective" vs pretending like your making an objective criticism of "yeah this game blows because 'bad writing.'" OK, where's the bad writing? "Well Abby's written badly because she looks like a male [or "trans" as others on the internet have so kindly put it]. Seriously? It's bad writing because...she's muscular and her face is shaped a certain way? Huh??? Am I missing something obvious here? Like is this not just a stop on the road down to clear cut misogynistic thinking that (not you) others on the internet are disguising as "bad writing"? Idk man, I think it's just incredibly intellectually dishonest and pathetic to hide an opinion like this and leads to the sort of fucked up behavior where people are sending death threats to others. And this is not meant to shit on you but that sort of thinking which is definitely prevalent in your critique and that I've seen others in the fandom use.

It's commendable that you played the game twice (I struggle to see myself doing so whereas the first is pretty much the only game I've played but Imultiple times) but I kind of have to question how much you were paying attention because a lot of your criticisms are pretty easily solved. Like you don't like Abby's father because he was going to kill a girl...who herself was willing to sacrifice herself for a cure for humanity. Surely you've got to see the nuance there right? You aren't exactly giving the character a chance if you can't recognize the ending of the first game being morally ambiguous in some way. And I mean I think some of what you say about Abby is right, Joel/Ellie is the better pair, but there's a lot of subtlety, non-obviousness to her character (and probably just the game in general) that I think you've probably missed in her journey (maybe because you didn't give her a chance?). Like I think it should be very clear that the theme of the game is that revenge doesn't solve the emotional trauma behind the deaths in this game. I don't know about you but even before I played as abby I didn't feel fulfilled at all killing the WLFers. And it felt even shittier as the game progressed when you see how things end up and life is worse for pretty much everyone involved in either revenge plot. I'm surprised you wanted Ellie to "win" at the end (and maybe I'm just sensitive to violence) but her fighting a frankly pathetic looking abby was depressing and sad.

Idk man, I hate to shit on your opinion here. I can't and don't want to change your opinion. It's totally ok that you didn't like the game. I'm disappointed in a way too. I still like the first way more. But don't think it's very fair in the slightest to say the game is bad because of "bad writing" when that's just demonstrably not true. Why can't we be honest about not liking the game because we didn't like the direction it went in? Is it that hard to admit that?
Sorry but this is the exact sort of reasoning why I can't take seriously the opinions of people who call this game bad. It's crazy to me how people just throw out terms like "narrative disaster" which seem very meaningful and yet when you examine the so-called "bad writing" it's just a way to frame your own personal opinion because the story didn't go where you wanted it to go. And while your opinion doesn't go the distance (and I really hate to bring this up as a critique) it's also a way to thinly veil this undertone of misogynistic thinking which is just kind of...sad.
Like isn't a lot easier to just say how you felt about the game - "hey this game didn't really do it for me" "I can't like this game because they killed off my favorite character from the first" "the game never made me care about abby's perspective" vs pretending like your making an objective criticism of "yeah this game blows because 'bad writing.'" OK, where's the bad writing? "Well Abby's written badly because she looks like a male [or "trans" as others on the internet have so kindly put it]. Seriously? It's bad writing because...she's muscular and her face is shaped a certain way? Huh??? Am I missing something obvious here? Like is this not just a stop on the road down to clear cut misogynistic thinking that (not you) others on the internet are disguising as "bad writing"? Idk man, I think it's just incredibly intellectually dishonest and pathetic to hide an opinion like this and leads to the sort of fucked up behavior where people are sending death threats to others. And this is not meant to shit on you but that sort of thinking which is definitely prevalent in your critique and that I've seen others in the fandom use.

It's commendable that you played the game twice (I struggle to see myself doing so whereas the first is pretty much the only game I've played but Imultiple times) but I kind of have to question how much you were paying attention because a lot of your criticisms are pretty easily solved. Like you don't like Abby's father because he was going to kill a girl...who herself was willing to sacrifice herself for a cure for humanity. Surely you've got to see the nuance there right? You aren't exactly giving the character a chance if you can't recognize the ending of the first game being morally ambiguous in some way. And I mean I think some of what you say about Abby is right, Joel/Ellie is the better pair, but there's a lot of subtlety, non-obviousness to her character (and probably just the game in general) that I think you've probably missed in her journey (maybe because you didn't give her a chance?). Like I think it should be very clear that the theme of the game is that revenge doesn't solve the emotional trauma behind the deaths in this game. I don't know about you but even before I played as abby I didn't feel fulfilled at all killing the WLFers. And it felt even shittier as the game progressed when you see how things end up and life is worse for pretty much everyone involved in either revenge plot. I'm surprised you wanted Ellie to "win" at the end (and maybe I'm just sensitive to violence) but her fighting a frankly pathetic looking abby was depressing and sad.

