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im monkfish and im on my way to the forums with a cool new thread idea!!!


im monkfish and im reading the posts in my thread..
yo what's up guys got pokeaim here with that UU showdown live Happy New Year everybody the first showdown live of 2018 I know it's up like an hour and a half late or actually no he'll be more than how our half elating because I'm recording here at 3:30 usually have my lives up at 2:00 and I have to render it get it up and whatnot it's gonna be pretty late but well stuff to live today but Happy New Year everybody now it is the year of the dog but it is the month of the monkey to me I am so tired of people disrespecting my boy Ambipom I am so tired of it so I'm uh I have a mission this month for the month of January basically I'm gonna use Ambipom on YouTube every single day I mean I'll have more than UU live Jesus I thought I got rid of this congestion anyway I'll have Ambipom on a UU live every single day alongside you know OU live Wi-Fi battle or whatever the hell I feel like uploading that day but for today we'll have our first UU live with Ambipom and the goal is I will use it ever raised his usage uu because I want my boy to shoot up I don't matter if everybody thinks he's good you don't even matter if I wait as long as I'm using him in the top of the ladder but we're gonna start on the bottom so this is Ambipom onto the top we're making our way I do encourage you to use Ambipom on teams and if you have got teams for UU leave them over I spoke my profile we're actually about annoying the hell out of the UU tier I already feel that I feel all the dislikes I feel all the complaints but you know what I can use whatever I want and any tier and you cannot stop me anyway we have choice band Ambipom with tail slap u-turn knock off and fake out I want to say that the fact this thing gets tail slap is the thing that really makes me like it now if that more than base 100 attack it actually pretty solid cuz this thing hits so hard but we have life orb Darmanitan with Dragonium Z Latias rocky helmet foretress with douple hazards as well as dragon dance Altaria mega Altaria and then we have the choice scarfed magneton so the the team is you know I'm gonna lower ladder this would be my first battles on the UU ladder but it's Ambipom to the top we ran them all the way up different team every single day feel free to use it feel free to use as many empties as you want oh I do not like the way this looks Oh Oh fix that real quick that's that's all right there I bet I realize it looked like that by the way love the IO next cut anyway chuckle uh I hope I was gonna kill half his tea with fake out let everybody Louis right now how do I wear this game Narae Oh Ted clays be a kilter woman I don't even have to go for the flavors I could just go for the sheer force Rock slide and his entire team super effectively or neutral to the point where flare blitz knocks it out so which is rock slide right now hopefully I took it was charcoal - if the ops - switch it to it get like I said I own the bottom the ladder and this is series where it's not road top ten I'm actually trying to get to the top oh I am but it's not like a super serious one it's more so I want to see if this works and if this does work we're gonna try other Pokemon because this will be so fun anyway he loses - I'm over you - right now because he literally loses two spikes plus mag and fake out always be - everything like I can't lose say zesty ones really like if heracross comes out I don't lose to it because I have lots which is faster I have fake out if it's scar fair across all he has to do is close copy a little I have my rocky helmet scissor can I stay up all evil ivy has like 50 million bugs like all defogger whatnot but I do want my rocks up this is boy I'm Jill he's actually a threat by doing on target so I was worried about that about what has is up nice little hazard and beautiful beautiful beautiful go ahead and give this nice little spike here - if you wants to agility no big deal again I do otário only bothers to actually beat salt art yeah that boy lost is shuffled know what to do was that mrs. Chuck where mr. Chuck thought was a buffet attention but got another one again lower ladder so these are gonna be really fast but as we keep going we'll hit the higher ladder hopefully where an Apollo hazards hazards hazards hazards all I want all I want is hazards all ideas hazards uh but if that's a ghost type like what do you that this ghost I'm the good thing is because we're playing you I'm pretty sure this is a mega arrow not regular arrow it's rock Swampert I'll taro is this game like night times out of 10 especially once I trap be klefki so we're getting of hazards and he actually leads off a cleft key which cannot stop by fortress legends where HP fire which is actually pretty common I'm not sure if he'd be running it because we offer lower the ladder I was gonna be honest he could spin a block - it could be bigger beta which actually mean he got a kill or a KO up on me but I actually prefer my hatches a lot more than I think he prefers his mega I was a big threat and my best way of hitting of a fortress is my best way video of a fortress is the bolts which so well thank you for weakening here collecting wise not getting spikes I understand that da robot would be a lot better if fortress is like if he I wouldn't really use this thing too much either the you tier but this is all about having fun oh goes hard error dr. Lai so let me go to the rapid but if you want to fire family great I live one I live - well I live wood and you have to knock me out with a second one he pursuits my fortress hold on love also she yeah bro love won't switch it yet I try to get off my houses after I think you might forfeit to the others because I just rabbits better what hazards like other volts that's right now obviously nice nice nice 27 you know what boy haven't fought buddy at his first kill buddy guy's first kill alive this is definitely doing 27 this technician booster fake-out I'm not technician alive it's my taco hold up hold up enjoy some tears I'll heat a fire punch originally over hit fire punch originally over fake out but mega Altaria kind of sweeps us and I don't have all this so I figured I can play some leg days with fake out I'd swap it my games like things like that but the Iguana comes out just sack fortress to bring you have a problem again as he goes to fire blasts could be scarf at the same time I don't see a reason not to go into lobby oz because I could just click psyshock here I think it was character I'm not worried I do a lot area and he goes klefki I'll trap it also we've seen three out of four of his moves so his last one might just be the other way this cookie is trapped unless it's like shed shell I don't even know I don't see it I don't on it so edge tell us something I assume I don't I'm also not analytic like analytic man it's always like something I love to run artist here but well Thunderball right now actually is AP fire better I know I know it's weaker but