Pet Mod Abilitypos: FINAL

Plus/Minus: Plump, Mucus, Pulse
Mega: Sprout, Magic Bond(SV), Tragic Bounce
Ice Body/Ice Face: Ice Bond, Ice Be Dry, Ice Phase


Pokémon: Toxtricity-Low-key
Ability Modified: Minus
New Ability Name: Mucus
New Ability Effect: This pokémon takes 20% less damage from Poisoned foes.

Stats: 95 / 88 / 100 / 94 / 93 / 75 (BST : 550) [+25 HP ; -10 Atk ; +30 Def ; -20 SpA ; +23 SpDef]
Movepool Changes: - Boomburst, - Shift Gear, +Venoshock, +Toxic Spikes
Description: Basically, a poison-machine : sets up toxic spikes and wins in the long term. A lot of our current defensive mon are easily crippled by poison, but we also have a few steel types, so shouldn’t be too oppressive.
Lifesteal Electric Mon meta kinda hits


Pokémon: Eiscue
Ability Modified: Ice Face
New Ability Name: Ice Mace
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s hammer-based moves deal 13 damage. (All moves with “hammer” in the name)

Stats: 75 / 107 / 110 / 65 / 90 / 80 (BST : 527) [+27 Atk ; +30 Spe]
Movepool Changes: +Ice Hammer, +Hammer Arm, +Wood Hammer
Description : The idea of this mon using his cube head as a hammer is hilarious to me, hence this sub. While it still has Belly Drum, it can’t really use it because it lacks prio and pretty much loses speed each time it attacks. Instead, Choice Band could let it rip holes through slower teams with its great Stab and excellent coverage.

Pokémon: Charizard-Mega-Y
Ability Modified: Drought
New Ability Name: Sprout
New Ability Effect: When this Pokemon uses a Grass-type attacking move, it applies Worry Seed to the target.
Typing: Fire / Grass
Stats: 78 / 74 / 123 (+50) / 124 (+10) / 125 (+40) / 110 {BST: 634}
Movepool Changes: + Energy Ball
Competitive Role: Bulky or fast Grass attacker that is able to negate abilities on Pokemon that it attacks, which further boosts its defensive prowess by negating damage increasing abilities. Has some good utility in Defog and Roost too.
It’s times like this that I’m glad we have a pivot-heavy meta rn

Congratulations to the winners. The next slate should be up soon, with a new announcement as well.
Slate 7: Drop Dead(lines)
:swsh/minccino: :swsh/Bidoof:/:swsh/meowth: :swsh/charizard-mega-x:
Your abilities for this slate are Cute Charm, Unaware/Unnerve, and a Mega Ability
Before we begin, I have a couple things to announce:

- Slate 10 will be Abilitypos’ final slate for this generation. Any Pokémon that may get in now that has a mega form will not get it. This is to ensure that our final slate has exclusively new Pokémon.

- I’ll be taking a brief step back in my role as council. Don’t worry, I’m still gonna stick around, contribute, and potentially still moderate for the mod in its last few slates, but like half of my college applications are due by the end of the month, and I wanna make sure those are looking nice so I can eventually get a career and shit like that. DuoM2 (my goat) has agreed to oversee the mod in its entirety so we can try to complete the first iteration of Abilitypos before the release of Scarlet and Violet.

We’re in the final stretch everyone, good luck to you all, and happy modding!
Pokémon: Cinccino
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cut Harm
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon’s contact moves without a flinch chance have a 10% chance to flinch
Typing: Normal/Steel
Stats: 75/95/80(+20)/65/80(+20)/115 (510)
Movepool Changes: +Psycho Cut, Cut, Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Leaf Blade, Smart Strike.
Competitive Role: Cinccino has always been about those juicy multi-hit moves, and now it gets a free King’s Rock. This may be slightly weaker than Skill Link though, as it does not always hit 5 times. Cutting moves were added because a chinchilla made of blades is funny.

Pokémon: Mega Sableye
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Tragic Bounce
New Ability Effect: Any negative effect on this Pokémon (confusion, torment, status conditions, etc) is given to the opponent at the end of each turn
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 (480)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: swap it in to absorb status and other negative effects, then swap back out when it gets transferred.

Pokémon: Calyrex
Ability Modified: Unnerve
New Ability Name: A Nerd
New Ability Effect: Special Attack is doubled (huge power but special)
Typing: Grass/Psychic
Stats: 100/80/80/80/100 (+20)/80 (520) (600 if you consider the boost)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Calyrex goes from being unviable to quite strong, with effectively 160 base Special Attack, but it’s still only moderately bulky and double weak to U-Turn. Could be as strong as its other forms though
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Lemme just put stuff down and get the stats in later so I don’t end up making literally nothing new (guess that tactic worked, crazy).