Idk man, I hate to shit on your opinion here. I can't and don't want to change your opinion. It's totally ok that you didn't like the game. I'm disappointed in a way too. I still like the first way more. But don't think it's very fair in the slightest to say the game is bad because of "bad writing" when that's just demonstrably not true. Why can't we be honest about not liking the game because we didn't like the direction it went in? Is it that hard to admit that?
Still im gonna put a huge spoiler:
U didnt read my post well, (or I should say u read what u wanted): i said that i was disappointed the way joel died (not about joel's death), and i said that nd wanted abby to have those facial features and the muscles for a reason (but u read "omg she hulk killed my fav character") . Every character in movies or in videogames have his/her physical appeareance for a reason (for example male antagonists like vegeta and jafar have dark hair and thin hairlines) and i was simply pointing out that;cut the misogynistic shit, because that's really dumb. So, if a character (new or old)'s actions doesn' t make any sense and if the game can't fullfill a few important goals (like make you like abby in the end) l keep calling that bad writing, and i think i pointed that out pretty well in the previous post, but u didnt consider any of my arguments, except abby's father. About that it's more likely we're talking about a cure for the Fireflies, not for humanity. How are a few hundreds of people gonna produce billions of products, how are they gonna give them to infected people or strangers who will try to kill them? Pls, be smart there is no cure, Fireflies just want the immunity for themselves, it's easy as that.
Summing up: it's not just an opinion if it is supported by logics and facts, narrative is pretty bad, no matter what u think
Still im gonna put a huge spoiler:
U didnt read my post well, (or I should say u read what u wanted): i said that i was disappointed the way joel died (not about joel's death), and i said that nd wanted abby to have those facial features and the muscles for a reason (but u read "omg she hulk killed my fav character") . Every character in movies or in videogames have his/her physical appeareance for a reason (for example male antagonists like vegeta and jafar have dark hair and thin hairlines) and i was simply pointing out that;cut the misogynistic shit, because that's really dumb. So, if a character (new or old)'s actions doesn' t make any sense and if the game can't fullfill a few important goals (like make you like abby in the end) l keep calling that bad writing, and i think i pointed that out pretty well in the previous post, but u didnt consider any of my arguments, except abby's father. About that it's more likely we're talking about a cure for the Fireflies, not for humanity. How are a few hundreds of people gonna produce billions of products, how are they gonna give them to infected people or strangers who will try to kill them? Pls, be smart there is no cure, Fireflies just want the immunity for themselves, it's easy as that.
Summing up: it's not just an opinion if it is supported by logics and facts, narrative is pretty bad, no matter what u think
Haha man I mean it’s pretty obvious you’re projecting your dislike of the decisions nd took and the overall story to find places to call the writing bad when that’s really not the case if you think at all about any of the the game’s nuance. It’s too bad that you didn’t or couldn’t recognize it. It’s just painfully obvious that all of your “facts” revolve around defending the first game’s protagonist, why pretend otherwise? Like I said originally it’s ok to just admit that? It’s cool that you have the sort of emotional response to Joel and Ellie, I think that shows how great the first game was.

That said, I’m not really interested in arguing over every single plot point to explain the game to you when this discussion just really isn’t in good faith. Like your interpretation of the fireflies is so off hahaha. They are one of the most altruistic factions in the game, this is pretty obvious if you pay any attention to marlene’s character or compare them to any faction presented in the game. Speaking of a failure to read, guess you missed the part where a character who is literally in the game said she wanted to die for the cure. That’s just bad writing though right, since it doesn’t line up with your logic? Come on man, you’re clearly projecting here.

it’s pretty weird that you jump to “Nd wanted her to look that way for a reason” and that reason is we’re supposed to dislike her? So I’m supposed to dislike women who are muscular? If someone’s face is shaped a certain way (who tf is paying attention to that?) they’re a bad guy and unlikable? Yeah right lmao. I mean that’s really funny because that would mean ND is actually trying to subvert a trope/stereotype whichwould indicate good writing. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here but factually speaking, a lot of the hate on her physique that I’ve seen is strictly misogynistic thinking. Let’s be real, very few people make distinctions on who the antagonist is based on their facial features so it’s pretty easy to misconstrue what you’re saying lol especially when the people who share your opinion are making blatant transphobic comments and sending death threats to voice actors. I’d hope you understand why borrowing some of that rhetoric treads that line.

it must be devastating to hate a game that’s receiving critical acclaim from most reasonable people and to see the game sell so well (and that’s “facts” not “opinion” btw). I hope the game wins goty just to see the haters go into a psychotic breakdown. I guess most haters are already psychotic though so maybe not much of a change. It’s a shame because I think it does distract from legitimate criticisms and discussions on the game but I guess some people just can’t be mature and admit their own shortcomings in understanding. Too bad.
Haha man I mean it’s pretty obvious you’re projecting your dislike of the decisions nd took and the overall story to find places to call the writing bad when that’s really not the case if you think at all about any of the the game’s nuance. It’s too bad that you didn’t or couldn’t recognize it. It’s just painfully obvious that all of your “facts” revolve around defending the first game’s protagonist, why pretend otherwise? Like I said originally it’s ok to just admit that? It’s cool that you have the sort of emotional response to Joel and Ellie, I think that shows how great the first game was.