it's more so a little odds of it hits everything after it doesn't like character said I like fire they get a five candidate the exact same thing but that word or guys the hazards but we don't get the character setup actually should a flash cater they're thinking about it could swap or will cover it anyway I'm going hard I'll Tarija I just can't wait so he just start tail slapping something ideally he small burrows be so I could have sweet right now I'd appreciate ask Albert I do a facade on this thing so I actually don't sleep with so I get Bert of course I'm fighting the avalanche Swampert and the ballet is the second I touch him abolition is double the damage right now that's a week in a village just keep doing this matter he's mega beta whatever I'll I'll play the next Yvonne anyway I will actually just switched if he goes for nesting bullet but it sucks at the second I touch him I'll go down but actually doll target so I don't lose this game to Cacturne but the states I've have your fake out of an father's great just which opera you don't need it I was set up for you or school book first of all get the borough me so that way I get the double power he's right now for son is weak as hell city base power I think it's pics like boosted but they weaken Pixley as well so close beta you think he dusty bald right away whatever I could test not after doesn't even mega evolve and go for prey suggesting what is he was he gone there yeah I don't know anyway so ever comes in at even weaker than it was uh I'm not confident it's Nocturne I think plus three will though I think +31 talked about and again how do you go for that again O'Leary's a lot of times again avalanches faster when you take damage or stronger when you take that turn but that's coming where Hauser's 200 I was different but let's keep looking let's keep hopping this ladder Oh finally ever pubs game finally finally this is all I could see poke mother that are moderately fast but half of them are not faster the elephant and I can do it work what tell us not a no ghost time so we really off fortress get up risers and I'm gonna start cleated tell snipers everything I fake out the stop Ozzy from sweet movie oh oh hi I'm height it's time whatever elated today I would see if I can record my friends or maybe I'll have like a ghetto you live up I want to have no you live a lie that battle also wanted to go downstairs and work out today but I woke up too late and I have it's like I believe it's Haeju Independence Day today and one of our good friends is their family changing so we're going to celebrate with them she's actually already there I'm going a couple hours late I don't care about a picture of a suit you're gonna take like all these and I could just sighs shock you anyway so let's take two charge of rocking a little side shocking although he has waterfall which means I probably won't even get up with spikes this game oh nice nice nice soap robots actually the base right I feel to the team voltage right up as he is gonna be able to me out yeah krome attack to the biggest starts to you I don't have anything that's faster but I spark but it's how it's slower it does deal with it though if I was technician I go ahead and follow but I'll go laude size shop should be able to knock you out of 42 Jose that's around the range the size shock does he does only about 260 with the are you kidding me I need Lottie this game to absolutely don't know it doesn't be anything he's like 5 million fairy types this also just wins will bow able fall right off and director gets a care when it comes it like he has nothing for the flare let's play fake out knockout azumarill I guess I'm so used to life oh bloody and uh from the British generations but unfortunately all the hatches are gonna go down right here we'll go back to Tommy though that really does suck but I can just put flash Canada now I took you know something Commack can't knock the Ellen less it's a heatwave variant and flash can't to it was made was fine I think provisions dealing with a Whoopi Tokyo I stepped I was definitely - okay out yeah the winnings big except sauce chocolate Aria this is a little bit risky because this is my main switch into a product and practice magnet involving I don't wall it but once I do beg involved I do all it so he's thinking about this he might actually dragon boats immediately that was a pretty read a very very very solid player poets part so you shouldn't do blast here I'm only going out to the redhead because oh god he's going for Z is it that man is power predictive ebro's this guy's power predicting me hey you know what I need these two Pokemon away hey Paul I need you to do your thing bro this is choice mask feeling that's set I was going which is great the why is he making if someone Magneton could actually win especially because he's letting me weaken the male assigned to the point of the point of Altaria not be threatened by anything oh my bad so he'll you turn here but now I can just go back it's all I could save this actually goes for cross poison which is great because now I can volt switch safely wait what he's not max speed I have only three a three speed all right this gives me a thumb now and every pound plus my other two should wait depending on where he goes out into yeah go sylveon first so I should be able to win with these remaining Pokemon oh it doesn't matter if you protect bro this is tail slap its technician boost and if I come in come through what was he slower than me with chrome at look at that damage oh oh that's good damage it was life for Sophia what hey where we go back now and volts which it's another boy that knocks out preview we volt switch first because I'm pretty sure volts which is better but we'll knock it out yep 56 but just in case the EDS probably a low Altaria Brett's like some sort of weird some very anyway sparkly re other Oh care about that I managed to just be able to lock out facade right here okay hey Anna Papa da so work you definitely then if I see the guys are crash do 99.7% man powers like nah nah to the top to the top I'm sorry I probably bit more hype that I should be but hold on anyway this boy has hazards add default which is so weird right because these two are well this could be whatever it wants to be right this set of patches as well but bad sign is a d4 so related fortress because we got two spikes versus everything I don't really mind switching I don't wanna switch out because my color latias was the game anyway so I rather get up in rocks as quickly as possible bolts are safely over like flamethrower overheat so I'll deliver where this game is gonna be driving it's Ontario once I get rid of the fortress because he's actually giving me the option to get rid of it right now so we've also tried out on 40 I can't really spend versus anything but thankfully we do break it sturdy we can go up to our magnets on magnet pull that boy Rapids right away unfortunately and then we just HP fire here teaspoon death fortress II will be able to take this and get up rocks hopefully he doesn't take it hopefully he's backs fist he's