STAB Heatran [DONE]

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name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Stealth Rock / King's Shield / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, letting Heatran set up Stealth Rock when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic debilitates switch-ins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even harder to check Heatran over a long game. The combination of Magma Storm and Toxic also allows Heatran to spread huge amounts of residual damage. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge progress. Taunt blocks entry hazards and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield scouts Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion, lets Heatran recover more from Leftovers, and pairs nicely with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. The Attack drop also lets Heatran stay in on physical attackers like Tyranitar and force them out or take the subsequent attack with ease. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred.

Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar. Flame Body is preferred to punish physical attackers like Weavile and Tornadus-T, but if the team requires a better switch-in to the likes of Rotom-H and coverage moves like Celesteela's Flamethrower, Flash Fire can be used. Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but teammates like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Water-types like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can, though. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for walls to switch in.

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios, Clefable, and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. It also puts immense pressure on common walls like Melmetal, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wearing down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switch-ins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating other wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in. It also forces out pivots like Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and Tornadus-T that could otherwise stay in on Heatran. Stealth Rock supports the team and chips Heatran's switch-ins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuading Cinderace's High Jump Kick and scouting potential Choice item users like Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole. Afterwards, Heatran can safely pivot into their appropriate checks. Toxic is a solid alternative that greatly wears down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. It also works great alongside Magma Storm.

If forgoing Leftovers, Air Balloon lets Heatran switch into Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran. A Timid nature can be used over Modest to outspeed Pokemon like Nidoking and Volcanion. Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn in return and can wear down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait in Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of, and they can lure in and remove Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot, respectively. Flame Body as its ability deters physical attackers like Dracozolt, Weavile, and Tyranitar from recklessly damaging it, though Flash Fire can be used to prevent Pokemon like Rotom-H from freely using their Fire-type STAB moves.

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Taunt / Stealth Rock / King's Shield Would put Taunt 3rd slash personally given most switchins like Toxapex and Slowking can pivot out
item: Leftovers
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn by virtue of these traits and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, able to set up entry hazards when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic cripples switchins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even more difficult to check Heatran over the course of a long game. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge amounts of progress. Taunt prevents opposing entry hazards from going up and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield is useful for scouting against Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion and pairs nicely with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock often provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred. Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar, with the rest of the EVs being put into Special Defense and HP to maximize bulk. Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but ones Pokemon like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Pokemon like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Examples of this would be Pokemon like Rotom-W and Kyurem. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates that can threaten them like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can circumvent this issue. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for bulky walls to switch in.

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran can be an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wear down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows heatran Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switchins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in while Stealth Rock can provide residual chip on switchins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuading Cinderace from using High Jump Kick. King's Shield also lets Heatran scout against potential Choice item users like Volcanion Aeroactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole, letting it safely pivot into their respective checks. Toxic is a solid alternative that allows Heatran to better wear down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. Air Balloon can be used to mess with deter Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran, letting it beat them out. The EV spread maximizes Heatran's offensive potential as opposed to its defensive profile, letting it hit as hard as possible with Doom Desire and spread more chip damage with Magma Storm. idt this sentence is necessary given it's just max/max Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn while also wearing down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of and can bait Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot respectively.

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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QC 1/2
Good work!
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Stealth Rock / King's Shield / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Flash Fire Flame Body
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy i think this is the first time I've ever seen the word "bevy" in an analysis of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn by virtue of these traits and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, able to set up entry hazards when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic cripples switchins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even more difficult to check Heatran over the course of a long game. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge amounts of progress. i would mention that because of magma storm heatran can use doom desire itself to pressure stuff it traps Taunt prevents opposing entry hazards from going up and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield is useful for scouting against Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion and pairs nicely mention how this helps with lefties passive recovery, also can generally just prevent physical attackers from doing as much damage, if u KS on like ttar trying to knock u you'll eat the other one or force it out with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock often provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred. Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar, with the rest of the EVs being put into Special Defense and HP to maximize bulk. Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but Pokemon like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Pokemon like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates that can threaten them like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can circumvent this issue. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for bulky walls to switch in. maybe u can drop a line abt how flame body is the preferred ability cuz it lets u burn physical attackers like xyz

