Every Single Pokémon Game Ranked: What's your tier list like?


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
Before we begin, I would like to thank you guys for a very fun, albeit me being unactive, first three years as part of the Smogon Forums community. These past few years have been rather difficult for me as a Pokémon fan, so I can't express my gratitude enough of how much I've enjoyed being here since October of 2018. I've currently got a massive new project planned to celebrate the occasion, but in the meantime, I've also been working on another huge project of mine.

A few minutes before starting my typing out for this new thread, I revealed my first ever cumulative tier list of every single Pokémon game in existence. Every last one up through the point that the website format I used (Website Link: https://tiermaker.com/create/all-pokemon-games-129983) has been included. Deciding on all of my updated opinions on every aspect of every single game on this list took such a long time, but I must say, I'm very proud of myself for getting this done. As such, I wanted to give all of you guys the chance to experiment with this fun little website I've used for a while now, and see how you guys would rank the many Pokémon games. You can choose to rank only the games you've played, you can rank every single one, whatever you want. If you can think of it, I'll allow it.

I've actually posted this tier list already in another thread, but for all intents and purposes, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I posted it again on this thread, would it? I think that wraps up everything, so thank you all again for three years of Forums fun, and to all a good night!

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That is one gigantic tier list... I didn't even know there were so many Pokemon games

I'll post my tier list of just the main series so I can share my hot take of the day. I don't know all these spinoffs.


So my hot take is that B/W are the 'best' games in the series, even though I personally enjoy HGSS and B2W2 more. It's the game I would recommend to beginners, because it gives you the most focused Pokemon experience you can get. BW trims all the fat of the experience. No long introduction, no annoying cutscenes, no pointless tutorials. The region might be linear, but I don't see this as a flaw at all. It allows for arguably the best executed story in the series and one of the most steady level curves. Almost all Pokemon are viable in some way, so there is a surprising amount of depth in teambuilding for this game, despite the small dex. It also has the best soundtrack and the most memorable set of gym leaders in the series. I think this game has the least amount of glaring flaws compared to other games. It's just solid all around.

Here's mine and I'm only gonna rank the main series game starting gen three since those are the only ones I've played. I have played at least one of the main series game per generation with the exception of gen 1, 2 and swsh. I'll give a short explanation on each


Platinum and USUM are my favorite games. They have a great mix of story telling, time consumption and pokemon variety. The characters introduced are also very notable and do something to help. I ranked USUM this high because I played it before SM and after playing SM, USUM was a definite improvement


BW2 are next since they were fun to play. They're not as good as the S ranked games but they possessed pretty much the same qualities. The only reason I ranked them here is because I played BW first and the 'legendary dragon' being repeated in the first game got kinda boring in BW2 but the continuation storyline is what made it so good since none of the other games ever picked up on the story of whatever came before them

Emerald is below BW2 and it's mostly because the game felt complete. I was planning on playing RS first but my cousin gave me a rom of Emerald. Watching RS on youtube, mainly nuzlockes, and the game is just incomplete. There are two teams and only one is bad while the other is some anti hero? Emerald did both Magma and Aqua justice and that is what made me enjoy the game. Plus, who can forget the part where Rayquaza just yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

BW is ranked lower because a lot of the Unova mons didn't really appeal to me. At least with BW2, there were some old school mons I liked. Storywise, it was great. In fact, everything in this tier are equal in the story telling imo but not as good as the S tier. The only complaint I had was the 'legendary dragon' which got annoying after being repeated half a million times throughout the story


Normally, I would rank ORAS this low since as I mentioned about Emerald, the RS games was lacking and ORAS is the same. However, what truly catapulted it to being such a great game for me is the Delta Episode. Iirc, ORAS is the only game that has a completely new story after the main one. Others like Platinum only had a mini story in the mountain but the Delta Episode was just so good. If it wasn't for the incompleteness the main story had, I would put this in S tier

I put FRLG here and it's because I hate Charizard. Just having that mon being a starter ticks me off but everything else about it checks out. Everything is just about reasonable from pokemon choices and AI levels. The other reason I put it here is not the fault of the game but rather, the generation. Gen three's physical special split just makes me wanna puke that I don't even want to play them anymore

