Pet Mod Abilitypos: FINAL

Lightning Rod: Viking God, Smiting God, Lightning Armor, Flying Rodeo
Run Away: Rain Away, Rush Away (SV), Spun Away, Runway
Mega: Killer, Draught (SV), Magic Bonds
It shouldn’t have taken me nearly as long to close this out, I sincerely apologize and I’ll try not to let this happen again.

That aside, I can finally announce our winners for Slate 5

Reject the ninja way, return to gun-fu
Pokémon: Nincada
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Gun Away
New Ability Effect: Whenever this Pokémon switches out, it automatically attacks the opposing Pokémon with a BP 40 Steel type physical contact move. (This damage is calculated after pivot moves but before the switch itself)
Typing: Bug / Steel
Stats: 81 HP / 115 Atk / 120 Def / 40 SpA / 70 SpD / 110 Spe (536 BST)
Movepool Changes: + U-Turn, First Impression, Lunge, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Bulk Up
Competitive Role: Imagine Durant but it’s as funny to switch out as it is to switch in. Slap it on a Mon that evolves into two different gimmicky motherfuckers, and it’s still not close to how gimmicky those evos are because they’re Ninjask and Shedinja. Anyway, this is a big offensive pivot, and if codable, it could essentially hit two different STAB moves by clicking U-Turn.
NFE Bug pattern real (also it should be pretty clear that this can’t use Eviolite)
:ss/Marowak-alola:not thick club compatible btw
Pokemon: Alolan Marowak
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Viking God
New Ability Effect: Raises Attack stat by 1 stage when a pokemon faints
Typing: Ghost / Fighting
Stats: 60 / 110 / 80 / 50 / 80 / 95 | 475
Movepool Changes: + Close Combat, -Swords Dance
Competitive Role: Strong wallbreaker with good dual STAB, can snowball teams if Viking God activated.
I was scared this was another Fire mon for a second. We’re safe
Pokémon: Aggron-Mega
Ability Modified: Filter
New Ability Name: Tilter
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon’s Attack is raised by 1 when it reaches ½ or less of its max HP
Typing: Steel / Dark
Stats: 80 / 135 / 180 / 60 / 105 / 70 (BST: 630}
Competitive Role: Defensive Steel, can go for straight hazard sets or a Curse + Body Press set . Extra Dark typing gives it a pretty good stab and allows it to combat Sableye and Raticate-Alola better. Hitting lower health makes it tilt allows it to set up quicker which is nice.
You made the ability stand out from its base form without completely overshadowing it, excellent job

Stay tuned for our next slate, and congratulations to the winners
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Slate 6: Return to Form (Hopefully)
Your abilities for this slate are Plus/Minus, Ice Body/Face, and a Mega Ability

We’ll continue to have own mega slot per slate until every Pokémon in our mod that can mega evolve has its proper mega evolutions. This means you can resub mega forms if you made something that wasn’t Aggron.

That said, please view our first patch notes (well, patch note) for the mod before starting your submissions.
105 Atk —> 95 Atk
120 Spe —> 100 Spe

We decided to drop Sceptile’s offensive capabilities a bit because nothing was able to consistently check it. Hopefully this change will allow the meta to grow on a healthier way

Submissions should close within 5 to 7 days, good luck everyone.
Physical Electric mons are a bit of a pattern with me
Ability Modified: Plus
New Ability Name: Plugs
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon’s contact moves heal this Pokémon for 1/4 of the damage it deals.
Typing: Electric/Poison
75 HP / 114 Atk / 75 Def / 98 SpA / 75 SpD / 80 Spe (517 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Ice Punch, Leaf Blade, Knock Off - Drain Punch
Description: I’ve removed recoil from Wild Charge, and made other moves considerably goofier. Now Toxtricity may primarily use Shift Gear, and have a decent Volt Switch on the side. Minor defense buffs and an increase in Speed should make setting up both easier and more effective, while using a good Poison move can help heal back damage taken. All in all, a physically offensive setup Mon with a unique typing and movepool that allows for some funny shit to go down.