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flash Fire Flame Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran can be is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios, Clefable and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. It also puts immense pressure on common walls like Melmetal, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wear down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switchins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in. It also forces out pivots like Tyranitar, Hydreigon and Tornadus-T that could otherwise stay in on Heatran. while Stealth Rock can provide residual chip on switchins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuading Cinderace from using High Jump Kick. King's Shield also lets Heatran scout against potential Choice item users like Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole, letting it safely pivot into their respective checks. merge these two sentences about kings shield Toxic is a solid alternative that allows Heatran to better wear down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. mention how it helps wear stuff down alongside Magma Storm. Air Balloon can be used to deter lets Heatran switch into Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran. Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn while also wearing down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of and can bait Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot respectively. drop a flamebody mention against specifically how flame body should deter physical attackers like dracozolt, tyranitar and excadrill from attacking you recklessly

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

2/2, good job
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Stealth Rock / King's Shield / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Flash Fire Flame Body
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy i think this is the first time I've ever seen the word "bevy" in an analysis of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn by virtue of these traits and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, able to set up entry hazards when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic cripples switchins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even more difficult to check Heatran over the course of a long game. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge amounts of progress. i would mention that because of magma storm heatran can use doom desire itself to pressure stuff it traps Taunt prevents opposing entry hazards from going up and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield is useful for scouting against Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion and pairs nicely mention how this helps with lefties passive recovery, also can generally just prevent physical attackers from doing as much damage, if u KS on like ttar trying to knock u you'll eat the other one or force it out with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock often provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred. Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar, with the rest of the EVs being put into Special Defense and HP to maximize bulk. Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but Pokemon like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Pokemon like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates that can threaten them like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can circumvent this issue. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for bulky walls to switch in. maybe u can drop a line abt how flame body is the preferred ability cuz it lets u burn physical attackers like xyz

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flash Fire Flame Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran can be is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios, Clefable and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. It also puts immense pressure on common walls like Melmetal, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wear down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switchins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in. It also forces out pivots like Tyranitar, Hydreigon and Tornadus-T that could otherwise stay in on Heatran. while Stealth Rock can provide residual chip on switchins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuading Cinderace from using High Jump Kick. King's Shield also lets Heatran scout against potential Choice item users like Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole, letting it safely pivot into their respective checks. merge these two sentences about kings shield Toxic is a solid alternative that allows Heatran to better wear down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. mention how it helps wear stuff down alongside Magma Storm. Air Balloon can be used to deter lets Heatran switch into Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran. Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn while also wearing down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of and can bait Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot respectively. drop a flamebody mention against specifically how flame body should deter physical attackers like dracozolt, tyranitar and excadrill from attacking you recklessly

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

2/2, good job
View attachment 460779
u guys need a new qc team...done, GP Team
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(AC): Add Comma
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Stealth Rock / King's Shield / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn by virtue of these traits and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, able to set up entry hazards letting Heatran set up Stealth Rock when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic cripples switchins debilitates switch-ins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even more difficult harder to check Heatran over the course of a long game. The combination of Magma Storm and Toxic also allows Heatran to spread huge amounts of residual damage. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge amounts of progress. The combination of Magma Storm and Toxic also allows Heatran to spread huge amounts of residual damage. Taunt prevents opposing entry hazards from going up blocks entry hazards and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield is useful for scouting against scouts Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion, as well as letting lets Heatran recover more from Leftovers, (AC) and pairs nicely with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. The Attack drop also lets Heatran stay in on physical attackers like Tyranitar and force them out or take the consecutive subsequent attack with ease. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock often provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred. (added paragraph break)

Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar, with the rest of the EVs being put into Special Defense and HP to maximize bulk. Tyranitar. Flame Body is preferred to punish physical attackers like Weavile and Tornadus-T, but if the team requires a better switch-in to the likes of Rotom-H and coverage moves like Celesteela's Flamethrower, Flash Fire can be used. (I imagine "switch-in to the likes of Rotom-H" is fine?) Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but Pokemon (optional: "teammates" to avoid "Pokemon" repetition) like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Pokemon (if it is correct, "Water-types" or something else more specific would be ideal, but if there's not a good thing to use here, no worries) like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates that can threaten them like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can circumvent this issue. can, though. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for bulky walls to switch in. Flame Body is preferred for its ability to punish physical attackers like Weavile and Tornadus-T. However, if the team requires a better check to the likes of Rotom-H and a switchin to Fire-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Celesteela, Flash Fire can be used. (removed extra linebreak under)

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios, Clefable, (AC) and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. It also puts immense pressure on common walls like Melmetal, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wear wearing down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switchins switch-ins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating other wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in. (removed bold on period) It also forces out pivots like Tyranitar, Hydreigon, (AC) and Tornadus-T that could otherwise stay in on Heatran. Stealth Rock can provide residual chip on switchins. supports the team and chips Heatran's switch-ins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuade Cinderace from using dissuading Cinderace's High Jump Kick and let Heatran scout against scouting potential Choice item users like Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole, letting it Buzzwole. Afterwards, Heatran can safely pivot into their respective appropriate checks. Toxic is a solid alternative that allows Heatran to better wear greatly wears down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. It also lets Heatran further wear down its checks works great (wording changes possible) alongside Magma Storm. (added paragraph break here)

If forgoing Leftovers, Air Balloon lets Heatran switch into Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran. A Timid nature can be used over Modest to outspeed Pokemon like Nidoking and Volcanion. Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn while also wearing in return and can wear down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait in Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of, (AC) and can bait they can lure in and remove Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot, (AC) respectively. Flame Body is preferred for as its ability to deter deters physical attackers like Dracozolt, Weavile, and Tyranitar from recklessly damaging it, though Flash Fire can be used to prevent Pokemon like Rotom-H from freely using their Fire-type STAB moves. (removed line break under)

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

GP Team done

sick content, just keep in mind how big paragraphs end up getting
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(AC): Add Comma
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Toxic / Doom Desire
move 4: Stealth Rock / King's Shield / Taunt
item: Leftovers
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe


Heatran's potent defensive typing, good offensive movepool, and great bulk make it a premier defensive Pokemon in STABmons. It can come in on a bevy of Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn by virtue of these traits and force them out effectively. Magma Storm threatens the aforementioned Pokemon as well as Corviknight and Melmetal, able to set up entry hazards letting Heatran set up Stealth Rock when they switch out. Earth Power lets Heatran hit Galarian Slowking, Tyranitar, opposing Heatran, and Toxapex for more reliable damage. Toxic cripples switchins debilitates switch-ins like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Latios, making it even more difficult harder to check Heatran over the course of a long game. The combination of Magma Storm and Toxic also allows Heatran to spread huge amounts of residual damage. Doom Desire is an option over Toxic that enables dangerous wallbreakers like Keldeo and Buzzwole, forming dangerous offensive cores and making huge amounts of progress. The combination of Magma Storm and Toxic also allows Heatran to spread huge amounts of residual damage. Taunt prevents opposing entry hazards from going up blocks entry hazards and completely shuts down Pokemon like Blissey and Rotom-H, denying their recovery and making them easier to wear down. Heatran threatening a multitude of entry hazard removers, including Corviknight and Clefable, makes it an incredibly good user of Stealth Rock as well. King's Shield is useful for scouting against scouts Choice-locked attackers like Cinderace and Terrakion, as well as letting lets Heatran recover more from Leftovers, (AC) and pairs nicely with both Toxic and Doom Desire to stall turns. The Attack drop also lets Heatran stay in on physical attackers like Tyranitar and force them out or take the consecutive subsequent attack with ease. However, Taunt and Stealth Rock often provide more consistent utility against a variety of threats and are therefore preferred. (added paragraph break)