I would rank XY to A but the lack of post game really bites. There really isn't anything to do. It's a pretty good game and what I love the most is the xp share. Why? Because for me, pokemon games are never difficult. They are time consuming. As long as you understand stats and type chart, you can finish a pokemon game but the problem is you have to spend half a day mindlessly killing wild pokemon. Gen six fixed that which is a huge plus and it has a large pokemon variety. The story was pretty meh however


As I said earlier, I played USUM before SM and after that, SM is pretty meh compared to USUM. Jellyfish Lusamine was a huge bonus but USUM is mostly better all around for me. Iirc, it also didn't have that much of a post game aside from the battle tree while USUM had team rocket which was a blast to play


I'll just group them all in one paragraph. Both RS and DP are this low because they are incomplete. They are basically just the failed prototype while Platinum and Emerald are the fully polished product. I've already explained the reasoning for RS in the ORAS part and DP is even worse. Let's not forget that the only fire types are Infernape and Rapidash. With Platinum existing, I just can't imagine anyone in their right minds preferring DP over Platinum. This is also why the only thing I'm hyped about the DP remakes is how the new stuff will impact the ou tier and nothing else

Lowest Tier

As the tier name should suggest, I absolutely hate the Johto games. For me, Johto games are the worst and I regret the time I spent playing them. I only played HGSS but since HGSS can't exist without GSC, I grouped them together. Really, this game has like zero story because it's non linear, we encounter team rocket once and suddenly, we have to stop them even though we only bump into them, and three, the levelling is just straight up stupid. With the exception of some good samaritan, I really don't like how we didn't have a more personal reason to fight team rocket. In Platinum, we had to be careful about galactic because they stole the assistant's pokedex and tried to steal Rowan's research while in Emerald, npcs straight up asked for our help in fighting the bad teams. In Johto, just why? I can't remember being told by anyone and that we just had to figure out on our own about team rocket

The fact that you had freedom on which gym you wanted to take on next also sucked. The concept is nice but it just made the game easier

The biggest complaint I have about Johto is the levels. Like, Blue has a level sixty mon as his strongest and suddenly, this moron at the top has 88? Just what the hell is that? Wild pokemon levels are even worse and this is what truly made me hate the Johto games. The sudden increase in level is completely unreasonable and just forces you to spend an entire day mindlessly grinding just to match Red's team or be forced to use legendaries like Mewtwo and Lugia / Ho oh. When I played this game, I just cheated rare candy into my save file because there is no way in hell I am gonna waste one day slaughtering wild pokemon when I can use that time for something more useful

Oh, and the pokemon also sucked. Except for like, five or six non legendary mons, everything else just sucks. I mean, half of the Johto gyms have Kanto mons as their aces. How embarrassing is that where you have to use your neighbor's tools because yours sucks

Haven’t played many of the spin offs but the ones I did, I really enjoyed. C is for the “secondary” (for me) games in a generation since I usually play both but my wonderful memories are usually from the first one I play. Interesting that I changed from Silver to HeartGold and Ruby to Alpha Sapphire. Whilst I prefer Lugia to this day, I love Ho-oh too and prefer Ho-oh’s mythology which is quite important in game. Originally Groudon was my favourite idk why tbh, I’ve always preferred blue to red as colours and always loved swimming and the ocean. What really changed my mind was Smogon in my competitive heyday in Gen 4, Kyogre was absolutely dominant back then iirc. Would play Colosseum and XD in the future if I get a chance, maybeeeeeeeee Guardian Signs, but can’t see myself playing any of the others.

I left out anything I never played.

I've got some spicy takes on my list. Namely: my S tier including USUM. Some of it is probably bc SM themselves were my first games since my DS broke during original BWs lifetime and it took me that many years to be where I could get a new one. But I also genuinely enjoyed USUM and thought they improved on what I thought was great. My festival plaza ended up a stupidly high rank despite a lot of folks who seem to hate the feature? I loved it. I'd spend so much time there. S tier games are the ones that I could just keep picking up and finding stuff to do with.

