itt: pretend to be american

I get uncontrollably scared when someone shows political views that would be considered normal and/or centrist-aligned in the current year. I will instantly assume these beliefs are communism instead, despite not actually understanding what communism as a belief is. I have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the red scare and am doing nothing to dig myself out of it. I can't even differentiate communism and socialism, because the US education system has hard-wired me to serve as a cog in the machine that keeps the capitalist system unopposed and unchecked. It's been overrun with corrupt individuals and I'm being forced to work multiple jobs to maintain a stable income. The government and available parties fail to represent my political beliefs, and continue to fuel the bourgeoisie. Please send help.
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My country has alot of positive things about it!
  • We have a large variety of multicultural and delicious food, as well as some good american food.
  • uuuuuuuuuuuuh idk
as an American I’m actually pretty interested in the stereotypes we’re given from the outside.

So far we’ve got the typical ones: fat (fast food), stupid/ethnocentric (don’t care about world politics, can’t name >3 countries in Africa), patriotic (but not as a compliment), cops that suck, too much cheese (see: fat)

^ I agree with most of the above

some posts that I think missed the mark, speaking as someone that lives in the middle of the US:
I get annoyed when people measure speed in miles per hour instead of glazed doughnuts per bald eagle
you could’ve easily made this about how Americans do not know the metric system at all...missed opportunity

i have an unhealthy obsession with the word "based"
I’ve actually never heard people use the word based outside of Smogon/memes, living in either a rural (Iowa) or urban (Iowa, but an actual city in Iowa) setting. Must be a meme culture thing.

i like to make jokes about how dangerous australian wildlife is while living in a country where i can't go camping without a real risk of being attacked by a fucking bear

overall i give this thread a 6/10 on accuracy. keep it going :afrostar:
as an American I’m actually pretty interested in the stereotypes we’re given from the outside.

So far we’ve got the typical ones: fat (fast food), stupid/ethnocentric (don’t care about world politics, can’t name >3 countries in Africa), patriotic (but not as a compliment), cops that suck, too much cheese (see: fat)

^ I agree with most of the above

some posts that I think missed the mark, speaking as someone that lives in the middle of the US:

you could’ve easily made this about how Americans do not know the metric system at all...missed opportunity

I’ve actually never heard people use the word based outside of Smogon/memes, living in either a rural (Iowa) or urban (Iowa, but an actual city in Iowa) setting. Must be a meme culture thing.

overall i give this thread a 6/10 on accuracy. keep it going :afrostar:
I am offended by what you are saying and I am a KPOP stan on twitter.
Therefore, you are cancelled.
I like ranting on the internet about topics I know nothing about, especially ones regarding sexuality and ethnicity because of my horrific self image issues. I will usually change my profile picture to one of me in shades in my excessively large car when doing this. On a side note, I will park like an asshole with this car, making it impossible for anyone else to do so.