Time to give a Mon with a gimmicky ability an even fuckin more gimmicky ability
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cut Farm
New Ability Effect: When this Pokémon uses a cut/slash move, it automatically consumes the berry it’s holding
Cut, Psycho Cut, Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Razor Shell
Typing: Normal/Grass
Stats: 110 HP / 95 Atk / 110 Def / 55 SpA / 95 SpD / 75 Spe (540 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Acrobatics - Wish
Description: Goofy-ass sub. Oddly enough on the bulkier side of my usual subs. Utilize the new STAB with Leaf Blade to pop a quick heal or a physical throat spray with Liechi. Adds some decent type diversity, including giving us our first damn Normal type while resisting all of Scep’s “STABs” with Grass.
In this house we love offensive pivots (and it’s time to get wacky about it)
Ability Modified: Unnerve
New Ability Name: Swerve
New Ability Effect: The first move that this Pokémon uses upon switching in has 1.3x power. If that first move defeats an opposing Pokémon, this Pokémon automatically switches out.
Typing: Dragon/Fighting
76 HP / 137 Atk / 95 Def / 60 SpA / 75 SpD / 97 Spe (540 BST)
Movepool Changes: - Swords Dance, Dragon Dance + Mach Punch

Description: Ladies, gentlemen, and anyone else between or outside of those parameters, I proudly present the Pacemaker Pokémon. This Pokémon was built to move in and out of battle, cleaning up chipped down mons while staying relatively safe in the process. Heavy Duty Boots are a must on a Mon like this, and watch out for a stray Knock Off or Fairy move, as they may severely limit if not outright eliminate this unique yet potentially threatening tool.
Look we’re getting Scep one way or another lol
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightning Cod
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon’s Electric type moves become Water-type, and deal 1.3x damage
Typing: Grass/Ground
80 HP / 115 Atk / 95 Def / 80 SpA / 105 SpD / 125 Spe (600 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Thunder Wave, Wild Charge (this is also given to base Scep)
Description: Let’s face it, mega Scep’s probably gonna be an issue no matter when it drops, unless its ability were a direct nerf which would be stupid. I’d argue it’s better to get it out of the way as soon as possible to it’s easier to build around rather than desperately counter against it at the last minute. In mechanical terms, its stats are all beefed up, attempting to reclaim its place as the fastest Mon in the mod. Its ability makes it rely on a recoil move for a lower payoff third STAB, but it’s still crazy useful and allows for Paralysis shenanigans.
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Pokémon: Wooper [no eviolite, a god has no use for such puny items]
Ability Modified: Unaware
New Ability Name: Winner Aura
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s moves are always super effective, ignoring type effectiveness (but not immunities)

Stats: 75 / 65 / 83 / 60 / 75 / 60 (+20 HP, +30 Atk, +48 Def, +35 SpA, +50 SpDef, +45 Spe) [BST : 418]
Movepool Changes: +Aqua Jet
Description : An Aura ability, one reserved only for gods of the pokemon world… It is only fitting Wooper would get it. This l i t t l e b o i now hits as hard as he should, thanks to guaranteed super-effective hits. I tried to balance this similarly to a huge power pokemon, but keep in mind these can hit super effectively on top of their power boost. The edge it has over them is the ability to run physical or special. Overall, it makes for a great revenge killer with Aqua Jet, or Wallbreaker if you slap a choice band / specs on it.


Pokémon: Wigglytuff
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cruel Match
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s attacking Fairy-type moves all gain a Fairy Lock effect (prevents all pokemon from switching next turn).