SWSH are not on the generator but they would slot firmly into A even despite dexit just because of the sheer QOL improvements to the main game. Camping, mints, patch, etc. The rest of A is stuff with high replay value that I find myself going back to repeatedly. I don't think I made any egregious choices here.

B tier is where I would put new Snap if it was on the list. Pokemon Go is here despite how obsessively I play it bc frankly Niantic makes dumb choices about a lot of things. Yes, Emerald lives here. I don't dislike gen 3, I just find its post-game to be underwhelming and I hate how heavily they leaned into HMs.

Original snap is in c tier because it just felt clunky. The technology to do this kind of thing well just wasn't there yet imo. FRLG live here because they didn't really feel like they added anything to gen 1, and without the wacky spaghetti coding adding hilarious cheese or weird nuance to battling they don't provide anything to make them stand out over the originals. Colosseum lives here because I finally got to play it and the pacing feels really jank. Definitely one I'll stick to watching others play.

That's right, DPPt live in D for me. The HMs had gotten ridiculous at that point, and the games just felt like they dragged for ages. Cyrus, to me, is ineffective as a villain. His weird stoicism alienated me and it just feels incongruent with the actions he took, which were supervillainous in scale. To this day when I have to see him in Masters I hear that Emo Kid song from 2006 playing in my head. Existential apathy as a motivation is a fine place to start a villain but they did not do this well, and it makes him just sooo painfully flat. I've heard similar complaints about Lysander but I didn't have a DS for gen6 so I can't contrast the two. Also, because of the dumb HMs, slow pacing, and how long battles took due entirely to stuff like crawling health bars, Pt has the distinction of being the only main series game I set aside without finishing it. I couldn't do it a second time. Not after pearl. I was so underwhelmed by gen 4 the first time around that I'm not even giving BDSP a chance until I see actual gameplay, in fact. --Everything else in this tier lacks any sort of replay value or just stagnates quickly.
Lovin the alola appreciation of this thread. Here's my tier list

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Nothing out of the ordinary. Emerald is B half because of nostalgia tbh, didn't age that well and can be a chore to play. Gen 8 isn't here but it would have been C tier, above rs
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So...I'm sticking mainly to the core series games, barring Sword and Shield (and the upcoming BDSP and Legends), because I am not much of a spinoff person, but let's run down the list, shall we? This is my personal ranking of the mainline games thus far, and here we are. Yes, the way they are listed from left to right is a ranking from most liked to least liked. And some short explanations for each:


My favorite Pokemon games bar none. BW2 is not as good in the storytelling department as its predecessor BW1, but it picks up off the original nicely and it expands on Unova greatly, all with some great new characters and more places to visit to expand the region from its original BW1 iteration. There's so much to explore and do in the new Unova, a great variety of Pokemon to use on an in-game playthrough, and the game is just plain fun with a solid level curve and goes out with a bang against Champion Iris. Plus there's so much stuff to do in the post-game, so much more to explore, PWT, White Treehollow/Black Forest, many legendaries to find and catch. The game is ripe on content and is so much fun.

Platinum: Another close favorite of mine. Improves upon Sinnoh greatly with a more vivid and distinct aesthetic, and the adventure is fun not to mention the story is pretty solid for a Pokemon game, not to mention Sinnoh's lore is very compelling. The Gym Leaders, E4, and Champion are fun to battle and exploring Sinnoh is a blast, and unlike in DP there's a reasonably good variety of Pokemon to use. Best part about this game, however? The content. Absolutely the content. Super Contests, Pal Park if you wanna transfer mons from Gen 3, the Battle Frontier, the Villa, and Gym Leader/E4/Champion rematches all upgraded, and Barry rematches too. The game is right up there with tons and tons of features and super fun gameplay for a DS game.

