Sevi 7
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  • Hey man you're free to challenge me in RoA room when you see me for RoA Ubers spotlight tour. We're same timezone GMT-4. Should be around most evenings.
    Ayo Ubers Spotlight Tour
    I'm GMT+1 / London, available all days except this coming Tuesday. Usually awake in the afternoon up until around midnight.

    I like to record my sets for my YouTube channel, which I slightly edit. Is that ok?
    Plague von Karma
    Hey I could use with an answer soon. Got a lot coming and really need to prepare properly in advance.
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I can do Sunday (the 19th) around 23:00 GMT +1. Otherwise I won’t find out my weekday schedule until tomorrow or even Monday afternoon.
    Plague von Karma
    That seems good. I'll let you know if that can stick at around 8! Thanks!
    hi Sevi7 what are your prefered times to play our RBY PL match? its gonna be a cool game :)
    I have a problem. would it be possible to get an extension for Monday evening?
    Drop the ball. it's ok I'll play at 11 pm gmt+1 with all of you on time.
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Well I can play now. I don't know if that's better, but let me know.
    hello when you want to play for the ubers tournament 2 gen? I'm + 2 gmt
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I’m GMT -4. I’m a bit restricted on my time tbh. But I can play 16:00 your time on the weekdays (I can also play around 2AM your time but I don’t think that’s something you’d want) or we can try to make something work on Saturday. I can play at 14:00 or 21:15ish your time on Saturday. Would something like that work for you?
    Saturday 8 pm +2gmt ?
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Sorry, I had big work day and couldn’t make that. Take the win.
    nice ladybug, congrats!
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I think you're going to get a contributor badge soon, or maybe mod badge trumps that? I don't know. But thanks!
    Hello. For some reason, I have been unable to access Discord since yesterday, so I just wanted to let you know that so you can relay that info to the Discord. Also, while I'm here, I want to tell you that I still think Sunday works best for our RBY UU Finals Match. Assume a time in the evening. Cheers.
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Alright we'll shoot for Sunday then
    Any update ?
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    We're playing rn
    Hi! In your newest post on the RBY NU VR it says the Dewgong 4x resists water. From everything I can see, like the Showdown /weak command the Smogon Dex, Dewgong only has a 2x resistance.

    Was that a typo or a mechanic I was unaware of?
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    It's a typo. I'll change it. Thanks.
    I just realized that might have sounded like a passive agressive way to tell you about a typo, it really wasn't intended to be

    thanks for making the vr, i like the tier
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I didn't take it badly, don't worry.i appreciate pointing out the mistake.
    Hi, when can you play for the ROA olympics? My timezone is GMT+2. I can play Saturday until my early evening, on Sunday 9am to 11am or late afternoon/early evening would be ideal (not much later than 6pm as starting time). You can also message me on discord today (Friday) to try to play spontaneously.
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Can we do like 7:00-7:30 your evening tomorrow?
    Yes, but please try to be able to start playing at 7pm.
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