gonna voltage here too ah well I can't prevent the hazards unfortunately but we do get rid of the fortress thankfully so what are you going to I guess well can you Taraki oh they're all amazing Pokemon right now to go into I speak up track yeah that's actually a huge threat if it starts setting up Ivo fortress because I don't think you would summon the face of this thing just because of the in fact the jar ball if he goes for Coast collar that's fine if you mrs. stone edge that's good too but basically I wanted to be able to weaken that boy centerline laude right now click call mine and then just knocks at the out that's the plan just knock something out right now for that plus one nothing on his team wants to take this hit I'm actually going for +2 I think Matt actually takes a set plus one let me cop this first calculate day why not I don't even bit a pace just to the timer at all my bad for not putting this in plus one ze Treecko 84 today like that boy lives always well not after +2 don't haze me tell it does that even matter well it gives me a rack with it and none of his Pokemon could knock me out so I'll definitely take it I know I did not see tailwind coming at all track it has to be ru choice man bro yeah I don't like the way he brought this boy in I'm not sakinetipalli yeah yeah come on dude lotty why nice-nice money that's why I love you so he over my favorite Pokemon get this monster out of my sight he can't even no I don't think uh but I forgive me doc - now HP ice no I definitely does I definitely doesn't that range um you get a potato yet if he wants to I think I really understood at this point I just went with on target so please tell me you made our target faster nope we did not where's John I guess it's investment all right well they will broke clay would clean wood is time clay one bro oh no that's that's fodder go ahead give me this ooh three four five come closer call him closer give me that give this man time give it to me now I want it I want all of this may a time ooh to the top mmm good B you want to give you this volcania - I'll take this okay do you got the out air palm bro you live life for Isaac rash from Mamoswine you think a thunderbolt knocks yeah that's all I'd like to see Oh Oh ever fuck you if rocks ran up brah would totally save you would just fake out but that's fine I'm a few fucking it if I keep clicking it any volts which is the means I get to go it's there it's head just click the I don't you got to go to return I go voce or first just click earthquake because it hits always plus it's stronger than this yep life of earthquake yeah I just wanna gate what I'll talk about I even go back guitar right here just because if he does have over here that's the only way of coming locked me out with them the metric so even make it even easier for Altaria but thunder boat right now knocked on Bulgaria metric is it arranged as well thank you for the rockslide miss I mean it would have mattered if you do in Fletch me anyway but I feel like my opponent had the tools to beat me library very very easily like I said it is overheat I so that means that we get to go out to target livery hit Megan vol click that earthquake if the Kurtzman right now pretty Charlotte Aria still eats it GG kid that's the year of the monkey bro it's actually the month of the alcohol what are you waiting for me to type it okay I was waiting for you to go through nice nice nice nice nice nice nice let's go look for a little actually Lottie would be a lot better a ruse on this team especially in this type of game that would play right here I keep doing that even though I have iox up there by man should I try roost over it buffer I think so good I do have at this like I feel like ruse would be better cuz I could actually beat this sweet girl of you a truce whereas now I feel a bird oh this can be scarf Mike is not down here yet right there's no way there's there's there's no way Beck is knocked out here yeah right where the cheer changes we don't get it though at least crook he could be taught Mary I because I do see you today it could be but I'm gonna get up my stealth or anyway hopefully he's not defogger Acer pair if he does have default either way we're gonna get up a spike right here - or ALP I'm gonna go to work versus this guy bro why telling me after that's weird that's really weird unless he's rockin out of it - which he could be well that's familiar I'll look II keep putting a rabbit's foot and at this point if he gets up rocks and I rapid spin I died a rocky holiday he doesn't keep the rocks up yeah he knows okay cool director Knox ml I'm gonna take ten million percent of repo but I want to pick up my ko right now and I want to prevent it from getting up rocks so yeah we get our rocks up in this game again he could get rid of the Altaria is probably gonna be my way of woody mighty to get Bert by something and that's something is this suicune so go ahead and burn me right now so I can just drag something with please I'd appreciate that Altaria also deals with absol which is why I think it's a good play I actually have to put a u-turn here just because he does have the he does have the app so that could double in and out maybe maybe Silvio with double bit of anything but El tari I don't ever feel that a lot scarf please Marie go my child dragon dance battle by facade is boosted and I plus one faster this entire team outside of so viola so we do Peter let's see the roar very we're good but it looks like he's a bold very because I'm faster he could be a Rovere actually but let's go for that facade see how much actually heads are doing doesn't care about the bird can't do any damage to be it anyway n either way I have upon the back which will help me deal with like Serperior which I'm really happy about assuming this citizen doesn't just sweep right now alright so because he is one other drag that's up again because he's a rest bury his that ensures that I knock out so Mila also faster the scarf Gardevoir yep he's just crow code which is the the name of this set so we can just rest roost why I keep saying rest just gives her is because we don't got away for this way to keep flicking facade and that his game is actually game he cannot beat this now look for all I wouldn't have a probably do something and even miss counting his turns and the fact that bird only does six percent not oh the ones have you actually want to be burnt right I don't know why what so I don't know why say so we can win it it can't recover vs anyone on my team like at all it literally can't recover vs anyone on my team everyone mighty knocks it out maybe to try it he'll II wish with Gardevoir you can't Glary what's appear what are you doing with this that's gay bro facade is a strong move and this boy is boasted boasted a little sad I woke up late I want straight today but I prize here when I come back and late today actually been sleeping long though guys like I know like you don't care about or for the most part a lot he don't care about my regular life but I bet you was sleeping really well I don't know if it was like just a