HGSS: While super flawed, they are fun. Level curve still sucks ass and the mon variety isn't great, but otherwise outside of the tedious old school grinding needed due to a jank level curve, the game is fun in all the features it has. Pokeathlon is a fun minigame, you get to explore Kanto and this time meet some legendaries there (after GSC Kanto was pretty bad and barren), Gym Leader rematches and E4/Champion rematches too, and all in all it's a very nice looking game. I also love the little things like hearing water when you're near the water or your own walking and whatnot to make the world feel more alive, and Johto looks super pretty in this game. Walking Pokemon is kind of a meh feature, but it has its moments and it is fun to have them around with you every now and then.

USUM: Storywise, they are not as good as SM, but it's not totally bad either. Best of all is that this is the one Pokemon game that is truly what I'd call challenging. The Island Challenge in USUM is much better, with better Totem bosses who have great movesets, clever use of items, and use SOS partners that synergize with them well to make for truly compelling boss fights. Not to mention Mt. Lanakila is a proper Victory Road this time around! The characters are all super memorable, and not to mention this game is just very fun to play through as a truly challenging Pokemon experience. When it comes to added features, it's not as good as Platinum in that regard, but USUM does have its share of content with a fun post-game Rainbow Rocket episode for the shoutouts to old villainous teams, Ultra Space while small in scope allows you to catch lots of Legendaries and whatnot, and Mantine Surfing can be pretty damn fun. I think it'd be better received if it didn't come so soon after SM and/or it was one version instead of two, so business wise it wasn't a good practice, but when it comes down to it it's still an incredibly solid game in a vacuum.


It's Hoenn but better than RS!!! I have to rate it lower than Platinum or USUM but it's not bad. It paved the way for Platinum by introducing Gym Leader rematches, more post-game content with the Battle Frontier, which is fun, and a post-game rematch with Steven. The magnitude of content is not that much but it's fun. And it does well in combining Magma and Aqua's roles into the story and having you take both of them down. The execution is not so great with the Gym Leader rematches and whatnot, but it's still a very good game in its own right, and frankly, despite it being a Gen 3 game, it's the game that carries Gen 3 even if RS and FRLG were both good games.

XY: The first entries in the main series that were 3D, and boy were they hype! I know this game has some flaws, but it's very good. Mega Evolutions were hype as fuck. Seeing the Kalos region was a beautiful sight, and boy does it take advantage of the 3DS's capabilities. Pokemon Amie is such a cute and fun feature that allows you to play with your mons and interact with them, and so many of them look so adorable! The three minigames that come with Amie (Head It, Tile Puzzle, Berry Picker) are all super fun to play as well. Super Training is also a fun way to EV Train your mons. The story is fine, even if it didn't reach its full potential but it has its moments, and it's a solid journey all in all, while being a brisk, simple game not bogged down by railroading or cutscenes. The Pokemon variety is incredible though! So many mons, and this gives XY immense replay value because there are so many mons you can use that every playthrough feels different, and the game is also conducive to many challenge runs or unconventional runs and that's what also makes this game so fun to revisit every time I want to. Lumiose City is also a beautiful city all in all. Not a perfect game, but a very good Pokemon experience that is relatively simple, but good fun.

ORAS: Despite the disappointment in a few areas, it's a great remake of RS. It does a great job in fleshing out the characters and story of RS to make them more memorable than previously, and the Delta Episode was a fun post-game story too that ended with a bang with the Deoxys vs. Rayquaza showdown and it was a great adventure that really takes advantage of the 3DS to reimagine the Hoenn region in much greater detail and life than previously in RS. New Megas were awesome to have as well. Not to mention Contests and Secret Bases are back and better in ORAS than ever. And I HAVE to talk about Soaring in the Sky, because my god that was so, so good! Flying on Latias/Latios and seeing Hoenn from a sky view was a sight to behold! It has everything great about Hoenn and a few great things about XY added to it to make for a solid Hoenn experience, great game all in all.

BW1: BW1 is part of my favorite generation of games but BW2 is what gives Gen 5 such an edge imo. It's an awesome game though: the story is very strong, the new mons are fun to use, and I love the characters and this really makes for a bona fide RPG experience, one of the closest ones Pokemon has gotten to being a bona fide RPG thus far. The only reason I rank it lower than the things above though is the relative lack of content. Aside from exploring eastern Unova...this game's rendition of Unova is a bit barren and there's not a whole lot to do, even if it does have a reasonably decent post game.

