Gen 1 Haunter (UU) [QC 2/2] [GP 2/2] [DONE]

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Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
This is from a draft that was kept prior to the launch of the RBY UU Analysis Project.


Haunter is the sole viable Ghost-type in RBY UU and has some fairly unique traits that make it a solid threat in the tier. For starters, Haunter is the fastest sleep inducer in the tier, which lets it work as a lead or early-game threat and gives it ample opportunity to disable a threat for what could be the rest of the game. This Speed also allows it to outrun threats like Moltres, Articuno, and Gyarados while leaving sizable dents in their bulk. Its immunity to Normal-type attacks makes it a solid Persian check and decent counterplay to Wrap in the form of PP stall. PP stalling Wrap works especially well if Haunter is paired with Pokemon like Omastar and Golem, as they resist it. Haunter's Poison typing also comes into play here, as being immune to Toxic means it can't take poison damage during Wrap chains from threats like Dragonite. Haunter has a workable special movepool as well, with options such as Thunderbolt and Psychic making it fairly flexible. The prized Thunderbolt is of particular note, allowing Haunter to act as a pseudo-Electric-type for a team, breaking through the powerful bulky Water-types of the tier. Overall, Haunter works well as a defensive pivot but can go on the offense just fine as well.

However, Haunter is extremely frail on the physical side, which can be heavily exploited through its weakness to Earthquake. Prominent physical attackers such as Dugtrio and Kangaskhan carry Earthquake frequently, which can make switching in significantly less safe. In addition, Haunter's Speed is a bit below what's desirable, leaving it slower than the ever-present Tentacruel. Haunter's Speed is further compromised by paralysis, which causes it to be outsped by threats like Kangaskhan and reduces its consistency with Hypnosis.

name: Sleeper
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Night Shade
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Explosion

Set Description

Hypnosis lets Haunter put foes to sleep right out of the gate, which can essentially be a KO should the right threat be hit. Night Shade 3HKOes Dugtrio, Kadabra, and opposing Haunter, which makes it a bit more difficult for them to switch in and check Haunter repeatedly. Thunderbolt 3HKOes common Water-types like Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Omastar. Once Haunter has taken too much damage or has been paralyzed, it can use Explosion to try and take a Pokemon down with it, which notably OHKOes Kadabra and potentially Dugtrio.

Haunter can work early-game, sleeping a threat and likely taking out another Pokemon with Thunderbolt or Explosion. Once Haunter has entered the game, it should put a foe to sleep as soon as possible, disabling a part of the opposing team for what could be the rest of the game. However, Haunter isn't strictly relegated to early-game duties, especially because it stops Persian and checks Tentacruel and Agility + Wrap Dragonite. Even though Haunter takes no damage from Wrap against Pokemon like Tentacruel and Dragonite, it is still immobilized. This gives the opponent an opportunity to switch into a strong physical attacker like Dugtrio, which forces Haunter to switch out or get KOed, putting a large amount of strain on the team's defensive integrity. Being immobilized by Wrap isn't inherently bad, though, as the foe loses PP, can't make concrete progress, and gives you an opportunity to predict their switch-in with one of your own. Pairing Haunter with Flying-types like Articuno can create a solid immunity core; Haunter can pivot into Normal-type attacks, and it can switch back to the Flying-type partner if it is threatened by Earthquake, keeping momentum. Once a threat is at around half HP, Explosion can usually take it out, which should be considered when Haunter is on its last sliver of health. Even if Explosion fails to KO, a heavy dent can let threats like Persian and Articuno push the advantage.

Other Options

Psychic is sometimes used for easing prediction and hitting other Poison-types like opposing Haunter. Outside of that, though, Night Shade and Thunderbolt cover the other threats it would hit. However, the Special drop can be useful for prolonged Tentacruel interactions. Should Thunderbolt's damage not be sufficient, Thunder will usually 2HKO Tentacruel and OHKO Gyarados. Mega Drain can be used to 2HKO Golem attempting to switch in on Explosion, and its recovery gives Haunter a significantly better Omastar matchup. Rest is another interesting option worth using, as it allows Haunter to work as a Dragonite check, burning sleep turns under Wrap and stalling even more Wrap PP.