Stats: 140 / 70 / 83 / 105 / 75 / 65 (+48 Def, +20 SpA, +25 SpD, +20 Spe) [BST : 538]
Movepool Changes: +Moonblast, +Earth Power, +Surf, -Teleport, -Stealth Rock
Description : With its new ability, Wigglytuff can trap and remove certain pokemon with its great coverage. It should be able to tank a hit, perhaps even run Assault Vest, and answer with a strong super-effective hit.
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Pokémon: Aerodactyl
Ability Modified: Unnerve
New Ability Name: Unneeded (added two Es and a D)
New Ability Effect: This ability has no effect
Typing: Rock/Dragon
Stats: 80/110/70/85/75/130
Movepool Changes: none
Competitive Role: No ability leaves it to rely on its stats, typing and movepool to carry it. It's the fastest mon in the tier and that definitely helps. Mons with useless abilities never seem to show up in these kind of mods, but this still has an interesting enough kit elsewhere to still find a place. There's also only one Rock and one Dragon in the meta so some diversity is cool there. And it adds another mega option for later slates. apparently not the case because redwood added a dumb rule
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Pokemon: Mega-Gengar
Ability Modified: Shadow Tag
New Ability Name: Shadow Talk
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon always uses the move sleep talk when asleep, even if it doesn’t have the move. All moves this Pokémon uses while asleep become ghost type and have 1.2 power.
Stats: 60 / 95 / 80 / 170 / 95 / 100 (+30 atk / -30 spd
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Rest/Talker that doesn’t need sleep talk, but is hard countered by normal types and other types that resist ghost. It can also be a generic sweeper / wallbreaker if you want it to be. Nerfed its speed since it has a 170 in spAtk

Pokemon: Jigglypuff
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cute Chorus
New Ability Effect: Sound moves hit twice, second hit deals 1/4 damage of the first.
Stats: 115 / 45 / 85 / 95 / 70 / 85 (Eviolite Usable)
Movepool Changes: + Calm Mind
Competitive Role: Strong eviolite special attack that also has some bulk on it. With its hyper voices doing increased damage, this could be a force to be reckoned with, especially if eviolite is replaced with a choice item. Can also be a defensive cleric / wall since it has wish, heal bell, and teleport. It can also set rocks.

Pokemon: Cosmog Psychic / Dark
Type Modification:
Ability Modified:
New Ability Name: Unable
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's moves have a 50% chance to fail.
Stats: 120 / 29 / 130 / 29 / 130 / 29
Movepool Changes:+ Life Dew / Foul Play
Competitive Role: Big wall that will more than likely just be sitting there. Also doesn't have the best typing.
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24 hour warning for last minute subs, plus there's one veto...

Pokemon: Mega-Gengar
Ability Modified: Shadow Tag
New Ability Name: Shadow Talk
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon always uses the move sleep talk when asleep, even if it doesn’t have the move. All moves this Pokémon uses while asleep become ghost type and have 1.2 power.
Stats: 60 / 95 / 80 / 170 / 95 / 100 (+30 atk / -30 spd
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Rest/Talker that doesn’t need sleep talk, but is hard countered by normal types and other types that resist ghost. It can also be a generic sweeper / wallbreaker if you want it to be. Nerfed its speed since it has a 170 in spAtk

For megas, the base form must be usable in the mod to be subbed, and since there's no winning Gengar sub yet, Mega Gengar cannot be subbed.

hp- 95
atk- 79
def- 125
spa- 60
spd- 100
spe- 81
Brutes' Harm- When this pokemon is afflicted with a status condition its attack and defense are 1.3x and does not have the power of its attacks lowered by burn

New Moves: Body Press


Cosmog (compatible with eviolite)
hp- 151(+108)
atk- 31(+2)
def- 31
spa- 59(+30)
spd- 31
spe- 79(+42)
bst- 400(+200)
Sun Flare- Summons Harsh Sun for 5 turns (8 with heat rock) upon switching in, double special attack and speed in sun

New Moves: Photon Geyser, Fire Blast, Meteor Beam, Weather Ball, Solar Beam, Growth, Dazzling Gleam , Wish


Mega Sableye
hp- 110
atk- 110(+35)
def- 90(+15)
spa- 100(+35)
spd- 80(+15)
spe- 110
bst- 600
Magic Bonds- The user's fairy type moves prevent the target from switching for 3 turns

new moves: Spirit Break, Moonblast
Pokemon: Charizard-Mega-X
Ability Modified: Tough Claws
New Ability Name: Rough Clashes
New Ability Effect: When this Pokemon is hit by a contact move, it returns ¼ of the damage dealt to the target.
Typing: Fire / Ground
Stats: 78 / 129(+55) / 123(+50) / 99(-15) / 85 / 120(+10)
Movepool Changes:
  • N/A
Competitive Role: Physically bulky pivot and breaker with a solid typing and good coverage. The ability allows it to punish physical attackers easier and damage other pivots easier.

Pokemon: Aerodactyl
Ability Modified: Unnerve
New Ability Name: Recurve
New Ability Effect: If this Pokemon misses an attacking move, its next attacking move cannot miss and has 50% extra power.
Typing: Rock / Flying
Stats: 80 / 120(+15) / 65 / 60 / 75 / 130 {BST: 530}
Movepool Changes:
  • + Scale Shot, Gunk Shot, Power Whip, Power Trip, U-Turn
Competitive Role: Aerodactyl’s STABs both have a chance to miss so if it doesn’t hit initially, it will the second time, and this time even harder, which makes it a very effective breaker and sweeper. Gave it some high BP coverage to abuse with this as well, although its bulk still sucks.