SM: Likewise, SM had a great story to tell and despite it being so railroaded, which is why I rank it below BW, it's a great experience. The Island Challenge isn't as good as USUM's, but Lillie's story in SM is very touching and I loved seeing her change into someone who is more independent and able to stand her ground over the course of the story, while the player does the Island Challenge and eventually ascends to become Alola's first Champion with a grand showdown against Kukui. It's such an awesome game, and while it's not as good content wise or challenge wise as USUM is, it's a good game all in all, and I was very happy with the experience.


They're good. Sevii adds a nice post-game which was good precedent for Gen 4-5 post games Battle Zone and Eastern Unova, but aside from that they're basically the typical Kanto experience. Except they just...kind of exist, and that's it lol. They have some nice improvements like the Vs. Seeker for easier and more fun forms of grinding, and Sevii, and all that jazz, making them good games overall. They're just not as good as the stuff that came after.

RS: Excellent debut for the GBA, with excellent animations, gameplay speed, and a good adventure to play with lots of awesome mons. Not to mention some neat features. Emerald and ORAS are both way better than RS, but RS by themselves are super solid and even if you took both ORAS and Emerald out of the picture, they're solid games, albeit barebones with minimal post-game content.

Crystal: Only gets a slight edge over GS since what it added wasn't much, but it was a pretty good Johto game with a slightly altered story and a few things like the Battle Tower.

DP: Infamously bad issues aside like the small dex, weak level curve, and the game being slow as molasses aside, it's a good game. It has most of what makes Sinnoh as good as it is, just not nearly as polished as Platinum.

GS: Super nice games for their time, but have not aged well. Johto is nice in the Game Boy aesthetic and the game is good fun, but Kanto is barebones here and the level curve sucks ass. They are good for what they were in their time though, albeit deeply flawed.


Gen 1 as a whole has not aged super well. The games are bugged as hell and they are very primitive compared to the games that came after, and as a whole in the present day they are barebones Pokemon games. That being said, I still respect them for being the debut of the Pokemon series as a whole and they are still well, good games for their time, and even now they are worth playing as a fast and fun retrogame experience and the bugginess does have its own charm.

Never Played:

I've never played this game because I straight up don't think this game is for me. Maybe one day used, but eh.

Just a long rambling of thoughts here lmao.

As for Sword and Shield, I would probably put it around lower B or higher C without the DLC, and maybe higher B or lower A with it. The DLC redeemed it by adding a load of great content plus two great Wild Areas, but in the end, it's still DLC and the base game is pretty deeply flawed, even if the game is overall pretty darn fun. BDSP I would probably expect to be around higher B tier at least in my eyes, but I'll have to play it when it comes out first. Legends: Arceus is uncertain, but I have hopes it will be an A Tier game with the likes of Gen 6, Emerald, BW1, and SM at the very least, but I hope it'll be a high tier Pokemon game and I do greatly look forward to Legends.

I made this main series tier list a while ago. Looking at it now, I would probably move BW2 up to A, but I think it's fine otherwise.

As for the few spinoffs I've played, I would probably put Colosseum in A, both Snaps in B, and Super Mystery Dungeon in C.

They were not here, but I'd put Sword/Shield (DLCs included) into C, Unite into Never Played, and Rescue Team DX comfortably in S.



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I haven't played many Spin-Offs and didn't have the patience to sift through the ones I did, so I found a different tier maker that just ranks the main series games. Here's mine:
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Reasons for many of them can be found here.
New Main Series Game Tier List Maker Website Link: https://tiermaker.com/create/pokmon-mainline-games-2022-and-gamecube-886669

Since I originally posted of this thread, we've seen the release of both Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, and as such I thought now would be a very fitting time to bring back this thread so we can see how the newer Pokémon games measure up relative to the competition. My opinions of the spin-off games remain largely unchanged in the time that's passed, but my opinions on the main series games have actually shifted quite a bit. Here's my new tier list I made, as well as some explanations for various games.


  • Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver have reclaimed their place in my heart as not only the best main series installments, but also the only installments I would consider for the topmost tier. Out of all the main series games, I feel that relative to other games, HeartGold & SoulSilver make the least amount of sacrifices in exchange for what is gained in gameplay, the Pokémon selection available at the time of release, and the amount of content. Despite the games' placement in S Tier, however, I still wouldn't say they're perfect games. The changes in mechanics compared to Generation 2's games are mostly positive, but some issues such as the rosters of the Gym Leaders and the under-usage of Johto Pokémon have not been completely fixed as much as I'd like to see.

  • Both iterations of the Generation 5 Unova games have dropped on my list for a number of reasons, with the sequels in particular dropping an entire two tiers in the transition. While the sequels improve on several of the original games's shortcomings, I don't feel enough is improved on compared to what is lost from the original Unova games to warrant a placement in A Tier, let alone S Tier. The Unova games have a bit of what I like to call "Mario Galaxy Syndrome", where the gameplay in the sequel(s) is inherently better due to the increased amount of content, at the cost of losing out on some of the aspects that made the originals unique compared to other installments. The combination of both Unova installments's extremely high highs and extremely low lows balances out to overall middle-of-the-road tier placements for me.

  • The Sinnoh region's games continue on a downwards trend for me, with the Nintendo Switch "remakes" of Diamond & Pearl cementing Sinnoh as my least favorite region in the main series based off of tier list placement. The region's games' lower placements come as a result of much of what was advertised as new really just being things we saw in previous installments. All three of Pokémon Contests, Secret Bases, and wireless multiplayer were content/gameplay features seen in the previous region, Hoenn, alongside a number of other recurring similarities between the two regions.

  • Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are still very new games that have not received all of their content updates and any potential DLC as of yet. As such, the games's placement in D Tier is currently preliminary, and could very likely be placed in a higher tier at a later point in time. For the time being, the game's more immediate issues, such as ongoing performance issues and a lack of proper level scaling, currently prohibit the newest installments from being ranked any higher. The games' strengths, on the other hand, seem to lie in character development, an improved albeit somewhat repetitive soundtrack, and improved ease of exploration after the mandatory tutorial sequence.
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Scarlet and Violet are A complete disaster tier but to a higher degree than Sword and Shield were. They are not ranked due to the tierlist not having these games.

Spinoff games are rated a lot more loosely here than mainline games, as they intend to just be single player gameplay experiences and have nothing to do with online, pvp, lore (mostly), etc

While B2W2 stands strong on its own it has some deep flaws people nowadays ignore. For one, these are the only Pokemon games where you fully miss out on a significant quality of life aspect by choosing one version over the other. It was a very poor idea to make difficulty settings version exclusive, with Challenge Mode being exclusive to completed Black 2 saves and Easy Mode being exclusive to completed White 2 saves. It was also not great make the best method of grinding in the series (prior to ORAS) exclusive to White 2's White Treehallow. The White Treehallow had trainers with Blissey you could use to grind EXP. These trainers were not in Black Tower. People thought USUM were cash grabby when B2W2 falls under these tactics??

Additionally, all of my favorite things about Black 2 White 2 rely on me not resetting the game. For one, you were able to get the best of version exclusive quality of life gameplay if you connected a Black 2 and White 2 save together, but once you reset the game, it's all gone. If you didn't have both versions, you needed to connect with a friend with the opposite version each time you reset if you wanted the difficulty/white treehallow/blacktower keys. The Pokemon World Tournament was also something fun about the games but the process to reach Champions tournament was quite annoying. You had to defeat all of the gym leader tours once and then the world leaders tour 10 whole times. Each time I reset the game this again feels like an absolute slog. This was all just to be able to face very limited, repetitive teams all over again, when facilities like the Battle Tree were a lot more free and diverse. Progress on medals, Join Avenue, and Pokestar Studios were also parts of the gameplay I invested in; most notably, I completed the Pokestar Studios twice. Resetting the game meant losing my progress in everything for a run I was not going to find memorable.
With all of these factors in play, I found B2W2 to be the least replayable Pokemon games in the series. These games punish you so much for resetting by taking so much away in return for a plot as directionless as Gen 2. B2W2 alongside BW, are the only Pokemon games I consistently regret resetting each time because I discovered the only things I really liked about them either all had to do with online/lan connection or postgame. BW's plot is outdated and flawed in the grand scheme of Pokemon because they never really gave the Pokemon a say, and the actions of N and Bianca consistently went against their goals. B2W2's story was different but never held any real value for its time, especially in comparison to its predecessor.

