Tournament Partners in Crime Kick-Off Tour! (Won by YoBuddy)

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Round 1 is live everybody

beauts  vs  Frixel
Grandmas Cookin  vs  Crunchman
MultiPokemon  vs  Nultiprise
Tranquility  vs  DripLegend
Robbie35646  vs  jasprose
UT  vs  BoingK
BasedWhat?  vs  SOM/05
txitxas  vs  Yellow Paint
Vipotis  vs  iKiQ
CyndaKill-SH  vs  Orangex733
Kennedy  vs  berry
bilb owo  vs  Mr.Bossaru
FakeFan0  vs  Clastia
qsns  vs  Yoda2798
StealElo  vs  Kodiak3b
ToiriX  vs  giove97
On My Watch  vs  KaiserKaiba
KaenSoul  vs  Chris32156
VoltyPichu  vs  in the hills
Codename C.A.T  vs  RKD
maroon  vs  Tanny89k
Apollo ChaoZ  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Borghi  vs  swag god
NotlPrimRose  vs  Mack Knife
Chrome8  vs  dnagerbdager
Instruct  vs  Clipperz
Career Ended  vs  Bye 1
YoBuddy  vs  Bye 2
Ducky  vs  Bye 3
Eeveeto  vs  Bye 4
InkVGC  vs  Bye 5
Knight who says "Ni"  vs  Bye 6

Deadline for this round is Sunday 4th September at 11:59pm-4. Replays are required, make sure to schedule on your opponent's Smogon wall via VMs in order to easier settle any potential act disputes.
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I'm tired, Kennedy. I'm tired of idiots on this website who harass and berate me for no reason. I'm tired of stupid questions (you know what this is referring to). I'm tired of people who flame me in battle. I'm tired of people who try and start beef for no reason. As of yesterday, I've spent one full decade on Pokemon Showdown. A 21 year old spending 10 full years on a website dedicated to battling virtual monsters. Do you know how much I have missed out on for this website. I missed my own high school graduation because of a rumor that I was going to be promoted to Other Metagames Room Moderator in the coming days, and I wanted it to be an immersive moment. I missed my own Senior prom because of a tournament game that could only be scheduled at the same time (I won btw). I have skipped nearly 40 individual days of class throughout college just because I had to moderate the chatrooms that I lovingly contribute to. I have had to drop off of my collegiate varsity sports team because I truly, at one point in my life, thought that Pokemon was the more important of the two hobbies. I missed out on countless opportunities because I was spending long hours of the day and night slaving away in the Help room on Showdown, a struggle that you know all too well. I have treated this website with nothing but the utmost pride and respect, building up my good user reputation enough to get a badge. And I would do all of it again.

What I will not do again is tolerate your bullshit, Kennedy. I am sick of you. You singlehandedly make this site unfulfilling and not worthwhile. You spend long hours harassing and baiting me, leading to intense mental turmoil and putting me into a deep depression. And I know you would do it all again just to give yourself a single molecule of serotonin. You are a deranged, demented, irrational freak, Kennedy. Your only goal is to make my life a living hell. I am usually a kind, caring, and passionate person, but your incessant harassment has gone too far this time. I hope to never again in my life meet someone who even resembles you in any way, and I hope that our scheduling in this Partners in Crime match is the very last time I ever have to see your sorry mug in a tournament.
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