stress or whatever I come up I'm gonna happy-go-lucky do man like okay go with the flow this chill okay we do it well what stop but I had a bit sleepy well since I lived here and then like after I found out something about my taxes I felt so much better I was like oh oh I just been sleeping but I'll probably still look like crap but oh just happy I'm nicely put better it was stress now you know I'll win this game without sorry Dave dude I was think about such an Apollo I'm not gonna be anything like that I could have though but alright this will be a full one really cool team I don't know if I'll have a Lux game after this because it's might be long but bunch of defogger 1 2 3 5 SD my period this is my o UT 1 2 3 and he just changed to be Pokemon and also just type / io next I'll use this I use this I use this there was a beginner here which is a scizor we got a Gyarados which is mega Pidgeot or a bad time actually are you fire punch my friend we do not care we go ahead get up another house you know what I'm say it another one you know it's okay uh unfortunately because of this right barrier like I don't lock it out easily at all just gonna rabbit sit right here even if he starts what's it called flame charging polished a stir so I can bolt so try it out as he goes for darkest Larry I could bring right back out or right into the goat er my boy anima pop let's go ahead and pick up our ko right now with this tell us not only be care if he goes out into right period man this is this is damage ideally he's like a berry as well five percent say five okay five let me see a six bro can we see at number six there you go avatar that's my boy Oh bolt switch here that was a speech ID it's not our time well voltage anyway nope that's it will this be target your octave he's actually running the exact same team and he changed it like I know it is drop a Z Draco right now this does pick up a kill it actually goes hardware time which is probably the best possible play for me because that ensures that he does not get a defog now that crit only mattered if I missed my next move after so that it sure she doesn't get a default unless this is default is aware but I've got their anti right now as he bullet punches as its life for go ahead give me a flare blitz KO quick attack I see you Susan where is gone woohoo our period is low right period is nice and low it's gonna be even lower right now because of the earthquake okay Ella fall back come through with the fake out with the clutch pick up like hey all right now at this flash cannon and locked it out etc will go down if it comes in whether you're poor apart is like this is actually the teeth I've been with heavy I just brought it down here because I'm positive that fake outputs this locks it out I'm just gonna stack this like even though like this where's the game I'm pretty sure that puss rocks will fake out yeah not to know exactly so I could easily go ahead and follow right now put that fake out knock him out he could switch but he doesn't have does he have he only wish I might have messed up if he has he only wish what does it say pigeons dead is it cuz it goes down to hazards don't don't lie to me yeah what don't lie to me good game dude did I knock it out oh he said he sent out pitchy laughter I was like why this short I lied to me that gig was really fast so I'll get well or yeah it to be like to keep around half an hour or so even though there's a real half an hour I could just talk for another minute and put my hrs fine find on the game and pop to the top do it well what a gaze he probably should I really I was really cool though that was definitely crap he has like double D fun our potential W fun I don't got to do it I own that's here I think just case I repeated after um the foggy foggy fog options Beedrill love fortress though please deferred it it's whatever you turn a hobby you could go for a fire boom I bear your Lottie I figure turns into and pulley on how much damage a furtive is gone so I love also chirp just in case he goes apollyon exactly now unless we should have mattered so I'll talk to nobody doodle got sheer force tower bandits head gets me a kill right now I do know that shear forces are very Ted picks up a KO life where that means my rocks are here to stay my rocks are here is they basically vultures with my best play I'm so tough to drive now I want to see this damage I really do Eddie get some rocks great so I guess share forged are very attack oooh Gliscor is gone ah looking good boy looking good your fur that comes out real quick it exactly was okay leather gotcha gotcha he's proud I don't deal with it well we're do all talk I just took an earth way here his best he's only two switches that can hurt me don't appreciate earthquake I better got someone like the assault vest so if I get rid of it or if I even to a KO which would be great he actually really nice at this to a KO no it does not but we'll go back right now of a Suey that he'd he probably meet her match first at the earthquakes great play but then I get to bring a Nepali click dog off so yeah I mean er - first well voltage first because I think they'll put a mere age another bolt and because our man set is slower than every other Pokemon this team we get sacked - the earthquake or hammer our let's find - fake I was like my only way of being this Pedro shout out to you an Apollo then I mess up I'm assuming Z Draco locks y'all based on voltage neighbors I might have messed up though but I think I shouldn't I just talked about manchild but I didn't want B totem even come in I wanted force beter to u-turn so it takes it took a turn of rocks but come out okay I got messed up cool boy could go faster though dark Falls why'd you go into this vault REO you literally give me a dragon Lance if you stay in I don't you drop a drink oh yeah what what I have note re oh yeah are you trying to fell staring I have enough sacks to just wave a pop oh that's amazing fake I have files you go away maybe it fell sticker any you turn anyway so I go Anitha I'm a fake this boy out then I'm a switch out sack of the vitro they'll have a propagate oh and the palm coming through with the clutch when is what I like the seat never played a game with five Pokemon can I have a he doesn't have to have what's it called jewelry so that's why I'm sleeping bag it's all have a pong with the clutch and there's 80 of a general six so he doesn't have to protect let's go let's go nice nice night ever fob covered through the final game let's ever pop to the top that's what I like to see a I put a lot of work here too I haven't use share first advanced in a long time but we got to 1200 thank everybody for watching I do hope you guys all enjoy a little bit have aa boy dance and I'm boy a little bit of course feel free to leave a like like I said you can fall on the ladder you don't use this team there's like thirty thousand teams all mono profile yeah there's there's so many little profile if you guys will check those out but a once photos in as well as you know SPL cover this week whole auditorium is GBA started next week so whole lot of stuff covered up on the channel and I'll see you guys next time goodbye friends