Checks and Counters

**Dugtrio**: Dugtrio is faster than Haunter, immune to Thunderbolt, and OHKOes with Earthquake, making it a premier counter to Haunter. However, it can't switch into Night Shade repeatedly and greatly fears Explosion.

**Psychic-types**: Kadabra is a serious threat to Haunter, especially in lead situations. While it's 3HKOed by Night Shade and even OHKOed by Explosion, Haunter is outsped by it and 2HKOed by its Psychic. Generally, the only way Haunter can win is by landing Hypnosis or Explosion. Hypno can 2HKO Haunter using Psychic while taking very little from any move Haunter can throw at it. The only way Haunter can KO Hypno is by using two Night Shades on the switch and then Explosion. It should be noted that Kadabra and Hypno always run Thunder Wave as well, which will cripple Haunter for the rest of the game.

**Golem**: Golem is immune to Thunderbolt, Haunter's main attacking move, and can very easily absorb its Explosion. To make matters worse, Golem's Earthquake is a clean OHKO. However, should Haunter choose to carry Mega Drain, it 2HKOes Golem on the switch while recovering over 70% of its HP.

**Kangaskhan**: While utilizing Haunter's Normal immunity to check Kangaskhan sounds enticing, Kangaskhan’s Earthquake is a 2HKO. Haunter can't win one-on-one, but Kangaskhan dislikes Hypnosis, critical hits, and repeated hits as it switches in, the latter two exploiting its mediocre special bulk.

**Electabuzz**: Electabuzz often carries Psychic, and, since it takes minimal damage from Thunderbolt, it can safely win the interaction. Should battling Haunter head-on be unfavorable, Electabuzz can paralyze it with Thunder Wave at minimum. However, Haunter can trade with Explosion.

- Written by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315], [Volk,530877], [Shellnuts, 491544]]
- Quality checked by: [[EB0LA, 423005], [Sevi 7, 505149]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [Estronic, 240732]]
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Soft QC (1/2) until changes implemented & checked again w/ changes made.
-Haunter is the fastest sleeper in uu.
-Haunter is a "defensive mon"
-oo: rest
-Haunter pairs nicely w/ Omastar/Golem to completely eat all the wrap pp's.
-checks/counters: add psychics/Kadabra
-remove Raichu as that's a soft check (esp vs. rest variants)(?) bar a stoss chu?
-add note about toxic immunity

"We done did talk a bit about it"
Message #✍┊writers-corner @ RBY Lower-Tiers Discord... link in description :eyes:
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I think focusing on Haunter's speed against the slow mons of the tiers would be good and include that being paralyzed means that Haunter loses a lot of utility.

Haunter is one of the few solid Thunderbolt users and can function as a psuedo electric-type for a team to help break bulky waters. I think this needs to be emphasized more in the overview and set description as it is one of its selling points for offense.

Psychic is used to ease predictions so you can hit something with a strong special attack without worrying about Dug or Gol coming in. It also helps with opposing Haunter, but nobody is worrying about venu or Venomoth, so i dont think they should be mentioned.

The main reason to use Thunder is to (usually) OHKO Gyara.

When talking about it's movepool In the overview, replace Mega Drain and Thunderbolt with Thunderbolt and Psychic, since Psychic actually does see use in top competitive games, but MD is really more theorymon.

I think you should note that Dugtrio doesn't like repeatedly switching into Night Shades and fears Explosion

Kangaskhan's downsides should be emphasized more. Kang doesn't like switching into Haunter, but Haunter loves switching into B Slam and then threaten Hypnosis. Being forced to damage with EQ also means that Haunter can double switch out and into something that doesn't mind EQ but threatens Kang. I actually think that Haunter takes away too much momentum from Kang to think that it actually works as a notable check.

