SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

Imma be real chief, I don't really get why people constantly complain about defensive types and yet proceed to suggest the ice pseudo should be a big hp fat sp def mon. Like at this point we're all aware that Ice is one of the worst possible types for Defensive mons, why root for the pseudo (who is likely our strongest new Ice statwise) to go for a defensive play lol

Even if you wanna argue Terastal would solve that, it'd be poor futureproofing as future games would have the ice pseudo but not terastal
Imma be real chief, I don't really get why people constantly complain about defensive types and yet proceed to suggest the ice pseudo should be a big hp fat sp def mon. Like at this point we're all aware that Ice is one of the worst possible types for Defensive mons, why root for the pseudo (who is likely our strongest new Ice statwise) to go for a defensive play lol

Even if you wanna argue Terastal would solve that, it'd be poor futureproofing as future games would have the ice pseudo but not terastal
I think most people are expecting it rather than wanting it.
Regardless, it'll be saved by Terastallizing, now that it gets to keep its STAB on Ice moves while getting any monotyping for defensive use.
Imma be real chief, I don't really get why people constantly complain about defensive types and yet proceed to suggest the ice pseudo should be a big hp fat sp def mon. Like at this point we're all aware that Ice is one of the worst possible types for Defensive mons, why root for the pseudo (who is likely our strongest new Ice statwise) to go for a defensive play lol

Even if you wanna argue Terastal would solve that, it'd be poor futureproofing as future games would have the ice pseudo but not terastal
Also to be fair, while ice is a terrible defensive type, ice/dragon isnt *as* bad. It's still bad but does have some workable resistances and it's a dragon type not weak to ice.

Ofc stealth rock yadda yadda, boots exist as Kyurem proved, and Kyurem really needed that bulk to be able to setup in first place so...
Plus from VGC perspective, ice/dragon has much more potential.
it just occurred to me that the box legendaries match reshiram and zecrom and the psudo matches kyurem, Unova confirmed
I'd be more willing to believe this if it wasn't for the fact that the Pokémon fandom is needlessly obsessed with thinking everything is a pattern lol
I wouldn't say they're obsessed with thinking things are patterns, especially here when having each psudo's highest stat be a different stat after 4 straight gens of nothing but attack specialists would be called a pattern to anybody who cares to look at all the stat spreads next to each other, I'd say the bigger issue is that pokemon fans always expect gamefreak to continue those patterns even after they've shown to have broken them (see; people expecting a pokemon z even though there was no pokemon gray)
Just posting here to join the many people that want a defensive Ice Dragon pseudo :) Don't get me wrong, I do like offensive fast Ice Mons, aka Ninetales, Weavile, Arctzolt and Sandslash, but not when they have crazy high BST. Pseudos and legends need to have enough drawbacks for me to tolerate their dominance in the meta.
Defensive Ice types like Avalugg are just atrocious from a game balance standpoint. Calyrex-Ice struck a nice balance of offensive but still vulnerable because its great bulk is undermined by low speed and one of the worst possible defensive typings in the game. I strongly prefer fast offensive Ice types but if the Ice/Dragon pseudo must be bulky then I'd prefer it have a similar distribution to Calyrex-Ice.
I don't want a defensive Ice/Dragon Pseudo, but I expect it. This is less about the pattern(though I don't think that pattern is coincidence), but more that I'm expecting a base speed of 60-70 because GF loves slow ice-types. And while I don't think a spread of 130/90/100/110/100/70(swap offenses as appropriate) is guaranteed awful, it's definitely something the mon would have to work to overcome. Maybe it'll have Ice Shard+Icicle Crash, or be specially offensive with a good ability, or just get lucky with the right tools for the job. But it would be easier for the pseudo to be good if it just had Dragapult's stat spread.
I feel like an ice pseudo with Dragapult's stat spread would go straight to ubers lol

People are really underestimating how strong of an offensive typing Ice is. Sure we don't get many speedy Ices but that feels deliberate as whenever we do get Ice mons with competent Speed, they tend to be really good. Not only that but as I mentioned a few pages ago, modern Ices pretty much always either have decent Speed or have a way to boost said Speed (Being dedicated Trick Room mons, having Slush Rush or having a move that boosts Speed)

I feel like if the Ice Pseudo gets a good Atk stat + somewhere around 70 - 80 Speed + Dragon Dance, its gonna be a pretty good mon
I feel like an ice pseudo with Dragapult's stat spread would go straight to ubers lol

People are really underestimating how strong of an offensive typing Ice is. Sure we don't get many speedy Ices but that feels deliberate as whenever we do get Ice mons with competent Speed, they tend to be really good. Not only that but as I mentioned a few pages ago, modern Ices pretty much always either have decent Speed or have a way to boost said Speed (Being dedicated Trick Room mons, having Slush Rush or having a move that boosts Speed)

I feel like if the Ice Pseudo gets a good Atk stat + somewhere around 70 - 80 Speed + Dragon Dance, its gonna be a pretty good mon
Assuming it even gets Dragon Dance
Regarding gimmighoul, since the trailer basically confirms we'll need 999 coins to get it to evolve, it's worth noting that in addition to the comments Khu made that doipy quoted below, Khu also said you could try to respawn gimmighoul, similar to despawning encounters in SwSh (i.e., travel far away enough or go into a building possibly). Hopefully that makes the grind less tedious...