The grooviest cryomancer this side of the Mississippi

Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name: Ice Sky
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon sets Hail when it switches in as well as when it switches out
Typing: Ice/Psychic
80 HP / 85 Atk / 85 Def / 110 SpA / 90 SpD / 80 Spe (530 BST)
Movepool Changes: Aurora Veil, Earth Power, Power Gem, Aura Sphere
Description: Statwise, Mr. Rime’s defenses are rounded out a bit more, and it gets a decent speed increase. I also gave it some better coverage. The ability’s where it gets interesting though. It’s basically a slightly better Snow Warning, and combined with Aurora Veil Rime can still do the Screen fuckery you’re used to it doing.

Hey look guys it’s the example from the intro post
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightning Cod
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon’s Electric type moves become Water-type, and deal 1.3x damage
Typing: Grass/Ground
80 HP / 115 Atk / 95 Def / 80 SpA / 105 SpD / 125 Spe (600 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Thunder Wave, Wild Charge (this is also given to base Scep)
Description: Let’s face it, mega Scep’s probably gonna be an issue no matter when it drops, unless its ability were a direct nerf which would be stupid. I’d argue it’s better to get it out of the way as soon as possible to it’s easier to build around rather than desperately counter against it at the last minute. In mechanical terms, its stats are all beefed up, attempting to reclaim its place as the fastest Mon in the mod. Its ability makes it rely on a recoil move for a lower payoff third STAB, but it’s still crazy useful and allows for Paralysis shenanigans.
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Pokemon: Klinklang
Ability Modified: Plus
New Ability Name: Sus
New Ability Effect: When this Pokemon replaces a fainted Pokemon, it gains its typing additionally to its current type (Steel + fainted mon's typing). Resets on switch-out.
Type: Steel
Stats: 60 / 110 (+10) / 115 / 70 / 105 (+20) / 90 {BST: 550}
Movepool Changes: + Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Elemental Wheel (80 BP Physical Revelation Dance but type varies based on secondary typing - essentially the primary typing of the Pokémon it replaced. Steel if the user has no secondary typing).
Competitive Role: Klinklang’s main issue was its lack of usable coverage. Earthquake and Elemental Wheel solve these problems for it’s offensive sets, allowing it to be a very threatening revenge sweeper, and it can also go for pivot sets more reliably with its extra coverage and special bulk and SR too. Also yeah.

Pokémon: Charizard-Mega-Y
Ability Modified: Drought
New Ability Name: Sprout
New Ability Effect: When this Pokemon uses a Grass-type attacking move, it applies Worry Seed to the target.
Typing: Fire / Grass
Stats: 78 / 74 / 123 (+50) / 124 (+10) / 125 (+40) / 110 {BST: 634}
Movepool Changes: + Energy Ball
Competitive Role: Bulky or fast Grass attacker that is able to negate abilities on Pokemon that it attacks, which further boosts its defensive prowess by negating damage increasing abilities. Has some good utility in Defog and Roost too.

Pokemon: Eiscue
Ability Modified: Ice Face
New Ability Name: Ice Phase
New Ability Effect: On switch-in, after 3 turns, transforms into Eiscue-Noice. Transformation persists on switch-out.
Typing: Ice / Fighting
(Base) 85 / 100 / 120 / 65 / 110 / 50 {BST: 530}
(Noice) 85 / 120 / 75 / 65 / 55 / 130 {BST: 530}
Movepool Changes:
  • + Triple Axel, Ice Shard Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Superpower, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Revenge, Stealth Rock
  • - Belly Drum
Competitive Role: Kind of like a Regigigas in a sense where it’s bulky and then becomes an offensive juggernaut, but different in that it’s a bulky tank at first and then turns into a fast breaker afterwards, with its bulk before being good enough for it to set up, although its typing means it can take big damage before its transformation
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Pokémon: Manectric
Ability Modified: Minus
New Ability Name: Mince
New Ability Effect: This pokemon's bite moves are always special moves with 90 BP.
Typing: Electric / Dark
Stats: 80(+10) / 65(-10) / 65(+5) / 125(+20) / 65(+5) / 115 (+10) - BST: 515
Movepool Changes: N/A (it already has all the bite moves lol)
Competitive Role: Fast Special Pivot that actually has a usable movepool now!!!! Tbolt / Bite/ Ice Fang / Volt Switch is pretty solid, and it has options in flamethrower / psychic fangs as well!

The BST buffs allow it to play good but not broken - anything this guy doesn't outspeed and kill is probably killing it immediately with 80/65/65 defenses, and the typing is to fit the flavour of mince.