I may add something else, but this caught my eye the most
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In the overvirw change the rare thubderbolt sentence to something like Haunter carries the prized thunderbolt allowing it to function as a psuedo electric-type and breakthrough bulky water-types or something like that.

In other options, I think saying "Psychic is sometimes used because it eases..." or something like that would be better to better emphasize the fact that it is used as a legit option in top level games.
Also for Thunder I think saying it usually 2HKOs and OHKOs would be better. I think can make it sound like it always happens, except for the accuracy.

In checks and counters, say that Kadabra and Hypno always have Thunder Wave instead of often.

Do these and you've got my QC.

EDIT: QC approved
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In the overvirw change the rare thubderbolt sentence to something like Haunter carries the prized thunderbolt allowing it to function as a psuedo electric-type and breakthrough bulky water-types or something like that.

In other options, I think saying "Psychic is sometimes used because it eases..." or something like that would be better to better emphasize the fact that it is used as a legit option in top level games.
Also for Thunder I think saying it usually 2HKOs and OHKOs would be better. I think can make it sound like it always happens, except for the accuracy.

In checks and counters, say that Kadabra and Hypno always have Thunder Wave instead of often.

Do these and you've got my QC.
Implemented these, ready for GP :blobuwu:
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma
: Add Hyphen
/(RP): Add/Remove Period

A lot of apostrophes were curly; I replaced them with ' apostrophes.


Haunter is the sole viable Ghost-type in RBY UU and has some fairly unique traits that make it work as a solid threat in the tier. For starters, Haunter is the fastest Pokemon with access to a Sleep move sleep inducer in the tier, which lets it work as a lead or early-game threat and (clarity, because its early-game-ness isnt mentioned in the overview. assumed lead was plausible because of Kadabra C/C bullet.) gives it ample opportunity to disable a threat for what could be the rest of the game. This Speed also allows it to outrun threats like Moltres, Articuno(AC), and Gyarados while leaving sizable dents in their bulk. Its immunity to Normal-type attacks makes it a solid Persian check (RC) as well as and decent counterplay to Wrap in the form of PP stalling. PP stalling Wrap with Haunter works especially well if Haunter is paired with Pokemon like Omastar and Golem, as they resist it. Its Haunter's Poison typing also comes into play here, as being immune to Toxic means it can't take poison (capitalization) damage during Wrap chains from threats like Dragonite. Haunter has a workable special (capitalization, because this refers to the move categorization and not the stat) movepool as well, with options such as Thunderbolt and Psychic making it fairly flexible. The prized Thunderbolt is of particular note, allowing Haunter to act as a pseudo-Electric-type for a team, breaking through the powerful bulky Water-types of the tier. Overall, Haunter works well as a defensive pivot but can go on the offense just fine as well.

However, Haunter isn’t without flaws. It’s is extremely frail on the physical side, which can be heavily exploited through super effective moves like its weakness to Earthquake. Prominent physical attackers such as Dugtrio and Kangaskhan (RC) carry this Earthquake frequently, which can make switching in significantly less safe. In addition, Haunter's Speed is a bit below what's desirable, being leaving it slower than the ever-present Tentacruel. In addition, Haunter is Haunter's Speed is further compromised by paralysis, causing which causes it to be outsped by threats like Kangaskhan and reducing reduces its consistency with Hypnosis. Overall, while Haunter has some solid qualities, it has some minor drawbacks that make it a lot less splashable than it appears.

name: Sleeper
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Night Shade
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Explosion

Set Description

Hypnosis gives lets Haunter the ability to put foes to sleep right out of the gate, which can essentially be a KO should the right threat be hit. Night Shade 3HKOes Dugtrio, Kadabra(AC), and other Haunter, which makes it a bit more difficult for them to switch in and check it Haunter repeatedly. Thunderbolt is the cornerstone of Haunter’s special attacking prowess, 3HKOing 3HKOes common Water-types like Tentacruel, Vaporeon(AC), and Omastar. Once Haunter has taken too much damage and/or or has been paralyzed, it can use Explosion to try and take a Pokemon down with it, which notably OHKOes Kadabra and potentially Dugtrio.

