you helped conquer the world and get a country to rule


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how did you get first pick??? anyway a few ground rules
  • only one country. duh.
  • every country is given to a different person. there aren't any "teams" yet, but they could pop up
  • there's going to be some kind of war. it could be a world war, but this isn't a one-survivor battle royale
  • no nukes or comparable. the evil old governments destroyed them so that we couldn't have them
  • you have your universal automatic translator and stuff like that. we aren't savages
anyway, where should i have your black helicopter route to? you're on the clock.
Iceland; free hot springs and northern lights, your inside NATO and your inside an island far away from anybody trying to invade you

Edit: other options on my list is Singapore, UK, Ireland, Australia, Japan and Canada
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As much as I think that the ideal pick for me would be Singapore, it's too close to too many great powers. Similar deal with the UK, though I would free Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Australia is also a good pick, lot's of natural resources, solar + storage is an easy fix to the energy resource crisis we will see soon etc.

That being said, I'm picking the traditional bastion of neutrality in world wars, Switzerland, because of how easy it is to defend Switzerland was already taken. So I'm taking Australia.