yo what's up guys got pokeaim here with that UU showdown live Happy New Year everybody the first showdown live of 2018 I know it's up like an hour and a half late or actually no he'll be more than how our half elating because I'm recording here at 3:30 usually have my lives up at 2:00 and I have to render it get it up and whatnot it's gonna be pretty late but well stuff to live today but Happy New Year everybody now it is the year of the dog but it is the month of the monkey to me I am so tired of people disrespecting my boy Ambipom I am so tired of it so I'm uh I have a mission this month for the month of January basically I'm gonna use Ambipom on YouTube every single day I mean I'll have more than UU live Jesus I thought I got rid of this congestion anyway I'll have Ambipom on a UU live every single day alongside you know OU live Wi-Fi battle or whatever the hell I feel like uploading that day but for today we'll have our first UU live with Ambipom and the goal is I will use it ever raised his usage uu because I want my boy to shoot up I don't matter if everybody thinks he's good you don't even matter if I wait as long as I'm using him in the top of the ladder but we're gonna start on the bottom so this is Ambipom onto the top we're making our way I do encourage you to use Ambipom on teams and if you have got teams for UU leave them over I spoke my profile we're actually about annoying the hell out of the UU tier I already feel that I feel all the dislikes I feel all the complaints but you know what I can use whatever I want and any tier and you cannot stop me anyway we have choice band Ambipom with tail slap u-turn knock off and fake out I want to say that the fact this thing gets tail slap is the thing that really makes me like it now if that more than base 100 attack it actually pretty solid cuz this thing hits so hard but we have life orb Darmanitan with Dragonium Z Latias rocky helmet foretress with douple hazards as well as dragon dance Altaria mega Altaria and then we have the choice scarfed magneton so the the team is you know I'm gonna lower ladder this would be my first battles on the UU ladder but it's Ambipom to the top we ran them all the way up different team every single day feel free to use it feel free to use as many empties as you want oh I do not like the way this looks Oh Oh fix that real quick that's that's all right there I bet I realize it looked like that by the way love the IO next cut anyway chuckle uh I hope I was gonna kill half his tea with fake out let everybody Louis right now how do I wear this game Narae Oh Ted clays be a kilter woman I don't even have to go for the flavors I could just go for the sheer force Rock slide and his entire team super effectively or neutral to the point where flare blitz knocks it out so which is rock slide right now hopefully I took it was charcoal - if the ops - switch it to it get like I said I own the bottom the ladder and this is series where it's not road top ten I'm actually trying to get to the top oh I am but it's not like a super serious one it's more so I want to see if this works and if this does work we're gonna try other Pokemon because this will be so fun anyway he loses - I'm over you - right now because he literally loses two spikes plus mag and fake out always be - everything like I can't lose say zesty ones really like if heracross comes out I don't lose to it because I have lots which is faster I have fake out if it's scar fair across all he has to do is close copy a little I have my rocky helmet scissor can I stay up all evil ivy has like 50 million bugs like all defogger whatnot but I do want my rocks up this is boy I'm Jill he's actually a threat by doing on target so I was worried about that about what has is up nice little hazard and beautiful beautiful beautiful go ahead and give this nice little spike here - if you wants to agility no big deal again I do otário only bothers to actually beat salt art yeah that boy lost is shuffled know what to do was that mrs. Chuck where mr. Chuck thought was a buffet attention but got another one again lower ladder so these are gonna be really fast but as we keep going we'll hit the higher ladder hopefully where an Apollo hazards hazards hazards hazards all I want all I want is hazards all ideas hazards uh but if that's a ghost type like what do you that this ghost I'm the good thing is because we're playing you I'm pretty sure this is a mega arrow not regular arrow it's rock Swampert I'll taro is this game like night times out of 10 especially once I trap be klefki so we're getting of hazards and he actually leads off a cleft key which cannot stop by fortress legends where HP fire which is actually pretty common I'm not sure if he'd be running it because we offer lower the ladder I was gonna be honest he could spin a block - it could be bigger beta which actually mean he got a kill or a KO up on me but I actually prefer my hatches a lot more than I think he prefers his mega I was a big threat and my best way of hitting of a fortress is my best way video of a fortress is the bolts which so well thank you for weakening here collecting wise not getting spikes I understand that da robot would be a lot better if fortress is like if he I wouldn't really use this thing too much either the you tier but this is all about having fun oh goes hard error dr. Lai so let me go to the rapid but if you want to fire family great I live one I live - well I live wood and you have to knock me out with a second one he pursuits my fortress hold on love also she yeah bro love won't switch it yet I try to get off my houses after I think you might forfeit to the others because I just rabbits better what hazards like other volts that's right now obviously nice nice nice 27 you know what boy haven't fought buddy at his first kill buddy guy's first kill alive this is definitely doing 27 this technician booster fake-out I'm not technician alive it's my taco hold up hold up enjoy some tears I'll heat a fire punch originally over hit fire punch originally over fake out but mega Altaria kind of sweeps us and I don't have all this so I figured I can play some leg days with fake out I'd swap it my games like things like that but the Iguana comes out just sack fortress to bring you have a problem again as he goes to fire blasts could be scarf at the same time I don't see a reason not to go into lobby oz because I could just click psyshock here I think it was character I'm not worried I do a lot area and he goes klefki I'll trap it also we've seen three out of four of his moves so his last one might just be the other way this cookie is trapped unless it's like shed shell I don't even know I don't see it I don't on it so edge tell us something I assume I don't I'm also not analytic like analytic man it's always like something I love to run artist here but well Thunderball right now actually is AP fire better I know I know it's weaker but it's more so a little odds of it hits everything after it doesn't like character said I