Haunter can work in the early(AH)-game, sleeping a threat and likely taking out something else another Pokemon with Thunderbolt or Explosion. Once Haunter has entered the game, something it should be put a foe to sleep as soon as possible, disabling a part of the opposing team for what could be the rest of the game. However, Haunter isn't strictly relegated to early-game duties, and its function as a stop to especially because it stops Persian and checks to Tentacruel and Agility + Wrap Dragonite should never be discounted. However, even Even though Haunter takes 0 damage from Wrap against Pokemon like Tentacruel and Dragonite, it is still immobilized. It should be noted that this situation isn't inherently bad for Haunter, as the progress the opponent makes isn't concrete, PP is lost, and you can still get into a better situation with prediction. However, this can This gives the opponent an opportunity for the opponent to switch in a strong physical attacker like Dugtrio, which can abuse Haunter’s low defenses and force it forces Haunter to switch out or get KOed, (spelling) which will put a large amount of strain on the team's defensive integrity. Being immobilized by Wrap isn't inherently bad, though, as the opponent loses PP, can't make concrete progress, and (placeholder). (I'm a bit confused here: how would prediction help? Aren't they going to pivot out while you are stuck?) Pairing Haunter with Flying-types like Articuno can create a solid immunity core; Haunter can pivot into Normal-type attacks, and if threatened by Earthquake, it can switch back to the Flying-type partner to maintain a better position if it is threatened by Earthquake, keeping momentum. Once a threat is at around half HP, Explosion can usually take them it out, which should be considered when Haunter is on its last sliver of health. This can dent an opponent quite heavily - or even KO a key piece of the team - while giving Even if Explosion fails to KO, a heavy dent can let threats like Persian and Articuno opportunity to further the advantageous game state push the advantage.

Other Options

Psychic is sometimes used for easing prediction and hitting other Poison-types (RC) like opposing Haunter. Outside of that, though, Night Shade and Thunderbolt cover the other threats it would hit. However, the Special drop can be useful for prolonged Tentacruel interactions. Should Thunderbolt's damage not be sufficient, Thunder will usually 2HKO Tentacruel and OHKO Gyarados. Mega Drain can be used to 2HKO Golem attempting to switch in on Explosion, as well as gain and its recovery gives Haunter a significantly better Omastar matchup through the recovery. Rest is another interesting option worth using, as it allows Haunter to work as a Dragonite check, burning sleep (capitalization) turns under Wrap and allowing for further PP stalling even more Wrap PP (AP).

Checks and Counters

**Dugtrio**: Dugtrio is faster than Haunter, immune to Thunderbolt(AC), and possesses a guaranteed OHKOes with Earthquake (RP) As a result, Dugtrio is (AC), making it a premier counter to Haunter. However, it can't switch into Night Shade repeatedly and greatly fears Explosion (RC), which makes it harder to utilize.

**Psychic-types**: Kadabra is a serious threat to Haunter, especially in lead situations. While it's 3HKOed by Night Shade and even OHKOed by Explosion, Haunter is outsped and 2HKOed by its Psychic while being slower. Generally, the only way Haunter can win is by putting it to sleep or exploding landing Hypnosis or Explosion. Hypno can 2HKO Haunter using Psychic while taking very little from any move Haunter can throw at it. The only way Haunter can KO Hypno is by using two Night Shades on switch-in, then a subsequent the switch and then Explosion. It should be noted that Kadabra and Hypno always run Thunder Wave as well, which will cripple Haunter for the rest of the game.

**Golem**: Golem is immune to Thunderbolt, Haunter's main attacking move, and can very easily absorb its Explosion. To make matters worse, its Golem's Earthquake is a clean OHKO. However, should Haunter choose to carry Mega Drain, it’s capable of 2HKOing it 2HKOes Golem on switch-in the switch while recovering over 70% of its HP.