Leftovers keeps Heatran healthy over the course of a game, letting it check Pokemon like Latios and Calm Mind Clefable long-term. 128 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Adamant Tyranitar, with the rest of the EVs being put into Special Defense and HP to maximize bulk. Tyranitar. Flame Body is preferred to punish physical attackers like Weavile and Tornadus-T, but if the team requires a better switch-in to the likes of Rotom-H and coverage moves like Celesteela's Flamethrower, Flash Fire can be used. (I imagine "switch-in to the likes of Rotom-H" is fine?) Heatran pairs well with a wide variety of Pokemon, but Pokemon (optional: "teammates" to avoid "Pokemon" repetition) like Rotom-W and Latios that can shore up its bad matchups against Pokemon (if it is correct, "Water-types" or something else more specific would be ideal, but if there's not a good thing to use here, no worries) like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Toxapex are good partners. Heatran is unable to immediately threaten Latios and Assault Vest Slowking; teammates that can threaten them like Weavile, Zeraora, and Tyranitar can circumvent this issue. can, though. Wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Terrakion heavily appreciate Doom Desire support, as the extra hit makes it more difficult for bulky walls to switch in. Flame Body is preferred for its ability to punish physical attackers like Weavile and Tornadus-T. However, if the team requires a better check to the likes of Rotom-H and a switchin to Fire-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Celesteela, Flash Fire can be used. (removed extra linebreak under)

name: Offensive
move 1: Magma Storm
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Doom Desire / Stealth Rock
move 4: King's Shield / Toxic
item: Leftovers / Air Balloon
ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Heatran is an incredibly dangerous wallbreaker, capable of switching in on Pokemon like Latios, Clefable, (AC) and Scizor and firing off strong attacks in retaliation. It also puts immense pressure on common walls like Melmetal, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Earth Power is needed to significantly dent opposing Heatran, as well as wear wearing down Pokemon like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. Magma Storm allows Heatran to spread residual damage, wearing down switchins switch-ins like Hydreigon and Seismitoad. Doom Desire is excellent at facilitating other wallbreakers like Aerodactyl and Keldeo, making it harder for their checks like Mudsdale and Assault Vest Toxapex to switch in. (removed bold on period) It also forces out pivots like Tyranitar, Hydreigon, (AC) and Tornadus-T that could otherwise stay in on Heatran. Stealth Rock can provide residual chip on switchins. supports the team and chips Heatran's switch-ins. King's Shield allows Heatran to slowly accrue more Leftovers recovery, increasing its overall longevity, as well as dissuade Cinderace from using dissuading Cinderace's High Jump Kick and let Heatran scout against scouting potential Choice item users like Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Buzzwole, letting it Buzzwole. Afterwards, Heatran can safely pivot into their respective appropriate checks. Toxic is a solid alternative that allows Heatran to better wear greatly wears down checks like Rotom-W and Seismitoad, making it more difficult for them to switch in reliably. It also lets Heatran further wear down its checks works great (wording changes possible) alongside Magma Storm. (added paragraph break here)

If forgoing Leftovers, Air Balloon lets Heatran switch into Ground-types like Mudsdale and avoid Ground-type coverage moves from Pokemon like Melmetal and opposing Heatran. A Timid nature can be used over Modest to outspeed Pokemon like Nidoking and Volcanion. Kyurem is a solid partner that can pressure Heatran checks like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Assault Vest Toxapex very well. Heatran pressures the likes of Celesteela, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn while also wearing in return and can wear down Rotom-H with Toxic. Pivots like Rotom-W and Assault Vest Slowking bait in Ferrothorn for Heatran to take advantage of, (AC) and can bait they can lure in and remove Seismitoad with Apple Acid and Grass Knot, (AC) respectively. Flame Body is preferred for as its ability to deter deters physical attackers like Dracozolt, Weavile, and Tyranitar from recklessly damaging it, though Flash Fire can be used to prevent Pokemon like Rotom-H from freely using their Fire-type STAB moves. (removed line break under)

- Written by: [Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
View attachment 462918
GP Team done

sick content, just keep in mind how big paragraphs end up getting
done methinks
  • Wow
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