Curious to see if roaming form does anything special in GO. Although the datamined image came with the bug type background, I would not be surprised if that is just because full mon infobis not loaded yet. I would expect it to still be pure ghost, though maybe with different stats and ability. I wonder if catching it in GO means it can be transferred to SV or if it will just become chest form...
What Khu said was +10 or +50, and even then it seemed like he didn't remember the exact amount.
As far as I know Kaka did not comment on its evolution method at any point.
Here's the tweet I'm sourcing again if you haven't seen it.
View attachment 462628
Meanwhile, Khu pointed out the chest's shadow as well with a hand emoji and apparently another phase of the first chest angle was found earlier where the top and bottom separate, which may happen next phase but I probably won't be up to see it.
Although the datamined image came with the bug type background, I would not be surprised if that is just because full mon infobis not loaded yet.
Pretty much. This is a log from a pokeminers discord admin who made the original post saying to ignore the background, so it was probably a placeholder or over another mon.


Incidentally we do probably have its cry from the last website update. https://chest.pokemon.com/audio/se.mp3
I feel like an ice pseudo with Dragapult's stat spread would go straight to ubers lol

People are really underestimating how strong of an offensive typing Ice is. Sure we don't get many speedy Ices but that feels deliberate as whenever we do get Ice mons with competent Speed, they tend to be really good. Not only that but as I mentioned a few pages ago, modern Ices pretty much always either have decent Speed or have a way to boost said Speed (Being dedicated Trick Room mons, having Slush Rush or having a move that boosts Speed)

I feel like if the Ice Pseudo gets a good Atk stat + somewhere around 70 - 80 Speed + Dragon Dance, its gonna be a pretty good mon

Dragapult already has Dragapult stat spread and ghost is better than ice offensively. Only 1 resistance in the game, Dark, since normal doesn't exist apart from chansey and blissey, and most dark types are paper thin whereas ice is resisted not only by fire (i wont count ice as an ice resistance, it is irrelevant and not real in true scenarios) but by 2 types which are not only common, like really, really common, but that share 1 common trait: mixed stats spreads that tend to be somewhat deffensive in a lot of cases, and those are water and steel.

It's already difficult to switch into shadow ball, but if dragon darts was ghost type, theres few things switching into that. Ice is a superb offensive typing, but ghost is even more spammable and, again, dragapult already has dragapult spread and isn't uber.
Curious to see if roaming form does anything special in GO. Although the datamined image came with the bug type background, I would not be surprised if that is just because full mon infobis not loaded yet. I would expect it to still be pure ghost, though maybe with different stats and ability. I wonder if catching it in GO means it can be transferred to SV or if it will just become chest form...
Yeah I'm pretty curious how this pans out, because they're the same Pokemon, but, presumably only the Chest form evolves and Roaming is one would think going to be weaker than both Chest (the way it battles and stores its gold) and Evolution (...obviously). But also Roaming would presumably only be properly added months later!

Maybe it'll be a lethal joke Pokemon. Like pretty trash but it has just enough speed and attacking stat that it can do Something (either a different signature move or something with the ability) if you really wanted it to. Like the G-Max Pikachu/Eevee/Meowths, I guess?
A better case scenario would be the Ice/Dragon Psuedo to having a movepool and stat distribution like Weavile but 600, which is basically Marshadow.

Having Dragapult like stats and movepool would just make it outclassed by Dragapult. One of Dragapult's greatest strengths is its diversity and pivoting abilities. Both are slashed in half due to it being part Ice. Every set has to run HDBs or run heavy hazard support, which kills off Choice Specs sets outside of Terastallizing, but your resistances are far more limiting. You have no immunities and you resist Grass, Water, and Electric. Also, unlike Dragapult, the Ice/Dragon Psuedo would be more reliant on the type changing mechanic, which doesn't seem like a bad thing, but when you have a perfectly fine Ghost/Dragon type with the same stats and similar moves, why have a Pokemon that hogs the main mechanic to itself every game? Dragapult would just have it as an option when it would need to use it.

Weavile on the otherhand would be outclassed severally with similar moves. Like Weavile is already an edge case Pokemon currently and you then got a Pokemon with way better stats and arguably typing.

It could also have similar stats to Kyurem and be banned after Finch loses to it badly in a tournament match
Worst case scenario the Ice pseudo is either Avalugg but Dragon or Crabominable but Dragon. Best (realistic) case without it being busted is being well rounded with good amount (but not too much, I'm thinking Kommo-o level offensive power) of speed and power. Ice/Dragon + likely coverage options for it like Ground is good offensively despite being crap defensively.

Kyurem could more easily outlast its checks/counters thanks to access to reliable recovery and Pressure somewhat. I don't think the Ice pseudo will have either trait, so unless they give it an ability stupid in an entirely different way, I don't think the question of it being busted will be really asked.