That said, I’m not really interested in arguing over every single plot point to explain the game to you when this discussion just really isn’t in good faith. Like your interpretation of the fireflies is so off hahaha. They are one of the most altruistic factions in the game, this is pretty obvious if you pay any attention to marlene’s character or compare them to any faction presented in the game. Speaking of a failure to read, guess you missed the part where a character who is literally in the game said she wanted to die for the cure. That’s just bad writing though right, since it doesn’t line up with your logic? Come on man, you’re clearly projecting here.

it’s pretty weird that you jump to “Nd wanted her to look that way for a reason” and that reason is we’re supposed to dislike her? So I’m supposed to dislike women who are muscular? If someone’s face is shaped a certain way (who tf is paying attention to that?) they’re a bad guy and unlikable? Yeah right lmao. I mean that’s really funny because that would mean ND is actually trying to subvert a trope/stereotype whichwould indicate good writing. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here but factually speaking, a lot of the hate on her physique that I’ve seen is strictly misogynistic thinking. Let’s be real, very few people make distinctions on who the antagonist is based on their facial features so it’s pretty easy to misconstrue what you’re saying lol especially when the people who share your opinion are making blatant transphobic comments and sending death threats to voice actors. I’d hope you understand why borrowing some of that rhetoric treads that line.

it must be devastating to hate a game that’s receiving critical acclaim from most reasonable people and to see the game sell so well (and that’s “facts” not “opinion” btw). I hope the game wins goty just to see the haters go into a psychotic breakdown. I guess most haters are already psychotic though so maybe not much of a change. It’s a shame because I think it does distract from legitimate criticisms and discussions on the game but I guess some people just can’t be mature and admit their own shortcomings in understanding. Too bad.
Last post im gonna write. I pretty much explained why i think my reasonings are good, but u just keep calling them trash without bringing proper arguments, or you either "dodge the bullet" like for the fireflies stuff (who even said they're bad guys lol and whats with the ellie part? I said that many characters' actions in part II are not coherent, whats the connection? What could have ellie possibly done after discovering the truth?) . I said two times im okay with joel's death but u keep saying im just mad about it, are u even reading?
The stuff i said about physical appearance and facial features is true for abby and for any other character (males,females, aliens, transgenders, animals or anything else) im afraid, if you want to call me misogynistic or transfobic for that ur welcome.
Also what about the goty rant? U said that u didnt like it that much and now u want it to win some awards because of something that happened in real life to abby's voice actor?
I'll end my post spending a few words on positive reviews. The "more reasonable" reviewers got paid for a 10/10, and judging from ur first post you wouldnt give a 10 to part II. I dont know why ur mad we are just talking about videogames lmao.
Last post im gonna write. I pretty much explained why i think my reasonings are good, but u just keep calling them trash without bringing proper arguments, or you either "dodge the bullet" like for the fireflies stuff (who even said they're bad guys lol and whats with the ellie part? I said that many characters' actions in part II are not coherent, whats the connection? What could have ellie possibly done after discovering the truth?) . I said two times im okay with joel's death but u keep saying im just mad about it, are u even reading?
The stuff i said about physical appearance and facial features is true for abby and for any other character (males,females, aliens, transgenders, animals or anything else) im afraid, if you want to call me misogynistic or transfobic for that ur welcome.
Also what about the goty rant? U said that u didnt like it that much and now u want it to win some awards because of something that happened in real life to abby's voice actor?
I'll end my post spending a few words on positive reviews. The "more reasonable" reviewers got paid for a 10/10, and judging from ur first post you wouldnt give a 10 to part II. I dont know why ur mad we are just talking about videogames lmao.
haha no one’s mad here unless you are. This is all pretty funny to me (except death threats and hate speech, that's super pathetic). Like I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but then you just keep responding with more nonsense, accusing me of "not reading your posts" when you struggle to write coherently and can't even comprehend my posts (lol nowhere did I say I hope it wins goty because people are getting death threats; if you misinterpret that, it makes a lot more sense that you don't seem to get the story). Most everything in the game is coherent, you are just unable to or refuse to think it out. Lmao "who even said the fireflies are bad guys" you literally said that in your previous posts as to why we can't sympathize with Abby...hello??? And then "paid reviews" ahahahahaha. I guess my third eye just hasn't opened yet!

Imagine saying that a script sucks and is bad and awful but then also holding the opinion that "every character who is muscular and whose shape is defined a certain way is pure evil." You sound really stupid saying that. But I mean there's nothing wrong with being stupid. Better that than hate women and be transphobic and what not so I'll give you props for that at least.

It just must really suck to be so ignorant about a game that isn't....that complicated. And then it must feel awful to know that a lot of the people who support your opinion....are the ones using discriminatory language and sending death threats. I can't imagine being that delusional and unwilling to examine my own personal biases. I dunno man, I think I'd rather be on the side that's being accused of "getting paid off" than standing with people like that. When a lot of your criticisms are just the recycling of a loud minority that spouts misogynistic and transphobic content at minimum, it's probably time to do a rethink. That's what I would do at least.

Idk dude. No ill will meant towards you. Sorry you didn't like the game. I guess if you really didn't like the game based on your perceived flaws, cool. But a lot of your opinions seem to eerily echo those that rabidly hate the game and espouse hate speech in some form (which I notice you don't actually say anything about) so it's pretty easy to associate you those sort of people. That's what I take issue with. You're right that it's "just video games" but that shouldn't give people a pass to be shitty. Have a good life!
Assassins Creed Odyssey

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through this and I dont think that the gameplay will change much so heres my thoughts.