**Kangaskhan**: While checking Kangaskhan by utilizing Haunter's Normal immunity to check Kangaskhan sounds enticing, Kangaskhan’s Earthquake is a 2HKO. Haunter can't win the interaction if both Pokemon are at full health, though Hypnosis and critical hits are both very notable points in its favor. Kangaskhan also dislikes switching into Haunter repeatedly due to its one-on-one, but Kangaskhan dislikes Hypnosis, critical hits, and repeated hits as it switches in, the latter two exploiting its mediocre special bulk.

**Electabuzz**: Electabuzz often carries Psychic, and(AC), since it takes minimal damage from Thunderbolt, it can safely win the interaction. Should battling Haunter head-on be unfavorable, Electabuzz can paralyze it with Thunder Wave at minimum. However, trading Haunter can trade with Explosion may be a valid option for the Haunter player.

- Written by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315], [Volk,530877], [Shellnuts, 491544]]
- Quality checked by: [[EB0LA, 423005], [Sevi 7, 505149]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [, ]]

GP 1/1
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Implemented the check. One thing I wanna point out;
Being immobilized by Wrap isn't inherently bad, though, as the opponent loses PP, can't make concrete progress, and (placeholder). (I'm a bit confused here: how would prediction help? Aren't they going to pivot out while you are stuck?)
It's a bit of a 50/50. Dragonite will sometimes keep using Wrap to chip Omastar for Thunderbolt, or pivot into Dugtrio to try and force Haunter out. You can predict either of these yourself by switching on the same turn.

With this in mind, I implemented it like this;
Being immobilized by Wrap isn't inherently bad, though, as the opponent loses PP, can't make concrete progress, and gives you an opportunity to predict their switch-in with one of your own.
add remove (comments)

Haunter is the sole viable Ghost-type in RBY UU and has some fairly unique traits that make it a solid threat in the tier. For starters, Haunter is the fastest sleep inducer in the tier, which lets it work as a lead or early-game threat and gives it ample opportunity to disable a threat for what could be the rest of the game. This Speed also allows it to outrun threats like Moltres, Articuno, and Gyarados while leaving sizable dents in their bulk. Its immunity to Normal-type attacks makes it a solid Persian check and decent counterplay to Wrap in the form of PP stall. PP stalling Wrap works especially well if Haunter is paired with Pokemon like Omastar and Golem, as they resist it. Haunter's Poison typing also comes into play here, as being immune to Toxic means it can't take poison damage during Wrap chains from threats like Dragonite. Haunter has a workable special movepool as well, with options such as Thunderbolt and Psychic making it fairly flexible. The prized Thunderbolt is of particular note, allowing Haunter to act as a pseudo-Electric-type for a team, breaking through the powerful bulky Water-types of the tier. Overall, Haunter works well as a defensive pivot but can go on the offense just fine as well.

However, Haunter is extremely frail on the physical side, which can be heavily exploited through its weakness to Earthquake. Prominent physical attackers such as Dugtrio and Kangaskhan carry Earthquake frequently, which can make switching in significantly less safe. In addition, Haunter's Speed is a bit below what's desirable, leaving it slower than the ever-present Tentacruel. Haunter's Speed is further compromised by paralysis, which causes it to be outsped by threats like Kangaskhan and reduces its consistency with Hypnosis.

name: Sleeper
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Night Shade
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Explosion

Set Description

Hypnosis lets Haunter put foes to sleep right out of the gate, which can essentially be a KO should the right threat be hit. Night Shade 3HKOes Dugtrio, Kadabra, and other opposing Haunter, which makes it a bit more difficult for them to switch in and check Haunter repeatedly. Thunderbolt 3HKOes common Water-types like Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Omastar. Once Haunter has taken too much damage or has been paralyzed, it can use Explosion to try and take a Pokemon down with it, which notably OHKOes Kadabra and potentially Dugtrio.