Pokémon: Glalie
Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name:
Ice Bond
New Ability Effect:
This pokemon's contact moves add the ice type to the opposing pokemon. Ice Moves do 2x damage to Ice typed pokemon.
Ice / Dark
80 / 110(+30) / 80 / 50(-30) / 80 / 100(+20) - BST: 500
Movepool Changes:
+Rock Slide, +Bulk Up, +Work Up
Competitive Role:
Fast Physical Attacker that has a neat ability that can be used to weaken pokemon it's up again and punish switch-ins by adding the ice type (one of the worst defensive types in the game) to them.


Pokémon: Charizard-Mega-Y
Ability Modified: Drought
New Ability Name: Droplet (change of 3 letters, which is 50% of 7, rounded down.)
New Ability Effect: Water Immunity. This Pokemon's fire-type moves are not debuffed during rain.
Typing: Fire / Flying
Stats: 78 / 104 / 78 / 149(-10) / 115 / 110 (+10) - BST: 634
Movepool Changes: +Scald
Competitive Role: Transforms regular M-Char-Y from a sun sweeper to a great special rain attacker, providing good utility with STAB hurricanes coming off of 149 special attack and the ability to abuse it's new rain-effectivity w/ powerful scalds. It still potently dies to stealth rock / accelerock, and gets massively ruined by 100% accurate thunders, which helps to keep the mon in check.

edit: fixed the Garchomp as it was illegal oops
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Pokémon: Toxtricity-Low-key
Ability Modified: Minus
New Ability Name: Mucus
New Ability Effect: This pokémon takes 20% less damage from Poisoned foes.

Stats: 95 / 88 / 100 / 94 / 93 / 75 (BST : 550) [+25 HP ; -10 Atk ; +30 Def ; -20 SpA ; +23 SpDef]
Movepool Changes: - Boomburst, - Shift Gear, +Venoshock, +Toxic Spikes
Description: Basically, a poison-machine : sets up toxic spikes and wins in the long term. A lot of our current defensive mon are easily crippled by poison, but we also have a few steel types, so shouldn’t be too oppressive.


Pokémon: Eiscue
Ability Modified: Ice Face
New Ability Name: Ice Mace
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s hammer-based moves deal 1*3 damage. (All moves with “hammer” in the name)

Stats: 75 / 107 / 110 / 65 / 90 / 80 (BST : 527) [+27 Atk ; +30 Spe]
Movepool Changes: +Ice Hammer, +Hammer Arm, +Wood Hammer
Description : The idea of this mon using his cube head as a hammer is hilarious to me, hence this sub. While it still has Belly Drum, it can’t really use it because it lacks prio and pretty much loses speed each time it attacks. Instead, Choice Band could let it rip holes through slower teams with its great Stab and excellent coverage.
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Pokemon: Klinklang
Ability Modified: Minus
New Ability Name: Minute
New Ability Effect: If it has been exactly four turns since this Pokemon has used a damaging attack, that move does 50% more damage. (because we measure often time in quarters of an hour)
Type: Steel/Electric
Stats: 60 / 100 / 115 / 70 / 85 / 90 {BST: 520}
Movepool Changes: Earthquake
Competitive: Pretty cool wallbreaking ability to compensate for a linear movepool.
Pokemon: Vanilluxe
Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name: Twice Body
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's moves do 50% damage but hit twice
Type: Ice
Stats: 71/ 95/ 85/ 125 / 95/ 79 {BST: 550}
Movepool Changes: None
Competitive: Special Wallbreaker that can bypass sub and focus sash
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Pokémon: Plusle
Ability Modified: Plus
New Ability Name: Flux
New Ability Effect
: On switch-in, the user's Defense and Sp. Def rise by 1 stage. (Magnetic Flux lmao)
Typing: Electric
Stats: 70/50/70/85/95/95 (465)
Movepool Changes: Spikes, Recover, Knock Off, DOES NOT LEARN Volt Switch, Nasty Plot
Competitive Role: Fat Spiker that can hopefully help deter the pivotspam we have going on right now, too many people have subbed too many things with Volt Switch / U-Turn / etc.