The 3DS titles had a mechanically perfect system that allowed me to make the most out of experiencing Pokemon. I tend to hold a different set of values to what makes a Pokemon game great than most other people. Most people just care about the regular single-player experience, the straightforward postgame content, and what they could do with old, familiar characters they've connected with. For me, I think collecting, competing, and connecting is what makes Pokemon, Pokemon. It's what made the series spark during Generations 1 and 2, and it's what the 3DS games mastered for its time.
Gen 6
Pokemon XY + ORAS allowed you to complete the entire Gen 6 National Pokedex, all the way up to 721 (after mythical events). The competitive scenes were absolutely revolutionary for their time. Gen 6 featured a bigger Smogon than ever and the two most recognizable VGC tours to this date. The Vs. Recorder was a sandbox that allowed you to create matches against AIs in any way you wanted. This worked especially if you had 2 consoles with 2 compatible games. Gen 6 had the best online system to this date with the PSS having extremely convenient interface. Gen 6 introduced 3D models and advanced interaction with your Pokemon, allowing you to connect with them more. The 3DS games had some of the deepest lore in the series to talk about with other people. Super Secret Bases in ORAS ensured the Hoenn region was kept alive with something new and refreshing potentially coming every day. The introduction of megas were amazing and they gave the series so much life. This mechanic aimed to focus more on connecting the player to the Pokemon they have, unlike Dynamax and Terastallization. Gen 6 also expanded on shinies to make them more feasible to obtain, which gave rise to a dedicated shiny hunting community. Gen 6 was a time where the entire Pokemon community was at its most united since Gen 1, all because it mastered the fundamentals of what made Pokemon stand out while also leaving a lot to play with and discuss. You could really catch them all and aim to be the very best, like no one ever was.

Gen 7
Gen 7's biggest strength was taking much of what Gen 6 had and forming its own twist to it. They kept the Poke Amie (Pokemon Refresh) and the Vs. Recorder changes. They also kept all the megas. For what's added, you were able to simply add all the Alola Pokemon to the National Dex (now moved to Bank), making your way to having all 807 of the 3DS era (after mythical events), and Z-Moves were a little much perhaps but complimented megas real smoothly and ended up being in an environment where they turned out sustainable. Additionally there was now a Poke Pelago, where you can check up on your Pokemon. The Battle Tree and Battle Agency are my two favorite battle facilities in the series and there was even more cool lore added to the series. Speaking of which, Gen 7 also seemed to expand on Gen 6 a lot to the point where they're surefire to be connected.

Personally, I really love the trial system and totems. They felt like real Pokemon boss fights instead of glorified trainers. This also helped give Pokemon a little more personality and were proven to be more of a challenge than gym leaders ever were on average. Ultra Necrozma set a grand precedent for the series moving forward and became my favorite boss fight in the series. The whole idea of expanding on the multiverse and letting you travel through it was super cool. They even brought back successful villains with legendary box arts to battle you from it. These villains had teams I wished trainers had when I played Pokemon in 2012. Last but not least, I love how they used these games as a means to celebrate everything Pokemon has gone through in the 20 years before them and am glad that of all games to be the last to hold the entire National Dex for its time, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were it. 6v6 competitive surprisingly remained one of the most stable even through Anything Goes and Pure Hackmons, and everything seemed to be marked complete by this point. USUM really had everything and tried to represent the whole series for its time...

