(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

Some evolutions also don't give a big stat increase. *cough*Dusknoir*cough*
Dusknoir did actually give some nice stat buffs. It brought its Attack up from "meh" to "actually pretty good, at least for the time" and brought its Speed up from "unusable" to "good enough to outspeed walls with investment". It's just that it also happened at the same time that Shadow Ball was made special, which combined with Dusknoir not having claws completely ruined any chance it had at being the tank its stats were designed for.

Ever since Isle of Armor gave Dusknoir a good STAB move (and a very good STAB move at that) I feel like it's in a pretty good place now. It may not have much to offer over the likes of Doublade and Gourgeist, but it can do what it was designed to do, and that's the most you can really ask for in a series with so many characters.
Both Electivire and Dusknoir would improve a lot with the Fighting type. It fits for them (their signature moves are literally punches), so if they had the type and actual good Stab there (CC or maybe Drain Punch) they would be a lot better than they currently are.
Some evolutions also don't give a big stat increase. *cough*Dusknoir*cough*
Both Electivire and Dusknoir would improve a lot with the Fighting type. It fits for them (their signature moves are literally punches), so if they had the type and actual good Stab there (CC or maybe Drain Punch) they would be a lot better than they currently are.
To be honest Dusknoir and Electivire pretty much suffer from the same issue: they don't have high BP stabs (or even high BP coverage) to use with their attack stat.

By the time Dusknoir actually got one (Poltergeist) it was already sadly too late for him, powercreep actually making good bulky ghost types with high attack like Dhelmise pretty much murdered any hope it has to be usable.
Some evolutions don't give a base stat increase at all. *cough*Scizor*cough*
Scizor is... weird. It's inaccurate to say it doesn't have a base stat increase, since it receives pretty significant boosts to power and especially bulk, on top of its change in typing shaking things up way more than any stat change could hope for. It's just that it also has a very drastic drop in Speed, enough Speed such that its BST remains the same as Scyther's.

As such, despite it having the same BST as its prevo, it's a very different Pokemon than Scyther. It's not really comparable to Rhyperior, who's just a slightly better Rhydon, or pre-Poltergeist pre-Eviolite Dusknoir, who's just a marginally better Dusclops in all the places that matter.
To be honest Dusknoir and Electivire pretty much suffer from the same issue: they don't have high BP stabs (or even high BP coverage) to use with their attack stat.

By the time Dusknoir actually got one (Poltergeist) it was already sadly too late for him, powercreep actually making good bulky ghost types with high attack like Dhelmise pretty much murdered any hope it has to be usable.

I mean, yes, but it still better to be Electric-Fight instead of one of the 466357 forgettable pure Electrics (look at Stunfisk vs Luxray or Boltund, he is miles ahead of them in terms of relevance and being unique despite still not being exactly good ). Same for Ghost-Fight (Marshadow exists, but he is Uber and out of competition). Granted, they would still need a good Fight Stab and in the case of Electivire, a good physical Electric Stab too.
Kinda both. It looks good aesthtically but when i first saw i thought it was an electric/fighting type. Was disappointed to find out it was only electric.

They shouldn't have decreased it speed when it evolves. They did the same with Honchkrow.

They could just give it plasma fists now. And before people say it's a signature of a legendary. They did the same with sacred sword and sky attack.

Magmortar design is horrible. Even worse than Rhyperior's
Sky Attack was never a signature move, it was a TM in Gen 1.
Does Dusknoir get Strength Sap? I feel it would be an interesting move for it to function as intended.
No, but it and more importantly Dusclops are optimized for Pain Split, which they do get.

Besides, Dusknoir isn't really designed to be a wall. It's designed to be a tank, and tanks don't need recovery to function as intended. They just need to have strong attacks and survive hits long enough to fire off those strong attacks. Dusclops, on the other hand, is absolutely a wall, and the low HP that makes it good at using Pain Split would make it even better at using Strength Sap, and even as someone who loves obnoxious walls, I think Strength Sap Eviolite Dusclops sounds absolutely disgusting.
I mean, yes, but it still better to be Electric-Fight instead of one of the 466357 forgettable pure Electrics

*cries in Zeraora*

Anyway I'm clearly in a tiny majority when I say I don't dislike Magmortar's design. I wouldn't say I love it, but it's hardly the most obnoxious design out there even in its own generation (looking at you, Lickilicky, Bibarel, Kricketune, Ambipom, and Purugly). As a counterpart to Electivire (which I like a lot) it works: they both have that slightly goggly ape-ish brute-y look to them, and Magmortar even has a slightly feminine quality which contrasts with Electivire's more masculine look. Plus the arm cannons are cool. There, I said it. Perhaps I'm just glad we didn't get the hideous fake Magmar evolution someone circulated in the months before DP launched (below) - idk what that dreadful emo thing is, but it's horrible.

I still remember with great fondness the gift Electivire and Magmortar one could get from Pokemon Battle Revolution, which I used with great gusto - up until that point I'd barely used any members of the Electabuzz family, since I never got FireRed and only played Colosseum/XD once we had a Wii. I don't recall ever using it in Crystal for whatever reason.

My only issue with Magmortar is that I just wish it had received some sort of Motor Drive equivalent, because while the two evolutionary lines have been paired for so long one has completely eclipsed the other. Electivire enjoyed instant popularity and high usage while Magmortar got none of that.