Pokémon: Vanilluxe
Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name: Ice Be Dry
New Ability Effect
: The user's Ice-type moves are super effective against Water-types.
Typing: Ice/Steel
Stats: 71/65/85/145/100/64 (530)
Movepool Changes: Calm Mind, Spikes, Healing Wish, Switcheroo
Competitive Role: Special Attack was boosted to make its Ice Beam roughly as strong as Snow Warning Blizzard from the base games. Steel mostly was added to make this thing easier to switch in but STAB Flash Cannon might be cool too even if you're going to be clicking Ice Beam a lot of the time. Other moves were just added for set variety.

Pokémon: Sableye-Mega
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Magic Bond
New Ability Effect
: When the user switches in, and until any active Pokemon switches out, sets "Magic Bond" on the user. While this is active, when an opponent switches out, both the user and that opponent lose 1/8th of their max HP.
I forgot about Nincada I'm changing this
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Stats: 110/100/100/90/90/110 (600)
Competitive Role: Gimmicky ability, might be a bit crazy but it's something your opponent can exploit as well. Otherwise it's really similar to base form Sableye, way better physical bulk but no Special Intimidate minus the turn you Mega Evolve.
Pokemon: Ampharos
Ability Modified: Plus
New Ability Name: Surplus
New Ability Effect: Activates Charge on the switchin
Typing: Electric/Dragon
Stats: 90/90/85/115/90/70 (Total: 540)
Movepool Changes: +Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower
Competitive Role: Strong Scarf Volt Switcher, can also slap stuff with Draco or Flamethrower coverage.

Pokemon: Mega Ampharos
Ability Modified: Mold Breaker
New Ability Name: Cold Breaker
New Ability Effect: Halves Ice damage and prevents Freeze.
Stats: 90/100/105/165/110/70 (Total: 640)
Movepool Changes: +Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower
Competitive Role: Dragon that can reasonably take on Ice mons. Works similarly to regular MAmp, but faster to help Agility sets.
Pokemon: Regice
Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name: Icebox
New Ability Effect: This pokemon's Ice moves have x1.3 power & cannot miss.
Typing: Ice
Stats: 80/70/115/100/150/50
Movepool Changes: +Calm Mind, Ice Shard, Trick Room
Competitive Role: Special Wallbreaker, Trick Room breaker, and bulky enough not to just evaporate against certain mons. Not giving it Freeze-Dry because I think that would be very broken.

Pokemon: Dedenne
Ability: Plus
New Ability Name: Plump
New Ability Effect: When this pokemon eats a berry, it gains +1 to Defense & Special Defense.
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Stats: 85/58/70/81/70/101
Movepool Changes: + Hyper Voice, Stored Power. - U-Turn
Competitive Role: Annoying, sort of fat pivot. A little gimmicky with Plump + Stored Power, there are some pretty interesting set ideas alongside that.
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hp- 95(+5)
atk- 75
def- 70(-15)
spa- 125(+10)
spd- 90
spe- 85(+30)
bst- 545
Pulse- when this pokemon uses a pulse/aura move it heals for 1/2 damage dealt. if hit by a pulse/aura move it takes no damage and has its special attack raised by 1 stage

hp- 82(+11)
atk- 92(-3)
def- 92(+7)
spa- 122(+12)
spd- 102(+7)
spe- 72(-7)
bst- 562(+27)
Spliced Body/Twice Body- if this pokemon is at full health, a move that would drop it below half health will leave the user at 50% hp

New Moves: Life Dew

hp- 110
atk- 110 (+35)
def- 90 (+15)
spa- 110 (+35)
spd- 80 (+15)
spe- 110
Magic Bound- This user's fairy type moves trap the target for 3 turns
Pokémon: Plusle
Ability Modified: Plus
New Ability Name: Puns
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon gains the ability of the last Pokémon in your party
Typing: Electric
Stats: 60/50/40/85/75/95 (405)
Movepool Changes: n/a
Competitive Role: I loved my Rattata sub too much to see it go. Higher stats but weaker movepool.

Pokémon: Eiscue
Ability Modified: Ice Face
New Ability Name: Twice Face
New Ability Effect: Head-based attacks (Headbutt, Skull Bash etc…) hit 2 times for 50% power
Typing: Ice
Stats: 75/80/110/65/90/50 (490)
Movepool Changes: +Skull Bash +Head Charge
Competitive Role: The ability to break Substitute is very strong, but a lot of its best moves have recoil. The potential for flinches on this thing is insane.