It is a lot better than I expected first off, it pretty much directly rips off the witcher 3s gameplay which really isnt that bad a thing to rip off. You have all your standard AAA trappings, open world, skill trees, crafting etc. It never really feels like any of this gets in the way and the open world in particular is pretty farkin awesome.

The faithfully recreated greek isles and sailing across the aegean is a feeling of zen most of the time, until you get to the naval combat which is easily the worst part of this game. I don't think controlling a huge ass boat for combat is very intuitive for a game as it is so awkward to maneuver around. The land combat is much better with a lot of ways to approach any given mission, you can spec into stealth or long range or melee and it really does change up how you play a lot.

The mercenary system is something I find more interesting in theory than in practice. Whenever you commit a crime, such as murdering a spartan in broad daylight in the argoinian slums, you will get a GTA like bounty level. But instead of the police you will have special mercenaries following you around the map. I don't know how many there are. but theres a lot all with their own level, strengths and weaknesses.

The game is meant to be played with no quest markers and for you to explore everything naturally. I didn't do that so I can't really comment on that part of the game.

Tne writing fluctuates from pretty good to god awful. There are WAY too many fuck words said in this game. It feels really anachronistic and definitely takes you out of the game. The voice acting is pretty universally bad. Everyone is putting on these fake ass greek accents and it really sounds like shit.

Also none of the love interests are cute. I don't want to sleep with a sweaty fat bearded blacksmith ubisoft!!!!
spoiler: paper mario leaked early (go figure)
this emulator doesnt seem to want to play BGM to i added my own which made this gruesome scene much more funny than it was intended to be
(just an early game cut scene from the tutorial part)
just thought id share
A small rant that fits here I guess - I don’t understand what happened that nintendo drifted so far from a good product on Paper Mario. I played the first chapter or so today, through the red streamer. It’s bizarre how by the second game they found a formula that absolutely nailed in (Thousand Year Door) and then they moved away from it. I don’t hate Sticker Star, it’s a decent game, but it’s weird how it kind of moved backwards in terms of quality. That happens with games, but usually not by changing the underlying formula. Usually it's a bad plot or setting, or some gimmick addition. Maybe its a personal preference thing idk. Origami King is a puzzle game, and while puzzle games can be worthwhile (Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is an outstanding game that’s a puzzle-platformer) squandering a good RPG series feels like a waste. Along with the shift in gameplay, it went from being a Mario game set in a paper universe to games about paper. The amount of references to staplers and office supplies really got old fast in sticker star and continues in origami king.

I had much the same issue with Sword and Shield. It's a decent game, and its grown on me quite a bit, but it still feels lacking compared some other Pokemon entries. Maybe my expectations are too high. Given the switch has some all-timers like AC New Horizons, Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild and Smash Ultimate, I kind of expect every switch game to be a masterpiece, or at least close to it. And especially for RPGs, the switch has had some great ones like BotW, Xenoblade 2 and Dragon Quest XI. Given all those, SWSH is the weakest of the bunch. Actually, Pokemon might've had the most to lose with the Switch transisiton, before they had to share the screen with games like Super Mario 3D Land and LoZ ports from the N64. Things like Galaxy and Skyward Sword were on a different console, and not as directly comparable. That’s not the case on the Switch, and for me Pokemon should be held to a higher standard as a result.

It's certainly possible to build a big, exploration based RPG in the mold of TTYD or Super Paper Mario. Maybe that’s the reason for some of these issues I feel exist, to keep the file size more reasonable (digital BotW and other RPGs basically requires some type of memory card for example, SWSH is about half the size iirc and maybe fsr that matters). Pokemon does have a scale issue to contend with, but even with that in consideration, the graphics still feel lacking in some respects (the story and characters were also really weak, but that’s not unusual for a pokemon game), and the Pokémon that were included could’ve been curated a LOT better.

I'm not quite sure where this post is going, but I've found some nintendo titles to be disappointing... but is that bad or unwarranted given some of the home runs nintendo has hit lately?
A small rant that fits here I guess - I don’t understand what happened that nintendo drifted so far from a good product on Paper Mario. I played the first chapter or so today, through the red streamer. It’s bizarre how by the second game they found a formula that absolutely nailed in (Thousand Year Door) and then they moved away from it. I don’t hate Sticker Star, it’s a decent game, but it’s weird how it kind of moved backwards in terms of quality. That happens with games, but usually not by changing the underlying formula. Usually it's a bad plot or setting, or some gimmick addition. Maybe its a personal preference thing idk. Origami King is a puzzle game, and while puzzle games can be worthwhile (Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is an outstanding game that’s a puzzle-platformer) squandering a good RPG series feels like a waste. Along with the shift in gameplay, it went from being a Mario game set in a paper universe to games about paper. The amount of references to staplers and office supplies really got old fast in sticker star and continues in origami king.

It's easy to see why Paper Mario has crashed and burned. After Super Paper Mario, Nintendo execs (other sources have specifically named Miyamoto) told IntSys that they are no longer allowed to "modify" Mario characters. Imagine TTYD without Goombella, Prof. Frankly, Kammy Koopa, Admiral Bobbery, Don Pianta, Grubba, etc. etc. etc.