As all generations, this one has its fair share of positives and negatives alongside Gen 7, but these are genuinely the games I was able to make the most out of for the full Pokemon experience. There's a lot more I can say about both 6 and 7, including stuff about the Delta Episode, how cool it is to get to build your own legendary, and how it's cool we get to have legendary Pokemon to raise from pre-evo to full evo, but to keep it condensed, this should be enough. Main adventure + postgame-wise I enjoyed the Alola games, Legends Arceus, and (post-Norman) ORAS most out of the mainline games, but the extra features the 3DS games had really kicked things in.
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S Rank
  • Pokémon X is probably my favorite game of all-time. Introduction to the 3D world, an aesthetically beautiful Kalos region, Mega Evolutions, the astounding amount of available Pokémon in-game... all of these reasons still understate how much I enjoyed that game.
  • Pokémon FireRed was my first ever game, and another favorite of mine. Pretty much all the basic things in Pokémon, I learned from that game.
  • Unpopular opinion: I love Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu! As a working adult, the casual playthrough of Let's Go made it very relaxing for me to play with during my free time, especially with its stunning graphics (better than SwSh imo). It's also the only Switch game that featured Mega Evolutions. I understand why people dislike this game but I personally love it.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (Red) is really memorable to me since I finally get to play as my favorite Pokémon (Squirtle). The story is REALLY good, and the ending made me shed a tear.

A Rank
  • Pokémon GO was pretty much my go-to game whenever I was not playing main series games. As it is a very popular game, it was fun that I got to interact with other people while playing GO. The negative aspect of this game is that it made me spend a lot of money on microtransactions lol.
  • Pokémon Omega Ruby is a really good game imo. Stunning graphics, more Mega Evolutions, a free shiny Metagross are some of the reasons why I love this game. The legendary hunting post-game was fun too!
  • Pokémon Emerald and Yellow are much improved versions of theire respective paired games imo. Emerald featured much more Pokémon while I loved the challenge Pokémon Yellow brought with its much-improved Gym Leader and Elite Four rosters.
  • Pokémon Sun's storyline is fantastic (I love the characters here!) and the introduction of regional forms were cool. The overall gameplay was a bit inferior to XY imo (long cutscenes, slower-paced battles), but it is a fantastic game nonetheless. I was not a fan of Z-moves though, too long animation of doing weird poses lol.
  • MOBA's are very popular in where I live, so Pokémon Unite was a fun experience to me since I got to play Pokémon with my friends. Unlike Pokémon GO, it's easier to progress through this game without spending money on microtransactions.
B Rank
  • The paired games of Gen 1-3 were fun experiences for me, just not as special as the ones ranked above.
  • Pokémon TCG on Gameboy Color was a fun game to play imo. The AI of the opponents are really challenging and I like the aspect of collecting different Pokémon cards. Lots of coinflip RNGs made the game both funny and frustrating.
  • Magikarp Jump is a relaxing game to play while on the bus or on the train since I just had to tap my phone screen a lot of times while raising Magikarps of different patterns. Unlike other mobile games, this game needs ZERO microtransactions to progress.
C Rank
  • Pokémon Shuffle is a mobile game, so my description here would be similar to the mobile games above. Fun to play on free time, but slow to progress if you don't spend money on microtransactions.
  • Pokemon Shield was a fun experience while playing it but looking back, yeah the game felt incomplete and rushed. I like the concept of Dynamax though, even if a lot in the Pokemon community dislike it.
  • Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon tries to be different than its predecessor, but ends up being inferior storyline-wise. The postgame is fun if you love legendary hunting, but I'd still pick Sun and Moon for its way better story.

D Rank
  • Pokemon Pinball and Cafe Mix are ehhh games for me. I tried playing them because of their Pokemon label, but I unfortunately did not enjoy them.
  • Pokemon Pearl had a good storyline, but it was so slow that it feld like a drag for me to play tbh.
  • I didn't get to finish HeartGold because the slow UI, long story, and Johto level curve made the game a big drag for me. I understand why the game is well-loved, but personally I'd just play the GBC versions.
Will give my ranking for Scarlet and Violet once I get to play them (when DLC comes out lol).