like fire they get a five candidate the exact same thing but that word or guys the hazards but we don't get the character setup actually should a flash cater they're thinking about it could swap or will cover it anyway I'm going hard I'll Tarija I just can't wait so he just start tail slapping something ideally he small burrows be so I could have sweet right now I'd appreciate ask Albert I do a facade on this thing so I actually don't sleep with so I get Bert of course I'm fighting the avalanche Swampert and the ballet is the second I touch him abolition is double the damage right now that's a week in a village just keep doing this matter he's mega beta whatever I'll I'll play the next Yvonne anyway I will actually just switched if he goes for nesting bullet but it sucks at the second I touch him I'll go down but actually doll target so I don't lose this game to Cacturne but the states I've have your fake out of an father's great just which opera you don't need it I was set up for you or school book first of all get the borough me so that way I get the double power he's right now for son is weak as hell city base power I think it's pics like boosted but they weaken Pixley as well so close beta you think he dusty bald right away whatever I could test not after doesn't even mega evolve and go for prey suggesting what is he was he gone there yeah I don't know anyway so ever comes in at even weaker than it was uh I'm not confident it's Nocturne I think plus three will though I think +31 talked about and again how do you go for that again O'Leary's a lot of times again avalanches faster when you take damage or stronger when you take that turn but that's coming where Hauser's 200 I was different but let's keep looking let's keep hopping this ladder Oh finally ever pubs game finally finally this is all I could see poke mother that are moderately fast but half of them are not faster the elephant and I can do it work what tell us not a no ghost time so we really off fortress get up risers and I'm gonna start cleated tell snipers everything I fake out the stop Ozzy from sweet movie oh oh hi I'm height it's time whatever elated today I would see if I can record my friends or maybe I'll have like a ghetto you live up I want to have no you live a lie that battle also wanted to go downstairs and work out today but I woke up too late and I have it's like I believe it's Haeju Independence Day today and one of our good friends is their family changing so we're going to celebrate with them she's actually already there I'm going a couple hours late I don't care about a picture of a suit you're gonna take like all these and I could just sighs shock you anyway so let's take two charge of rocking a little side shocking although he has waterfall which means I probably won't even get up with spikes this game oh nice nice nice soap robots actually the base right I feel to the team voltage right up as he is gonna be able to me out yeah krome attack to the biggest starts to you I don't have anything that's faster but I spark but it's how it's slower it does deal with it though if I was technician I go ahead and follow but I'll go laude size shop should be able to knock you out of 42 Jose that's around the range the size shock does he does only about 260 with the are you kidding me I need Lottie this game to absolutely don't know it doesn't be anything he's like 5 million fairy types this also just wins will bow able fall right off and director gets a care when it comes it like he has nothing for the flare let's play fake out knockout azumarill I guess I'm so used to life oh bloody and uh from the British generations but unfortunately all the hatches are gonna go down right here we'll go back to Tommy though that really does suck but I can just put flash Canada now I took you know something Commack can't knock the Ellen less it's a heatwave variant and flash can't to it was made was fine I think provisions dealing with a Whoopi Tokyo I stepped I was definitely - okay out yeah the winnings big except sauce chocolate Aria this is a little bit risky because this is my main switch into a product and practice magnet involving I don't wall it but once I do beg involved I do all it so he's thinking about this he might actually dragon boats immediately that was a pretty read a very very very solid player poets part so you shouldn't do blast here I'm only going out to the redhead because oh god he's going for Z is it that man is power predictive ebro's this guy's power predicting me hey you know what I need these two Pokemon away hey Paul I need you to do your thing bro this is choice mask feeling that's set I was going which is great the why is he making if someone Magneton could actually win especially because he's letting me weaken the male assigned to the point of the point of Altaria not be threatened by anything oh my bad so he'll you turn here but now I can just go back it's all I could save this actually goes for cross poison which is great because now I can volt switch safely wait what he's not max speed I have only three a three speed all right this gives me a thumb now and every pound plus my other two should wait depending on where he goes out into yeah go sylveon first so I should be able to win with these remaining Pokemon oh it doesn't matter if you protect bro this is tail slap its technician boost and if I come in come through what was he slower than me with chrome at look at that damage oh oh that's good damage it was life for Sophia what hey where we go back now and volts which it's another boy that knocks out preview we volt switch first because I'm pretty sure volts which is better but we'll knock it out yep 56 but just in case the EDS probably a low Altaria Brett's like some sort of weird some very anyway sparkly re other Oh care about that I managed to just be able to lock out facade right here okay hey Anna Papa da so work you definitely then if I see the guys are crash do 99.7% man powers like nah nah to the top to the top I'm sorry I probably bit more hype that I should be but hold on anyway this boy has hazards add default which is so weird right because these two are well this could be whatever it wants to be right this set of patches as well but bad sign is a d4 so related fortress because we got two spikes versus everything I don't really mind switching I don't wanna switch out because my color latias was the game anyway so I rather get up in rocks as quickly as possible bolts are safely over like flamethrower overheat so I'll deliver where this game is gonna be driving it's Ontario once I get rid of the fortress because he's actually giving me the option to get rid of it right now so we've also tried out on 40 I can't really spend versus anything but thankfully we do break it sturdy we can go up to our magnets on magnet pull that boy Rapids right away unfortunately and then we just HP fire here teaspoon death fortress II will be able to take this and get up rocks hopefully he doesn't take it hopefully he's backs fist he's gonna voltage here too ah well I can't prevent the hazards unfortunately but we do get