Haunter can work in the early-game, sleeping a threat and likely taking out another Pokemon with Thunderbolt or Explosion. Once Haunter has entered the game, it should put a foe to sleep as soon as possible, disabling a part of the opposing team for what could be the rest of the game. However, Haunter isn't strictly relegated to early-game duties, especially because it stops Persian and checks Tentacruel and Agility + Wrap Dragonite. Even though Haunter takes 0 no damage from Wrap against Pokemon like Tentacruel and Dragonite, it is still immobilized. This gives the opponent an opportunity to switch into a strong physical attacker like Dugtrio, which forces Haunter to switch out or get KOed, which will put putting a large amount of strain on the team's defensive integrity. Being immobilized by Wrap isn't inherently bad, though, as the opponent foe loses PP, can't make concrete progress, and gives you an opportunity to predict their switch-in with one of your own. Pairing Haunter with Flying-types like Articuno can create a solid immunity core; Haunter can pivot into Normal-type attacks, and it can switch back to the Flying-type partner if it is threatened by Earthquake, keeping momentum. Once a threat is at around half HP, Explosion can usually take it out, which should be considered when Haunter is on its last sliver of health. Even if Explosion fails to KO, a heavy dent can let threats like Persian and Articuno push the advantage.

Other Options

Psychic is sometimes used for easing prediction and hitting other Poison-types like opposing Haunter. Outside of that, though, Night Shade and Thunderbolt cover the other threats it would hit. However, the Special drop can be useful for prolonged Tentacruel interactions. Should Thunderbolt's damage not be sufficient, Thunder will usually 2HKO Tentacruel and OHKO Gyarados. Mega Drain can be used to 2HKO Golem attempting to switch in on Explosion, and its recovery gives Haunter a significantly better Omastar matchup. Rest is another interesting option worth using, as it allows Haunter to work as a Dragonite check, burning sleep turns under Wrap and stalling even more Wrap PP (AP) (leftover from previous check).

Checks and Counters

**Dugtrio**: Dugtrio is faster than Haunter, immune to Thunderbolt, and OHKOes with Earthquake, making it a premier counter to Haunter. However, it can't switch into Night Shade repeatedly and greatly fears Explosion.

**Psychic-types**: Kadabra is a serious threat to Haunter, especially in lead situations. While it's 3HKOed by Night Shade and even OHKOed by Explosion, Haunter is outsped by it and 2HKOed by its Psychic. Generally, the only way Haunter can win is by landing Hypnosis or Explosion. Hypno can 2HKO Haunter using Psychic while taking very little from any move Haunter can throw at it. The only way Haunter can KO Hypno is by using two Night Shades on the switch and then Explosion. It should be noted that Kadabra and Hypno always run Thunder Wave as well, which will cripple Haunter for the rest of the game.

**Golem**: Golem is immune to Thunderbolt, Haunter's main attacking move, and can very easily absorb its Explosion. To make matters worse, Golem's Earthquake is a clean OHKO. However, should Haunter choose to carry Mega Drain, it 2HKOes Golem on the switch while recovering over 70% of its HP.

**Kangaskhan**: While utilizing Haunter's Normal immunity to check Kangaskhan sounds enticing, Kangaskhan’s Earthquake is a 2HKO. Haunter can't win one-on-one, but Kangaskhan dislikes Hypnosis, critical hits, and repeated hits as it switches in, the latter two exploiting its mediocre special bulk.

**Electabuzz**: Electabuzz often carries Psychic, and(AC) (leftover from previous check), since it takes minimal damage from Thunderbolt, it can safely win the interaction. Should battling Haunter head-on be unfavorable, Electabuzz can paralyze it with Thunder Wave at minimum. However, Haunter can trade with Explosion.

- Written by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315], [Volk,530877], [Shellnuts, 491544]]
- Quality checked by: [[EB0LA, 423005], [Sevi 7, 505149]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [, ]]
2/2 :blobthumbsup:
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