Of course, not every great character is a reskinned Mario character, there's plenty of original content too like Cortez, Grodus, TEC (really it's a wonder this game had a consistent tone), and Super went even further off the rails; I can't even think of a notable character in that game that was a reskinned Mario asset. But I think the overall message here is "Don't waste your time making a story." Color Splash and Origami King can still have their quips—I've seen some funny bits from Color Splash online—but it's really hard to care when it comes from generic toad asset #37 and not a named character.

In general I think Nintendo's problem these days, if you could call it that, is having a lot of execs and creative leads from the NES era, back when games were 40KB toys, not art. This puts them in the position where they are the only big studio that makes games, which leads to huge successes like Mario Odyssey with tight controls and fun progression, but they shy away from anything in game that remotely resembles literature. You just have to know what you can trust Nintendo with. They are basically still out here making arcade games in 2020, don't have any experience making anything else and don't even understand why you would want anything else. For a JRPG series with heavy writing emphasis like Paper Mario it's just a match made in hell. I won't be buying a Paper Mario game until the trailer shows a reskinned Mario character not because I need a reskinned Mario character to have fun, but because that's my signal that they're allowed to spend money on a story again.

Pokemon Sword and Shield's problem is completely different from other Nintendo properties. The issue there is GameFreak is a scam "developer" that probably couldn't write FizzBuzz in a group quiz.
So just something I discovered that I just have to share because it's so... Well you'll see.

Just in the past few minutes I decided to go look up how Paper Mario: The Origami King was doing. I click on this one article that mentions it's debuted at No. 2 on the UK charts behind Ghosts of Tsushima and also narrowly edges out Super Paper Mario as the biggest launch in the series even before factoring in potential digital sales. Nice job!

And then on the sidebar I see a recent articles list, and one title catches my eye. "Adopt Me: The most popular game you've never played". Well, the title ain't wrong at all, I've never played this "Adopt Me" game nor have I ever heard about it! Wait... Have I? The title does conjure up decently strong memories from years gone by... Haha, of course not, that's completely ridiculous! There's no way it can be that Adopt Me, it's probably just one of those European or Asian PC games that's super obscure outside its country of orig-

click on the image to go the article btw

...Huh. I uhhh... Don't really know what to make of this. Should I be happy, should I be sad? I dunno, I just find it funny and intriguing.

The articles goes on to interview one of the big dudes behind the game, one Josh Ling. He talks a lot about how the industry underestimates ROBLOX's and its developers presence and potential and in a vacuum he sounds completely insane putting himself on that kind of pedestal. But when you're raking in millions with a full team serving as developers and other roles, can you really blame the guy?
So just something I discovered that I just have to share because it's so... Well you'll see.

Just in the past few minutes I decided to go look up how Paper Mario: The Origami King was doing. I click on this one article that mentions it's debuted at No. 2 on the UK charts behind Ghosts of Tsushima and also narrowly edges out Super Paper Mario as the biggest launch in the series even before factoring in potential digital sales. Nice job!

And then on the sidebar I see a recent articles list, and one title catches my eye. "Adopt Me: The most popular game you've never played". Well, the title ain't wrong at all, I've never played this "Adopt Me" game nor have I ever heard about it! Wait... Have I? The title does conjure up decently strong memories from years gone by... Haha, of course not, that's completely ridiculous! There's no way it can be that Adopt Me, it's probably just one of those European or Asian PC games that's super obscure outside its country of orig-

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click on the image to go the article btw

...Huh. I uhhh... Don't really know what to make of this. Should I be happy, should I be sad? I dunno, I just find it funny and intriguing.

The articles goes on to interview one of the big dudes behind the game, one Josh Ling. He talks a lot about how the industry underestimates ROBLOX's and its developers presence and potential and in a vacuum he sounds completely insane putting himself on that kind of pedestal. But when you're raking in millions with a full team serving as developers and other roles, can you really blame the guy?
It’s all about the money. :pikuh:
Nintendo predictions for 2020 holiday releases? I’m assuming the 3D Mario Collection is real, and that a Wii U port or two will be on the way as well. Some sort of Zelda port as well, either WW, TP or Skyward Sword. Bravely Default II will also likely be in the mix, and optimistically Bayo 3 and Metroid 4. For a sleeper title i could see FF XIII getting a switch release. I guess the pandemic has hit their dev cycle or they don’t want to overpromise due to the uncertainty. I’m very surprised by the silence so far, with the new PS and Xbox coming I thought they’d have some landmark titles coming (Odyssey 2 and the BotW sequel, or DP remakes before the DLC was announced) to drive holiday sales. Not that the switch is doing poorly by any stretch, but it could steal the spotlight back Nintendo’s way. I guess we’ll see.
Nintendo predictions for 2020 holiday releases? I’m assuming the 3D Mario Collection is real, and that a Wii U port or two will be on the way as well. Some sort of Zelda port as well, either WW, TP or Skyward Sword. Bravely Default II will also likely be in the mix, and optimistically Bayo 3 and Metroid 4. For a sleeper title i could see FF XIII getting a switch release. I guess the pandemic has hit their dev cycle or they don’t want to overpromise due to the uncertainty. I’m very surprised by the silence so far, with the new PS and Xbox coming I thought they’d have some landmark titles coming (Odyssey 2 and the BotW sequel, or DP remakes before the DLC was announced) to drive holiday sales. Not that the switch is doing poorly by any stretch, but it could steal the spotlight back Nintendo’s way. I guess we’ll see.
The better move might be for them to play it quiet since they're not releasing a console this go around either and just wait to drop everything spring 2021 instead. Tighter wallets all around mean people are going to be unlikely to support the new consoles and also still buy Nintendo titles on top of it. Not that they will likely go this route, but it is unlike them to not have dropped any news for "big" upcoming releases, esp with the titles you mentioned on the horizon. The better play may be for them to dominate spring/summer 2021 after the new car smell wears off the new consoles. The other play would be to drop some big titles this upcoming holiday season and evaporate some of the hype from the new consoles... but again lack of news is odd if that's the plan
Assassins Creed Odyssey