Pokémon: Lopunny
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cute Charge
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon heals ¼ of its max HP when hit by Fairy moves; Fairy immunity
Typing: Normal / Fairy
Stats: 90 (+25)/ 106(+30) / 84 / 54 / 96 / 105 {BST: 535}
Movepool Changes:
  • + Moonlight, Wish, Spikes
Competitive Role: Does a little bit of everything, has pivoting, crippling options, a usable movepool, and now can set up hazards and use recovery effectively due to its typing, new moves, and better defenses.
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Unnerve/Unaware: Recurve (SV), Swerve, Unneeded
Cute Charm: Cut Farm, Cute Charge (SV), Brute’s Harm
Mega: honestly not gonna vote on this one, sorry, half of these have BSTs that straight up do not correlate with their form’s stats in this mod or are just broken with their ability imo so I really don’t know how to feel about these
CUTE CHARM: Brute's Harm (SV), Cut Farm, Cute Chorus

UNAWARE/UNNERVE: Swerve, Sun Flare (SV), Winner Aura

MEGA: Tragic Bounce, Magic Bonds (SV)
Cute Charm: Cut Farm (SV), Cute Charge, Cute Chorus
Unaware/Unnerve: Swerve (SV), Unneeded, Recurve, A Nerd, Winner Aura
Mega: Rough Clashes
Voting's done! I meant to mention that one person who voted did so illegally but I'm already a bit late for the 24h warning so I'm just going to slightly shift the stuff they voted for (I can explain how if you ask).

Pokémon: Mega Sableye
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Tragic Bounce
New Ability Effect: Any negative effect on this Pokémon (confusion, torment, status conditions, etc) is given to the opponent at the end of each turn
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 (480)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: swap it in to absorb status and other negative effects, then swap back out when it gets transferred.
Time to give a Mon with a gimmicky ability an even fuckin more gimmicky ability
Ability Modified: Cute Charm
New Ability Name: Cut Farm
New Ability Effect: When this Pokémon uses a cut/slash move, it automatically consumes the berry it’s holding
Cut, Psycho Cut, Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Razor Shell
Typing: Normal/Grass
Stats: 110 HP / 95 Atk / 110 Def / 55 SpA / 95 SpD / 75 Spe (540 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Acrobatics - Wish
Description: Goofy-ass sub. Oddly enough on the bulkier side of my usual subs. Utilize the new STAB with Leaf Blade to pop a quick heal or a physical throat spray with Liechi. Adds some decent type diversity, including giving us our first damn Normal type while resisting all of Scep’s “STABs” with Grass.

Pokémon: Wooper [no eviolite, a god has no use for such puny items]
Ability Modified: Unaware
New Ability Name: Winner Aura
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s moves are always super effective, ignoring type effectiveness (but not immunities)

Stats: 75 / 65 / 83 / 60 / 75 / 60 (+20 HP, +30 Atk, +48 Def, +35 SpA, +50 SpDef, +45 Spe) [BST : 418]
Movepool Changes: +Aqua Jet
Description : An Aura ability, one reserved only for gods of the pokemon world… It is only fitting Wooper would get it. This l i t t l e b o i now hits as hard as he should, thanks to guaranteed super-effective hits. I tried to balance this similarly to a huge power pokemon, but keep in mind these can hit super effectively on top of their power boost. The edge it has over them is the ability to run physical or special. Overall, it makes for a great revenge killer with Aqua Jet, or Wallbreaker if you slap a choice band / specs on it.

There'll be another 24 hours between now and the next slate's opening. You're free to discuss the winners or current meta in the meantime. See you then!
Yooo let’s go my sub won!!!!! Seriously though it’s going to be kinda bad because not really much spreads status outside of Toxtricity which also seems kinda bad
From some miscommunication, neither of us realized the Mega Sableye had a low BST until midway through's supposed to be 600 to match current Sableye, and its HP stat is also supposed to match current Sableye. Its stats will see changes but we're not sure exactly what yet, current idea in the works is +60/+10/-10/+10/-10/+60 working off of what we have now but that fix has some issues. Either way, new slate time!

Slate 8: DuoM2 is running this slate and does not want to come up with a title
:haxorus: :exploud: :sceptile-mega:
Your abilities for this slate are Rivalry, Scrappy, and a Mega ability.