*cries in Zeraora*

Anyway I'm clearly in a tiny majority when I say I don't dislike Magmortar's design. I wouldn't say I love it, but it's hardly the most obnoxious design out there even in its own generation (looking at you, Lickilicky, Bibarel, Kricketune, Ambipom, and Purugly). As a counterpart to Electivire (which I like a lot) it works: they both have that slightly goggly ape-ish brute-y look to them, and Magmortar even has a slightly feminine quality which contrasts with Electivire's more masculine look. Plus the arm cannons are cool. There, I said it. Perhaps I'm just glad we didn't get the hideous fake Magmar evolution someone circulated in the months before DP launched (below) - idk what that dreadful emo thing is, but it's horrible.

I still remember with great fondness the gift Electivire and Magmortar one could get from Pokemon Battle Revolution, which I used with great gusto - up until that point I'd barely used any members of the Electabuzz family, since I never got FireRed and only played Colosseum/XD once we had a Wii. I don't recall ever using it in Crystal for whatever reason.

My only issue with Magmortar is that I just wish it had received some sort of Motor Drive equivalent, because while the two evolutionary lines have been paired for so long one has completely eclipsed the other. Electivire enjoyed instant popularity and high usage while Magmortar got none of that.

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Probably didn’t use it in Crystal because sadly in Gen 2 its Kanto exclusive, aside from the Odd Egg Elekid (1/7 chance)

Also I already prefer that fake evo lol
It's inaccurate to say it doesn't have a base stat increase.

I mean, that is accurate though; it literally doesn't. Scizor is proof that a BST increase isn't the only way to make an evolution better than its pre-evolution. Scizor gets better typing and a more optimal stat distribution to exploit said typing, as well as some powerful priority moves to make up for the loss in Speed in later generations, and I think most players would agree that Scizor is more viable than Scyther in almost every context.

Kleavor... I have no idea where Kleavor is going to fit competitively. Almost definitely not as good as Scizor but still probably an upgrade to Scyther, at least as a wallbreaker.
According to bulbapedia, it was the signature move of Moltres in gen 2. But I have never played those games so idk.
The move was introduced in Gen 1, where Moltres was the only one to learn it naturally but it was a TM that many (all?) flying types could learn.
In Gen 2, the TM wasn't present and Moltres was still the only one who could learn it naturally. But since you could still trade with Gen 1, you could still use the TM there; which is just as well because Moltres itself was also not available without trading with Gen 1 anyway!

Crystal added 3 Pokemon that could learn the move by breeding except, you still have to use a gen 1 Pokemon that learned it from TM to breed it to them
I mean, that is accurate though; it literally doesn't. Scizor is proof that a BST increase isn't the only way to make an evolution better than its pre-evolution. Scizor gets better typing and a more optimal stat distribution to exploit said typing, as well as some powerful priority moves to make up for the loss in Speed in later generations, and I think most players would agree that Scizor is more viable than Scyther in almost every context.

Kleavor... I have no idea where Kleavor is going to fit competitively. Almost definitely not as good as Scizor but still probably an upgrade to Scyther, at least as a wallbreaker.
It has a base stat increase. It just doesn't have a base stat total increase.

According to bulbapedia, it was the signature move of Moltres in gen 2. But I have never played those games so idk.
Bulbapedia's method for classifying signature moves is kind of stupid. If only one Pokemon can learn the move through level-up but others can learn it through TM or tutor it's not a signature move, but if other Pokemon can learn it through egg moves it's still a signature move. And then there's also cases where a move was learned by multiple Pokemon in a previous generation (usually because it was a TM in that gen) but then in a future generation where it's not a TM only one Pokemon learns it through level-up so Bulbapedia's like "yep Confide is definitely Impidimp's signature move".

The way I see it, if a move was made for a Pokemon, it's that Pokemon's signature move. Even if other Pokemon in later games also get the move, hell even if you're Octillery and other Pokemon in your debut game also get the move, it's still that Pokemon's signature move. A related concept is what I like to call de facto signature moves, for things like Scizor's Bullet Punch or Serperior's Leaf Storm. They're definitely not signature moves, but like, when you think of those moves there's one Pokemon that you associate with that move way more than any other.
I wish there were more specially attacking fighting types.
I will always remember Hitmonchan in the first three Generations. Access to the three Elemental Punches? Yay! Too bad it uses Hitmonchan's pitiful Special Attack.
Also, while some Fighting-type Pokémon have both good Attack and Sp. Attack stats (e.g., Blaziken, Infernape, Lucario, Mienshao, Cobalion and Virizion, Kommo-o), Keldeo is the only one to my knowledge who is specially focused.
I will always remember Hitmonchan in the first three Generations. Access to the three Elemental Punches? Yay! Too bad it uses Hitmonchan's pitiful Special Attack.
Also, while some Fighting-type Pokémon have both good Attack and Sp. Attack stats (e.g., Blaziken, Infernape, Lucario, Mienshao, Cobalion and Virizion, Kommo-o), Keldeo is the only one to my knowledge who is specially focused.
Lucario would be a specially focused if Focus Blast had better accuracy. Just nerf Focus Blast to 100 with 100 % accuracy.

It's kinda ironic that a move with focus in it's name has such poor accuracy.
Lucario would be a specially focused if Focus Blast had better accuracy. Just nerf Focus Blast to 100 with 100 % accuracy.
Nah, Focus Blast's accuracy has nothing to do with Lucario not being specially focused. Its Special Attack is only five points higher than its Attack, it learns both Nasty Plot and Swords Dance, and its physical movepool is way better than its special movepool (Extreme Speed, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch Blaze Kick, and Bullet Punch, vs just Vacuum Wave).

KP was also only really talking about stats, so the five point difference is really all that matters in this instance.