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through this and I dont think that the gameplay will change much so heres my thoughts.

It is a lot better than I expected first off, it pretty much directly rips off the witcher 3s gameplay which really isnt that bad a thing to rip off. You have all your standard AAA trappings, open world, skill trees, crafting etc. It never really feels like any of this gets in the way and the open world in particular is pretty farkin awesome.

The faithfully recreated greek isles and sailing across the aegean is a feeling of zen most of the time, until you get to the naval combat which is easily the worst part of this game. I don't think controlling a huge ass boat for combat is very intuitive for a game as it is so awkward to maneuver around. The land combat is much better with a lot of ways to approach any given mission, you can spec into stealth or long range or melee and it really does change up how you play a lot.

The mercenary system is something I find more interesting in theory than in practice. Whenever you commit a crime, such as murdering a spartan in broad daylight in the argoinian slums, you will get a GTA like bounty level. But instead of the police you will have special mercenaries following you around the map. I don't know how many there are. but theres a lot all with their own level, strengths and weaknesses.

The game is meant to be played with no quest markers and for you to explore everything naturally. I didn't do that so I can't really comment on that part of the game.

Tne writing fluctuates from pretty good to god awful. There are WAY too many fuck words said in this game. It feels really anachronistic and definitely takes you out of the game. The voice acting is pretty universally bad. Everyone is putting on these fake ass greek accents and it really sounds like shit.

Also none of the love interests are cute. I don't want to sleep with a sweaty fat bearded blacksmith ubisoft!!!!
nvm this game sucks
I have been gifted and obligated to play through Trails in the Sky significantly ahead of the backlog schedule. Boy is that prologue long. Classic JRPG goodness, though, aww yeah.
I humbly come to this thread to beg all you epic gamers to buy Pikmin 3 Deluxe on the switch. I am a huge Pikmin fan and I feel that this is Pikmin's chance to finally break out of being a niche series. I will do anything to make you buy this game. Please. Im desperate
I'm SO excited for this one. I played every Pikmin game I can remember other than Hey Pikmin I believe. These games are so fun and underrated. I'm really hyped for this to come out, and I will continue to spread the news about it!
So um, Fall Guys is here, so I'd figured I might start a discussion about it. I think to get a good discussion going on it is that I'm gonna rank all of the minigames from worst to best in my opinion. I'm gonna do it by grading each minigame based on my opinion. I'll also be updating this thread whenever my opinion on a certain minigame changes enough to warrant either a grade change or a placement change.

25. Perfect Match: F

24. Door Dash: D-
The worst round 1 race minigame in my opinion. RNG mixed with frustrating player collision makes for a minigame that I never enjoy no matter how many times I have to play it.

23. Tip Toe: D
To put it simply, this minigame does not work with a horde of people. Because it's a racing minigame, people are inclined to not try to take risks so that they're guaranteed a spot in the next round, which leads to a single cluster that moves at the speed of turtles fucking. The path is also very slim making it easy for you to get pushed off, which can then lead to you getting eliminated as the cluster proceeds to solve the rest of the path while you're still at the respawn area. Overall a frustrating minigame.

22. Royal Fumble: D
The worst tail minigame and by far the worst finals minigame by a wide margin. Take Mario Kart's shine theif, but the winner is determined solely by the timer and not by who had it the longest. You can have the tail for 99% of the duration, but if someone takes it last second, oh well, guess you lose. Not to mention it can get very monotonous chasing a single person down for the entire minigame. The only reason it's above Tip Toe is because it is a mostly skill based minigame and doesn't have much rng to it.

21. Tail Tag: D+
This variant of Tail Tag is honestly nearly as bad Royal Fumble. First you have the finicky grabbing which can cost you the minigame at times. You also have a map that's heavily favored for the people with tails, for they have several routes and a giant hammer in the center to use to get away from others, not to mention the frustration of getting your tail snagged last second and getting eliminated because of it. These problems also continue to get more and more glaring the more times you play this one, making it a minigame that I never really enjoy playing.

20. See Saw: C-
As time goes on, this minigame will probably slowly creep up the list as people figure out what physics is, but there are still plenty of flaws with it. The fundamental problem with this minigame is that it's a racing minigame that requires cooperation from other people. Most people are simply trying to qualify and are rushing through the see saws haphazardly so they can qualify and move on to the next round. And the worst part is that this behavior is rewarded. If you're able to successfully separate yourself from the rest of the pack, the minigame becomes a cake walk.

