unfun facts

If someone ever completed the perfect murder, no one else would ever know. It could be anyone reading this, or anyone you know, or even me (you'll just have to take my word I haven't murdered anybody)

The oldest living person is currently someone who is 118 years old - this means that 119 years ago, an entirely different set of humans populated the planet.

Since the Gold Standard stopped being used, money is only worth anything because someone said it was and everyone agrees with them.

We have no way to prove that the entire world is not a simulation produced to protect people or investigate them or something like that. Equally your life could be entirely a TV show and everyone else in it is an actor with everything scripted - while whoever organised it probably wouldn't be happy with films like the Matrix and the Truman Show being released, equally they could have kept them around to try to throw us off the scent.

If life exists on any other planet, then they could be watching over us now and seeing our every move - if so they are probably massively advanced compared to us and will be having a good laugh at the state we are in now, or maybe they are closer to our level of development and are searching for life on another planet like we are. This might seem strange to think about, but the alternative - we are the only planet in the entirety of existence that does and has ever supported life - seems equally strange to me.

This can go really far, and I'm spooking myself out writing this - I'd better stop before I give us all nightmares questioning existence entirely...
Since the Gold Standard stopped being used, money is only worth anything because someone said it was and everyone agrees with them.

Since the Gold Standard stopped being used, gold has skyrocketed in value because gold is only worth what the people with the most guns (aka the government) tells you what it's worth, and everyone agrees with them.
Your bones are wet right now

The inside of your body is in near-total darkness, your cells and stuff operate completely blindly (I mean besides the fact they don't have eyes)
If someone ever completed the perfect murder, no one else would ever know. It could be anyone reading this, or anyone you know, or even me (you'll just have to take my word I haven't murdered anybody)

The oldest living person is currently someone who is 118 years old - this means that 119 years ago, an entirely different set of humans populated the planet.

Since the Gold Standard stopped being used, money is only worth anything because someone said it was and everyone agrees with them.

We have no way to prove that the entire world is not a simulation produced to protect people or investigate them or something like that. Equally your life could be entirely a TV show and everyone else in it is an actor with everything scripted - while whoever organised it probably wouldn't be happy with films like the Matrix and the Truman Show being released, equally they could have kept them around to try to throw us off the scent.

If life exists on any other planet, then they could be watching over us now and seeing our every move - if so they are probably massively advanced compared to us and will be having a good laugh at the state we are in now, or maybe they are closer to our level of development and are searching for life on another planet like we are. This might seem strange to think about, but the alternative - we are the only planet in the entirety of existence that does and has ever supported life - seems equally strange to me.

This can go really far, and I'm spooking myself out writing this - I'd better stop before I give us all nightmares questioning existence entirely...
well a little bit of knowledge is a spooky thing, however:

1. there is always going to be some number of years ago in which an entirely different set of ppl were around

2. quantum mechanics, as well as the reasonably assigned odds of developing an advanced simulation technology, suggest we are not living in a simulation run on any sort of machine we are currently capable of imagining. Also, you can't prove God doesn't exist either, and believing in simulation theory is like some of the worse type of religions: a cult of copium.

3. governments fight a lot of wars to discipline organizations that do not honor fiat currency, it is not backed by trust, but by strength.

4. One should be comforted if an advanced civilization is observing us, as there is a non-zero chance they will intervene to stop our species from destroying its habitat completely.

so fear not friendo no need to 'facts and logic' yourself into anything existential with what we see here, this is what comes of consuming 'discourse' so fair warning to avoid it in the future.