rid of the fortress thankfully so what are you going to I guess well can you Taraki oh they're all amazing Pokemon right now to go into I speak up track yeah that's actually a huge threat if it starts setting up Ivo fortress because I don't think you would summon the face of this thing just because of the in fact the jar ball if he goes for Coast collar that's fine if you mrs. stone edge that's good too but basically I wanted to be able to weaken that boy centerline laude right now click call mine and then just knocks at the out that's the plan just knock something out right now for that plus one nothing on his team wants to take this hit I'm actually going for +2 I think Matt actually takes a set plus one let me cop this first calculate day why not I don't even bit a pace just to the timer at all my bad for not putting this in plus one ze Treecko 84 today like that boy lives always well not after +2 don't haze me tell it does that even matter well it gives me a rack with it and none of his Pokemon could knock me out so I'll definitely take it I know I did not see tailwind coming at all track it has to be ru choice man bro yeah I don't like the way he brought this boy in I'm not sakinetipalli yeah yeah come on dude lotty why nice-nice money that's why I love you so he over my favorite Pokemon get this monster out of my sight he can't even no I don't think uh but I forgive me doc - now HP ice no I definitely does I definitely doesn't that range um you get a potato yet if he wants to I think I really understood at this point I just went with on target so please tell me you made our target faster nope we did not where's John I guess it's investment all right well they will broke clay would clean wood is time clay one bro oh no that's that's fodder go ahead give me this ooh three four five come closer call him closer give me that give this man time give it to me now I want it I want all of this may a time ooh to the top mmm good B you want to give you this volcania - I'll take this okay do you got the out air palm bro you live life for Isaac rash from Mamoswine you think a thunderbolt knocks yeah that's all I'd like to see Oh Oh ever fuck you if rocks ran up brah would totally save you would just fake out but that's fine I'm a few fucking it if I keep clicking it any volts which is the means I get to go it's there it's head just click the I don't you got to go to return I go voce or first just click earthquake because it hits always plus it's stronger than this yep life of earthquake yeah I just wanna gate what I'll talk about I even go back guitar right here just because if he does have over here that's the only way of coming locked me out with them the metric so even make it even easier for Altaria but thunder boat right now knocked on Bulgaria metric is it arranged as well thank you for the rockslide miss I mean it would have mattered if you do in Fletch me anyway but I feel like my opponent had the tools to beat me library very very easily like I said it is overheat I so that means that we get to go out to target livery hit Megan vol click that earthquake if the Kurtzman right now pretty Charlotte Aria still eats it GG kid that's the year of the monkey bro it's actually the month of the alcohol what are you waiting for me to type it okay I was waiting for you to go through nice nice nice nice nice nice nice let's go look for a little actually Lottie would be a lot better a ruse on this team especially in this type of game that would play right here I keep doing that even though I have iox up there by man should I try roost over it buffer I think so good I do have at this like I feel like ruse would be better cuz I could actually beat this sweet girl of you a truce whereas now I feel a bird oh this can be scarf Mike is not down here yet right there's no way there's there's there's no way Beck is knocked out here yeah right where the cheer changes we don't get it though at least crook he could be taught Mary I because I do see you today it could be but I'm gonna get up my stealth or anyway hopefully he's not defogger Acer pair if he does have default either way we're gonna get up a spike right here - or ALP I'm gonna go to work versus this guy bro why telling me after that's weird that's really weird unless he's rockin out of it - which he could be well that's familiar I'll look II keep putting a rabbit's foot and at this point if he gets up rocks and I rapid spin I died a rocky holiday he doesn't keep the rocks up yeah he knows okay cool director Knox ml I'm gonna take ten million percent of repo but I want to pick up my ko right now and I want to prevent it from getting up rocks so yeah we get our rocks up in this game again he could get rid of the Altaria is probably gonna be my way of woody mighty to get Bert by something and that's something is this suicune so go ahead and burn me right now so I can just drag something with please I'd appreciate that Altaria also deals with absol which is why I think it's a good play I actually have to put a u-turn here just because he does have the he does have the app so that could double in and out maybe maybe Silvio with double bit of anything but El tari I don't ever feel that a lot scarf please Marie go my child dragon dance battle by facade is boosted and I plus one faster this entire team outside of so viola so we do Peter let's see the roar very we're good but it looks like he's a bold very because I'm faster he could be a Rovere actually but let's go for that facade see how much actually heads are doing doesn't care about the bird can't do any damage to be it anyway n either way I have upon the back which will help me deal with like Serperior which I'm really happy about assuming this citizen doesn't just sweep right now alright so because he is one other drag that's up again because he's a rest bury his that ensures that I knock out so Mila also faster the scarf Gardevoir yep he's just crow code which is the the name of this set so we can just rest roost why I keep saying rest just gives her is because we don't got away for this way to keep flicking facade and that his game is actually game he cannot beat this now look for all I wouldn't have a probably do something and even miss counting his turns and the fact that bird only does six percent not oh the ones have you actually want to be burnt right I don't know why what so I don't know why say so we can win it it can't recover vs anyone on my team like at all it literally can't recover vs anyone on my team everyone mighty knocks it out maybe to try it he'll II wish with Gardevoir you can't Glary what's appear what are you doing with this that's gay bro facade is a strong move and this boy is boasted boasted a little sad I woke up late I want straight today but I prize here when I come back and late today actually been sleeping long though guys like I know like you don't care about or for the most part a lot he don't care about my regular life but I bet you was sleeping really well I don't know if it was like just a stress or whatever I come up I'm gonna happy-go-lucky do man like okay go with the flow this