19. Fruit Chute: C
This minigame and I do not get along well, as it seems to be the one where RNJesus almost always decides "Yep, I'm gonna screw over you and ONLY you". All salt aside, it's not a bad minigame, and it has potential to be really good if given the right changes, but as it currently stands, I can't really give it a much higher grade, as it feels incredibly luck based, and the conveyor belt working against you punishes you for trying to dodge to incoming fruit.

18. Jynxed: C
I've only played this minigame once in my 16 hours of playtime (so far), so I can't say terribly much about this one, but I do like the concept of it. A team base Zombie Tag definitely sounds fun, but it does have a few problems. For 1 the map is way too small especially when you only get it with 30+ people. And because it's only 2 teams, it makes it very likely to lose due to inept teammates.

17. Hoarders: C+
Janky ball physics aside, there's a good amount to enjoy in this one, and it rarely feels like you're out of until the last second as the leading team can quickly go from 5 balls to 2 balls. While this can create enjoyment, it also creates quite the amount of frustration as your team that was in a comfortable position 10 seconds ago gets eliminated, and that frustration does bog down the minigame quite a bit for me, but still not a bad minigame.

16. Rollout: C+
I like the concept of this minigame, and it plays pretty well as well. A bunch of circular things roll around, and the speed of those things is dependent on the number of people on that thing on any given time. However, while it is fun, it suffers from slow pacing and lack of overall excitement, which can bog down for the experience.

15. Egg Scramble: B-
I personally feel this minigame is heavily overhated because it can actually be pretty fun if you know what you're doing. Defending a golden egg in your nest from several opponents with teammates is probably some of the most fun I have with the minigame as it's a hilarious clusterfuck while the gold egg is constantly tossed around in the nest. That being said, it is one of the more frustrating examples of the "bad teammate" problem, and if the other two teams just decide to screw your team over, you're shit out of luck.

14. Fall Ball: B-
This is probably the most radical example of the "bad teammates" problem there is. You always get this minigame when there's 16-10 people, and the less there are, the more it'll show if your teammates are good or not. However, if the teams are evenly matched, it can be one of the most fun minigames out there, as the scores add up and time runs short. Only problem is, a good amount of the time that isn't the case, which can and will bog down the enjoyment of this one.

13. Hit Parade: B
This is probably the most glaring example of player collision being a problem, as it can quickly effect your placing in the pack with the first couple obstacles. This can lead to some very frustrating times when you're getting pushed around by everyone and are at the back of the pack. These are the main things that bog down this minigame, but thankfully, the forgiving qualifier rate and the second half of the course keep it at a decent B grade.

12. Team Tail Tag: B
This is the best version of the Tail Tags in my opinion. Unlike the other two variants, the map on this one is, or at least feels, significantly less favored for the people with tails, allowing the tailless people to actually be able to grab one. And unlike other team minigames, this one is a team of 4, making it much more likely for you to be able to pass, but granted also the more frustrating if your get stuck with bad teammates. That and the janky grab mechanic keeps this minigame from getting an A.

11. Block Party: B
This is another one where there's plenty of enjoyment to be had. The waves of blocks that come up have different version giving it extra uniqueness. You also have player collision which can add a form of chaos where unlike almost every other minigame I actually enjoy here, as it adds an extra bit of strategy in positioning. That being said, it does still suffer from a slow pace at the beginning and the chaotic player collision can still lead to frustrating deaths despite my enjoyment of it in this minigame.

10. Hex A Gone: B+
The enjoyment of this one heavily relies on the number of people playing it. If there's 8-10 people, it can be very fun and reward skilled players, but if it's 15-20 (yes it can go up to 20), it becomes a frustrating mess that thankfully finishes quickly. The jumping and diving mechanics can also work against this minigame, as they feel slower than the rate the platform disappears. And finally, for a final minigame that can max out to 20 people, the layers feel too small and don't have enough blocks on them to really reward skilled players. Still a good minigame, but one that is far from perfect.

9. Jump Club: B+
This minigame never fails to give me enjoyment, and it's one I never complain about getting. It's simple jumping fun that gets gradually harder as time goes on. They way the minigame plays out is super fun and always put a smile on my face. The only reason it misses out on the A grade is because it just doesn't really ever challenge me. As it currently stands, I have yet to fail this minigame, and I personally find it to be on the easier side.

8. Dizzy Heights: B+
The majority of the round 1 racing minigames are honestly very enjoyable as they're forgiving in the qualifying amount and also fun in their layouts and obstacles. Dizzy Heights is fun because it give you a good learning experience of how to effectively use the spinners, which can come in handy in games such ass Royal Fumble and Hoopsie Daisy. Overall, very little to say about it, but also very little to complain about aside from its easy difficulty.

7. Rock N' Roll: B+
This team minigame is pretty good in my eyes as it rewards teamwork from everyone, which might sound bad at first, but consider how easy that teamwork is to do (just push the ball), the "bad teammate" problem rarely comes up. It also rewards good positioning from players who know the optimal path for the ball to go. The main thing that bogs down the experience from the A grade is that it can often go on for longer than it should, mainly when two teams are attempting to sabotage each other while trying to get their ball in, but then again that can also create intense and fun moments, so it's likely a necessary downside.