Pokémon: Mega Sableye
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Tragic Bounce
New Ability Effect: Any negative effect on this Pokémon (confusion, torment, status conditions, etc) is given to the opponent at the end of each turn
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Stats: 170/65/85/55/75/150 (600)
Movepool Changes: none
Competitive Role: swap it in to absorb status and other negative effects, then swap back out when it gets transferred.
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Mega Sableye :swsh/sableye-mega:
Magic Bond - When an opposing Pokémon switches out, this Pokémon heals 1/3 of its HP.

Ampharos :swsh/ampharos:
Plug - When this Pokémon is hit by a contact move, its next Electric type move heals it by 1/2 of damage dealt.
+ Energy Ball, Giga Drain
Pokémon: Dewgong
Ability Modified: Ice Body
New Ability Name: Ice Buddy
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage cut to 1/2 and is ice-type.
Typing: Normal/Water
Stats: 90/85/95/85/110/85
Movepool Changes: + Quick Attack, + Swords Dance, + Pain Split, - Icicle Spear, - Ice Shard
Competitive Role: Dewgong, in exchange for not being an Ice type any longer, can effectively hit with Ice typing with all of it's move to some degree, granting it harder hitting attacks vs Pokemon like Sceptile and Aggron. It won't be extremely significant, but does allow it some offensivr measure against certain resistances, namely Dragon and Grass types. Dewgong can also paraflinch with a double-hitting Body Slam and Waterfall. It has access to quite a bit of decent priority as well, in Aqua Jet, Quick Attack, and Fake Out. Can probably run a good aggressive set with Double-Edge or Liquidation as well, especially powerful when combined with Swords Dance.
We only have one veto, so I decided to combine it with our 24 hour warning

Pokemon: Mega Ampharos
Ability Modified: Mold Breaker
New Ability Name: Cold Breaker
New Ability Effect: Halves Ice damage and prevents Freeze.
Stats: 90/100/105/165/110/70 (Total: 640)
Movepool Changes: +Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower
Competitive Role: Dragon that can reasonably take on Ice mons. Works similarly to regular MAmp, but faster to help Agility sets.
I admire the confidence, but you can only sub a mega form for a Pokémon that’s already in the mod. Feel free to change this submission into any of the other mons we have that can mega evolve.

Everyone has 24 hours to finish up their subs, then we’ll start voting
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The veto phase is officially over, and voting holds now begun

Before we start, here’s what you can’t vote for

Pokémon: Sableye-Mega
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Magic Bond
New Ability Effect
: When the user switches in, and until any active Pokemon switches out, sets "Magic Bond" on the user. While this is active, when an opponent switches out, both the user and that opponent lose 1/8th of their max HP.
I forgot about Nincada I'm changing this
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Stats: 110/100/100/90/90/110 (600)
Competitive Role: Gimmicky ability, might be a bit crazy but it's something your opponent can exploit as well. Otherwise it's really similar to base form Sableye, way better physical bulk but no Special Intimidate minus the turn you Mega Evolve.
Pokemon: Mega Ampharos
Ability Modified: Mold Breaker
New Ability Name: Cold Breaker
New Ability Effect: Halves Ice damage and prevents Freeze.
Stats: 90/100/105/165/110/70 (Total: 640)
Movepool Changes: +Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower
Competitive Role: Dragon that can reasonably take on Ice mons. Works similarly to regular MAmp, but faster to help Agility sets.

Voting will continue until a warning is given. Good luck to everyone who submitted.
Plus/Minus: Flux, Plugs (SV), Sus, Mince, Plump, Mucus
Ice Body/Ice Face: Ice Be Dry, Ice Buddy, Ice Sky (SV), Icebox, Twice Body, Ice Mace, Ice Bond
Mega: Lightning Cod (SV), Droplet, Tragic Bounce, Sprout

Really good subs this time around, good luck to everyone again
Ice Body/Face: Ice Mace, Twice Body, Ice Be Dry, Ice Phase (SV)
Plus/Minus: Sus (SV), Mince, Puns, Plump, Plugs
Mega: Magic Bond, Sprout (SV), Droplet, Tragic Bounce
Ice Body/Face: Ice Mace, Twice Body (SV), Ice Phase, Ice Bond
Plus/Minus: Mucus, Pulse (SV) Plugs, Mince, Minute, Flux
Mega: Sprout, Droplet, Tragic Bounce, Magic Bound (SV), Magic Bond