chill okay we do it well what stop but I had a bit sleepy well since I lived here and then like after I found out something about my taxes I felt so much better I was like oh oh I just been sleeping but I'll probably still look like crap but oh just happy I'm nicely put better it was stress now you know I'll win this game without sorry Dave dude I was think about such an Apollo I'm not gonna be anything like that I could have though but alright this will be a full one really cool team I don't know if I'll have a Lux game after this because it's might be long but bunch of defogger 1 2 3 5 SD my period this is my o UT 1 2 3 and he just changed to be Pokemon and also just type / io next I'll use this I use this I use this there was a beginner here which is a scizor we got a Gyarados which is mega Pidgeot or a bad time actually are you fire punch my friend we do not care we go ahead get up another house you know what I'm say it another one you know it's okay uh unfortunately because of this right barrier like I don't lock it out easily at all just gonna rabbit sit right here even if he starts what's it called flame charging polished a stir so I can bolt so try it out as he goes for darkest Larry I could bring right back out or right into the goat er my boy anima pop let's go ahead and pick up our ko right now with this tell us not only be care if he goes out into right period man this is this is damage ideally he's like a berry as well five percent say five okay five let me see a six bro can we see at number six there you go avatar that's my boy Oh bolt switch here that was a speech ID it's not our time well voltage anyway nope that's it will this be target your octave he's actually running the exact same team and he changed it like I know it is drop a Z Draco right now this does pick up a kill it actually goes hardware time which is probably the best possible play for me because that ensures that he does not get a defog now that crit only mattered if I missed my next move after so that it sure she doesn't get a default unless this is default is aware but I've got their anti right now as he bullet punches as its life for go ahead give me a flare blitz KO quick attack I see you Susan where is gone woohoo our period is low right period is nice and low it's gonna be even lower right now because of the earthquake okay Ella fall back come through with the fake out with the clutch pick up like hey all right now at this flash cannon and locked it out etc will go down if it comes in whether you're poor apart is like this is actually the teeth I've been with heavy I just brought it down here because I'm positive that fake outputs this locks it out I'm just gonna stack this like even though like this where's the game I'm pretty sure that puss rocks will fake out yeah not to know exactly so I could easily go ahead and follow right now put that fake out knock him out he could switch but he doesn't have does he have he only wish I might have messed up if he has he only wish what does it say pigeons dead is it cuz it goes down to hazards don't don't lie to me yeah what don't lie to me good game dude did I knock it out oh he said he sent out pitchy laughter I was like why this short I lied to me that gig was really fast so I'll get well or yeah it to be like to keep around half an hour or so even though there's a real half an hour I could just talk for another minute and put my hrs fine find on the game and pop to the top do it well what a gaze he probably should I really I was really cool though that was definitely crap he has like double D fun our potential W fun I don't got to do it I own that's here I think just case I repeated after um the foggy foggy fog options Beedrill love fortress though please deferred it it's whatever you turn a hobby you could go for a fire boom I bear your Lottie I figure turns into and pulley on how much damage a furtive is gone so I love also chirp just in case he goes apollyon exactly now unless we should have mattered so I'll talk to nobody doodle got sheer force tower bandits head gets me a kill right now I do know that shear forces are very Ted picks up a KO life where that means my rocks are here to stay my rocks are here is they basically vultures with my best play I'm so tough to drive now I want to see this damage I really do Eddie get some rocks great so I guess share forged are very attack oooh Gliscor is gone ah looking good boy looking good your fur that comes out real quick it exactly was okay leather gotcha gotcha he's proud I don't deal with it well we're do all talk I just took an earth way here his best he's only two switches that can hurt me don't appreciate earthquake I better got someone like the assault vest so if I get rid of it or if I even to a KO which would be great he actually really nice at this to a KO no it does not but we'll go back right now of a Suey that he'd he probably meet her match first at the earthquakes great play but then I get to bring a Nepali click dog off so yeah I mean er - first well voltage first because I think they'll put a mere age another bolt and because our man set is slower than every other Pokemon this team we get sacked - the earthquake or hammer our let's find - fake I was like my only way of being this Pedro shout out to you an Apollo then I mess up I'm assuming Z Draco locks y'all based on voltage neighbors I might have messed up though but I think I shouldn't I just talked about manchild but I didn't want B totem even come in I wanted force beter to u-turn so it takes it took a turn of rocks but come out okay I got messed up cool boy could go faster though dark Falls why'd you go into this vault REO you literally give me a dragon Lance if you stay in I don't you drop a drink oh yeah what what I have note re oh yeah are you trying to fell staring I have enough sacks to just wave a pop oh that's amazing fake I have files you go away maybe it fell sticker any you turn anyway so I go Anitha I'm a fake this boy out then I'm a switch out sack of the vitro they'll have a propagate oh and the palm coming through with the clutch when is what I like the seat never played a game with five Pokemon can I have a he doesn't have to have what's it called jewelry so that's why I'm sleeping bag it's all have a pong with the clutch and there's 80 of a general six so he doesn't have to protect let's go let's go nice nice night ever fob covered through the final game let's ever pop to the top that's what I like to see a I put a lot of work here too I haven't use share first advanced in a long time but we got to 1200 thank everybody for watching I do hope you guys all enjoy a little bit have aa boy dance and I'm boy a little bit of course feel free to leave a like like I said you can fall on the ladder you don't use this team there's like thirty thousand teams all mono profile yeah there's there's so many little profile if you guys will check those out but a once photos in as well as you know SPL cover this week whole auditorium is GBA started next week so whole lot of stuff covered up on the channel and I'll see you guys next time goodbye friends