6. Gate Crash: A-
Basically Door Dash, if Door Dash was actually fun. The minigame doesn't last terribly long, but the chaos that happens when people horde at a door that's about to open can be exciting. Again, not much to say, but still very fun.

5. The Whirlygig: A-
My personal favorite of the basic race minigames. The obstacles feel challening enough for you to watch out for, but never frustrating or bs. The nature of the course too gives it a very "high risk high reward" nature, which can reward more skilled (or the luckiest) players by giving them a good head start against the pack.

4. Fall Mountain: A
Despite the bullshit nature of the balls, there's a lot to enjoy here. The climb up to the crown is very intense, especially as you get to the home stretch. The pinball part at the beginning, while bs, is still fun for making you feel like Neo when you dodge all of the balls. Overall, super fun.

3. Hoopsie Daisy: A
The best team minigame and the third best minigame in my eyes. Part of me wishes they make a finals version of this minigame where a small amount of you compete to get points because DAMMIT this minigame is fun as hell. Competing against the other teams for hoops is always thrilling, and some games can come nail bitingly close, adding even more enjoyment to it. There's also the large amount of strats you can employ on the map via placement and Hoop locations. While it does still suffer from the "bad teammate" problem as all other team minigames do, this minigame feels as though that problem can be ignored.

2. Jump Showdown: A+
It's only been out for a couple days, and I'm already in love with it. It's everything I enjoy from a minigame. There are two phases to this minigame, the first phase is slow jumping mixed with falling platforms, and the second phase is trying to survive with what few platforms remain. It may be a bit long, but to me, since it is a finals minigame, that's fine by me. It's fun, intense as hell, and thrilling. While it doesn't beat Slime Climb for me, it definitely earns the A+

1.Slime Climb: A+
The best Fall guys minigame and a minigame that I feel deserves the A+ grade. This minigame separates the men from the boys, as not only is it the hardest race minigame, but it's also the most skill based too, as the course requires several things from you throughout the endeavor, timing, precise jumps, proper positioning, and most importantly, patience. This minigame can get under your skin easily, especially with the bullshit player collision at the beginning, but I asure you, once you're able to look past that, you'll never look back at it, for the quality of this minigame is superb.

Well, after about an hour and a half of typing later, I'm don with this list. Let me know what you think of this list, and you agree/disagree with, and I will happily discuss about it.
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played a couple games

this game has been talked about to death so I don't really need to say much. but yes it lives up to the hype. yes the animations are great, the worldbuilding is great. the chraracters are great. the combat is great.

sadly. the music (on the ps4 version) sounds like a cheap ps2 era jrpg. which has its charms for the first like 10 hours until it doesnt anymore.

YS Seven - (PC)
Oh hell yeah this one is good. Plays like a mix between 2d zelda and various action rpgs like trials of mana. Huge annoying ass open world to traverse and its insanely easy to get lost. The combat is great, you can swap between characters and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Blunt characters can break rock enemies while piercing damage characters do 0 damage to them but pwn birds. its a good system and it encourages you to experiment. although in my opinion some characters are just ridiculously good.

this is the first Ys game I played and after beating it I immediately bought the rest of them. I love the world a lot. I've recently found out this one is the final one in the current chronology which is pretty funny that it was my first. The games plot is still completely standalone though and most timeline stuff is minor at best.

The dungeons are fucking labyrinthine, it is so easy to get lost if you arent paying attention. I had to consult a walkthrough on multiple occasions because i was completely in the wrong place.

Yhe boss fights are what this series is known for apparently and i can see why. they are huge in scale and each of them plays very differently to eachother. it really makes you think on your feet.

Disclaimer: I played this on normal, ive heard nightmare mode / other higher difficulties make this series one of the most rewarding experiences to play. Personally im bad at games so i didn't but i still had some trouble at some bosses.

Highly recommend both games
this game has been talked about to death so I don't really need to say much. but yes it lives up to the hype. yes the animations are great, the worldbuilding is great. the chraracters are great. the combat is great.

The Switch version is literally my favorite game of all time. I played it earlier this year and without really trying sank 250+ hours into my first file. It really is that good. My only gripe with it is that despite being a "definitive edition" there is some stuff missing from it that other versions had (like crossbow targets in the PS4 version). The game is already huge and there's a ton to do but like. Damn. I've wanted to get this off my chest for awhile but why are you calling your game the definitive edition when there's stuff missing? Ah well. Like I said, it's still my favorite game of all time. If I didn't know about some of the missing stuff I would have no complaints.
How good is Fall Guys? Really deciding if I want to play it or not, I am on PC so it isn't free for me IIRC but do I spend the $20 on it or nah
How good is Fall Guys? Really deciding if I want to play it or not, I am on PC so it isn't free for me IIRC but do I spend the $20 on it or nah
I would not say that is worth $20.... yet.
I find it pretty fun but it is also fairly one-dimensional. The characters don't offer a lot of movement options and most minigames are fairly straightforward.
I haven't been able to play in about a week because I'm away, but in my experience the servers are very, very bad. I'd say around ~75% of my matches end in a disconnect, which absolutely sucks because you gain no rewards from it.
IF they fix the servers or are confident in the strength of your internet to carry you then I'd say get it if you think its a game you can sink a few hours into.